I am stu from devon uk. i am 6"2, dark hair, dark eyes. I am in to gothic clothing. I started cutting my self up quite some time ago. Now though I have stopped and decided you have a choice, you can slit your wrists and watch them bleed or fuck the world and smoke some weed.
I love fire I juggle it eat it and do fakir (meaning intense pain) which is basically rolling fire over your body!. I also love piercing the way u can inflict pain and people don’t try to help. I have 8 at the moment but I want to get more. i have got some svarification now as well. i am hoping to do some suspention at some point in my life i think it will help me find myself.
i love all sorts of music, old school, rock, punk, metal, folk rock, all sorts but not much of the moden shit that gets in to the charts.
I love scuba diving, fire juggling music parties, staying up all night drinking with strangers, I like trying to protect the environment, hippies and people who generally don’t judge others and are pacifists.
War mongering country, people who judge others, people who do not care for the world and the other spices in it, people who like to start fights, hip hop, R”N”B, other pop music.
yeah i got bord so i did some quizes
Take the quiz: "What piercing are you?"

the dark one... mysterious, you keep to yourself and dont mix well with others, but you dont want to either. you like to be alone and dont like to go out clubbing and having fun (thats not a bad thing - im like you!)
Name: | Stuart Riggs |
Birthday: | 4/9/1988 |
Birthplace: | Torquay |
Current Location: | Chudleigh |
Eye Color: | Dark Brown |
Hair Color: | Dark Brown |
Height: | 6"2 |
Right Handed or Left Handed: | right |
Your Heritage: | British |
The Shoes You Wore Today: | New Rocks |
Your Weakness: | temptation |
Your Fears: | people |
Your Perfect Pizza: | everything on top |
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: | live till the end of it |
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: | hi u ok? |
Thoughts First Waking Up: | shit i do realy exist |
Your Best Physical Feature: | nothing everything is but ugly sorry girls!! |
Your Bedtime: | fuck off. i dont do bedtimes |
Your Most Missed Memory: | friends and gigs. (sidmouth) |
Pepsi or Coke: | dong give a shit |
MacDonalds or Burger King: | none |
Single or Group Dates: | single |
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: | Lipton Ice Tea |
Chocolate or Vanilla: | Chocolate |
Cappuccino or Coffee: | neather |
Do you Smoke: | not really |
Do you Swear: | fuck yeah |
Do you Sing: | no not well neway |
Do you Shower Daily: | yes |
Have you Been in Love: | yes i am |
Do you want to go to College: | yep |
Do you want to get Married: | no |
Do you belive in yourself: | no |
Do you get Motion Sickness: | no inless hungover |
Do you think you are Attractive: | no way |
Are you a Health Freak: | no |
Do you get along with your Parents: | ummm......... sometimes |
Do you like Thunderstorms: | yeah love them |
Do you play an Instrument: | no |
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: | yes |
In the past month have you Smoked: | yep |
In the past month have you been on Drugs: | yep |
In the past month have you gone on a Date: | yep |
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: | no |
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: | no |
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: | no |
In the past month have you been on Stage: | no |
In the past month have you been Dumped: | no |
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: | no |
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: | no |
Ever been Drunk: | yeah |
Ever been called a Tease: | yep |
Ever been Beaten up: | yeah |
Ever Shoplifted: | yeah |
How do you want to Die: | doing something or saving something/someone i love |
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: | a legind |
What country would you most like to Visit: | loads |
In a Boy/Girl.. |
Favourite Eye Color: | any |
Favourite Hair Color: | any |
Short or Long Hair: | long |
Height: | not fussy |
Weight: | not fussy |
Best Clothing Style: | metal/gothic |
Number of Drugs I have taken: | what at the mo or ever??? |
Number of CDs I own: | loads |
Number of Piercings: | 9 |
Number of Tattoos: | 1 |
Number of things in my Past I Regret: | to meany to count |
other quotes:
*slit your wrists and watch them bleed or fuck the world and smoke some weed.
*what is the point of living if you dont feel alive
*it is better to regret tomorrow what you did today than it is to regret forever what you did not do.
Manic street preachers-suicide is painless
Through early morning for I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realise that I can see
That suicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can take or leave them if I please
The game of life is hard to play
I’m gonna lose it anyway
The losing card of some delay
So this is all I have to say
That suicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can take or leave them if I please
The sword of time will pierce our skin
It doesn’t hurt when it begins
But as it works it’s way on in
The pain grows stronger watch I bring
That suicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can take or leave them if I please
A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
Is it to be or not to be
And I replied oh why ask me
That suicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can take or leave them if I please
some info for all you Pyromaniac
Coloured Flames
Non-explosive chemicals can be dissolved into certain flammable liquids to change the colour of the flames. Specifically, you need to use a solvent which is based on alcohol, methylated spirits (meths) or pure ethanol to allow the compound to dissolve (with thanks to Xaeda for clarification here). Methylated spirits and ethanol can be bought in a good quality pharmacy, though probably not in your average high street pharmacy. Meths is sold as camping stove fuel, whilst ethanol is, I'm led to believe, sold as an anti-freeze agent. Paraffin, lamp-oil, white gas and other petroleum-based compounds will not allow the chemicals to dissolve. Some ideas are listed below. If you know of any other chemical additives that can be used, then please feel free to drop me a line. Be warned that all of these fuels and chemicals have certain levels of toxicity and long-term use and/or ingestion should be avoided. Reading the Materials Safety Data Sheets for these substances is recommended - the vast majority can be found at Redox Chemicals MSDS. Use at your own risk! By general concensus, the best chemicals are: · Boric acid, which gives a green/blue flame. This is sold in pharmacies in powdered form as it has antiseptic properties.· Lithium chloride, which gives a nice red flame. Tricky to get as it's an anti-depressant.· Copper chloride, which gives a good green/blue flame.· Indium, expensive and hard to find, gives a deep violet.Other which are theoretically possible, but might not give such good results are: · Strontium compounds - red.· Calcium compounds - orangy-red.· Barium compounds - green.· Potassium chloride - a purple flame.· White gas (liquid gas e.g. Colemans camping fluid) - a white flame.·
Dry gas (as above) - a blue flame.(Thanks to Wolfzero, Scott and Xaeda for their contributions here). Recommended amounts vary from person to person, but a rough guide is to keep adding the powdered chemical to the fuel until no more dissolves after a gentle shake. Generally, this should be somewhere in the region of about two tablespoons of powdered chemical to a litre of fuel, though don't be worried if you're using more. If you're having trouble getting the flames to colour sufficiently, here's a couple of ideas. The first is to make sure that your wicks are 'cleaned' of oil-based fuels. One way to do this is to use only meths for a couple of burns, so the old fuel is burned away. Secondly, whilst making a set of towel wicks recently, I 'seeded' the towel material with the boric acid powder before folding and wiring the material up into wicks. This guarantees that there is plenty of colour-inducing chemical within the wicks to add to that which is dissolved in the fuel.
just a quick warning
Even done correctly fire breathing can have adverse results on the health and well being of the breather such as, but not limited to:
A. Death
B. Severe burns
C. Cancer
D. Dental Problems
E. Stomach and tissue ulcers
F. Fuel Poisoning
G. Chemical Pnuemonia or Acute Respiratory Distress
H. Dry Cough
I. Headache, dizziness, drunken ill feeling
J. Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach ache
K. Dry mouth/ ?Cotton Mouth?
L. Dry skin and topical heat burns
and i would urge anyone thinking of taking up this fire art not to do it or at least to get taught by a pro.
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this is a good sight to visit
i just want to let people know that tasian is the best person you could ever hope to meet, i dont want to leave her on this world alone. Also to let her know that if she ever runs away like she so often talkes of that i am going with her. As the vurve would say if heaven calls im coming too just like you said if your not in my life im better off dead.
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