I am 5'9'', brown hair, and blue eyes. I am very active physically and enjoy being outside. Winter sports are the best. To include scuba diving (the world seems so peaceful beneath the waves.)
I am married.
I have a lot of imagination, love of life and a spectrum of character.
Love to scuba dive, ski, rappel, hike, run, relax, stretch, laugh, smile, and have been known to howl at the moon.
I am no longer in the military (Retired).
I reside in Germany. I have been in many different places Washington, Oregon, California, Kansas, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama North Carolina and South Carolina. (If you don’t see your state here give me some time I just might make it to your state as well.) Outside the USA; Germany, England, Scotland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Ireland, Denmark, France, Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Puerto Rico, Caribbean Islands and Kuwait. I have made many friends and due to deployments and such they have faded from my view (but not my heart).
I have been a member of the Tacoma, Washington based Rocky Horror Picture Show called the "Immortal Wombats". Dr. Spot the Scot. Spot is my Rocky name. Only member to my knowledge to wear a kilt. Thou watch for kilt checks.
Side note:
As with every profile not everything can be listed. Too much info and frankly I would rather not bore you to death. If you find me interesting send me a message and I will do my best to answer.
I am always updating my profile and portfolio... please be patient... God, she, isn’t finished with me yet.

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