
The Coven of Purgatory

Vampire Rave member for 19 years.

Status:  Termagant (58.81)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  The Coven of Purgatory
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

A Petty ass shit hole,Look for me I'll be the one trying to spork the squirel


Bite suckerpunked

Stalk suckerpunked



Lifes to short not to do your own thing! Your way, on your own terms. Be you and live life the way you want it!

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The Crest of the House of La Bella Oscuridad Message Master
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Okay before I get started on telling you all about me...I want to give the love of my life a little Shout out...I LOVE YOU RIGHTY I hope we're together for ever...
Yes his name is Righty...He's the rightleg on Bottomofthefoodchain..lmao but i dont care he loves me for me...

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I relized something just today. I bring out the kid in people. I can always geta mature person to goof around and laugh till they cry. I like life to be an adventure, rather than a chore. Im very morbid and blunt, and quite curious and mislead.Call me Tabbee Im 18. I've been called the Shyiest Individualist out there. Everyone seems to think I've got a very interesting Personality, but it only comes out when I really truely get to know a person.
I enjoy playing video games on my Xbox,Nintendo and my Nintendo64. To me theres nothing better then chillin with your best friends playing a video game or listening to music..I really enjoy drawing,listening to music. If I could I would listen to music all day, my life pretty much revolves around it. Music is my theorpy...I write poetry and songs, I play the guitar. As of right now I'am with out one though.....I have a very weird sence of humor...and I'm very random..
Doing these kinda things just makes u relize how boring you actually are...lol
Im willing to do anything once...exspecially if love is envoled. I get attachted to people way to easily yeah I fall in love WAY to easily...I've been through a lot for an 18 yrold People will probably think I'm thriving for attention, but my friends know thats not the case... When I was 6 I lost my real father, then a few months later my Mother married a sadistic fuck who beat us after about 10 yrs of mental and physical abuse my mother ripped me away from all my friends in michigan and moved me down to here...but going through that has made me a stronger person.
I wouldnt trade my life for anything it has made me the way I am today... very open minded, And I really dont care what people think about me, and I WILL do anything once and twice if I like it=D
I love being the one getting everyone all wild and ready to party. I'm the one at the party telling everyone to get up and dance, raise hell etc etc etc...I love being the wild and spontanious one.
...my friend Jon said this about me... "tabbee is the coolest person i know by far. She has shown me a lot in the past 4 months that ive known her and i wouldnt trade a second ive spent with her for anything"
So yeah I hope that description was good enough for the ones saying I need a better one...hmm Well enjoy ur stay..
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If you read this please type "fireball" In your comment somewhere, if i dont see this in your comment (if your not already my friend) dont expect a rate back. I dont mean to sound bitchy and if you dont read this then I'm not ..lol but I put a lot of time into this and the least you could do it skim over it, and to who ever is still reading this, you are for sure geting a 10..Thank you

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Image hosting by PhotobucketWhen you do things like this and nothing comes to mind
Image hosting by PhotobucketWhen you go to the fridge to get something
you've been wanting all day and its gone
Image hosting by PhotobucketTailgating
Image hosting by Photobucketbroken bones
Image hosting by PhotobucketHow I'm so Damn shy
Image hosting by PhotobucketWhen your guitar string breaks and it cuts up your finger
Image hosting by PhotobucketStale Soda
Image hosting by PhotobucketLairs
Image hosting by PhotobucketWhen ya lend something to someone n you get it back all messed up
Image hosting by PhotobucketCheaters
Image hosting by PhotobucketPromises (sounds werid i know..ask i'll explain)
Image hosting by PhotobucketImage hosting by PhotobucketBurned food...lol -the fatkid in me-
Image hosting by PhotobucketWhen your listening to music and ur cds skips
Image hosting by PhotobucketNot having any money
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Image hosting by PhotobucketCooking
Image hosting by PhotobucketPlaying Xbox n Nintendo
Image hosting by PhotobucketSitting around listening to music (my life revolves around it)
Image hosting by PhotobucketDancing when no ones around
Image hosting by PhotobucketJTHM
Image hosting by PhotobucketInvader Zim
Image hosting by PhotobucketPoetry
Image hosting by PhotobucketDrawing
Image hosting by PhotobucketBeing Spontanious(spelling) like getting up outta no where and dance with no music or whatever
Image hosting by PhotobucketFaygo
Image hosting by PhotobucketSlushie Peach Faygo -drools-
Image hosting by PhotobucketBeing with Friends
Image hosting by PhotobucketCandles
Image hosting by PhotobucketGoing for Long drives
Image hosting by PhotobucketFruit
Image hosting by PhotobucketStaying up late and watching the sunrise
Image hosting by PhotobucketMy Hatchetman Necklace
Image hosting by PhotobucketMy Cartoons =D
Image hosting by PhotobucketTalking to myself...no one holds a convo like me =D
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Evil Monkey from Image hosting by PhotobucketFamily guy
Image hosting by PhotobucketAdult Swim
Image hosting by PhotobucketCartoon Network
Image hosting by PhotobucketBatman
Image hosting by PhotobucketBeing a Juggalette
Image hosting by PhotobucketJuggalos
Image hosting by PhotobucketMy best friends
Image hosting by Photobucketlaughing
Image hosting by Photobucketdancing
Image hosting by Photobucketkissing
Image hosting by Photobucketcollars
Image hosting by PhotobucketPhotography
Image hosting by PhotobucketMorals
Image hosting by PhotobucketSelf Modifiaction
Image hosting by PhotobucketFood =D
Image hosting by PhotobucketMint Chocolate o0o0
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Image hosting by Photobucketpickles
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Image hosting by PhotobucketInsane Clown Posse
Image hosting by PhotobucketTwiztid
Image hosting by PhotobucketABK (Any Body Killa)
Image hosting by PhotobucketBlaze Ya Dead Homie
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Rest of The Psycopathic Family
Image hosting by PhotobucketMudvayne
Image hosting by PhotobucketRammstein
Image hosting by PhotobucketStone Temple Pilots
Image hosting by PhotobucketZeroMancer
Image hosting by PhotobucketCCR
Image hosting by PhotobucketNirvana
Image hosting by PhotobucketT.A.T.U
Image hosting by PhotobucketChumbawamba
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Used
Image hosting by PhotobucketMushroom Head
Image hosting by PhotobucketDead Poetic
Image hosting by PhotobucketPlacebo
Image hosting by PhotobucketDope
Image hosting by PhotobucketTechno
Image hosting by PhotobucketNonPoint
Image hosting by PhotobucketDrowning Pool (old stuff)
Image hosting by PhotobucketLollipop lust kill
Image hosting by PhotobucketAlice in Chains
Image hosting by PhotobucketPearl Jam
Image hosting by PhotobucketCandle Box
Image hosting by PhotobucketDinosaur Jr.
Image hosting by PhotobucketCKY
Image hosting by PhotobucketCoal Chamber
Image hosting by PhotobucketCold
Image hosting by PhotobucketCrossFade
Image hosting by PhotobucketKorn
Image hosting by PhotobucketKFMDM
Image hosting by PhotobucketIn Flames
Image hosting by PhotobucketJack Off Jill
Image hosting by PhotobucketNIN
Image hosting by PhotobucketOtep
Image hosting by PhotobucketPink Floyd
Image hosting by PhotobucketPoision
Image hosting by PhotobucketSex Pistols
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Ramones
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Clash
Image hosting by PhotobucketSublime
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Union Underground
Image hosting by PhotobucketBile
Image hosting by PhotobucketMinistry
Image hosting by PhotobucketGuttermouth
Image hosting by PhotobucketP.R.O.C...
Image hosting by PhotobucketKURU (band from Michigan and i've met them)
Image hosting by PhotobucketHIM
Image hosting by PhotobucketMCR
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Buzzcocks
Image hosting by PhotobucketMike Jones
Image hosting by PhotobucketEsham
Image hosting by PhotobucketFilter
Image hosting by PhotobucketGuns and Roses
Image hosting by PhotobucketBad Company
Image hosting by PhotobucketStatic X
Image hosting by PhotobucketMr. Big
Image hosting by PhotobucketUgly Kid Joe
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe White Stripes
Image hosting by PhotobucketCinderella
Image hosting by PhotobucketLil Jon
Image hosting by PhotobucketUsher
Image hosting by PhotobucketSean Paul
Image hosting by PhotobucketJuvinile
Image hosting by PhotobucketSkinny Puppy
Image hosting by PhotobucketCruxShadow
Image hosting by PhotobucketKidney Thieves
Image hosting by PhotobucketJudas Priest
Image hosting by PhotobucketWarrant
Image hosting by Photobucket40 below summer
Image hosting by PhotobucketFlaw
Image hosting by PhotobucketFive.Bolt.Main
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Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Crow(all of them
Image hosting by PhotobucketAmerican History X
Image hosting by PhotobucketSid and Nancy
Image hosting by PhotobucketNightmare Before Christmas
Image hosting by PhotobucketUnleashed
Image hosting by PhotobucketBig Money Hustlas
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Goonies
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Batman Movies..(all of them)
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Corpse Bride
Image hosting by PhotobucketSaw 2
Image hosting by PhotobucketThe Blob
Image hosting by PhotobucketKiller Klowns From OuterSpace
Image hosting by PhotobucketFight Club
Image hosting by PhotobucketEight legged Freaks
Image hosting by PhotobucketStrangeLand
Image hosting by PhotobucketQuills
Image hosting by PhotobucketWith out a Paddle
Image hosting by PhotobucketSin City
Image hosting by PhotobucketPirates of the Caribean
Image hosting by PhotobucketIce Age...Wha can i say its cute
Image hosting by PhotobucketHell Boy
Image hosting by PhotobucketBlade 1-3
Image hosting by PhotobucketRed Dragon
Image hosting by PhotobucketEdward ScissorHands
Image hosting by PhotobucketSleepy Hallow
Image hosting by PhotobucketBilly Madison
Image hosting by PhotobucketHappy Gillmore
Image hosting by PhotobucketRobots
Image hosting by PhotobucketLilo and Stitch

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(updated weekly)
Happy fun Time

A room full of people
all talking but not to me
there all my "friends"
So out of place.
So unfomfortable.
back stabbed and put
away bloody
Knowning all is against me.
But i still sit there and go with
their game.
Self Conciously
afraid to go gainst there comformity
Unwilling to try
but oh so unhappy
Finally I freak out from the
talking relizing I'm utterly

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[x].this is my cute friend ***** haha he wanted to remain nameless
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[x]This is mah handsom friend Sam-Pie.[VoodooChild].[x]
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[x]This.Is.the.sexy.spike.LOVE HIM I SAY[spikeuk13].[x]
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[x].This is my beautiful Mistress DarknessBound.[x]
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I hope you enjoyed reading about me, Come again soon!! Incase you didnt read all my info I have things in my portfolio and my journal check them out too and if you add me to your friends list let me know so we can talk

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Member Since: Feb 01, 2006
Last Login: Jul 04, 2008
Times Viewed: 9,036

Times Rated:630

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Feb 11, 2024

Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.


Enjoy the darkness..
Jan 14, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Dec 22, 2023
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

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