Warm under covers...
Set at 14:50 on March 30, 2012

Quote: ,

Hi everyone!
My name is Paikea, but you can call me Pai for short.
How do you pronounce it? Just like you would say the word "Pie".
Simple right? It's easy for me to remember too.
I've been described as very friendly although I can be really shy at first. I love going to parties and running around meeting new people.
Even though for some reason Vampire Rave used to call me a "Savage" I swear I'm not... I don't even bite the ladies who give me shots although you'd think they could use some smaller needles...

I spend a lot of time around the models who come in to have their pictures taken. It's a lot of fun and sometimes they give me treats.

I know a number of tricks, I'll upload some videos of those so you guys can all see how cool I am.
Vampire Rave is well known to me, my person often gets on here and apparently I've become well known to a small group of people here so I figured it would be cool to see what it's like first hand.
I like butterflies.
Looking out the car window when we're at stoplights is so fun, people always wave at me from their cars or roll their windows down to talk to me.
I once got stung by a bee. It wasn't fun.

Here is a picture of my platycow toy that I turned inside out. That was fun!
There will be more here soon I promise. Right now I'm really tired, it's not easy running around with such short legs.
Bye for now VR!
P.S.... If you have some treats in your pocket or you're not going to finish that cookie, I'm always here to lend a paw.

Member Since: | Jan 18, 2008 |
Last Login: | Dec 11, 2013 |
Times Viewed: | 12,501 |
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