
Hell (Coven)

I haven't been here for a while... Where did everyone go?
Set at 02:23 on September 28, 2015

Vampire Rave member for 18 years.

Status:  Unregenerate (63.24)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden



Bite OwnedAngel

Stalk OwnedAngel



Goodnight my LadyofDragonRose. It's never goodbye my friend. Dream Sweet.

Do you know BDSM? Ooo... Freedom through submission? The painful pleasure of a Dominant hand? Mmm... Oh my Godddd! Read on...

"You run your hand up my thigh I tremble knowing what is to come. The force of Your body pins me down.
A low growl escapes from Your depths and Your teeth sink into my flesh. The pain so intense it is euphoric and I am brought to delicious submission."

Have I got your attention?

Greetings. I am Angel. I live the life of a submissive, and belong to my Master. I live a 24/7 Total Power Exchange, in His home.

I have been on VR for a million years. ;) I am not here to be the best or the highest. I am not here to strive for perfection or to please anyone. I'm so over that.

During my time here, I've belonged to the BEST Houses on VR. I've been in a couple of Covens but my best experiences have come from the first House I was ever in when I joined this site, La Bella Oscurdad and the last house, Umbrae Octo. Both House Masters/Mistress are/were phenomenal people and I think their leadership made the Houses run smoothly. I will honor them always.

I came to VR long ago to research for Vamp writing. I love to write and still one day hope to publish. I am not in a hurry. My role model for writing is Anne Rice. I stopped writing for a while because life was busy and my mind dry. I find now the need to write again. I think some people can write when they are really happy in life, and some have to be really hurting. Some people can write no matter what life hands them. I wish that were me. When the urge hits, it's like a nagging ache until I get it out of me. It really is like it's own entity bursting to breathe independently. Once I set it free, it's gone with a life of it's own.

I've seen no proof that real vampires or werewolves exist, although the curious little girl in me longs for a tale-tell sign from a character like Louis de Pointe du Lac or Bill Compton.

I believe in UFOs, intelligent alien life, Egyptology and the connection between the them. I believe there are stifling truths right before our eyes that we are afraid to open our minds to.

I believe in energy imprints or ghosts, if you will. I have seen, heard and experienced way too much of it to not know that it is real. I do not wish to investigate it. I don't need more proof. I already know it's there and I also know better than to mess with it.

My real life is busy, complicated and forever changing.

I have been through the school of Hard Knocks. That's when life kicks your ass over and over and over. That's how I earned my Bachelor's Degree. I'm still working on self-Mastery.

I see that people list their pet peeves. All I have to say is that it is unnerving when people that cause the most drama say they don't like drama. People that act venomous say that they can't stand that others create chaos. People that say they dislike fake people, when in fact, they are the big pretenders. People that say they don't judge, when in fact, they do and often. These people fail to realize that it shows in every action, because Actions Speak Louder Than Words and the truth is given away every time. I'm beginning to believe that some people see from others what they are truly creating themselves. I'm not fond of people preaching innocence when it's so far from the truth.
It's ... well ... FAKE.

I am not perfect. I don't claim to be and I don't try to top every story with I've been there, done that, did it better than you or any other such nonsense. The truth of the matter is other people can not handle half of what we have been through. We ALL have experiences that have colored our reality. There is no such thing as having been through worse. "Worse" is a personal feeling. There are reasons we do the things we do and are the people we are. No one has a right to judge our journey. That being said, we do have the right to like or dislike another person's actions but not in an ugly way. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Good or bad, right or wrong, I naturally mirror how I feel I'm being treated. If you love me... you will be the most loved person on the planet. If you are nasty to me... I can spit venom with the best of them. If you ignore me, I will be silent too. If you talk a good game but your energy delivers a different story, it's... well...
and I know better.

I love to be happy. I love to talk, to laugh, to explore, to feel good. I love to be interacted with, wanted, enjoyed, cherished. I love friendly people and I love to be friendly. I used to want people to realize my worth and value, but I don't need that anymore because I realize my own. I am a strong woman. If you have a different opinion of me, perhaps you really don't know me the way you believe you do or perhaps you are creating a scenario from your own energy and issues. I really only want POSITIVITY around me. Feel free to allow that statement to resonate through you, and if you are someone who lives in negative space, keep your distance. I see right through you.

Finally, some sage words of advice:
"Never waste your time trying to explain yourself to people who have proven that they are committed to misunderstanding you. In other words, don’t define your intelligence by the number of arguments you have won, but by the number of times you have said, “This needless nonsense is not worth my time.”"

The time has come for my return. With that being said, profile updates will be small but continual.

Member Since: Jun 13, 2006
Last Login: Dec 09, 2015
Times Viewed: 14,899

Times Rated:61

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Dec 21, 2023
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Nov 09, 2023

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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