Portfolio |
Bite malfaisant |
Stalk malfaisant |
in the face of the world's ugliness...you remain a mystery
I like to keep my profile simple, keep that in mind.
Shes dark and bright.
light light, full of fright.
Keep your virginity
but shed your core,
before she throws you
out of her open door.
Blood, blood, scattered
across the floor in a
pretty fashion.
Dripping from her thighs
and she looks to the left,
your eyes.
Seduction's a heart beat away.
And your life is in her hand ready for
I suppose since I've been here a little while, I should actually tell you a little about myself. Would you like that?
Well, My name, I will not share. Nor my exact location. I'm near Chicago, that is all you'll know. I've been alive too many years, and I plan on living many more. I am a vampire, I am not a roleplayer, or whatever other things you may think. A mixture of psy and sang. I love the feeling I get when I can have my way with people, but I wont do it unless they offer themselves up for it. Im not that mean ;)
I use good grammar. Obviously. I do not like pointless conversations.
I'm currently in training by the infamous M.T., to be a good little submissive. Yes, I am into BDSM. Ha.
He calls me Harlot, and I'd like for you all, to call me either Harlot, or CD. Whichever you prefer.
I use manners more than I should, even when insulting some one. Heh.
I can be rude, I can be mean, and cruel.
But, more than likely I will like you and not mind you.
I go on webcam alot, I like that. I have a cat, and I love her.
I hate to go outside, absolutely despise it. I usually stay in my own home, unless Im at a friends.
I love music. Apocalyptica, Emilie Autumn, Cinema Strange, and She Wants Revenge, are some of my favorite.
I love movies, give me gore and I will love it.
Books, I read alllllll the time. I absolutely love reading.
I dont really know what else to say exept goodbye. Send me a bite or message and I'll be sure to reply.
I tend to stand out, and I love it.
I wan't someone to be mine forever.
My mind has been raped by people's bullshit.
Member Since: | Aug 03, 2008 |
Last Login: | Aug 20, 2008 |
Times Viewed: | 3,417 |
Times Rated: | 316 |
Rating: | 8.911 |
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