
Quote: when you live forever, what do you live for

This was bestowed upon me by my gracious mistress Darkness bound to whom I am eternally grateful.

our fab new house crest

hi thought it was time to update this,always had a facination with vampires,and mythical beastys ,spend way too much time alone and on the internet so,would like some nice chats to help me to while away the wee hours,but on the plus side ive been so inspirred by all you guys wonderful art work that ive started going to art class ,so hopefully will be able to post up some art work of my own real soon,either that or have a feed the starving artist sale .lol
update: Im now goin to university to study for Bachelor of Arts in fine art.Have jsut finished 2 years doing a fine art degree and done so much writing and hardly any artwork that im quitting and going to change to a foundation degree in education instead,cos there aint no jobs in art around here .
update no.2: met a wonderful kilted scotsman just over 2 years ago and have never been happier
Added some pics dedicated to the way of the samurai and to show honour to how they lived and trained ,as I am trying to follow in some of their foot steps by learing Iaido.
UPDATE: Have recently passed my 1st dan black belt in Iaido, I feel like a true Samurai now ,lol

one jsut for fun,samurai kitties lol

Well I guess a quick description of me
vampire/witch,a teeny 5 feet 2 inches,but can still kick ass,ive just started iaido,and love it
I'm a single mom and have 5 children,ranging from 11 to 31,dont come online as much now im studying full time ,but ill check back from time to time to see if ive been bitten lol
my ultimate hero ,Xena,and this time with samurai sword

by the way some cool dudes have added me to their friends list but havnt told me ,lol so if im on your list gimme a bite or a message ,come on don't be shy i wont bite ,well thats a lie cos im sure i will ,lol
thanx for all the chats n bites and rating s you guys ,really made me happy ,so missed being my normal wicked self ,but thanks to all you dudes on here ,i think the bitch is back hahahahaha
be afraid ,,,,be very afraid ,lol
my latest obsession Criss Angel,dont get mindfreaked lol

heres a new additon to my familiy ,my grand daughter ,Emily Rose

she even sleeps like a vampire ,lol

my latest disaster piece

Member Since: | Apr 20, 2005 |
Last Login: | Dec 27, 2011 |
Times Viewed: | 37,098 |
Times Rated: | 2,152 |
Rating: | 9.83 |
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High Sire (159)
16:26 - February 16 2025

Antagonist (37)
I'm depressed
10:49 - February 16 2025

Sire (100)
Ronin Vampiric Demon
04:38 - February 16 2025
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