Status: |
Caitiff (17.60) |
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Member |
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0 [ Give / Take ] |
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No affiliation. |
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Regular |
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Female |
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? |
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Location: |
a hell hole called modesto california |
Quote: true love only comes around once and i am glad i cought you on time

i love music ,love to write,i love the darkness and the shadows on the wall that talk to me ;)

The Artwork of Karla Ruiz [SuicideKitten.com]
my music: korn
marilyn manson
insane clown posse
rob zombie
tears for fears
soft cell
thats of right nowall i can think

Name: BOB
Age: 1000 yr.
Favorite Food: souls
Favorite Hobby: hunting mortles at night
pt your very own monster today!

my movies: pairites of the carriben (1 and 2)
edward scissorhands
ed wood
nightmar before christmas

corpes bride
big fish
moulin rouge
jay and silint bob strike back
any johnny depp
any tim burten
any jay and silint bob

Name: Pyro
Age: 10
Favorite Food: Flesh
Favorite Hobby: killing my undead dog
pt your very own monster today!

I adopted a cute lil' pirate fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

What is your theme song |

 Down With The Sickness by Disturbed Every where you go people abuse you either mentally or physically and eventually you will snap and attack them back . |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |
my games: eternal darkness
god of war
grand theft auto (all)
true crime (both)
need for speed underground
i thimk thats it
i am really proud of my cherkee and irsh cultrure. and to be a vamp. hee hee j/k i love vampires though i have sice i was a little thing. any thing creepy, gothic, horribul, disgusting, ect. i'm there. i also love anime.

I adopted a cute lil' gothy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Age: 10
Favorite Food: ANYTHING
pt your very own monster today!

I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!


THE REAL ME: my name is amber, i'm 18 my fav color is black and purple, i am an extreme goth , wich means that i'm a lil bit of everything but mostley goth. i love to write, read, draw, donin the nasty lol, i love science, one of my main goles in life is to be come a c.s.i. angent. and if that totley flops then i'll become a make-up artist or somthing but my main hobby will always be writing. i live in a small crappy town in california called modesto,(this is eather going to be a + or a - but modesto is where Gorge Lucus is from for me thats a - i hate star wars hate hate hate star wars but i love space balls that movie rocks)
Get a scroller sign from Dolliecrave.com

alc is my name:amber lynn calkins
i am also a total masochist, and a dominatrix.

Heres the deal wit Slim Anus and ICP
ICP fucked Eminem up bad. A small war started back in Detroit. ICP began hearing lots of shit talking from Eminem through mutual friends, but thought nothing of it. ICP never even heard of this kid before he was MTV’s bitch of the month. But ICP didn’t care what this pop wonder said and all was well. Then Eminem stated that he despises ICP in an interview for the Detroit Free Press. So that got ICP a little pissed. But still it was all good. Then finally Eminem told a direct friend of ICP’s from L.A. that ICP sucks and they are a joke, knowing it would get back to the ICP camp. Booyaa! It was on. ICP finally dissed Eminem back on their radio show, called The Juggalo Show in Detroit. ICP joined with Twiztid and made a song called "Slim Anus" by dropping in their own additional lyrics into Eminem’s "My Name Is" song. It is absolutely devastating. The following day, the one hit radio boy heard this and was fuming pissed. The radio wonder boy quickly began dissing ICP at his concerts, on the Howard Stern Show and Mancow, and everywhere else he could. Then ICP (loving every minute of this) went on the Howard Stern Show and the Mancow Show themselves, and played Slim Anus for all the world to here. We then heard that this made Shady Anus so mad that the Teen Idol of the month broke down and started to cry. He’s been pouting ever since. Eminem has told people everywhere that he’s going to handle it on the streets. So I guess that means Slim Shady is going to beat up J and Shaggy when he sees them. Yup. He’s just gonna walk up and beat ICP down I guess. Sure. Ok. That’s believable. After all, everyone knows what a ghetto tuff thug that Marshal Mathers kid from Warren is. Fear is running through ICP’s hearts as we speak. Marshall the Ruthless has even said "ICP’s from the suburbs, and I’m from Detroit, so I’m gonna beat them up!" Yup. You sure are. Yeah. Uh-oh, here comes the bleach blond, MTV, volleyball, beach house champion now! AHHHH! He’s gonna free style rap them to death! OH MY GOD! HE’S GOT CARSON DAILY WITH HIM!! AND DR DRE TOO!!! OH SHIT! THERE’S MISSY ELIOT! RUNN! IT’S THE HIP HOP SHOP THUGS!!

Member Since: | Jul 18, 2006 |
Last Login: | Sep 10, 2009 |
Times Viewed: | 3,507 |
Times Rated: | 317 |
Rating: | 9.012 |
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