Many greeting to all who view this Profile. This will be my first update to it, since I became a member. I hope it let's you get to know me a little better.
My friends call me J.J. Not because it's short for my name. Rather that when I was in high school I was a junior,, twice. I was on the extened learning program*smiling*
Where do you live: Texas
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
D.O.B: 1-9-64
Sign: Capricorn
Hight: 5'11"
Wight: 90 Kilos
Religion: Why?
Do you ware glasses: Only if I want to see.
Do you drink: Yes
Do you smoke: No, but I can
Favorite color: Black
Favorite food: Cheese pizza
Favorite movie: Young Franenstein
Favorite band: U2, yes I know.
Do you play an instument: Yes
What: Guitar
What's your gear: 5 Electric guitars, 1 Acoustic Ovation. Ibanez DUE300, anda Boss ME30.
Are you in a band: Yes, Social Disorder.
Girlfriend:No, but I think I found a grape.
What do you like in a girl: She has to be smart,love History, and be able to make me laugh. As well as laugh herself.
Boyfriend: No
Day or night: Night
Rain or shine: Rain
Hot or cold: Cold
Do you have tattoos: No, I don't like neeles.
Do you have piercing's: 1, I don't like needles.
If you could be anybody, who would you be: Bond, James Bond.
Do you swim: Yes
Do you drive: Yes
Do you fly: Depends on how many valiums you give me.
My view of life.
Life to me is what you make it. Some will settle for that, and others will change it. I settled with it for a long time. Other people were living my life for me. And I never was happy. But I settled, and settled, and settled. I found that the more I gave in, the more they would take. Till there was almost no more of myself left.
Then I had an epiphany. Who were they?, and why was I following them?. I had my own thoughts and ideas. I had my own fears and desires. So I made up my mind, and broke free. To be who I wanted to be, and could be. And so far I'm doing fine. And I will never settle again.
Your to old for that.
Yes, this is by far the most popular phrase I hear. Why? This is why. I love to play my guitar, the most. I can skate board, and roller blade. I can do a dead man on a bike. I can swim and I scuba. I dive to sunken ships. There are 2 great sites I want to see in Canada. And someday I will. I love to Jet ski, and if I could I would live under water.
I love to play Xbox, and I still have my old Nintendo. I have 2 jobs, and one of them is in a toy store. The other one pays the bills. I love to cook, and I have a degree in Culinary arts. I love vampire's and hope to live as one. I'm going on 22, so you young ones try and stay up.
Any more thing's on your mind, just ask.