Vampire spirit Vs Real Vampire ?
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Interloper (47)
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07:03:09 Jan 21 2023
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Um... 😳 i i dont know anything between does example. Can some Vampire spirits get or take psychical body like to be real Vampire? Sorry i dont know how to explain well maybe i feel like i have thousen Question what i thinking

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Hellhound (70)
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10:04:09 Sep 05 2023
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Let's try to clear all those important questions (it's not easy).

I think that your examples are two different beings. 1st: Vampire Spirits are that... Spirits. According to "The Book of Spirits", by Allan Kardec, they are a low level spirits, without having progressed enough, attached to Matter. This kind of Spirits, usually, do feed with our Energy and, for that reason, they are called "vampire spirits".

Of course that, as spirits, they can influence in incarnated beings (us) in obsesion or possession influence... but, don't worry about it: obsesor spirits run away when we order to or we don't think about it.

The 2nd kind, the Real Vampires, are incarnated beings like you or me, that's to say, human beings who need to feed with blood (a few drops usually) or with Energy (energetic vampires, or "vampyres"). I'm not quite sure if a Real Vampire is obsessed by a Vampire Spirit... I dare to say that not necessarilly. Anyway, I'd like to know the other VR members opinion.

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High Sire (157)
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18:43:57 Sep 07 2023
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Not a bad explanation, vormel. I'll certainly grant you that one. Though, in my mind, there are a few things missing, there.

To put it into the perspective of someone who has been living as a vampire long enough to know--
"Vampire spirit", yes, is essentially no more than another term used to describe an ethereal entity that feeds on the energy of the living. But that is only one of the many terms used to describe the exact same thing. In fact (speaking as former reverend/"man of the cloth", as well), very rarely are any spirits referred to as "vampires spirits". Instead, the most commonly used term is simply a "demon" or something similar. I would personally describe it as no more than a "hostile entity". Plain and simple.

Furthermore, a real vampire is simply a person who requires a sustenance that they can't gain from "normal human food or beverage". Again, from the perspective of someone who has been living this way for long enough--
As a vampire, myself, I require fresh blood, just to maintain my health (both physical and psychological), which is "both a blessing and a curse", due to the fact that I try to refrain from "feeding" from anyone unwilling. But the vampire, by nature, is a (mostly nocturnal) predator in many ways. Now, there are those who are what you might call "social vampires", which is nothing more than a person who "feeds on the energy (or energies) of others, via essentially wreaking havoc in their lives. But I would by no means refer to these people as "real vampires". A "real vampire" is simply one who naturally possesses the necessity to consume energy from someone or something else, and cannot gain that sustenance from any "normal" means.
Normal human beings can eat, drink, whatever have you, and go out in the sun, for their Vitamin D3, to gain their energy and assist their health, etcetera. vampires, on the other hand, do not really have that option, as they do tend to be very sensitive to light, as (again, mostly) nocturnal predators by nature. Obviously, this doesn't mean they turn into ash or whatever, from being out in the sun. But the natural sensitivity (to light, in general) does tend to make the vampire very adverse to the light of the sun.

In some cases (my own, for example), too much sunlight will often make a Real vampire quite agitated, induce much more severe migraines than most would already experience, cause a sometimes extreme sunburn, etcetera.
But, at the same time, if the 'Real' vampire is properly sustained (i.e., nourished), then the capacity is thus enhanced to the natural level, being quite (or by far) beyond what the average human being is capable of handling. Strength, speed, reflex action, and more, become completely inhuman, while also, at times (again, myself as an example) completely reversing the body's typical aging process.

So, in short, a "vampire spirit" is basically (as vormel states) nothing more than another term used to describe a hostile entity that feeds on the energy (or energies) of the living. A 'Real' vampire simply requires a more particular manner of sustenance that cannot be attained via "normal" means. In some cases, this means by consuming fresh blood. For others, it may be the psychic energy of another living being. Or, in the extremely rare case; there is something called "Psionic", which most people essentially lump in with being something no different from a "Grimm Reaper", as they literally feed from the energy generated by the one thing that cannot be scientifically measured with ease: spiritual or metaphysical energy (i.e., the soul or spirit, as most would call it).

Mind you, either vormel or my own descriptions, here, are barely even scratching the surface of it all. There is really no way to properly describe it for you, without having to go into highly vivid detail.

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Hellhound (70)
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09:37:41 Sep 15 2023
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I appreciate, StrangedOne, your explanations and I must admit you're quite right.
At the end, reality is a like a prism with many edges... We should consider all of them.
Thank you, StrangedOne

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Premiere Sire (122)
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03:15:08 Sep 19 2023
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Could the spirit vampyres be morte vampyres which have long passed and are shown respect when the veil is at it's thinnest. By feeding on the energies of the living.

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Charmer (84)
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03:00:57 Sep 24 2023
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On Sep 19 2023 Earthgrinder wrote:

Could the spirit vampyres be morte vampyres which have long passed and are shown respect when the veil is at it's thinnest. By feeding on the energies of the living.

It seems possible to me, but I suspect it is a rare thing. Excellent explanations here btw.

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High Sire (157)
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21:16:04 Sep 24 2023
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Well, if you go by a lot of the old-er myths and whatnot (all the plague scares, etcetera), then most people who were once believed to be vampires were simply mistaken for it, out of the lack of a scientific understanding.
People even thought things like the Black Plague was some kind of a vampire outbreak, so they went to the most absurd lengths to "protect" themselves, and instead, only made things worse. Tuberculosis, even, they called "the vampire sickness", while they often called those afflicted "lungers" (among other things).

Throughout history, there has still been a vast differential between spirits considered to be vampiric and actual vampire entities. While there doesn't seem any such difference, it is still very much clear, when you look through the old mythos or legends, on any end, or from any angle.

((And if I need to clarify any of that, then go ahead and ask.))

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Venerable Sire (132)
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00:15:10 Oct 10 2023
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I'm going to go out on a limb here.

Folklore mentions various ways a vampire can come in to existence...
• Murder Victims
• Someone dies in their prime
• Buried without proper funeral rites
• & many Others

Let's just say all people who were Murder Victims that Died in the Prime of their life and were Buried Without Proper Funeral Rites become part of the same Vampyre Spirit. I am specifically talking about the person's soul because frankly, due to their potential confusion over what happened to them, where else are they going to go? They might not all become Vampyres, but the potential exists because of that very specific Vampyre Spirit's Patronage. Maybe, just maybe, that Vampyre Spirit is the Psycopomp for some while others might need more time to come to grips with what happened to them.

Anyway, I went the Folklore route because I thought it was worth mentioning. Even if Allan Kardec and many others consider Vampyres low level worthless spirits stuck on the material.

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High Sire (157)
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01:35:34 Oct 13 2023
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That's actually quite a valid reference, as well, Maro.
The overall Lore of vampires (whether one spells it with "I" or a "Y") spans quite a broad spectrum of "possibilities" and ideologies, etc. - of course, long before the time of man learning the actual science behind it all.

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