
Quote: I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. How you hurt yourself on the outside to kill the thing on the inside.



Ok Shuvanni, Im 22 years old and I live in Columbia South Carolina. I do technical support for DSL which really sucks. But the money is good. I am not sure how to really describe style. Sometimes I am pretty dark so some would label me as goth, but the goths will not accept me because I also on occasion wear colors and stuff. So I don't really fit into a box my music likes rage from Celtic To Punk to Metal to whatever strikes my fancy. I dont really know why but I really can't fit into a box.

Im a pagan. Yep thats me Im a witch. No I will not turn your boyfriend into a lemur or tell your fortune. Though I do read tarot I dont for other people at this time because I choose not to. I naturally see auras but I will not sit around all day reading peoples auras for you. I am curently studying Celtic and Faery Magick. My patroness is the Morrighan who is a celtic war goddess she is a triple goddess meaning she is three in one Maiden Mother and Crone.
I am a very proud pagan. I do not hate christians. I hate biblethumpers. Respect My beliefs and I will respect yours.



I'm crazy. Yep me. Im bipolar Borderline and major depressive with ocd tendancies. I am one of the crazies who doesnt need meds. Ive been off mine for a few years now because I have trained myself to control my mental illness. I used to cut and burn but now I dont. If you are a cutter or a an ex cutter and ever need someone to talk to Im always willing to try and help. :)
Im obsessed with Fairies, Crows, Vampires, the internet, colors (Dont ask) Celtic everything, Dragons, Music, Art, Movies, Poetry (Mine sucks but I write it anyways) Webcomics, sharp objects, candles, painting, clipping words out of magazines and taping/gluing them to random places, and talking on the phone. I also like to go out and have a good time. I love writing in general like I mentioned earlier I write poetry. I also like to write stories. I'm working on a book actually, but I also like to write short stories which you can find some in my journal. So check em out.


I love music. It has been part of my life for a very long time. In a past life I was a priestess who sang to the gods. some of my favorite artists and bands areLorena Mckennit, The Cure, Rasputina, Murderdolls, Greenday, Blink 182, Jack off Jill, Poe, Jewel, bowling for soup, Cradle Of Filth, New Order, Apoptygma Berzerk, Dir En Grey, Illusion Of Joy, The Cult, Zeromancer, Billy Idol, Orgy, Voltaire, Jewel, Evanescence, 3 doors down, ACDC Aerosmith, Marylin Manson, Ben harper, black sabbath, boy george, Eels Emotep, Orgy, HIM, Bauhaus, Demon Hunter, Christian Death, some Slipknot, Pantera, Deadsy, cold play, , my chemical romance , atreyu, lacuna coil, megadeath, metallica, goldfinger, Heroes Del Silencio, Alejandro Fernandez, Scarling, the Used, Mudvayne, the Shins..

I mentioned earlier my darker side. I assure you it does exist. It began with past life memories of things I had once done, and thoughts about what I wish I could do. I am mostly a psyvamp, but I also drink blood on occasion.

There has been discussion of me being mixed with other types of otherkin. I'm not quite sure. But I will share my perception on the otherkin and vampires. I think that even though the media over romanticizes otherkin it is necessary to an extent. Because it keeps people on their toes. Even though I know alot of things found in movies and books are pretty much crap, I still love them. perhaps because there was once a time when that could be found to be more realistic. maybe i wish for those days back. The days when magick was revered and not shunned, a time when otherkin didn't always have to hide their true selves.


Member Since: | Apr 20, 2007 |
Last Login: | Nov 01, 2008 |
Times Viewed: | 6,704 |
Times Rated: | 538 |
Rating: | 9.603 |
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