
Legion (Coven)

Look into my eyes, you will see who I am
Set at 00:06 on August 10, 2012

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Basilisk (92.89)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Legion (Coven)
Mentorship Mentor of The Mentorship of Darkness.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

Deepest part of Hades



Bite thedarkx

Stalk thedarkx



"I am neither good, nor bad, neither angel nor devil, I am a man, I am a vampire."

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I joined the Vampire Rave in July 19th, 2005, but had my profile /account deleted (hacked) in December of 2006 but now I am back.

So, let me welcome you to my humble abode.

"Some people say my love cannot be true
Please believe me, my love, and Ill show you
I will give you those things you thought unreal
The sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal
Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met
You are the first to have this love of mine
Forever with me till the end of time
Your love for me has just got to be real
Before you know the way Im going to feel
Now I have you with me, under my power
Our love grows stronger now with every hour
Look into my eyes, you will see who I am
My name is lucifer, please take my hand
Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met
You are the first to have this love of mine
Forever with me till the end of time"
Black Sabbath
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Enter of your own free will.

My friend, thank you for visiting me. I hope you stay here will be most pleasant.

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I am the Dark X, please allow me to give you a tour of my world, so take my hand and enter...
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Ahhh...enter warm yourself up...Was your journey here eventful?

How I love visitors, so many times I walk alone
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Ahh! Where are my manners! Let me offer your wine from my private stock....

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Good? No, I never drink...wine.
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Come let us get started....but I must warn you do not wander off...

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These rooms and hall ways hold many dreadful memories. If you here something, please do not go to find it, you may stumble upon things you should not see...

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As you wander you will see many images...
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they are snapshots of my soul
Some are peaceful
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SOme are beautiful....
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and some are dreadul.....
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My friend, I am of lover of all things beautiful. Literature
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of of course women.
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How I love goth girls!

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They bring out the animal lust in me!

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To me, there is nothing more erotic than a vampiress....

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Ahh but I digress forgive me...Come let us go further the moon is out...
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and there is so much left to see. Ahh! Look familiar?
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He is an old comrade of mine...

As you look around you, you will see many images as old as time itself...
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My kind has been around eons before you began worshipping your gods...
We have haunted your dreams...
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Our rites our ageless...
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We were there when your god met his demise


We are timeless

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we seduce you....with our beauty
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You can not resist us...
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We are immortal
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Mortals fear us...
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Yet we only feed to survive

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Our kiss brings immortality.

My friend, there is so much to view and see...let's keep moving....There are many passage ways here..
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some of them take you to hell itself!
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.....I must warn you...sometimes things here are not what they appear....Beauty can draw you in...
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....and once you are drawn in you can not escape....
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..but fear not....stay with me and all will be well....

Watch your step!
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Sometimes things just won't stay buried...There are many beasties running amok here....
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how I love them....Sorry I digress...let's keep moving...you must be thirsty again..here take this bottle...enjoy
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Let me tell you of my kind..we are every where..the teen hangin out in the park
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...the man that past you on the street last night...
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...that sexy nurse at the 24 hour clinic...

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..the girl in your spanish night class

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You have seen us perform at the Circe de Solie
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even at your favorite chinese restaurant

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Some people view as as the AntiChrist....
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we visit you in your nightmares....

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We use you for our own pleasures...
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then discard you as broken toys!
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Do not seek refuge from your shamans

For we own them....
We take what we want..when we want it

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We are the children of the night....

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The sun is arising we must return back...

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I want you to stay longer...and I will not accept no for an answer...
you see my dear friend... you can never leave here
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Take a look...and see your fate!

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For you have drawn this card......

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So stay and meet the rest of my family
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Let me share with you some whimsical "bon mots"
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great band...have you heard of him?

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Great book...please read it during your "stay" with me..

AH! this is funny...
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This makes for a great read!

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I do believe this would make quite a funny movie

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If you ever go to Mexico, please visit this wonderful establishment..I know the main preformer...she is very sexy!

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Alas, a few pics of me


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Member Since: May 31, 2007
Last Login: Sep 27, 2015
Times Viewed: 20,452

Times Rated:2,216

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Jul 21, 2024

No pictures. Just a simple rate and a hello. :)

Mar 09, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.
Feb 20, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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