
Quote: Embrace the darkness, as there is comfort in the shadows

My life is a tragedy, a broken mirror of insanity, a never ending moment of intensity that breaks your bones and numbs your mind before you slip into the beautiful oblivion of eternal sleep.
Everyone wants more....we are all victims of greed. No matter how simple the pleasure, some is never enough. Greed is not necessarily based on money, as I have never glimpsed a butterfly that did not leave me in want for a chance to see yet another.
I am a 32 year old mother of 4 chlldren, a master of medicine, nocturnal by nature, yet forced to live among the daydreamers. I've been married for a year to a kindred spirit that makes me laugh one second and shake my head at his ignorance in another.
I've been to the other side, and I often feel I truly am dead amongst the living as I am here on borrowed time. I never truly understood the beauty of a DNR order until I started Nursing school. We have the right to choose life when it comes to our own, but I am politically set against choosing to take the life of another.
I ramble alot, I am the master of tangents when it comes to talking and I can say that though only on a rare occasion, sometimes I do talk just to hear my own voice. I'm a sponge, an endless sea of knowledge that swells with each passing day. I've been tagged as a "Motivational Speaker" an effortless do gooder. My goal in any given day is to pass on something to another that they may use to incorporate into their life to make the changes they have struggled to make ontheir own.
I'm an ammature comedian, I thrive on the sound of laughter and find nothing so special in life as the feeling I get when I can make someone smile.
My brand of comedy isn't for the feint of heart. I'm a bit sarcastic, and can be down right dirty at times but ask anyone that knows me and they will agree I'm terribly creative...I can turn an innocent conversation into something that will make you blush.
I'm still in school, always busy, and managing to stay functional. Working on pictures, trying to do something creative so if your curiosity is sparked be patient I'm in finals week!
Member Since: | May 18, 2007 |
Last Login: | Jan 04, 2008 |
Times Viewed: | 6,499 |
Times Rated: | 607 |
Rating: | 9.6 |
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