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Art is what drives a person to express themselves. It's the diffrence between the suits and the sheep. Squares, man, we want to break free and are naturaly all around people with problem solving skills.
Being in this coven means that we will aim for no drama. This coven doesn't care about favor or judge who you are. We have no right to do so in the first place. Art is where you can take all of your hate; your longing and happiness and combine it to make it who you are. Creating. Making things the way you see fit. Talent or not you're onto something and if you feel the need to belong then you've come to the right place.
Now we do have a few rules as do all covens but we are very laid back.
#1. Have fun! No, we don't care if you earn favor. Just appreciate all aspects of who you are and enjoy yourselves.
#2. There is to be no drama at all! If you fail to comprehend this then you will be speaking to my ACM or I. This just means, no hating against gender, values, creed, ect.. Not too hard right? Any drama out side of the coven doesn't matter. You can do as you please.
#3. We'd love for you to join us in participating in our forums but as stated in rule number one you don't need to. We simply find it good for us artists to get to know one another.
#4. You don't need to be an artist to be here. We set no labels.
#5. This is an all age group coven.
#6. Do not blackmail the coven master or any of my ACM's. There is no such thing. Which is why it'll get you no where.
#7. Trade rules are found on the trading page.
#8. This also reffers to rule number six. Nothing in our forums are secret. Feel free to express your pleasure/ displeasure any way you like.
#9. No nude drawings as it's against ToS. You can have them if they don't show private parts or nipples. Just keep in mind that this is an all ages coven.