
Quote: will you be my friend?

my name is liderc here are a couple things i found bout the name:
In Hungarian folklore, the Liderc is a devil equivalent to the incubus for a man or succubus for a woman. It hatches from the first egg of a black hen placed under the armpit. It carries out tasks such as finding treasure, but eventually grows bothersome because it demands work constantly and is always looking ahead to its next task.
It can assume the form of a chicken or human being, but one leg always has a goose's foot. To get rid of him, one must set him on impossible tasks so he quits or dies in rage.
Similar to an incubus or succubus, the liderc kills its victims through sexual exhaustion
It feeds on the energies the victims produce.
Its visits can be prevented by placing a garter on the bedroom doorknob or by the use of garlic.
It is actually a demon with vampiric attributes.
hey my name is jenna i am now 20 wow...my last name is De Stefano....i think its a cool last name its italian i have an obsesion with italian stuff...i think my fasination was caused by my grammy always making it a point that we are italian and its allways we are something cuz of the fact that we are italian...shes silly...but very sweet...
umm yah i have 2 daughters you can see in my portfolio and i had a bf whom i was gunna marry but i guess we are just friends now... i still love him and always will even thou he drives me crazy but the ppl who u love drive u crazy so it works...
i live in sherman witch is a cool place to live out of all the places i lived i like this place the most and i lived in quit a bit of places...
ive got a job cleaning Austin collage...its a cool job i clean one of the dorms durring the school year and babysit a bunch of camp kids durring the summer and make sure they dont kill them selves doing stupid stuff...like having a pet bird for example...
i am getting a new pet...its gunna be a gecko so iit can eat all the roaches that i cant get rid of cuz i have a baby so i can spray the fuckers so in comes the geckos muah haha plus i get an excuse to have a pet...hehe
and i found my long lost twin on here lol her name is gylanah hehe hii im just jokin its an inside joke hi gylanah

o hale the might cookie without cookies life would jus be not worth living
my favorits i like pics sorry if u dont

i like hugh hes funny he likes ducks they should have made the cartoon bout him and not jimmy neutron woulda been better!

these are the paranoid penguins on madagascar they are cool they can make sushi mmm sushi i love sushi.

my favorit lollypop/candy i love em all.

chinchillas are soo cool i want one!! i saw one at petco and it was big man so cool....

cosmo is funny he's just like me hes a lunatic...i think i need to find someone like wanda!!....

i like sushi i like the stuff with the special sauce the best thou yummy stuff....

jellyfish are my new favorit animal i dunno y i decided to make em that out of no where i think its cuz of the whole finding nemo thing with squishy....

my favorite color is pink ....

i dunno i just like it.......
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