Which Male Vampire Are You? (With Pics)
You are Valek. You hate everything and feel that all should worship the ground you walk on. You are aware of how strong you can be and you use that against almost everyone in you`re path. You are the kind of person who takes no prisoners. Kill `em all and let God sort `em out.Take this quiz!

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So, about me. I'm into fantasy, science fiction, and horror, and an aspiring author of them. Currently working on a fantasy novel (Moorcock is a huge influence on my work as you might guess). I also do game design & development for tabletop RPGs. I'm an aspiring illustrator and 3D modeler as well, mostly interested in fantasy illustration & design for my game design & fantasy writing. To actually make money I do PC Tech and webdesign.
Well you can check out my myspace page for more of the typical stuff. But let's talk about the stuff that will interest people on this site, my "dark" side.
Well, looking at the little vampire quiz thing, that's not that far off. I have a fascination with and feel drawn to the darker side of life. I have interests in true crime and serial killer types. Simply acting on your own urges, with pure unadulterated brutality appeals to me. I don't do it, or try not to, but I can imagine myself doing it pretty easily.
I also empathize with the marginalized and poor in society, the down and out, street people, runaways, prostitutes, beggars, homeless, street criminals, etc. I've been there, or close enough to know what reality is, and that most everyone is a few paychecks away from being there. And even if you aren't it doesn't make you a better person. I like to watch documentaries and read books regarding such topics, such as The Mole People by Jennifer Toth.
If i was a serial killer i would be David Berkowitz.
Originally believed to be a paranoid schizophrenic, David Berkowitz (the Son of Sam), claimed to be plagued by demons that came in the form of dogs, when the dogs would howl, that was their signal for him to kill. He said that the dogs would call out to him for blood and death, and their cry's would only stop by killing and assaulting over 6 New York women.
In a later interview Berkowitz revealed that the demon story was a conscious fabrication that he had made up to force the police into believing he was insane if he was caught. He also confessed that he would become sexually aroused when stalking his victims and would sometimes come back to the crime scenes and masturbate while envisioning his prior killings.
kill count: 6
Find what serial killer you would be, Take the Serial Killer Quiz now!
I do find mysticism, magic, wicca, alternate religion, vampirism, werewolves, mythology, cryptozoology, supernatural/paranormal, weird history, conspiracy, folklore, ancient & medieval history, military history all interesting, all of which feed into my game design work and my writing.
As for actual belief in real supernatural agency, not really. Oh I WISH it worked, but I have seen little efficacy in prayers, blessings, invocations, spells, chants, you name it. However, I do not mean to dismiss or belittle other's beliefs. So long as they are fine with other's freedom of, and freedom FROM religion, that's cool. I do like to discuss these topics as they appeal to my imagination. And if ever a truly supernatural agency was revealed to me in it's true splendor and power, I'd gladly bow down.
Oh, just remember, I don't completely dismiss it out of hand. I have seen one thing that was completely unexplained, a shadow that couldn't have been cast. It was while I was working for food service in college. I'd stock and clean stock-room in basement of food service building.
Well, I was sweeping under the shelves, the single light in the center of the ceiling behind me. I was bent down and happend to look and see a long shadow, too long, I thought. I looked again, and it was still there, and couldn't have been mine, because of how I was hunched over and location of the light. (I was an engineering major, and such critical analysis was in the forefront of my mental process those days). I recoiled and felt terribly freaked, had to get out of there. One of the cooks mentioned having seen or felt ghost there too.
I am also a lucid dreamer, my deepest dreams are truly bizarre, and sometimes quite frightening, if they are of my subconcious, they come from a part of me I know nothing about. Hmm, that reminds me. I also have recurring dreams, some that have repeated since childhood. I also have had "prophetic" dreams, dreams which I will years later recall with a sense of deja vu in a current situation. I am often able to fly in my dreams. Lastly, my "stress dreams" often find me trying to flee a situation, often a labrytinthine insituational setting, such as a school or hospital. Finally, I have lots of hot sex dreams:)
I also am into meditation, being able to stimulate my adrenal system to rev myself up. I also like to do "sensory deprivation" meditation, by being under cold water (usually a shower, don't have access to a handy waterfall to do it japanese style.) The capacities of the body and mind to surpass expectation and belief are impressive. So like I said, there are cracks in my cynical mechanistic worldview.
And finally, my ulterior motive for being on vampirerave. Goth chicks are h4wt! :)