
Hell (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 9 years.

Status:  Cannibal (30.41)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of Dragon Kings and Dying Queens.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  AbsolutelyPrimal
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  July 3, 1985
Age:  39

Within his arms. He is my Death and my Life



Bite Spyro

Stalk Spyro



He is my Reaper. He is my Dominant. He is my Love. Forever until...eternity.

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
My name is Marci.
I'm in my 30's.
I'm from Missouri
I love anything to do with The Nightmare Before Christmas or Alice in Wonderland. My favorite actor is Johnny Depp. My favorite colors are lime green, purple, silver and black. I love to read. The best love story of all time besides my own is The Notebook. I'll watch that movie every day if I have the time. I cry at movies. I'm spontaneous. I'll dance in the rain in the middle of the night just because I can. I'm a lover not a fighter but I won't back down either. I'm simple but complex all at the same time. I've been through hell and I've come back fighting every time. I'm a survivor. I love storms. The rain, the thunder, and oh that lightning. And no matter what happens music IS life. Let's not forget about video games...cuz Neverwinter is the SHIT!
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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
My religious beliefs fall under the label of Norse Pagan. I believe in the Norse Gods specifically Odin and Thor. As well as Freya. I follow Pagan law as well. I still work with herbs, candles and stones. I still practice magick. I'm an avid tarot card and rune stones user.
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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
I'm the very PROUD Mama of 3 amazing children. My terrible trio. Each one of them is unique in their own way and make my life worth living every day.

My daughter was born in 2009. Her name is Alaina. She loves anything girlie. Her favorite colors are pink and purple. She loves Monster High and the Descendants movies. She is her mommy's mini me. Kid acts just like me. Looks just like me. Oof.

My middle child was born in 2014. My little Shawn-Mykel. He is a mama's boy through and through. He loves anything superhero. Spiderman. Batman. And of course, Dinosaurs. His favorite colors are red and blue. He is my fearless little man.

My little little was born in 2019 on Valentine's Day. My little Romeo. He loves anything. He loves his sister and brother. He loves his mommy. He is a climber. Thinks everyone is a jungle gym. He loves music. Especially piano music.

My terrible trio are my life. I wouldn't be who I am without them. I wouldn't push myself to do all that I do if it wasn't for them.
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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Legend has it there is always a reason why souls meet. Maybe they found each other for reasons that weren't so different after all. They were two souls searching and found a home lost in each other. When souls find comfort in one another separation is not possible. The reasons they are brought together are no accident....Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love.

His love roared louder than her demons....this quote means so much that it's almost impossible to tell you just how much. I had reached a point in my life when I felt like I would always be alone. I have been through SO much in my life that I had finally decided that maybe I just deserved to be alone. But the fates had different ideas. They decided that maybe, just maybe, I deserved one more chance.

This story is a rather funny one. My Dominant and I have been together before and he treated me so much better than I've ever really been treated before. He has never hurt me, cheated on me, ignored me, made me feel less than what I truly am. His. I've been His for the last 3 years. Just took me a bit to see that. He let me go before because my heart thought it wanted someone else. I was wrong. I belong with Him. I'm back where I belong.

He has faced my demons. Faced my chaos. He has not and will not back down from all that hide within myself. He demons danced with mine. We are one. We are complete. I am and always will be His Boochiboo. He will always be my Stitch. My Daddy. My Dom. I'm PROUDLY owned, collared and loved.
I am...
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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
The story...
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
I've been on and off Vampire Rave since 2010. I've meet some good people and some bad. I've learned some valuable lessons and I learned what real friends are. I've experienced my fair share of drama. I've started my fair share of drama. Yet, for some reason I keep coming back. I love the ability to code and to express myself with the profiles. And I love watching what others can create when they put their minds to it. I love having the freedom to be me. I've also met some awesome people and I'm lucky to count them as friends. I've lost some friends over the years and I've gained others.
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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
My rating is EASY. I give EVERYONE a 10. I do NOT rate 1's or block. UNLESS you push me too far. I'm nice to EVERYONE. I'm there FOR EVERYONE. Unless you spit in my face. Then you can eat a dick.
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Member Since: Apr 08, 2015
Last Login: May 02, 2021
Times Viewed: 6,756

Times Rated:75

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Jun 03, 2024
You have been fairly rated by Venerable Sire Amaranthine.


Enjoy the Darkness...
Jan 11, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Sep 28, 2023
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