
I go by the name Jay, Jason and Zuka take your pick.

And those who are woundering. The dude with the pants on is not me. Thats my guardian
Things to know about me:
I am a very caring soul thats Pure and non evil Ummm I take that back .. DOn't judge me XD. And I am a loyal friend once you gain my trust. Now time for Hobbies,Likes,Dislikes,Etc
Nightcore and rap. Rock metal you name it. But im not emo nor goth. Just a regular person. Eh I should take that back sometimes I'm a dork. Favorite color is sky blue.
Woman beaters.
Now time for Hobbies:
I like doing mixed martial arts, going for long walks in a full moon, playing video games, Watching anime

Greed: | Low
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Gluttony: | Low
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Wrath: | Medium
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Sloth: | Very Low
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Envy: | Very Low
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Lust: | Low
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Pride: | Medium
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Take the
Seven Deadly Sins Quiz
If you harm my loved ones I can become quite Hyper.
Please note this is still under contruction
P.S Hi
The names Jay
Have a nice day...
Top people i respect and follow:
Seductive Vortex ( Has to be one of the most fun and loving people on this site and can make learning things fun actually)
SimpleMan ( Really nice and cool guy He can teach you alot)
Mistress Angelique (My mentor Really nice and caring person)
ElizabethBathory33 ( A very nice Elder indeed She helps me out alot Etc And she cares about ppl)
I will ad more laterrrrrr
My coven
Don't you look at my animated mistachioooo! :P
I am overall a Lowkey guy. I do not start shit. But if you start shit with me. Do not expect me not to start shit back. ;D Nothing really More about me. I do not claim to be vampire even if i am that is just a label. Me is me