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The Coven of Purgatory

"Satanic flames fuel my wicked desires."
Set at 16:43 on May 16, 2023

Vampire Rave member for 1 years.

Status:  Savage (61.39)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The Coven of Purgatory
Account Type:  Premium
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden



Bite TylorBrooks

Stalk TylorBrooks



Were to start I'm not much of a talker to be honest I'm more into art and drawing and relaxing

Don't get me wrong I'm not unsocial but I prefer to just draw

And also I have always been fascinated by vampires and the unknown and that's how I found this site

I decided to write a bit about myself

I'm an artist who loves to explore the world around me and express myself through creativity. I'm inspired by the people, nature, and music that I experience and often enjoy a good conversation. I'm an avid writer who loves to craft stories and find inspiration in the words of others. In my free time, I'm happiest in nature, taking in the beauty of the world, and listening to music. I'm always looking for new and interesting things to do, explore, and learn. I'm passionate about finding new and creative ways to express myself and to inspire others. In my spare time, I'm a traveler who loves to explore new places and cultures, while creating my own artwork along the way.

My heart beats for the mysteries of Norse mythology and the old ways of Paganism. I am deeply fascinated by the mythology, symbolism, and ancient wisdom of these traditions, and I love exploring the roots of these cultures through travel and study.

In my free time, you'll often find me delving into the spirit world and seeking out haunted locations and abandoned buildings. There's something about the energy and history of these places that draws me in and ignites my imagination.

I'm also an avid reader, writer, and artist. I enjoy expressing my insights and creativity through various mediums and love sharing my passion for these ancient cultures and their legacies with others.

I'm looking forward to connecting with fellow enthusiasts and discovering new insights and adventures in this thrilling journey of exploration and discovery. So if you share my interests or curious to learn more, let's connect and see where our journey takes us."

and if you're a fan of hard-hitting metal and classic rock, we're going to get along great. My favorite band of all time is Parkway Drive - their intense, atmospheric sound and powerful lyrics really speak to me. I'm also a huge fan of Metallica and Megadeth, and have seen them both live multiple times.

When I'm looking for something a little more old-school, you can't go wrong with AcDC, Guns N' Roses, and Led Zeppelin. And, depending on my mood, I'm always up for some heavy hitters in the metal scene, like Gojira and Lamb of God.

Music has always been a huge part of my life, and there's nothing quite like the energy and intensity of a live show. If you're looking for someone to mosh and headbang with, count me in."

and I'm a huge fan of all things Manchester United football club and professional wrestling. Growing up, I always loved watching live sports, and as soon as I discovered the drama and athleticism of professional wrestling, I was hooked.

When it comes to football, there's no team I love more than Manchester United. I have a deep passion for the sport, and love following the ups and downs of the club, cheering them on through thick and thin. Whether it's watching them play live, or analyzing their strategies and stats, I'm always eager to learn everything I can about my favorite team.

Aside from football, I'm also a huge fan of both WWE and AEW wrestling, with a particular fondness for high-flying moves and intense, fast-paced action. Watching these athletes push themselves to their limits never fails to give me a rush of adrenaline.

In my free time, you can usually find me, either watching old matches, scrolling through social media accounts for updates, or talking with other Manchester United and wrestling fans. I'm always keen on discovering new merchandise and collectibles, and dedicating my time to my passions is my way of unwinding."

I have always been deeply involved in witchcraft and the occult. I grew up under the teachings of my grandmother, who passed down traditions and practices that have been in our family for generations. From an early age, I was drawn to the mystical world of magic and spells, and found comfort in exploring the supernatural.

Over the years, I worked to hone my craft, becoming knowledgeable in various forms of witchcraft, herbology and divination, along with the rich history and traditions of the occult. Through my studies and practice, I was able to connect with the world around me and tap into an energy beyond the physical.

My journey of exploring the world of witchcraft led me to New Orleans, where I spent a year and a half learning from a sharmien about the practices of voodoo. I was immersed in the rich culture of this fascinating religion and honed my skills in spell-casting, divination, and root work.

Today, as a skilled practitioner of various magical and mystical arts, I continue to learn and expand my knowledge of the supernatural. I find joy and comfort in drawing on my craft for both practical and spiritual purposes, and am dedicated to helping others discover the magic that exists within themselves."

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

If you would like the key for my Book of Shadows journal entries please message me

I'm very much into witchcraft and the occult and have been all my life as I was brought up on it

My House


The House of Lunazure

My Mentorship

The Scarlet Kiss

These are 4 pieces of art of myself I did

Member Since: Oct 20, 2022
Last Login: Jul 02, 2023
Times Viewed: 6,729

Times Rated:222

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May 05, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Apr 03, 2024
You have been fairly rated by Anpu from the Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs.

Feb 20, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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