
Quote: Can't sleep! Clowns will eat me!
Proud Member of
House Eternal

I'm about 5'3", long black hair, brown/gold eyes, fairly average. I'm a people person. Never met a person I didn't bite...I mean like. Out going and love to go out. I always dress in solid black or layers of shades of black and favor long flowing skirts. I'm the Alpha female of my dog pack and won't tolerate another Alpha (female that is, males are always welcome) in my territory. I thrive on positive energy and emotions but likewise, negative emotions like rage, anger, hostility and pain drain me. I work nights and prefer to stay out of the sun although I always look like I have great tan. The pack and I live in harmony with each other and the world. We would like to meet new people as the small town that we live in has a limited number of creatures/people that understand us.
You Are 62% Evil

You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

Aloof and animalistic, you belong to the Gangrel Clan. Closely associated with werewolves, you are the shapeshifting vampire. You prefer nature than to live in the city and prefer the company of animals than of humans. You are more known to keep to yourself then to help others. You are the lone wolf of the decendents of Caine.
What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

My Totem Protector, Lupus, speaks to me in dreams and visions. He gives advice and direction but there is always a price to pay.
Some of my likes and dislikes:
Liars - It's better to be too honest and hurt someone than live a lie
Cheaters - There is nothing wrong with loving more than one person, just make sure everyone know the score
Thieves - If it's not yours, why would you want it? Work hard and get your own.
Animal Abusers - Should be skinned, salted, flogged and then punished. Shame on you for wanting to hurt something that has so little control over it's own life
Whiny people - Life is hard. Deal with it. It's OK to be down and cry on a friends shoulder. That's what it's there for but buck up and learn from your mistakes
Chocolate - Yum! What else really needs be said?
Dogs - OK I think we've already established that! LOL
Cuddling - One of the best parts of sex is the cuddling after, cuddling during scary movies, cuddling during funny movies, cuddling for the sake of cuddling, OK enough Mamadog
Scary movies - I get goosebumps and love the rush when the freak come in with the huge knife...and the cuddling during...Down Girl, I said enough with the cuddling!
Foot and back rubs - Rub my back or massage my feet and I will follow you anywhere
Fun - I love to laugh! tell me a joke, make me smile, and I'm yours! Then we can Cuddle...Mamadog! NO! Bad Dog!
And finally, are you ready for the shock of your life? Spongebob Squarepants! Yes, I am a spongebob freak! My bedroom is a five year old's dream! Spongebob curtains, sheets, comforter, toys - my collection is very large, I'll post photos. I have every season on DVD and VHS (must back up). My room is my playground where I can let loose my inter-child. Few men ever see it. If you're one of them, you've been given an honor.
Watch Videos:
Beautiful (Christina Aguilera) Video Codes by VideoCodeZone.Com
Quoteable Quotes from Maxine
Did you eat an extra bowl of stupid this morning?
You're not yourself today...I noticed the improvement immediately!
I hear you changed your mind at last...what did you do with the diaper?
Life is too short to dance with ugly men.
Wipe your mouth...there's still a tiny bit of bullshit around your lips.
Never go to bed angry, stay up and plot your revenge.
Well aren't you just the most adorable black hole of need.
Member Since: | Mar 04, 2007 |
Last Login: | Aug 01, 2007 |
Times Viewed: | 5,995 |
Times Rated: | 440 |
Rating: | 9.179 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

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Antagonist (37)
I'm a bit better today
13:29 - February 17 2025

Premiere Sire (123)
No risk no reward.
07:32 - February 17 2025

Carnal Creature (56)
Welcome tp Mortuary and Pizzeria
21:57 - February 16 2025
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