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Set at 15:59 on April 12, 2011

Quote: Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica. -The Office :)
I’m not new here, for some of you may know me as evilangel723. Basically this is the other half of me. This is the part that no one knows of.
This is Tinkleman.
I spend my days saving people from danger. If I take one day off, the world goes into chaos. It’s a true story. Just recently I took a whole week off and managed to let the world fall into poverty. Well, I figure they can manage.

Most the time I’m so busy with things that I never get to talk to anyone! But if you do have a question, a comment, or suggestions feel free to message me! I’m very talkative once you strike up a conversation! : )
My most favorite thing to do is read. Oh, and fly. But reading does trump flying. When you open a book and begin to read you take on a whole other persons life. The best part, you always know the ending will be good! In life, you don’t realize how bad things could turn out. In the real world, most things don’t turn out great. We have death, poverty and illness. In a book, you get happiness, wealth, power, and immunity. To open a book is to open a new realm. A realm someone else has conjured up for you to live in.

Flying? That was a close second. Crysta swears up and down I can’t fly. But she thinks she is Tinkleman, so she is just a crazy. I’m the real deal. Anyway, flying isn’t so hard once you learn how to do it. You just have to believe real hard, spread your arms, and be a mix between Batman and Tinkerbell.
I have a sidekick; as all great superheroes should. Her name is Batbell and she is a mini-me. She can melt your brain with one bad look and will cause you to faint with the flash of her smile. This is not a bipolar disease; this is Batbell. She has almost every power I do, except hers are limited.

My powers? That’s a fun story. I got my powers way back when I was created. Granted the farthest back I can remember is when Crysta was at Band Camp and was bragging about me. But it is said that I am the mixture of the great Batman and the teeny tiny Tinkerbell. That just sounds awkward. Anyway, I have both of their powers and a lot of my own, which means: If you can think it up, I can do it.

Even though I am always busy, I do get time for music. Music is great! Like Crysta, I play the clarinet, and we are both quite good at it. I listen to all kinds of music ranging from classical to hip-hop. The only kind of music that I rarely listen to is country and there are only a few country artists that I really like. My most favorite song is currently Pretty Fly for a White Guy.

I have songs for a lot of occasions. Example: My victory song is Eye of the Tiger. (Crysta only thinks she can sing it.) Anyways, I love music. Period.

Well, I have to go save some more people. If you want, message me! Rate me, stalk me, and bite me. It doesn’t really matter. I might not get back to you, and by the way, I don’t cyber. It’s just wrong. : ) Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read a bit about Tinkleman!

Member Since: | Jan 23, 2010 |
Last Login: | Mar 28, 2013 |
Times Viewed: | 6,432 |
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