



By Father Sabastian





Welcome to the third edition of Sanguinomicon, or the core tome of

the Mysteries of the Strigoi Vii, the Living Vampyre. This book has been

years in the making and represents a great amount of painstaking study, experimentation,

philosophical and spiritual reflection.

Both the mundane world and other vampire Legacies hold many

misconceptions about the Strigoi Vii. Before proceeding, I would like to

address and clear up these fallacies.

The Strigoi Vii exist within dualities. We are light and dark, male

and female, primal and civilized, saints and sinners, all at the same time. We

draw Our power from Our mutability and ability to ‘paradigm shift’. We are

not traditional psychic vampires, kids wearing capes and cheap plastic fangs,

nor fetishistic blood drinkers interested only in sensationalism. Vampyres

LIVE. We are the Chosen, We are the Blessed, and We will not settle for

just simply surviving. We are not cursed, nor do We have “energy deficiencies,”

“leaky chakras,” or any other new-age explanation of vampires which

are all the craze these days. Finally, although We are absolutely serious

about Our nature, We also know when and how to “lighten up” and of

course have a good laugh at Ourselves!

Now that has been said, let Us proceed. As you hold this book in

your hands, you may very well be asking yourself why information that is

considered secret can be revealed in a publicly published book. We Strigoi

Vii, as a tradition and a spiritual Family, have reached the point where We

are willing to make Our basic teachings readily available. The Outer Mysteries

that are contained within this book, known to Us as the Zadyrere, are

open secrets. This comprises the Outer Mysteries of Prospectii, Jahira, Calmae

and MoRoii. Imagine an audience is watching an illusionist. The

people in the audience will gasp and applaud while the magician performs

his tricks. Yet when the show is over only a very few in that audience, often

curious children, will feel the desire to study the techniques or “secrets” behind

the magic tricks, and perhaps pursue stage magic as a career. Of those

who do so, only the ones who possess talent and an understanding of the

mechanics of stage magic will succeed. The Mysteries within this book are

not tricks, but in a sense they are similar to illusions because the deeper secrets

of Strigoi Vii lie beneath the surface of the glitter and metaphor.

Setting these mysteries in print frees them to evolve and will provide them

with immortality unto themselves.

In the 1930s the mysteries of the Hermetic Order of the Golden

Dawn, the most influential order of Western magick ever to exist, were almost

forgotten to time. The order was some 30 years defunct and a handful

of secretive successor orders maintained the mysteries. However, to the enmity of many in the esoteric subculture, these were published by Isreal

Regardie in the late 1930s, as to preserve the mysteries of the Golden Dawn.

To this day, these released mysteries form the basis for almost every western

esoteric tradition from Aleister Crowley’s Thelema to Gerald Gardner’s religion

known as Wicca. The same intent is done with the publishing of the

contents of the Sanguinomicon.

One perspective, which may bring solace to the mind of older

Strigoi Vii, is the vast majority of people reading this book are exactly the

same as the audience in a magic show. They may be thrilled and amazed, but

they do not seek more, accepting what they have witnessed as either an unsolvable

mystery or mere trickery. However, those with a child-like sense of

wonder, as well as a spark of genuine curiosity, will seek to solve the magician’s

mysteries. In fact, the greatest magicians alive today, such as Chris

Angel or David Copperfield, have spoken of particular magicians who inspired

them to become magicians themselves.

The unawakened Strigoi Vii are like the entranced children in that

audience. Some will become curious and play with magic tricks as any child

would play with a favorite toy, then discard it and move on to something

more interesting. On the other hand, there are a few with the drive, determination

and genuine interest to pursue their art and become the next great

illusionist. They have a profound fascination with magic, and are willing to

tirelessly study, learn, and practice until they have achieved mastery and become

a skilled magician. Such is it with the unawakened Strigoi Vii, who

possesses deep magic in the Current of their Blood, and the commitment to

become a True Vampyre

These Mysteries cannot be solved just by reading a book or seeking

a Strigoi Vii teacher or mentor. Knowledge is useless unless you can personally

apply it and gain results. Anyone can go out and buy a book on

magic or spend thousands of dollars on the newest trick. Yet it takes true

dedication and talent to become a true magician. The “art of magic” is this

understanding. The potential Strigoi Vii must first have Desire, Endurance

and Will for the Quest of Immortality, as well as the determination and drive

to achieve personal evolution through these Mysteries.

Within the magician’s code magical secrets can be revealed to others

determined to be magicians. So it is with the contents of this text.

However, this book cannot teach talent or ability. All it can do is to provide

the reader with knowledge. Unless the reader has the ambition to solve and

apply the Mysteries, they will remain pleasant and unattainable illusions.

This book is a lexicon for those with sincere intentions and potential.

Many will ask by what intention have I endorsed and contributed to

this book. After having spent almost two decades in the Vampyre/vampire

subculture, I have become inspired to make readily available this book and

the teachings within. I have watched the mundane worlds fear of Us metamorphoses

into a genuine fascination and love. I know it is time that a

portion of these Mysteries in their original form be revealed to others, as they were to me. On my journey I have met many who are truly like me and

thus have added to Our vision. These “Vampyres” function on some frequency

not shared by the rest of humanity. Increasingly more people like

this are coming to the Sanguinarium and the OSV, wanting to learn about

Our perspectives on Vampyrism and more specifically Strigoi Vii. They

come with a genuine wonder, love of Life and disagreement with what has

been presented elsewhere. Thus you have Sanguinomicon, which should be

read first and let the Seeker then ask the questions once they are informed.

Reading is an act of personal self-exploration, you will draw your own conclusions

from your interaction with the content of this book. This book will

resonate with the soul and spirit of the True Strigoi Vii.

In addition, I have seen the Vampyre culture change from an underground,

beautiful, and mysterious network of individuals to something

that is very different. New traditions (Legacies) of vampirism are becoming

more commonplace. These new generations, sadly, often forget the original

concepts, Mysteries and traditions which I had the pleasure of being introduced

too. The Vampyre lost its beauty and Glamour. My purpose,

supporting and contributing to the Sanguinomicon project is intended is to

restore the old ways as well as to guide the Strigoi Vii into the future.

If a Strigoi Vii is genuine, and sincerely in their calling to Our Current,

They can see through the propaganda and make up Their own mind.

They are a True Vampyre! I must clearly state that I am not attacking any

other traditions or Legacies. If a Seeker has the courage to be true to themselves

and their inner nature, they will make the choices that will best aid

their evolution, not their ego. They will draw conclusions about Us and Our

traditions based on Their own tangible results, not unexamined theories,

rumors, or blind faith. Even should their exploration lead them away from

Strigoi Vii, it will be for the right reasons, which is their own Free Will.

This is why I encourage all those who come to me to read all they can about

the subject of Vampyrism and vampirism. Never to have but one mentor,

but see the fruits of knowledge from all. Those who are True and genuine

will know the truth of the phrase “If you love them, let them go and if it is

true they will return.” No knowledge should be forbidden. In the fall of

2007 I read an article by the chairman of Llewellyn publications, Carl Westlocke,

and wrote him a letter regarding this very subject. For this, I thank

him for inspiring me.

However, beware…

Far too often in the “vamp scene” We hear Elders, Orders, Houses,

Covens, and other groups or individuals say: “We are an ancient organization

from the mists of time and our origins lie before the beginning of

humanity. Our god/tradition/philosophy is the oldest in existence.” As a

fledgling I fell for this as well. With hindsight I can now view this for what

it is, a foolish attempt to achieve ego-gratification by trying to create an aura

of illusionary superiority. The True Strigoi Vii I have encountered really

don’t care to engage in this sort of vampire one-upmanship. We know Our lineage and spiritual species has been with humanity for millennia in one

form or another in many incarnations, Ours is one agreement and perspective

on this. However, We have the collective strength to say, “We still don’t

know all the details.” Many of Us have found little bits and pieces of the

answer, and putting this together is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle with

thousands of pieces. We have better things to do than engage in pointless

debate about Our tradition like members of mundane fundamentalist religions.

We would rather live Our lives to the fullest, look to the future,

achieve personal mastery of the mortal coil, and seek results from the Mysteries.

Whenever an organization or group demands absolute and unquestioning

faith from its members, they are exhibiting the first sign of being a

cult. Free will is essential for true personal evolution, and discovery should

come from within, not without. Most disappointing to me personally are

those who succumb to the temptation of the vampire archetype for the purpose

of filling spiritual or emotional voids in themselves. They form cults,

claim false powers, and use the power of the Vampyre Glamour to brainwash

others. Yes, those of the Family are drawn to each other, and form

deep-rooted and passionate bonds. Yes, the vampire archetype is absolutely

sensual and erotic! However, one must be ethical and never use such power

to violate the free will of others. What is a common factor linking the most

successful movements, and religions? It is free will. If any organization

does not accord others complete freedom to follow or reject their teachings,

they are doomed to failure. Strigoi Vii is not about deceit or manipulation.

It is about freedom for the individual to test, validate and explore the truth

for themselves.

We Strigoi Vii are in agreement with mundane ethics on these

points. Never let anyone try to seduce you with false knowledge or demand

sexual favors in exchange for such knowledge. I have witnessed groups and

Elders trading mentorship or Initiation for sex. Playing on the vampire fantasy

in this way merely to seduce others is a point of weakness. Teachers

should never manipulate their students! These kinds of power plays are repellent

to the True Vampyre. The true Strigoi Vii knows We are all students

and teachers for each other. No one has all the answers, or is able to show

them to you unless you have already discovered them for yourself. That is

why We seek Immortality. We wish to have a conscious and timeless Eternity

in which to evolve and develop Ourselves.

The Sanguinomicon is canon only for the Strigoi Vii and no other tradition

or path of Vampyrism. It does not speak to the entirety of the

vampire/Vampyre community, but only to this specific path. However, in

the Sanguinomicon We briefly touch on other traditions and tribes in order to

reveal the similarities and differences between Us and them.

It is quite true that Strigoi Vii has influenced and been influenced

by many traditions, paths, and systems. Nothing is the world is completely

original. Everything in history has been built on something from the past. Every great philosopher, artist, or scientist has been informed by the teachings

and inspiration of all those who came before. Even Albert Einstein

once said he was able to clearly see the nature of the universe only because

he was standing on the shoulders of giants. This book comes from observations

of years of experiences with my fang clients, occultists, fellow Strigoi

Vii, and many other people I have met. Some of the Mysteries in this book

were discovered by means of scrying, meditation, ritual, or deliberate and

patient analysis. They are all tested and proven to function in reality for

those of like mind. They have been woven together to reveal Our path,

which is, in my opinion, the perfect blend for a specific type of individual.

It is important to make something clear. There are many complex

terms in this book. Some of these are my interpretations of knowledge

gleaned from divinations or Communion with the spirit guides of the Family.

I’ve attempted to make these terms understandable to the reader, be it

layman, elder or scholar, and they are defined in the Strigoi Vii Lexicon. As

well, sometimes I use a word that may appear in other contexts or traditions.

When this is the case, the meaning I ascribe to it is specific to Strigoi Vii


There are those who might think that the Strigoi Vii is a sect or cult.

I can understand why some people might think so based upon their first

impression of Us. However, it would be absolutely impossible to have a cult

of Strigoi Vii! We are each Cults of One. True Strigoi Vii are strong-willed

individualists Who would never be willing to submit to the mind-control and

brainwashing of a cult. In my view, running a cult is far too much work and

a waste of energy. I’ve found that trying to work with Strigoi Vii is like herding

cats: you can get a cat to agree with or pay attention to you, but it will

never follow you like a sheep. A cat will simply refuse to do something it

does not want to do, and only do what you want if it was something it

wished to do anyway.

Strigoi Vii cannot be sheep or followers, and therefore it is impossible

to forge a cult of Strigoi Vii. However, They do find great pleasure in being

with others of Their own kind, with whom They have a deep spiritual and

philosophical bond. Strigoi Vii are truly individualists, yet highly social at the

same time, and most definitely are not pack animals. Yet at times They can

work together for a unified purpose, like a pride of lions hunting their prey,

while remaining staunch individualists. This is free-willed agreement to

achieve a goal. Like the lion on the hunt, many Strigoi Vii observe from a

distance before committing to a group action.

Anton LaVey, author of The Satanic Bible and founder of the Church

of Satan, learned this very lesson when he tried to form a central church for

a movement of individualists. In my opinion, he should have focused on

being an author and inspiring others, and thus his Church should have been

a physical location, than a single organization. The creation of a movement

should be based upon the agreement of individuals. This is much more empowering,

as it resonates with the true individualist on a deeper level.

To me, a church implies leaders and followers, and while that may

suit those who desire beliefs, dogma, and faith, it just doesn’t work for the

highly individualist Strigoi Vii. In fact, I see the churches of most organized

religions as cults! That is why at the end of the day the Strigoi Vii do not

consider Themselves postulants of a religion, but rather members of a philosophical

and spiritual movement. Within the Strigoi Vii traditions We

maintain a university-like structure of learning and Initiation, which is more

suited to inspire individualism, personal evolution, and freedom of thought

than the dogma of organized religion. However, it must be noted that many

countries such as the United States theoretically protect their residents’ freedom

of religion. We are more than happy to benefit from this protection,

even if We do not agree with the terminology!

In summation…

The main goal of the Sanguinomicon project is to inspire and challenge

an individual’s views, and capture in writing the true spirit of the Strigoi Vii

Mysteries and traditions of the Vampyre movement which evolved in the

Gotham Halo (New York City). We are all still learning and evolving, yet

the Truth of Our core nature will remain the same. This evolution is pure

Zhep’r, Immortality of the Self. Take what you need from this tome, learn,

explore, and leave behind what doesn’t work for you. This is your journey

and your Dream. Remember, Vampyres don’t just survive. We LIVE.

Those out there who agree with Us are truly Family, whilst the many

who do not are simply on different paths. That is fine with me. I am following

my own Quest for Family, not wasting my energy to amass a legion

of followers. This Quest is my life’s purpose.

If you are truly Vampyre, only through eternal effort and free will can

you Awaken to your true Nature!

Many will read these words, however only a few will have the courage

and endurance to finish it. The choice is yours.


Father Sebastiaan

Founding Father of the Sanguinarium

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Some are Born to sweet delight,

Some are Born to endless night

- From “Auguries of Innocence” by William Blake

Since the dawn of civilization the vampire has danced through the dreams

and nightmares of every culture. These whispers have been expressed over

the past four Aeons through Our Glamour evident in folklore, literature, art,

and the media, as well as many other spheres. Each new generation recognizes

and embraces some new masque of the Immortal vampire archetype.

Why is this so? Is there not truth in every myth? There truly is, but

it is most often hidden beneath metaphor and thus not immediately recognized.

Therefore, your first task is to put aside what you already believe or

think you know about “vampires” and listen carefully. What lies within

these pages may initially seem for many readers to be sheer nonsense. However,

for some rare few it will ring of familiarity. These blessed individuals

have the unique potential to experience the world in a manner quite unknown

to the rest of humanity. It is for those with this Dark Flame that this

book has been written.

The Vampyre Prospectus is the first and the cornerstone of a series of

core texts of the Strigoi Vii written from the perspective of the Ordo Strigoi

Vii (OSV) and the Synod. Each tome of the Sanguinomicon is organized into a

regimented system that disseminates the core mysteries, traditions, philosophies,

and teachings of the Strigoi Vii. Thus, each book is intended to be a

spark that ignites the Awakening of the Dark Flame, or the hidden potential

that may lie within you. That Awakening is the first step upon the journey

into the Magickal, spiritual, and philosophical system We call Strigoi Vii.Whether you are a Seeker exploring the possibility of Strigoi Vii Initiation, or

a curious scholar of the esoteric, this book is the foremost authority and

resource on the Mysteries of the Strigoi Vii.

This manifesto will set you upon the first steps of understanding

Zhep’r, or the evolution from a mortal’s perspective to that of the Immortal.

When beginning upon this Great Work, you must first look within yourself as

you would into a mirror, reading beyond the myths perpetuated in the mortal

mind throughout history, and truly understand your own soul. Many

splendid gems of truth are buried in the dull earth of history and legend.

Consider the legendary film The Matrix. Morpheus offers his student Neo a

choice. He could explore the world beyond his ken by swallowing a red pill,

or instead take a blue pill and return to the mundane world. The original

advertising campaign for The Matrix asked “What is the Matrix? You will

have to see it to understand!” Strigoi Vii is no different. At this very moment

you are faced with the choice between living a complacent, “normal”

life, or rising above the world to transcend ordinary experience and gain a

profound and extraordinary perspective.

In order to achieve success, you must test and experiment with the

Strigoi Vii Mysteries. You shall begin to see through and beyond the mirror,

a quest which can only be embarked upon alone and in solitude. Only a few

can possibly see past the enthralling Glamour that has seduced the mortal

minded for centuries. As one of Our mortal patrons has said, “This reality is

beyond fiction.” You must forget all you think you know about the vampire

in order to comprehend the world known to the Family of the Strigoi Vii.

When reading and exploring the books of the Sanguinomicon, you

may not agree with or feel drawn to some of the Mysteries that lie within.

This is only natural, and skeptical questioning is the first step to unlocking

this knowledge and comprehending how you may best apply it for yourself.

We are catalysts of transformation for Our Family as well as others Awakened

to the subtle world.

Those pursuing the Mysteries must be willing to study, analyze, and

test the material presented in these texts. If you read the Sanguinomicon and

do not experiment with or attempt to solve the Mysteries yourself, it will be

as if you took the trouble to perfectly learn all the rules of chess yet never

played a single game. You will be just another bibliophile who adds the Sanguinomicon

to their collection. Results are inarguable. They are the only way

you will ever know the truth of the Mysteries and determine if you are of the

Family. This is the first step towards experiencing Awakening and Initiation.

Achieving these results will take time, patience, and effort. Yet without validation

you will never know the potential power of the knowledge that lies

within your hands at this very moment.

THE SANGUINOMICON refers to the collection of texts containing the written

Outer Circle teachings of the spiritual and philosophical meta-paradigms

of Strigoi Vii, as defined by the Ordo Strigoi Vii (OSV) and the Synod.

Strigoi Vii are engaged with and dedicated to spiritual and material mastery

of this mortal coil and beyond. They are willing to tread the path necessary

to guarantee the Immortality of the Self and serve the Quest of Family.��

The Sanguinomicon is essentially the modern equivalent of earlier

works on the same subject, including the Pert em Hru, or The Book of Coming

Forth by Day, better known today as the Egyptian Book of the Dead. It may

also be likened to other sacred texts such as the Tibetan Book of the Dead and

the Buddhist Sutras.

The Outer Strigoi Vii Mysteries focus upon achieving the equilibrium

of the Dayside (Corporeal, materialistic, rational, and skeptical), Nightside

(Ethereal, spiritual, and magickal), and Twilight (Astral, a condition of balance).

The Vampyre Prospectus is the foundation for and introduction to the

Sanguinomicon. Each subsequent book explores deeper and deeper Mysteries

through exercises and lessons. The first book, Coming Forth by Day, explores

the Corporeal Dayside Mysteries of Strigoi Vii. The second book, Coming

Forth by Night, explores the Ethereal Nightside. Finally, the third book in the

series, Coming Forth by Twilight, ties the three together to complete the canon

of the Outer Mysteries of the Strigoi Vii as a whole. Upon completing these

three Outer Mysteries, the Strigoi Vii establishes a solid foundation from

which to secure personal Immortality of the Self. This is a transformative

journey from the mentality of the mortal minded to that of the Immortal.

We Strigoi Vii call this journey of transformation Zhep’r.

The name Sanguinomicon is indeed inspired by the Necronomicon, a

fictional and non-existent magical grimoire created by American horror

writer and fantasist H.P. Lovecraft (1891-1937), and often mentioned in his

stories. The etymology of the word “sanguinomicon” is based in Greek and

Latin. The word “sanguine” in Latin means “of blood”, and the word

“nom” means “law” in Greek. Thus, one approximate English translation of

“Sanguinomicon” would be “Book of the Laws of Blood.” For the Strigoi

Vii it is the core sacred text.

The Revelations of the Devout and Learn’d

Who rose before us, and as Prophets burn’d,

Are all but Stories, which, awoke from Sleep,

They told their comrades, and to Sleep return’d.

From “The Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam” by Edward Fitzgerald

STRIGOI VII is the plural for Strigoi Viu, the Romanian word meaning, approximately,

“living vampire” and or “vampire witch.” This is the word from which We take Our namesake and describes the etymology of this

word. In Romanian mythology the word strig (strega in Italian) translates to

mean “witch.” One source of this word is the ancient Roman mythological

shrieking vampire bird known as the strix. We feel this name is best suited to

describe Our Family and Its traditions, Magickal systems, Mysteries, and

philosophies. Strigoi Vii is Our distinct form of Vampyre witchcraft. It

shares many elements with modern neo-paganism and other esoteric systems,

yet still remains very unique.

Many great thinkers such as Aristotle, William Blake, Carl Jung, Friedrich

Nietzsche, Albert Einstein, Ayn Rand with her philosophy of Objectivism,

and Ragnar Redbeard (author of Might is Right) have expressed elements of

Our Corporeal Dayside perspectives in various ways. However, it must be

noted that the Dayside Vampyre philosophy is only partially revealed by

these viewpoints or thinkers. Moreover, many of these personages unfortunately

incorporate objectionable sentiments (such as racism or sexism) into

their more excellent philosophies. You can also see elements of Our Ethereal

Nightside and Astral Twilight perspectives reflected throughout history

in the esoteric realms, including the Chaos Magick of Peter J. Carroll, Sumerian

and Egyptian magic, Hinduism, Buddhism, the Thelema of Magus

Aleister Crowley, Gnostic teachings, Judeo-Christian mysticism, and Hermetic

Magick from ancient times.

We define the process of syncretism as reading between the lines and

seeing the elements of the Mysteries in disparate myths, stories, and

thoughts, and then putting these fragments back together into greater and

more practical truths. As Strigoi Vii that is what We do, seeking truth and

reason through Our own insight as well as that of other wise ones.

For the last millennium, and even during the days of Sumer and

Khem (better known as today as Ancient Egypt), the forefathers of the Family

have been in the shadows, working in secrecy with Our Ancestors.

However, all of this is changing now. With the guidance of Our Ancestors,

a new generation of the Family is finally deliberately revealing Our collective

heritage. We are gathering together and slowly coming out of the shadows

in order to take part in the future and embrace Our past as One.

VAMPYRE OR VAMPIRE? As members of a tradition rooted in parcels

through history, We Strigoi Vii make a clear differentiation between the

words “Vampyre” and “vampire.” Many of the original Vampyre covens of

Angel Halo (Los Angeles) and Gotham Halo (New York City) were the

“Old Guard” Who employed this particular spelling. This subtle spelling

difference may be confusing at first; however, Our traditional spelling denotes

a significant and profound difference between fantasy and reality.

Thus the Strigoi Vii spell Vampyre with a capital “V” and a “y.” We use this

spelling to designate the term representing Our existence and Our Mysteries.

For example, when referring to the practice of energy tapping from the Strigoi Vii perspective, one would say Vampyrism. When vampire is spelled

with an “i” and lowercase “v,” it traditionally refers to the mythological, literary,

or popular concept of the vampire.

“Vampyre” is also the older and more classic spelling popularly

used in the 19th century, originating from the Latin word vampyrus. The word

“vampire” came into the more modern usage with the translation from Eastern

European names such as upior, upyr, vampire, and vapir. Some members of

The Family feel the words Vampyre and vampire are both somewhat clichéd,

and simply prefer to refer to Themselves as Strigoi Vii. We Strigoi Vii are

proud of and honor Our heritage and traditions, yet look to the future with

vigor and excitement.

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...there are two types of laws; just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just

laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws...a just law is a

code [that] squares with the moral law...rooted in eternal law and natural law.

From Letter from Birmingham City Jail

by Dr. Martin Luther King


1ST PRINCIPLE: MUNDANE LAW. Strigoi Vii are not criminals.

2ND PRINCIPLE: RESPONSIBILITY. Strigoi Vii are adults.

3RD PRINCIPLE: METAPHOR OF BLOOD. Strigoi Vii See Blood as a Metaphor

for something far more subtle.

4TH PRINCIPLE: CURRENT & QUEST. The Strigoi Vii have a unified cause - the

Current and the Quest.

5TH PRINCIPLE: SECRETS. Strigoi Vii is an open secret, hidden in plain sight.

THE BLACK VEIL lies at the foundation of the Mysteries and contains Our

most sacred Principles. It has been created in order to ensure Us the freedom

of a solid real world, Dayside foundation. The edition presented here

pertains exclusively to the Strigoi Vii and the Sanguinarium.

The Black Veil has been the source of Our ethics and power, and is

Our staff and Our shield. It exists for the preservation and prosperity of

Our Mysteries, Family, and the Sanguinarium, and is endorsed by the Synod

and the OSV. Those who are not Strigoi Vii or with the Sanguinarium are

not expected to uphold these Principles as they are not bound to them. Of

course, We of the Strigoi Vii encourage even those who are not of The Family to recognize and respect the common sense inherent in the Black Veil.

These simple guidelines provide Us with the freedom to maneuver unhindered

through the mundane world.

The initial version of the Black Veil was originally written in late

1996 by the first Synod and Father as the code of conduct for the Gotham

Halo’s first Noir Haven, the Long Black Veil, and the members of Clan

SABRETOOTH. The first editions of the Black Veil were based on a mix

of fetish scenes’ codes of conduct from the Eulenspiegal Society (TES) and

the elegance of the Renaissance Faire etiquette, as well containing elements

of chivalry and Romantic overtones in order to raise the Vampyre Glamour.

Over time several revisions and drafts of the Black Veil were created, the

most notable being the 13 Rules of the Vamp Community edition by Michelle

Belanger and a revision of an edition by Lady Melanie. These versions of

the Black Veil were highly influenced by the role-playing game Vampire the

Masquerade, from which the vampire community drew upon in these early

years for terminology and community structure. Many different groups and

individuals within the vampire subculture have created their own variations

on the Black Veil, including the 7 Ethics of the Vampire Community, a revision

of Michelle Belanger’s earlier version. This revision was endorsed by the

Synod in order to create an edition of the Black Veil that would accommodate

all those outside the Sanguinarium in the “vampire community.”

However, the current Strigoi Vii Black Veil presented here represents the

fundamental core ethics of the original Black Veil. It is the final version of

the Black Veil embraced by the Strigoi Vii and the Sanguinarium.

Why are there so many different versions of this text, and what

makes this edition the most useful? From the perspective of the Strigoi Vii,

the other editions of the Black Veil have high merit; however, they have not

fully captured or expressed in words how to avoid potential liabilities faced

in the tangible Dayside realities of the everyday world. As well, many of the

earlier versions of the Black Veil are now quite out of date. Contemporary

Dayside reality must be addressed in order to ensure the security and prosperity

of the Family. It is unwise and self-defeating for a Strigoi Vii or Black

Swan to betray Themselves by violating the common sense of these Principles.

These simple guidelines should not be seen as restricting, but instead

as empowering, as they offer Us with the means to exist and thrive responsibly

and judiciously within mundane society.

If a Strigoi Vii violates the Black Veil, They will suffer not only obvious

consequences within the Sanguinarium and amongst the Family, but

most importantly a condition of negative Zhep’r known as khaskt, which

means “loss of opportunity.” In effect, those who violate the Veil are robbing

themselves of their own Zhep’r and actually reversing their opportunity

for Immortality of the Self. Khaskt can be equated to the Strigoi Vii equivalent

of negative karma, yet it is much more potent for those attuned to the

Current of Elorath through Initiation or by employing the Mysteries on any


Strigoi Vii promotes social responsibility and recognizes that the

consequences of Our actions may have various, often negative, repercussions

as We become more visible to the mundane world. Those who proudly

bear the Legacy Ankh close to Their hearts, be They Strigoi Vii or Black

Swan, make the statement that They are in agreement with the Principles of

the Strigoi Vii Black Veil. These Principles are innate common sense for the

responsible members of Our Family. The Black Veil gives Us the freedom

and foundation to live and thrive within mundane society without offending

or placing fear into Our Source.


Strigoi Vii are not criminals.

Adherence to the laws of Our local governments, even if We disagree with

them, is essential to provide Us with the freedom to explore Our nature.

Criminal or illegal behavior is greatly condemned within Strigoi Vii culture.

By this We do not refer to minor legal infractions such as parking violations.

We are referring to serious crimes such as drug dealing, murder, rape, assault,

theft, etc. Strigoi Vii are free-spirited and individualistic. However, all

Strigoi Vii are expected to act with common sense and practice social responsibility.

It is the duty of every Strigoi Vii to conduct Themselves in a

manner that will not bring negative consequences upon the Family.


Strigoi Vii are adults.

We must honor the need for minors to establish a skeptical, objective, and

rational Dayside foundation before exploring and embracing the Nightside.

Those who have not reached the age of majority (eighteen in the United

States) must not be encouraged or permitted to explore Our Mysteries, participate

in Vampyre ritual, or enter Our Sanctums under any conditions.

Thus no minor shall ever be involved in Strigoi Vii, either privately or publicly,

until they come of age.

Those children curious about Our Mysteries should explore the basics

of yoga, quantum physics, theology, paganism, Magick, Reiki, martial

arts, and the works of philosophers such as Charles Darwin, Frederick

Nietzsche, and Ayn Rand. This way they build a solid foundation that shall

better prepare them to pursue Zhep’r upon coming of age.


Strigoi Vii See Blood as a Metaphor for something far more subtle.

From the perspective of the Strigoi Vii, the Art of Vampyrism occurs purely

on a subtle energetic level and thus Strigoi Vii are not drinkers of corporeal,

physical blood. The word “Blood” with a capital letter “B” is merely a metaphorical term for the subtle vital life-force better known as Prana in Sanskrit,

Chi in Chinese medicine, or Ki in Japanese martial arts. The term “Sanguine”

symbolizes the spiritual Current and Blood (heritage) of the Family.

To satisfy Our spiritual hunger and desire for Zhep’r, We practice other,

more subtle forms of absorbing energy, which We find much more efficient

and pertinent to Our Mysteries. On a Dayside level, the decision not to drink

blood leads to a clear avoidance of legal liabilities and health risks such as

blood-borne diseases, including Hepatitis, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS, and many



The Strigoi Vii have a unified cause - the Current and the Quest

The Current is the “Blood” that is the signature of Our Family. The collective

duty of all Strigoi Vii is the Quest of Family. We must search out those

with potential to Awaken, yet who are not aware of their potential. However,

We never force a Potential to follow Our way, as Vampyres are not

mindless followers. Potentials must be allowed to come to the Family in

their own way and in their own time.

The Strigoi Vii should always use one of the proven tools for supporting

the Quest of Family, as to not degrade Our Mysteries. Give the

Seeker a hint, let them feel the Calling, and come when and if they are ready.

Never support or join an organization or individual that actively opposes the

Family or Our Quest. Never enter into debates with the mortal minded or

try to convert them to Our ways, as such behavior is in conflict with the

Glamour and a waste of time and energy. Betraying the Quest of Family is

not only betraying the Family: It is betraying yourself.


The Strigoi Vii is an open secret, hidden in plain sight.

Secrets protect and bind Us. Our Mysteries are Our own, and those who

wish to explore them should seek them out alone, through personal initiative

and action. As a sleight of hand magician would employ the principle of

“hidden in plain sight,” so does the Living Vampyre.

Here follow three examples of the Black Veil Principle of Secrets.

Firstly, take example from the Magisters. Honor your Sorors’ and Fraters’

right of privacy, such as in respect to Their mundane identity. Never disclose

Their personal information to anyone, especially to the mortal minded

but even to other Family members, without Their explicit permission. The

only circumstance under which the Synod would disclose the given name

and identity of any Strigoi Vii is if such information was required under the

legal jurisdiction of the proper authorities.

Secondly, public discussion of Strigoi Vii and the Mysteries outside

of the Sanctums, such as with the media, on social networking websites, in public, or with those not of the Blood, is an obvious violation of this Principle.

At all times speak only for yourself, and never represent the greater

Family outside of the guidelines of the Quest of Family. Leave that to those

select members of the Priesthood who are properly trained in public relations.

Supporting this Principle furthers the Glamour and protects Our


Finally, and most importantly, one of the most important aspects of

this Black Veil principle is avoiding discussion of the Mysteries with someone

who has not had the opportunity to read Sanguinomicon and reflect upon

the contents. Respect free will and let Seekers gain a first impression of the

Mysteries and formulate an opinion on their own. When an individual has

the opportunity to read a text, they shall draw their own conclusions, whilst

if you tell them about it, they will more likely only be able to see it from your


The Strigoi Vii Black Veil is Our Code and applies only to the

Strigoi Vii or involved within the Sanguinarium. Employ these proven Principles

and you will have a solid foundation for Zhep’r. Do not debate with

others who disagree or cannot see the common sense outlined here. As they

are not in agreement, simply smile and say, “We must agree to disagree, for free

will is the whole of the law.”

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

- From Hamlet, Act I, Scene 5, 166-167

Strigoi Vii philosophy is difficult to explain in a few or even many words.

First and foremost, Strigoi Vii are passionate about life and seek its continuance.

Strigoi Vii philosophy has at its core Immortality and preservation of

the Self. Whilst being in touch with Our core primal and animalistic nature

and finding empowerment in modern society.

We employ a philosophical stance called that of the “Immortal

Minded,” centered about Our Quest for Immortality of the Self. This ethos

is in direct contrast to the common “mortal minded” perspective on life.

This is why you see references to “mortals” in Strigoi Vii literature. Additionally,

in Our daily life We seek an equilibrium between Our Dayside and

Our Nightside philosophies. We call this equilibrium the Twilight. Without

the Twilight, it is impossible to fully achieve Zhep’r.

THE DAYSIDE is the beginning of the journey of Zhep’r, and deals with the

material coil of reality as perceived and experienced through the five senses.

Here the Strigoi Vii seeks individual mastery of the Self and achievement of

a strong-willed, autonomous, objective, and rational foundation. Yet a

strong awareness of an instinctive primal inner nature of every human and

Vampyre. This is the cornerstone of mastery of the Self and the Dayside.

The Strigoi Vii takes a responsible approach to the Corporeal world and associated

indulgences. They are aware and in control of the duality of Their

primal animalistic urges and Their civilized, refined nature. As well, the Strigoi Vii is mindful of Their similarities to and distinct differences from the

mortal minded. The Strigoi Vii also seeks dominion of the mortal coils, such

as happiness, a long and healthy Corporeal life, accumulation of life experience

and knowledge, and material mastery in prosperous living

circumstances (including financial freedom and a high standard of living.)

The True Vampyre looks to the future with ambition and excitement, yet do

not deign to mortgage Their present for future hopes.

By nature, Strigoi Vii are very independent and individualistic.

However, They may also be highly social beings when They so choose or the

mood fits them. For the Strigoi Vii, the personal inwardly empowered ego,

which focuses on preservation and evolution of the Self, always comes before

all else. In essence, their knowledge of who They are comes from

within. The Strigoi Vii draws a clear distinction between this inwardly empowered

ego and the insecure externally gratified ego. These individuals have

no intrinsic sense of Self, instead it is shaped and changed by their interactions,

circumstances, and others’ perceptions. In a vain attempt to fill this

void, they set about controlling and manipulating others for a burst of temporary,

hollow ego satisfaction. Such an approach to life has nothing to do

with personal evolution. Strigoi Vii philosophy encourages the personal

Self-mastery of knowing and controlling oneself first, not controlling others.

Free will is amongst the highest of all virtues to the Strigoi Vii, and thus We

respect the free will of all sentient beings.

In order to truly live life, you must fully experience it with all your

senses. However, before this can be achieved, you must first break free of

subjugation to mortal slave bonds such as destructive drugs, unhealthy relationships,

mind-numbing television shows, excessive escapism in video

games or internet addictions, and constant indulgence in unhealthy fast

foods, to mention just a few. Such things are merely distractions which,

when practiced to excess, only dull the senses, harm the body, and thus prevent

you from truly living. The true Strigoi Vii knows how to amuse

Themselves in a non-destructive manner, and controls Their possessions,

finances, and pastimes instead of being controlled by them.

In true post-modern fashion, the Strigoi Vii sees constructed

boundaries and social roles for what they are, and seek to live life as They

choose without being bound by artificial conventions. Strigoi Vii are very

sensual, romantic, and passionate, and may often have a taste for the ways of

the libertine. An important element of Strigoi Vii is carnal pleasure and worship

of the flesh, seeing one’s body as a Temple of Flesh. Many Strigoi Vii

deliberately subvert or deny the gender and sexual roles and class strictures

found in mundane society. Strigoi Vii love the finest pleasures of life such as

conversation and debate, art, music, gourmet food, dance, and literature.

They will never force others to adopt Their views or actions, always respecting

others’ free will above all else. However, They will also try to inspire and

encourage others to live a more unfettered and fulfilling life. Strigoi Vii are not victims of blind faith, and thus strive to break the

conditioning of mortal minded beliefs and dogma, only seeking knowledge

through results. In this sense the Strigoi Vii is very similar to the scientist

who constantly investigates and tests the world around them before drawing

conclusions or fashioning laws of nature.

Money and monetary gains are not seen as evil by the Strigoi Vii unless

they control and warp the Self through avarice and greed. The Strigoi

Vii views money and capital as a form of Corporeal energy that is neither

beneficial nor harmful in itself. Thus they call such currencies “monetary

energy.” The Strigoi Vii is very careful to never allow Themselves to be controlled

by Their possessions.

Common amongst the Strigoi Vii is the modern application of historical

and long-lost forms of customs and chivalry. This can range from

holding elegant masquerade balls or Victorian tea parties to the study of

dead languages. Taking inspiration from the code of chivalry of medieval

knights, many masculine Strigoi Vii embrace gentlemanly codes of conduct,

strive for individual nobility, and treat all others with courtesy. It is also

common to find feminine Strigoi Vii embracing the role of truly elegant ladies

and sincere witches. They draw directly upon the feminine aspect of

Kalistree as a source of their empowerment and mastery. However, it is

worth noting that Strigoi Vii recognize and respect alternative lifestyles and

non-normative conceptions of individual gender roles. Even though the

Ying and Yang of masculine and feminine may be seen as distinct yet balanced

opposites, many Strigoi Vii have varied understandings and

applications of masculinity and femininity.

The above examples and behaviors reflect only a portion of the

Dayside perspectives found within the Family. As always, Strigoi Vii encourage

the individual to define their own attitude and path in life.


THE NIGHTSIDE is the equal opposite of the Dayside in Strigoi Vii philosophy.

In the Nightside the Strigoi Vii moves beyond the Mysteries of

rational reality such as science and the laws of physics. The Strigoi Vii must

have an absolute grounding in the Dayside to effectively explore the Mysteries

of the Nightside. In the Nightside the Strigoi Vii can investigate the

many subtle worlds that intersect with Our Corporeal world. The Nightside

encompasses the Ethereal, or the domain of Prana (vital life-energy), and

many forms of energy sensitivity and manipulation. The mortal minded

view Our Nightside as occultism and mysticism. The beginnings of Strigoi

Vii theology lie in the Nightside. Our theology is not a “trendy new age”

blind acceptance of crude belief and faith, but rather a scientific approach to

exploration of the subtle worlds. In the Nightside, the Strigoi Vii deeply

explores quantum physics, meditation, energy work such as reiki, tantra, and

yoga, and sacred geometry. Individual experience and achieved results form

the foundation of Strigoi Vii theology, not antique articles of accepted

dogma. TWILIGHT is the contrasting balance between the Dayside and Nightside,

allowing the Strigoi Vii who become adept in Twilight to fully enjoy the

pleasures and benefits of both. With such mastery one can rise to full embrace

the experiences of the Astral, dreamwalking and higher planes of


GNOSIS is the personal knowledge of divinity, spirituality, and the Self. A

most important part of gnosis for the Strigoi Vii is the Quest for Immortality.

The Strigoi Vii strives for personal survival and preservation of the Self

beyond the first death of the Corporeal body. To this end, the Strigoi Vii

always seeks to increase Their own Zhep’r and master an evolved state that

may be described as timeless, non-linear, and transcending ordinary reality.

Yet the Strigoi Vii must first ignite the Quest for Immortality of the Self

through a deeply rooted foundation in the Corporeal Dayside perspective.

Through mastery of the Dayside and the Nightside, as well as the equilibrium

between them known as Twilight, the Strigoi Vii may truly discover

personal Immortality of the Self.

An adoration of Osiris, Un-nefer, god great within Abydos, king of eternity, lord of everlasting,

traversing millions of years in the duration of his life, son eldest of the womb of

Nut, engendered by Seb the chief, lord of ureret crown, lofty of the white crown, prince of

gods and of men, he hath received the crook [and] flail and the dignity of his fathers.

...Eternity it is and Everlastingness, Eternity is the day, Everlastingness is the night.

- From The Papyrus of Ani, or The Egyptian Book of the Dead,

trans. E. A. Wallis Budge

ZHEP’R is the Strigoi Vii word for evolution, transformation of the Self, and

the Quest for Immortality. This term is formed from two words: the Egyptian

Kheperi (transform) and the Greek Zephyr (the god of the West Wind.)

The word Kheper is also related to the terms Kheperi and the Egyptian transformation

of Kheperu, and can translated as “to come into being,” “to

become,” and “transformation.” Another source of the word is Khepera, the

name for the morning incarnation of the Sun god in Egyptian mythology.

The associated Egyptian symbol or hieroglyph is a scarab beetle. The scarab

beetle lays its eggs in carrion, which gave the Ancient Egyptians the impression

that these insects were born from death. Thus, the scarab came to

represent rebirth. Although Our term Zhep’r has a different phonetic value

than the original Egyptian word (the Egyptian word is pronounced “Kheffer”

and Our term is pronounced “zef-hur), it carries a similar definition and

meaning. There is another spelling of this word, Xeper, which is employed

by the Temple of Set, a left hand path esoteric order founded in 1975.

Strigoi Vii are agents of change, beings of evolution and transformations.

Zhep’r is this process of change. Nothing in the universe is absolutely fixed and eternal. Strigoi Vii revel in evolution. To the Strigoi

Vii, Chaos is freedom!

From the Dayside perspective, Zhep’r is Self-mastery and improvement.

Dayside Zhep’r focuses on furthering the material coils such as

financial freedom, improving one’s personal Glamour, and living a prosperous,

healthy, and long and vital life. From the Nightside perspective, Zhep’r

is the Awakening and mastery of the Strigoi Vii’s psychic abilities, connection

to the subtle worlds and the achievement of spiritual Immortality of the

Self. The core of the Strigoi Vii Quest is conquering the Second Death,

which is the dissolution of the consciousness that occurs some time after the

Corporeal body has ceased to function. Strigoi Vii call this the Oblivescence,

the process of forgetting, as the soul is washed in a spiritual amnesia

or fully dispersed depending on your perspective. Zhep’r is further expressed

in the process of Self-deification. This involves solving the

Mysteries on a personal level, Awakening the Dragon (higher Self), and

Coming Forth by Twilight.

For the Strigoi Vii Zhep’r is not a goal but a constant journey.

There is no end to the Quest of Zhep’r except second death. Thus the Second

Death is the only true enemy of the Vampyre.

Belief is a Tool.

Peter J. Carroll, author of Liber Null & Psychonaut

IS STRIGOI VII A RELIGION? Yes and no. Vampyrism is an action practiced

by the Strigoi Vii. Our philosophy and traditions, as well as Our Art of

Vampyrism, are a group of tested concepts and applications, not a belief

system. Thus Strigoi Vii is not a religion in the common sense of the word.

Its reality is far more complex.

The Mysteries are a spiritual and philosophical metaparadigm or metabelief

system, which is based on the ability to paradigm shift (utilize various belief

systems and methods, based on applicability, to achieve a specific purpose).

For the Strigoi Vii, belief is a tool that can be applied at Will. Thus, the

Strigoi Vii may adopt and discard different epistemological systems and philosophies

as it suits Their needs, rather than acting unconsciously upon

inescapably ingrained belief.

One of the characteristics of those naturally attuned to Our nature

is that They cannot truly be of another “religion.” So it is incorrect for an

Awakened Strigoi Vii to say, “I am a pagan” or “I am a Satanist.” The

Awakened Strigoi Vii has come to the mutual agreement that religion is a

system of arbitrary belief used by humans to attempt to understand the reality

around them as well as to control others’ behavior. Our use of religion is

different. Strigoi Vii employ belief systems, known as paradigms or ideologies,

to adopt a temporary view that will aid Them in Zhep’r or employment

of the Glamour. They then discard the system when it is no longer useful.

This viewpoint is very similar to the mechanics of Chaos Magick. To make an analogy, Strigoi Vii is like the core operating system of

a computer, whilst each paradigm is like a separate program or application.

The program you employ depends on your need. To navigate the Internet,

you choose a web browser. A word processing program is useful only if you

wish to create a text document. For example, a Strigoi Vii may love the

practices and traditions of Asatru, or Norse paganism. Thus They may employ

the rituals and Magick of that particular paradigm to further Their sense

of Self and increase Their Zhep’r. However, this does not make that Strigoi

Vii truly an Asatru; They are simply employing or "wearing" Asatru beliefs

and traditions as one would wear an article of clothing. Many of the feminine

Strigoi Vii appreciate the goddess-centered elements found within many

traditions of neo-paganism. Thus, They can make use of the beliefs of the

myriad of pagan religions and enjoy the pleasures of feminine goddessoriented

empowerment. Many members of Our Family may have a preferred

paradigm as a mortal might prefer a specific type of cuisine or genre

of literature.

Today, We are seeing a new movement sometimes known as “Traditionalist

Strigoi Vii” or “True Vampyres” developing within The Family.

These pioneers find existing without beliefs and recognizing Their true Self

is most beneficial to Them. To these traditionalists, any belief, even a temporarily

adopted one, can be seen as a crutch. However, Strigoi Vii are

nothing if not mutable and flexible. They may wear many masques, not only

in Their spiritual existence, but in Their everyday lives as well. Strigoi Vii are

Sunday School teachers, politicians, university professors, doctors, artists,

religious leaders, and police officers. There are even Strigoi Vii within the

ministry of the Catholic Church!

Such seeming paradoxes are possible because, whilst personal paradigms

have strong meanings for these individuals, They clearly realize They

are Strigoi Vii first and foremost. How else do you think so many members

of The Family have walked through the history of mankind so easily and


…A monster, then, a dream,

A discord. Dragons of the prime,

That tare each other in their slime,

Were mellow music match’d with him…

What hope of answer, or redress?

Behind the veil, behind the veil.

- From “In Memoriam” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

THE DRAGON has long been associated with mystery, Magick, power, nobility,

and divinity. The Dragon is a powerful symbol that is as deeply

ingrained in the world’s mythology and legends as the vampire. Within each

Strigoi Vii the Dragon exists as a higher consciousness of the Self. This divine spark breathes forth the Black Flame for each member of the Family,

and is the Throne from which all perception is experienced.

Within Strigoi Vii theology, the Dragon represents Our Pakts with

ancient divinities, the spiral helix of the divine potential existing in Our subtle

bodies, Our higher Self, and Our animalistic primal nature. Thus Elorath,

Our spiritual Blood, is seen as a “Dance of Dragons” by many within the


The concept of the higher Self has been recently popularized by

contemporary new age and occult movements. However, it was recognized

long before. Aleister Crowley spoke of the higher Self as the High Guardian

Angel within each person, or the manifestation of true Will. Other cultures

have called the higher Self or similar concepts by various names. The Hermetic

Order of the Golden Dawn called it the Genius, and it was named the

Daemon in Greek mythology. It is not completely dissimilar to what many

religions call the soul. An early appearance of the term occurs in the 15th

century Grimoire entitled The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.

The Corporeal manifestation of the Dragon is the reptilian brain,

which is the portion of the brain first identified by Dr. Paul D. MacLean. It

is also known as the brain stem, or the lower part of the brain. The reptilian

brain controls essential involuntary functions such as the cardiovascular and

respiratory system. We share the structure of the brain stem with reptiles,

and it is also believed to be responsible for primitive rage and flight-or-fight

responses. In the mammalian brain, the brain stem represents the most ancient

and unchanged part of brain structure. Other more highly evolved

portions of the brain exist in their present form due to the process of mammalian

evolution. The reptilian brain may be seen as the seat of primitive

and animalistic functions.

For the Strigoi Vii, achieving Communion with the Dragon is to see

the world through the Dragon’s Emerald Eyes, to see beyond our set conceptions,

and engage in pure perception, unhindered by ingrained mortalminded

ideas of what is and what isn’t. Such Communion may be achieved

through meditation, development of the Self, and the furthering of Zhep’r.

For the Strigoi Vii, experiencing and maintaining this Communion is a great

point in personal evolution and the core of Self-knowledge. Awakening the

Dragon of the Self is one of the core Pillars of the Strigoi Vii Mysteries.

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Energy is the only life and is from the Body and Reason is the bound or outward circumference

of Energy. Energy is eternal delight.

From “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” by William Blake

Every living being transfers energy. This transfer occurs in every interaction,

be it as simple as two people trading glances across a room, a

conversation between a mother and child, or even one animal devouring

another. As Albert Einstein explained in his Theory of Relativity, matter and

energy are incontrovertible (E = mc2). Everything in the Corporeal world

contains energy and can be transformed into energy, from the lightning in

the sky during a thunderstorm to the chair you are sitting in as you read this

book. Moreover, as Newton stated, energy can never be created or destroyed,

only transformed. When you eat, the food does not “disappear.”

Instead, part of it is transformed into energy that powers your physical actions,

and part of it remains as waste products. The transformation and

transmission of energy is an endless cycle.

Every person who has been in a large group of people knows of the

experience of collective energy. The “energy of the crowd” can be sensed in

various circumstances such as a rock concert, political rally, sporting event,

or university lecture. When a group of people gather for one focused purpose,

a huge amount of collective emotional and Corporeal energy is

produced. Many people will report feeling “psyched up” or “enervated”

after taking part in such a gathering. Humans are amazing beings! When a

large number of humans come together and share a thrilling or emotionally

charged experience, they release huge amounts of energy. We, as Strigoi Vii,

can sense and tap this energy. We call collective energy generated by large

crowds Ambient energy, and learning how to tap and absorb this energy is the most elementary form of the Art of Vampyrism.

Anyone working in a performance-oriented profession, such as a

musician, DJ, tour guide, professor, or politician, experiences a flow of energy

between themselves and their audience. Many who choose such

professions or even become celebrities do so because they have a deep hunger

for this experience. They feel charged and exhilarated in front of an

audience. The emotions of the audience, whether approval or disdain, provide

the Astral “flavor” of the energy they tap during such a performance.

That is why so many of these individuals are drawn to Strigoi Vii.

You may ask if this applies on a subtle level for divine entities. Absolutely!

The gods and goddesses of mortal religions absorb Ambient energy

on a grand scale from their worshippers. For example, the godform Allah

receives energy from the daily prayers of millions of Muslims. Over 1.1 billion

people send immense amounts of energy towards the deity called Jesus

every Sunday morning. Could it be that when humans worship their deities

with such loving free will they are really giving life to and feeding the most

successful vampires in history?

The Art of Vampyrism at its core is an exchange of energies. As practiced

by the Strigoi Vii and defined by the Sanguinomicon, the Art of Vampyrism is a

series of methods for ethically and honorably tapping the surplus subtle life

energies radiated by the human body. The Art of Vampyrism is an integral

part of the nature and existence of the Strigoi Vii. All Strigoi Vii who move

towards the Nightside practice this sacred Art, usually instinctively at first,

consciously as an Initiate, and finally without effort once They have Ascended

to a high level of mastery. Please note that the purpose and intent of

Our Art of Vampyrism is completely distinct from that practiced by traditional

psychic vampires.

The purpose of Our Vampyrism is, first and foremost, to fuel direct

Offerings of life-force in Communion with Our ancestors and to connect

and achieve awareness of Our Dragon. Communion is the main catalyst to

ignite Zhep’r and the most sacred and private act of all the Strigoi Vii Mysteries.

Communion is the gateway to Immortality of the Self. On a more

advanced level the life-force procured is used for the application of Nomaj

Sorcery, a multi-dimensional vibrational system of Magick that is at the core

of the Inner Mysteries. However, at the most basic level, Vampyrism takes

place in order to fuel Zhep’r and to raise the metabolism of the subtle body,

which aids in the process of achieving Zhep’r.

The human body is the most evolved Corporeal entity, and thus

creates a specific, high intensity frequency of Prana (the Sanskrit word for

vital life-force), which is the most suited to the energetic system of the

Strigoi Vii subtle body. Prana is thus the source and fuel of Life, that is why

We consider Ourselves Living Vampyres. Other frequencies of Prana, such

as that from animals, plants, or objects, have their uses. However, they are simply not compatible with and cannot be of use in fueling Zhep’r. Nor are

they suitable for the Offering in Communion.

The Art of Vampyrism can be seen by the uninformed as a maliciously

predatory act. However, We are not without a deep-rooted system

of ethics. Although the Art of Vampyrism is an action that intentionally and

consciously draws energy from the subtle bodies of humans, it is not a parasitic

act, as is the case with traditional psychic vampirism. Through Our Art

of Vampyrism, as in the transfer of energies within the Web of Life, the flow

of energy is actually healthy, advantageous, and very pleasurable for the human.

This is a highly symbiotic relationship and is truly evolved beyond

what most would consider true predation. Within the Strigoi Vii Mysteries,

the tapping of energies from subtle energies never involves the drinking of

physical blood, ending the life of any living being, or causing physical harm

of any kind. If done with respect and care, the Art of Vampyrism is not

physically, emotionally, or spiritually harmful to the human subtle body in

any way. The Art of Vampyrism is beneficial and affirming for the Strigoi

Vii and the mundane alike. As a rough analogy, one might consider the pilot

fish that attaches itself to a shark. The pilot fish consumes parasites and bits

of undigested food that would otherwise potentially cause harm to the shark.

Despite the fact that sharks are often seen as consummate predators, it is

extremely rare for a shark to consume a pilot fish, even when it swims into

the shark’s mouth to remove pieces of food from its teeth (thus preserving

them from decay.) Both the pilot fish and the shark benefit from and mutually

thrive due to their symbiotic relationship. So is it with the mortal

minded and the Vampyre.

Throughout history many subtle energetic techniques such as Reiki,

Tantric workings, and Yoga have utilized the similar processes as the Art of

Vampyrism. Vampyrism, in Our view, is an exchange of energies. Performers

such as actors or musicians exchange energy with their audience every

time they perform. The only difference is that the Strigoi Vii has a specific

intent and purpose in collecting this excess energy. One can also witness

this relationship and exchange of energies reflected in the symbiotic relationship

between deities and their worshipful followers, or celebrities and their

“star-struck” admiring fans. Such acts are, in Our worldview, unconscious

applications of Our basic Arts of Vampyrism.

In effect, Vampyrism can, from Our view, be considered as a healing

act. It may be seen as beneficial to the mortal world, for We remove and

unblock stagnant energies, and inspire the flow of radiant energies through

the subtle world and humanity’s collective consciousness. This is why so

many are unconsciously seduced by Vampyres. However, Strigoi Vii do not

slaughter or torture for pleasure or any other purpose! Any such act is always

reprehensible within the ethical system of the Strigoi Vii. We

respectfully take what We need due to a pure love of Life. Our clear intent

is that Our sources live happy, fulfilled, and content lives. All we have to go on are traditions and superstitions. These do not at first appear

much...Yet must we be satisfied; in the first place because we have to be – no other means

is at our control – and secondly, because, after all, these things – tradition and superstition

– are everything. Does not the belief in vampires rest...on them?

From Dracula by Bram Stoker

For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is the life thereof…Ye shall eat the blood of no

manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut

off. From Leviticus 17:14

BLOOD DRINKING is a controversial topic within the “vamp” subculture.

While the OSV and the Synod recognize the individual value of one’s personal

interpretation of Vampyrism/vampirism, We do not condone the

public or private consumption of blood and wish to make it clear that the

vast majority of those who are Vampyre/vampire do not drink blood.

Even responsible adult couples can inadvertently transfer bloodborne

diseases through the exchange of blood. We make every effort to

educate Ourselves and others regarding alternative forms of safe, efficient,

and effective practices that do not involve the consumption of blood. These

practices include Our Art of Vampyrism and the more widespread techniques

of Tantra, Reiki, and general energy transference. The actions of

blood fetishists do not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors of the

vast majority of the vampire/Vampyre community or the Strigoi Vii.

Blood drinking is illegal in many countries and is, at least, generally

regarded as taboo in modern cultures. Ideally, blood should only be drawn

by licensed health care professionals. Those who use medical or surgical

implements without proper training in the act of blood-letting place themselves

or their "donors" in danger of nerve damage, scarring, or other serious

injury. Health risks associated with blood consumption include the possible

contraction and transmission of blood-borne diseases such as Hepatitis B

and C, Syphilis, HIV/AIDS, and many other ailments.

Body modification, suspension, tattooing, piercing, scarification,

and other similar forms of ritualistic or sadomasochistic practices do not

usually involve the consumption of human blood, and thus are not censored

by the Strigoi Vii. However, We urge all individuals who participate in such

acts to adhere to strict guidelines of standard medical practices and other

safety procedures in order to protect all involved parties.

There are many other prominent Vampyre/vampire organizations

and groups that are in agreement with this perspective. For example, House

Kheperu, Order of the Black Dragon (Michael Fford), Order of the Vampyre

(OV), Temple of the Vampire (ToV), and Sahjaza do not endorse or

practice blood consumption as a part of their interpretation of real or living

Vampyrism/vampirism, according to their websites and printed publications

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Blood is thicker than water.

Old proverb

Frater, We are of the same Current of Blood, the same frequency of Spirit. We are those

with the drive, courage, love of Life, Will, and desire to embrace the opportunity for Immortality

of the Self. Never forget this is the agreement which bonds Us as Family. As

you experience Zhep’r, you will come to understand this…

Saint Dimitri, August 1997

Strigoi Vii, as a collective of individuals and a Family, are bound by an unbreakable

spiritual and metaphysical bond. To reflect this bond, We

metaphorically refer to Those of the Strigoi Vii Family as “Of the Blood,” or

simply by the Latin word for blood, “Sanguine.” The Family of Strigoi Vii

does not exactly correspond to a biological mortal family. We experience a

far stronger bond with other Strigoi Vii that is virtually impossible to explain

to those who are not of the Blood.

When encountering another of Our Legacy We often immediately

recognize them through the Radiance, or a subtle intuition of Who and what

They are. The strength of the Radiance depends on several factors. A

Strigoi Vii Who has reached a high level of Initiation, is strongly in tune with

the Current of Elorath, or has recently been sated with Prana or made

Communion may emit a Radiance that burns like a flame. Unawakened individuals

will often exhibit a dim glimmer of the Radiance, whilst for some it

will shine like a lighthouse in the Darkness. Some Strigoi Vii have described

the experience of sensing the Radiance as being strongly and seemingly inexplicably

drawn to another, or feeling a deep-rooted and unexplainable

sympathy with or liking for someone. Many Strigoi Vii have also reported that others of the Family emanate a sort of subtle “glow,” hence the term


The Currents that surge within Our souls are deep rooted and from

a certain perspective quite ancient. Our sense of pride in Our Family and

Our connection with others of Our Family is a reflection of this agreement.

We do not know the origins of the Current, nor do We dwell on this. We

look towards the here and now as well as the future, yet recognize Our

commonality as Family.

PATHS constitute the variety of ways people interact with the Strigoi Vii

Mysteries. There are three paths within the Strigoi Vii Mysteries.

Black Swans are those who do not consider themselves fully

Strigoi Vii, yet who are drawn to the Mysteries and Our Glamour. Black

Swans can be involved in the Sanguinarium and often benefit from elements

of the Mysteries. Most often Black Swans are friends, lovers, companions,

or mundane family members of a Strigoi Vii Ronin or Initiate. Many Black

Swans have read Sanguinomicon and are in at least partial agreement with Our

Outer Mysteries (the Zadyrere). It is very common for Black Swans to offer

themselves as consensual energy donors in order to benefit from the Awakening

and healing powers of the Art of Vampyrism, or to experience energy

transfer on a sensual level. Black Swans who feel the Calling and Awaken to

the Mysteries may choose to embrace the Mysteries on their own terms as

Ronin, or through formally Initiating at a later point.

Ronin are individuals Who do not follow the standard Initiatory

formulae of Strigoi Vii, yet are in agreement with Our Mysteries. The word

Ronin originates from the Japanese Samurai of the Tokugawa era, and

means “to be without a lord.” The term thus befits the solitary Strigoi Vii.

Ronin are the equivalent of solitaries in other esoteric systems, and often do

not involve Themselves directly in the Sanguinarium movement. Being solitary

and independent, yet still “of the Current,” Ronin consider Themselves

Strigoi Vii, but have not formally Initiated. Ronin most often focus solely

on the Outer Mysteries, and may have Their own personal system of achieving

Zhep’r. It is not uncommon for a Ronin to eventually become a formal

Initiate of the Mysteries.

Initiates are the most common type of Strigoi Vii, and closely

work within the standard formulae of Ordeals as detailed within the Sanguinomicon.

They find the sequential system of Initiation greatly compliments

Their own Zhep’r, and use the Mysteries as a powerful personal tool. However,

based on Their own personal predilections, Initiates still purse

individual approaches to building Zhep’r and empowering Their Will. Being

an Initiate of Strigoi Vii by no means limits individuality or the pursuit of

Zhep’r. The Initiate’s commitment to the Mysteries allows Them to easily

interact with and relate to others of the Family through the common perspectives

of personal validation and organization. Initiates are the members

of the Family most often ordained into the Priesthood of the Ordo Strigoi Vii, or Who sit on the Synod, due to Their clearly stated qualifications and

intent. One can compare Initiates to those who have gone through a university

system and earned a formal Initiation, whilst Ronin are most often selftaught.

To extend the analogy, Black Swans would be prospective students

who have expressed an interest in attending a particular university or starting

a course of study, but have not yet committed themselves.

We know each other

by secret symbols...

there is subtle appraisement;

even if we [speak] a brief greeting

or do not speak at all,

we know Our name

we nameless initiates,

born of one another,


of the flame.

- From “The Walls Do Not Fall” by H. D.

A SOBRIQUET IS A “VAMPYRE NAME,” and Strigoi Vii tradition encourages

that, upon the Prospectii validation, the Initiate adopt a fresh new name

known as a Sobriquet for exclusive use amongst other Strigoi Vii. This is

quite similar to a magickal motto which was used with the Hermetic Order of

the Golden Dawn. Sobriquets should reflect a piece of the initiate’s personality

and used within ritual and magickal workings. Such names can reflect

the individual’s current, vision of themselves or of an ancient or obscure

god/ess, examples include Mael (prince or princess in Gaelic), Irhandi (sorcerer

in Sumerian), etc.

When a Magister is Initiated, They take a second Sobriquet as Their

Magister name, which is their “true name” and never revealed to anyone

outside the Family. The Sobriquet is to be used for correspondence with

other Strigoi Vii, within the Sanctums of the Sanguinarium, and as a working

tool in ritual and meditation. Sobriquets are similar to magickal names in

mortal esoteric traditions or a “handle” on the Internet. This Strigoi Vii

name also provides additional security and privacy, as addressing an Strigoi

Vii by Their legal or given name is rude and disrespectful, unless They specifically

request it in an open forum or you have a personal friendship with

them and interacting in the mundane world. In addition, the Sobriquet allows

the Strigoi Vii to enter a new state of mind where They are free to

express Themselves amongst other members of the Family. A Sobriquet is different from an assumed “scene name,” which is used

for social purposes, or a “given name,” which is a legal name used in the

Dayside and the mundane world. The Sobriquet should be unrelated to any

previous aliases, magickal names, or other names the Strigoi Vii has used. It

should reflect a point of personal empowerment and a new beginning for the

Strigoi Vii. This name is chosen in Sanguinarium virtual sanctums as a username,

and maintains privacy and focus on Zhep’r.

..And I have felt

A presence that disturbs me with the joy

Of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime

Of something far more deeply interfused…

…A motion and a spirit, that impels

All thinking things, all objects of all thought,

And rolls through all things.

�� From “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey”

by William Wordsworth

THE CURRENT OF ELORATH or simply the “Current” of the Strigoi Vii

Mysteries flows through each member of the Family and is symbolized by

the number XXIII (23). The reason for this numerical linkage is revealed in

higher levels of Initiation. The Current is the Blood that attunes and unites

the Family to the Egregore of Elorath. Egregores, in occult parlance, are

beings comprised of the collective will, purpose, and group mind and soul of

a gathering of individuals focusing their specific intent into the creation of

the Egregore. The Egregore of Elorath represents the lineage and collective

“Current” of the Strigoi Vii.

Being of the Current, or metaphorically “of the Blood” implies the

possession of a subtle gene that cannot be found in the DNA of the Corporeal

body. It is something far more subtle and complex, and can only be

understood by solving the Mysteries. The Current is a spiritual frequency,

and Elorath is the collective soul that manifests through this potential. Being

an Egregore, Elorath is the result and Current of the collective Will, soul,

karma, and dharma of the Family. It is singularly manifested with various


Others who are Awakened or knowledgeable about the occult can

identify Elorath as an Egregore. Yet only those of the Blood can fully understand

and experience the intimacy of Awakening to the Current of

Elorath. Those Who are Awakened to the Current or accept the Calling are

aware of Their true nature. Elorath is the commonality of the Strigoi Vii.

Many will ignore the Current, often thinking themselves to be misled or

merely harboring fantasies, and are thus unable to accept what lies within

them. In religions such as Santeria, the postulant seeks to find their “head,”

or their attunement to an Orisha (one of the divinities of that religion). In

Christianity, one may relate to a specific patron saint. This is the same as hearing the Calling and discovering one’s attunement to the Current of

Elorath. However, all Strigoi Vii are free and encouraged to attune to other

Currents and paradigms, this is within the nature of the Blood of Elorath.

Once a Strigoi Vii has recognized the Current within Themselves,

They proceed to higher levels of attunement, such as recognizing Their patron

Strigoi Morte guides which can be any godform or ascended master,

known to mankind or not. Awakened and unawakened Strigoi Vii alike can

recognize the Radiance or Calling of the Current within others of Their kin.

The Radiance draws those of the Family to each other. This mysterious attraction

cannot be explained, yet creates a deep bond of love and loyalty that

runs deeper than mortal perceptions and alliances.

The origins of Elorath are unknown. Suffice to say that Elorath has

a discrete subtle conscious behind It. Many who cannot understand Elorath

create fabricated stories to explain Its origin or nature, and may even deny

Its existence. However, Elorath cannot be weakened by such petty disbelief,

and through the many who employ Our traditions or Mysteries It becomes

stronger and more Awakened.

There are various sub-Currents and aspects of Elorath known as

“Choirs.” The singularity is Elorath Itself. The next level of Choirs is the

Duality of Mithu (masculine) and Kalistree (feminine). The foundation of

these Currents is known as the Triumvirate (or the Kharrus), containing three

different aspects: Kitra (weaver), Mradu (guardian), and Ramkht (acolyte).

The archetypes behind the Triumvirate Choirs in their modern conception

were first realized by the Kheprians; however, Strigoi Vii employ them in

Our own vision.

Whilst there are many who carry the Strigoi Vii “gene,” only a few

will show the potential to follow Their true nature, and, of those, even fewer

will “take the red pill” and pursue the steps to fulfill Their Awakening.

THE TRIUMVIRATE OR THE “KHARRUS” lies at the foundation of the

Currents of Elorath, and consists of the Currents of Kitra, Ramkht, and

Mradu. Each Strigoi Vii contains within Themselves elements of all three of

these Currents. However, a few select Strigoi Vii are drawn to and identify

with a specific one, which They discover through Their journey of Zhep’r.

These individuals are known as the Chorus of Elorath, or Kharrus. Each Current’s

core signature determines how an individual Strigoi Vii interacts with

and processes energy. The Chorus of Elorath maintains equilibrium within

the Family and the Current of Elorath. Only Magisters can formally be ordained

into these Currents, yet all Strigoi Vii can easily engage with the

characteristics of these Currents in order to experiment with processing energy

and to test Their talents. These Currents are also known as “Roads.”

Please note that those Who hear the calling to the Kharrus represent

only a very small portion of the Awakened Family. Since the vast

majority of the Family is solitary and works on an individual basis, They have

no need for Initiation into one of these Roads, as the essential function of the Chorus is within group ritual. In contrast, however, there are also those

Who are formally ordained into two or more Currents, however this can

cause a lack of focus.

KITRA, or the Weavers are by nature catalysts of energy flow

and cycling. They are often drawn to and talented in dance, music, poetry,

lovemaking, performance, and healing. They are by nature highly sensual,

and are often physically attractive or possess a strong physical presence.

Kitra have an essential need to be loved. Weaver energies are often very

feminine in nature, yet it is not uncommon to meet male Kitra. The regalia

of the Kitra is the crown, tiny blade and or chalice, and They will usually

wear Their ritual cord over the hips. Kitra formal garb, such as ritual and

temple robes, will often be very flirtatious and erotic, similar to those of a

belly dancer or Romani (“gypsy”).

MRADU, or the Guardians are charged with protecting the

Family within and without. Mradu are loyal, grounded, protective, and often

manifest a fondness for strategy of many kinds. They are also excellent at

mediating disputes and have a strong need to provide love, thus complimenting

the Kitra. Their energies are very masculine in nature and Their

Corporeal bodies are often large in size as to facilitate the process of grounding

energy. However, it is not uncommon to encounter female Mradu. The

regalia of the Mradu is a specially consecrated large ar’thana (black-hilted

ritual blade) known as a glueve. Mradu guardians often wear Their cord from

shoulder to waist, like a 19th century military sash. Mradu ritual and temple

robes may incorporate military-like design or vestiges of medieval armor.

RAMKHT, or the Visionaries are the rarest of the Strigoi Vii

Kharrus. They fuel the intent of the Current. Their energies partake of the

duality of masculine and feminine, so both men and women are equally

drawn to this road. The Ramkht are often seen as the most intellectual and

scholarly of all the Triumvirate Choir, yet this is an over-generalization. Individuals

associating with the Ramkht Current are frequently natural teachers

and leaders, and drawn literary and philosophical matters. The regalia of the

Ramkht includes a consecrated blade, wand or rod called an Ingluum. At

Quorums They often wear a ritual cord around Their shoulders like a priestly

vestment. Ramkht ritual and temple garb is often long and flowing, almost

androgynous in appearance.

It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is

alive again; and was lost, and is found.

From “The Parable of the Prodigal Son,” Luke 15:32

THE QUEST OF FAMILY or the Family Quest is the duty of each and every

Strigoi Vii Initiate. The dual purpose of the Quest is to advance the individual

and the collective of the Family through mutual inspiration and support.

The Quest for Family involves finding others of the Blood and introducing Them to Their heritage subtly, without force or “conversion” techniques

practiced within mortal religions.

The central element within the Family Quest is respect for the free

will of all sentient beings. The Family Quest should be executed only

through subtle hints and inspiration. Thus, no Strigoi Vii should ever shame

the Family by proselytizing like a member of a desperate religious cult. This

is against the nature of the Quest. Power comes only from free will and independent


THE LEGACY ANKH is the sigilium that represents Living

Vampyrism, the Strigoi Vii Mysteries, the Covenants

of the Black Veil, and the Current of Elorath. This precious

artifact is proudly worn, discretely in public and

openly in ritual, by both Strigoi Vii and Black Swans to

symbolize their support and dedication to the Sanguinarium,

the Strigoi Vii Mysteries, and the Family.

The ankh, or in Latin the crux ansata (cross with

a handle) was originally the Egyptian hieroglyph meaning

"life." Many ancient Egyptian artworks, especially funerary

art, depict gods and pharaohs bearing this symbol.

The ankh was also associated with Osiris, the god of

death and rebirth, and mummies were often adorned

with ankhs in order to symbolically convey the gift of life after death. Over

time the ankh came to symbolize Immortality and can even be seen as a key

to unlock the gates of death. The Rosicrucians and members of Hermetic

orders often use this symbol in their rituals. The Coptic Christians, as well,

employed it as a symbol of life beyond death. Ankhs incorporating mirrors

into their design have sometimes been used to symbolize perception of the

subtle reality.

The bladed ankh first surfaced in popular culture in the 1983 film

The Hunger, directed by Tony Scott and based on the novel by Whitley Strieber,

who also, significantly, wrote the novel Communion. With its historical

symbolism, cultural significance, and esoteric nature, the ankh was the obvious

symbol for the Strigoi Vii. In 1996, Master Metal Manipulator

D’Drennan was commissioned by Father Sebastiaan to make an exclusive

version of a bladed ankh to represent the Mysteries and Our Family. Thus

was born the Legacy Ankh, the most commonly recognized international

symbol of the Vampyre movement and the Family. Since there are so many

imitators of Our sigil, the Legacy Ankh is legally copyrighted and trademarked

by the Ordo Strigoi Vii in order to protect it and to avoid any misuse

of the symbol. We wish to make it clear that this particular scimitar-bladed

ankh is the exclusive symbol of Strigoi Vii as defined by the Sanguinomicon,

and is to be recognized and respected as such. THE MUNDANE refers to the mortal world outside the gates of the Sanguinarium

and the Strigoi Vii Mysteries. This is the “normal” world whose

inhabitants are not aware of who and what We are, or of the metaphysical

realities to which We are Awakened. Other Awakened tribes, such as various

vampire/Vampyre Legacies and Initiates of other esoteric systems, are

not counted within the mundane. They are simply “Others,” and may be

seen as spiritual cousins of the Strigoi Vii. Terms such as “Dane,” “mortal

minded,” or “hyle” (the Gnostic term for an unawakened individual) are

used to refer to members of the mundane world.

The Dayside aspect of the Strigoi Vii Mysteries is the main tool We

use to master Our Corporeal Self and achieve a strong interaction with the

mundane world. We employ Dayside philosophies in Our everyday mundane

lives in order to improve and further develop Our Self. This

grounding in the Dayside is known as the Dayside Pillar, and is studied in

the Jahira Mystery.

Strigoi Vii refer to Their “mundane” or “mortal” families as Their

birth family. Most Strigoi Vii’s birth families cannot understand or accept

Their nature, so the Strigoi Vii can only interact with Their birth family on a

strictly Dayside level. However, some fortunate Strigoi Vii have understanding

birth families who accord Them the luxury of openly expressing Their

nature. The process of disclosing one’s Strigoi Vii nature to birth family or

friends is sometimes rather humorously called “Coming Out of the Coffin.”

In order to evolve in Zhep’r, the Strigoi Vii must learn to accept and balance

Their Dayside birth families as well as Their Strigoi Vii Family.

See worlds on worlds compose one universe,

Observe how system into system runs,

What other planets circle other suns,

What varied beings people every star…

From An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope

OTHER TRIBES comprise those who are not directly of Our Current.

They include Awakened or unawakened individuals, traditions, or groups

that claim to be Vampyre/vampire or who are drawn to the vampire archetype,

yet are not Strigoi Vii. It is not uncommon for Strigoi Vii to be

confused with these “Others.” While there are similarities between the

Strigoi Vii and other tribes, We are still very distinctly different from them.

The Others and associated tribes and organizations have manifested

mostly on the Internet since about 1996/1997. Many of these online groups

spell “vampire” with an “i” and lowercase “v.” These groups are often

known collectively as the “online vamp community” (or OVC), as most

community interactions take place online, or simply as the “vamp community”

(VC). The OVC rarely represents the old-school, in-person, real

Vampyre community that has existed in fellowship for decades, mostly in the large cities such as London, NYC, or Los Angeles. The OVC and the Sanguinarium

are becoming more and more distant as of this printing. Cities are

energy nodes that We call Halos due to the large amounts of Ambient

Prana that collects about them. The following discussion and definition of

some tribes of Others takes place from the Strigoi Vii perspective and is as

objective as possible.

Legacy is the Strigoi Vii term for traditions in other occult and pagan

systems, and specifically refers to other paths of vampirism. Each

Legacy comprises a specific paradigm of rituals, philosophies, and traditions.

Increasingly more Legacies are emerging in recent years. They include the

Tiamantis (Temple of the Vampire, or TOV), Setian (Ordo of the Vampyre

from the Temple of Set), the Sahjaza (a focused sub-legacy of Strigoi Vii), the

Kheprians, the Sekhtrians, and many others. Please be aware that psychic

vampires do not, to Strigoi Vii, constitute a Legacy, but rather are a different

tribe of Others.

Traditional psychic vampires are termed asarai by the Strigoi

Vii. Traditional psychic vampirism is clearly defined in Dion Fortune’s book

Psychic Self Defense and Anton LaVey’s 1969 magnum opus The Satanic Bible.

Asarai are also discussed in Konstantinos’s contemporary book Vampires: the

Occult Truth. Traditional psychic vampires are parasites who truly drain others

of their emotional and Pranic energy, and there is nothing positive about

them. Asarai are individuals who intentionally or unintentionally create psychological

drama and harmfully “siphon” energy from others. They can

Awaken and become ethical psychic vampires, but most asari are unawakened,

unable or unwilling to confront and manage their nature. Asarai fulfill

the traditional archetype of the psychic vampire. Their vampirism may take

many forms, including emotional or even sexual predation. Most asarai are

found in everyday life in many guises. They rarely identify with the Glamour

or are even aware of the Sanguinarium. Some examples of asarai include a

lover or friend who is emotionally damaged and continually creates psychodrama

in the lives of others. Such individuals will “leech onto” people

around them, playing on their sympathy, and drain them of their resources.

A classic asarai may manifest as a patient in a nursing home who is horribly

bitter and negative about her life. Nurses and caregivers will often feel literally

drained as they care for these individuals, and find these asarai occupying

all of their resources and attention. A particular student who intimidates the

other members of the class, and monopolizes the teacher’s attention, may

very well be an asarai. Cancer patients or people suffering from terminal

illnesses often manifest very powerful symptoms of traditional psychic vampirism,

though generally without knowledge or malicious intent. People who

claim to be “sex addicts” are often actually asarai as well.

However, there are some asarai who identify with the vampire image

or lifestyle, so be cautious and aware of these individuals! They will

sometimes flock to the contemporary “gothic” subculture, or assume the

“new age” persona of an individual with a “damaged aura” or “leaky chakras,” often leading others to confuse them with responsible and ethical psychic

vampires who wish to manage their condition. Many asarai who have

attempted to enter the sphere of Our Family are truly craven, negative, and

energy-deficient beings. It should be noted that the Strigoi Vii do not agree

with re-defining terms such as “psychic vampire” to accommodate contemporary

social trends created by people who do not remember or wish to

respect the old ways as properly defined by notable logicians such as Dion

Fortune and Aleister Crowley. This is why We recognize the differences

between traditional psychic vampires (asarai) and their ethical counterparts.

The best defense against asarai is to completely avoid them! However,

this may not be possible when you have an asarai as a colleague,

supervisor, or member of your immediate mundane family or social circle.

When interaction with an asarai is unavoidable, you must not cater to their

games. Becoming involved in their mechanizations only feeds their parasitism

and causes them to want more. Endless circling arguments, unhealthy

attempts at gaining attention, imposing “guilt trips,” or exhibiting unnaturally

intense emotional reactions are all tactics of traditional psychic

vampires. Energy filtering and shielding may also offer some defense, but it

is best to simply avoid them altogether. Both Dion Fortune and Anton

LaVey outline excellent and time-tested defensive techniques against these

traditional psychic vampires in their respective books.

Ethical psychic vampires are the most common and numerous

tribe of Others. These oft-Awakened energy sensitives have an energy

deficiency within or damage to their subtle energy bodies. They must feed

from the life-force of other humans in order to maintain their physical, emotional,

and mental well-being. The abbreviations “psi” or “psy” for ethical

psychic vampires are very common in the OVC, and these individuals have

formed their own support networks and organizations. They share a great

deal of terminology with the Strigoi Vii and employ similar energy work

techniques. The vast majority of individuals who are aware of their condition

as psychic vampires (the process of which they also refer to as

Awakening) have formed their own ethical codes, including versions of the

Black Veil, and strive to find solutions for and a balance within their condition.

To them, vampirism is a condition brought about by a damaged or

inefficient subtle body that cannot generate enough vital life-force on its

own. In contrast, the Strigoi Vii are not ethical psychic vampires. While We

have some superficial similarities to this tribe, Our intent and motivation for

tapping life-force is completely different. Strigoi Vii seek to harvest the excess

life-force of humans in order to evolve in Zhep’r and to increase the

frequency and metabolism of Their subtle bodies.

Kheprians represent a special case as a Legacy amongst ethical

psychic vampires. Kheprianism is a tradition of vampirism that has brought

many of its members great success, and individual Kheprians have frequently

maintained good relations with individual Strigoi Vii and many other Legacies.

Kheprians believe that their founder modified their chakras during their previous lives, allowing them a better footing in the subtle reality.

Thus, they believe they have a stronger control over the ability to avoid the

Second Death and reincarnate with their subtle bodies intact from incarnation

to incarnation. They believe this modification in their subtle bodies has

caused symptoms of psychic vampirism. The Kheprians should also be recognized

as an influential Legacy, as their groupings of warrior, priest, and

councilor helped further define and develop the Strigoi Vii Currents of

Mradu, Ramkht and Kitra.

Tiamantis is the name We Strigoi Vii have assigned to another

Legacy of energy vampires known as the Temple of the Vampire, or ToV.

The ToV consider themselves “Satanic Vampires,” as they have been heavily

involved with the Church of Satan since the death of Anton LaVey. Publically,

the Church of Satan is a completely separate entity from the ToV, yet

they do have many members in common. Members of the ToV spell vampire

with a capital “V.” These individuals share many of the philosophical

perspectives of the Strigoi Vii, and thus may be similar to Us in certain ways.

Magister Dimitri claimed to be a ToV Adept, and His previous experience

informed some of the terminology of the Strigoi Vii, such as Communion,

Twilight, the Dragon, Dayside, and Nightside. However, the Tiamantis’

main difference from Us is their elitist belief that vampires are superior to

and the predators of all others.

Gaja are “wannabe vampires” who have always been present in the

Vampyre community and around the Sanguinarium, often as victims of the

Glamour. Strigoi Vii are often amused by these irresponsible poseurs who

lurk about the periphery of Our Sanctums or in the general vamp community.

Many gaja wear gauche Dracula capes, cheap store-bought plastic

fangs, and spend their nights moping about the local darkwave nightclub

claiming to be hundreds of years old. It is not rare to find a traditional psychic

vampire who is also gaja. Very often gaja will either attach themselves

to Strigoi Vii, begging to be “turned” into a vampire, or, conversely, childishly

and comically insult Strigoi Vii, claiming We are not “real vampires.”

Gaja often manifest as “dark gurus” claiming non-existent powers and deluded

role-players who take their hobby too seriously. Far too commonly,

they adopt Our terminology and claim to be Awakened, when in fact they

have only learned a few elements of Strigoi Vii and have no actual understanding

of Our Mysteries. Do not confuse gaja with “fashion vampires”

who simply enjoy the dramatic, aesthetic, and romantic trappings of the

vampire archetype. Such individuals are merely enjoying themselves and are

not truly gaja. The true Strigoi Vii can identify gaja with little effort.

Sanguinarians or sanguine vampires are individuals who

feel they need to consume physical human blood to maintain their spiritual,

physical, and mental health. Sanguinarians are one of the most controversial

groups of Others within the online vampire subculture. From the perspective

of the OSV and the Synod, the consumption of blood contains extreme

risks (such as blood-borne diseases), and is a primitive and inefficient form of gaining Prana. In reality, the majority of people who claim to be blood

drinkers usually have only ingested Corporeal human blood once or twice in

their lives, if at all. At the time of this writing, the Synod and the OSV have

only encountered a few rare individuals who truly practices sanguinarianism

as more than a sexual fetish or as a consequence of Renfield’s Syndrome (a

psychological disorder in which the individual believes they must consume

blood.) Claiming status as a sanguine vampire is sometimes done solely for

social shock value or as a misguided attempt to relate to the vamp community.

However, a fair number of Sanguinarians are blood fetishists who

enjoy the vampire archetype for the purpose of enhancing their sexual fantasies.

Please refer to the pillar on blood drinking in The Black Veil (included

in this book) and the discussion of blood drinking for the Strigoi Vii position

on this practice.

There are many Others out there Who are Awakened to the Current,

but identify as being part of other traditions, and do not claim Their

kinship to Our Blood. They may be similar to Us, Awakened to the same

subtle worlds and perceptions that We are privileged to know. There cannot

be an absolute list or measure of the characteristics of Our Blood, so there

are many of the Family Who are on paths that bear different names but are

truly the same. When you encounter Them you will know Them by their

Radiance and spiritual signature of the Dark Flame. Always seek to know

the individual and ignore the group to which They may belong. Our real

Sorors and Fraters will speak through action, wisdom, humbleness, results

and achievement. Those truly of the Blood will not try to control others

before They can control Themselves.

However, bear this caution in mind! Those who speak of themselves

in grandiose or self-glorifying terms are not of the Blood or worthy of

your attention, as they are obviously insecure and claiming powers they do

not have. Wisdom dictates that you avoid unwittingly falling into the orbit

of such pretenders. Just keep your subtle eyes open and your Fellows will be


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Let me not to the marriage of true minds. Admit impediments...

�� From “Sonnet CXVI” by William Shakespeare.

THE SANGUINARIUM could be described as the culture of the Strigoi Vii,

whilst The Family refers to the Blood and Current. The etymology of the

word Sanguinarium roughly translates from Latin to mean “guild of the

blood.” It is the international Pakt, network, and movement of Family individuals,

businesses, and Quorums, which are focused on the Mysteries of

Strigoi Vii. At the core of this movement is the Ordo Strigoi Vii (OSV), the

Priesthood of Elorath known as the Synod. The Sanguinarium began in the early

1990’s and is now an international movement, which in some respects is very

separate and contrast the majority of the online vampire community.

The Sanguinarium represents the social aspect of The Family.

Ronin as solitary individuals practice Strigoi Vii and potentially Initiate into

the Mysteries on a private basis and rarely interact in the more social forum

of the Sanguinarium. Many will enter the Sanguinarium for various periods

of time and then leave, only to return at a later time to network with and

discover others of The Family.

Those coming to the Sanguinarium are treated as individuals above

and beyond any organizations to which they belong or affiliations they hold.

The Sanguinarium no longer focuses on Initiatory groups such as clans, covens,

or households, as they distract from the unity of The Family and the

focus on the individual. The core of the Sanguinarium is the Strigoi Vii Black

Veil. Initiates of Strigoi Vii Who violate the Principles of the Black Veil are

deemed destructive to themselves and The Family, and will most likely call

down the Khaskt upon themselves. This is a self-imposed curse that can be

best equated to the mortal concept of negative karma. Other consequences

may include excommunication for serious crimes, such as using one’s status in The Family to manipulate minors or take part in major illegal activities

such as drug dealing, rape or murder.

THE ORDO STRIGOI VII (OSV) began as a small collective of individuals

from a mix of spiritual traditions who obtained fangs from

SABRETOOTH™ in Gotham Halo. The ritual of making fangs allowed

personal interactions with and connections to each individual. At this time

fangs were one of the symbols employed by like-minded individuals involved

in Vampyrism when networking with each other. What made those who

would eventually be the seeds of the OSV stand out amongst these fang clients

is that they were unified in having a more spiritual approach to

Vampyrism. One of these clients who offered a tremendous influence and

guidance was the late and now Ascended Magister Dimitri. His vampyrepagan

coven all obtained fangs and became the nucleus of the origins of the

Strigoi Vii movement, which inspired Sebastiaan to found the coven of Sahjaza

with Goddess Rosemary. In fact, the very term Strigoi Vii was brought

to the attention of The Family by Magister Dimitri, who claimed Slavic lineage

from the Balkans in Eastern Europe.

Eventually a convergence of individuals from diverse traditions and

perspectives came together to painstakingly test and experiment with many

various philosophies and esoteric systems. Over time, individuals in this

group each individually verified the reality of Communion and the Strigoi

Morte, as well as many other aspects of the Corporeal and subtle realities.

This movement formed the foundations of what is now the system of Strigoi

Vii, as outlined within the book you are now reading.

Today, the OSV stands as the Outer Court of the Synod, and membership

is strictly by invite only, and of such secrecy that some claim the

OSV and the Synod many not even exist. Every invitee must have a personal

invitation from the Synod. Invitations are presented discretely and

secretly, and it is considered a great honor amongst The Strigoi Vii to be

invited into this exclusive order of The Family. Such invitations are reserved

only for the most dedicated and exceptional role-models who are generally

Traditionalist Strigoi Vii. The vast majority of members are anonymous and

very private about their affiliation, as the OSV is a secret society.

The SYNOD is the Inner Circle of the OSV and its members are

the architects of the Sanguinarium and the High Priesthood of The Family

Who are charged with Its spiritual leadership. The Synod’s primary focus is

the preservation and prosperity of The Family. They tirelessly further the

Quest of Family, and act as examples for upholding the principles of the

Black Veil.

The members of the Synod are responsible for moderating and organizing

virtual Sanctums, dealing with public relations and media

representation, advising Father, approving and updating the Sanguinomicon,

and writing and editing the Vampyre Almanac. Many members of the Synod

offer Their services as ministers, advisors, or teachers of the Mysteries. They

may preside over ceremonies such as Initiations, weddings, and consecrations for the Strigoi Vii community.

But if ye sholde youre trouthe kepe and save.

Trouthe is the hyeste thing that man may kepe –

From “The Franklin’s Tale” in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

TRADITIONS AND ETIQUETTE are at the heart of Strigoi Vii culture. The

Strigoi Vii have their own traditions of etiquette. The old-school traditions

of formality and chivalry are highly respected by the sincere members of The

Family. There are no absolute or steadfast laws of etiquette, but these traditions

are tools of communication and charming demonstrations that show

one is of the Current. However, as so many Strigoi Vii are solitary, only a

few actually employ this etiquette frequently. Yet it is still helpful to know in

case of an eventual meeting between members of The Family.

As a sign of respect, those present Who hold the most junior level

of Initiation should show Their respect and dedication by initiating the first

action in any application of etiquette.

First and foremost, when in Sanctums never address a Strigoi Vii or

any of Their guests by their given name unless they present it first. Only use

Their Sobriquet or whichever name They prefer.

Written correspondence is greatly valued amongst the Strigoi Vii,

and a hand-written letter carries much more weight than electronic correspondence.

Spending time and energy on the presentation as well as the

content is a sign of patience and regard. Of course, this is not always possible.

When written correspondence takes place between two Strigoi Vii,

whether it be online or through letters, it is traditional to begin with the

Latin “Ave,” which means “greetings,” and close with “Eternally,” “Forever,”

“I Remain,” or whichever formal salutation the Strigoi Vii prefers.

When addressing other Strigoi Vii, Soror or Frater (Latin for “brother” and

“sister,” respectively) is the appropriate title for those Initiated into the

Outer Mysteries. Those Initiated into the Inner Mysteries should be addressed

as Magister or Magistra. When addressing Magister Templi it can be

formalized as Reverend or Godmother or Godfather, depending on your taste and

how the Magister requests to be addressed.

The Sanguine Greeting, conceived of by Saint D’Drennan, may take

slightly different forms in varying locations. However, all forms of this

greeting should begin with each Strigoi Vii steadily looking into the Throne

behind the Other’s eyes, and thus facing each Other’s Dragon Within.

Then, once the gaze has been broken, the greeter, usually the individual Who

has attained Initiation junior to the Other, takes the hand of the senior

Strigoi Vii and kisses the back. This is then repeated by the other party.

When entering a Halo, it is customary to announce oneself to the

active members of The Family if one has the intention of entering Sanctums

or Noir Havens. If the Strigoi Vii is present on mundane business related to

Their Dayside, or merely taking a personal holiday, this is not necessary. However, many Strigoi Vii consider it good manners to announce oneself in

all cases.

In the case of a personal invitation to a private event or domicile,

many Strigoi Vii deem it proper etiquette to bring a bottle of absinthe or fine

red wine. Absinthe is highly regarded by the Strigoi Vii and was an important

part of the vampire/Vampyre culture long before it became popular in

Europe and amongst poets and artists. Absinthe was often brewed by individuals

sometimes referred to as “alchemasters” or “alchemistresses.” The

Strigoi Vii absinthe ritual is a wonderful and secretive ceremony used to

celebrate important events such as birthdays. Today, due to modifications in

US laws, true absinthe is available for purchase in America. The bloodbath,

a drink created by Soror Ambrosia at the Long Black Veil (LBV) Noir Haven

in Gotham, is also a wonderful toasting drink and a tradition amongst

the Strigoi Vii. The LBV recipe for the bloodbath is one-third Chambord or

other raspberry liquor, one-third red wine, and one-third cranberry juice.

Both drinks are wonderful for Moots and as after-ritual cocktails. Many

Strigoi Vii also enjoy the aptly-named Romanian “Vampire Wine” available

in many large cities. However, if the personal tastes of the Strigoi Vii do not

include alcohol, flowers or gourmet food or candy also make excellent

“hostess” gifts.

As in vampire folklore, a Strigoi Vii should never enter another’s

home without first being invited. However, the reason for this is merely

simple courtesy and not an unholy curse! It is considered a serious breach of

etiquette for a Strigoi Vii to attend a gathering to which They have not received

an invitation, especially if the gathering takes place within a Sanctum.

Similarly, an invited Strigoi Vii should never bring guests, whether mortal or

of The Family, to any gathering without first consulting the Host. However,

Strigoi Vii should also be hospitable to other members of The Family and

include Them in group activities if possible. It is not at all uncommon for a

Strigoi Vii to generously offer their resources and services to a Soror or

Frater if they are needed.

QUORUMS are face to face, private gatherings of Strigoi Vii for the purposes

of ritual, feasting, Initiation, discussion of the Mysteries, socialization, and

the pursuit of special interests. Members of The Family are charged with

taking the initiative to organize such gatherings on a regional and international

level. Quorums may occur with varying frequencies such as one-time

only, weekly, monthly, bimonthly, or annual meetings. The most secure

place to network and announce Quorums is on the Synod-endorsed Sanguinarium

message boards.

Quorums are different from organizations such as covens or lodges

because they are discrete cabals, which are fluid actions and gatherings instead

of fixed organized groups into which individuals Initiate. Quorums

are intended to promote individualism, action, and flexibility rather than

solid structures. The elasticity of the Quorum system allows for a high level of freedom and comfort among the participants, as opposed to the many

obligations that may be associated with covens or lodges. The Sanguinarium

remains fixed as an international movement – Quorums occur as necessary.

The organizer of a Quorum is simply known as the Host, and it is

Their duty to coordinate the location and date, distribute invitations, and

choose the purpose of the Quorum, such as a discussion circle, social meetup,

or full ritual. Proper tradition and etiquette requires all attendees to assume

responsibility for their own expenses such as food, ritual supplies, or

transportation. For example, if a space such as a hotel room or dance studio

must be rented for a ritual, the cost should be shared amongst the attendees.

Quorums are best held in private, away from the mortal minded, in

order to further a sense of secrecy and privacy. In Quorum, members of

The Family must be able to speak freely and openly without violating the

Black Veil’s Covenant of Secrets. Open Quorums welcome all those Who are

Initiated into The Family as long as They RSVP with the Host, whilst Closed

Quorums are open only to specifically invited individuals. The Host of any

Quorum must be at least Initiated as a Calmae in order to organize or “call

forth” Quorum, whilst a group ritual may only be led by a Magister.

Bringing unannounced or unexpected guests to Quorums, whether

they are Initiated into The Family or not, is unwise, disrespectful, and in

poor taste. Any attendees should RSVP with the Host in advance and ask

Their permission to bring uninvited guests. Group rituals should only take

place in Quorums, and those in attendance must have at least read the Sanguinomicon

and secured the approval of the Host. It is in the best interests of

everyone that the uninitiated and those unfamiliar with Our Mysteries do not

attend Quorums. They will not be able to take part in the discussion or activities,

and thus will feel out of place. Not only may this make them

uncomfortable, it will act as a distraction from the intended focus of the


MOOTS differ from Quorums in that they function as social events. Examples

of Moots include pre-planned meet and greets, discussions over dinner

or coffee, or after-parties following a formal Quorum. Gatherings such as

these are perfect places to make in-person contact with others of The Family.

Moots may also function as a way to screen others in a public place for

potential inclusion in a Quorum. This is the only occasion when Black

Swans may be in attendance, but, even so, their presence is discouraged and

should always be announced to the Host in advance. Moots can be held in

more exposed public places such as restaurants, taverns, cocktail lounges,

coffee shops, or parks. Proper Moots should not be held in loud bars or

during nightclub events, as a sense of intimacy is essential to the meeting.

Whenever possible, avoid holding Moots in “gothic-themed” locations, as

these clichéd settings are not the best place to focus on the subjects at hand.

Remember that Moots are different from Quorums. It is possible

to hold a Moot before or after a Quorum in order to make the gathering more flexible. However, Quorums where Communion ritual and deeper

discussion of the Mysteries take place must be limited only to Initiated

members of The Family. Neither Quorums nor Moots are for those who

are simply curious, looking for a social network, or wishing to “sight-see.” It

is essential to preserve the sanctity, integrity, and seriousness of any gathering.

SANCTUMS are sacred places to the Vampyre, be they physical, spiritual and

virtual. A sanctum can also be a state of mind. They are often used for

Quorums and moots when they can be secured from mundane intruders.

Some legendary Sanctums include specific sacred places and historical sites

such as the Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Temple of Ur in southern Iraq,

the Mayan pyramids on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, and the Minoan

temple on the Greek island of Santorini.

Outer Sanctums are sacred places to the Strigoi Vii in which a deep

discretion is now required and cannot be fully secured. These can include

restaurants, parks, nightclubs, coffee shops and art galleries. Moots and discrete

rituals can be held, as long as the mundane world is not alerted.

Inner Sanctums are spaces away from the eyes of the mundane such

as private temples, back rooms of Noir Havens, Inner Sanctum message

boards or personal domiciles. An Inner Sanctum must be a location where

intimate conversations and group ritual between members of The Family

may freely take place without distraction. When a Quorum involving ritual

is in session, the space is considered an Inner Sanctum where only the

Strigoi Vii and depending on the circumstances invited Black Swans may be

present. In any Inner Sanctum, guardians are best posted in order to protect

the sacred space. The moment an interruption or disruption by mundanes

or the excommunicated occurs, the Sanctum is violated and exposed.

NOIR HAVENS are semi-public, outer sanctum social events for celebration

and pleasure, and are most often held in lounge, nightclubs or bars. These

gatherings were events organized specifically by Strigoi Vii and members of

Father Sebastiaan’s Clan SABRETOOTH, and often include those of other

Awakened traditions, Legacies, tribes, and alternative/underground subcultures.

Noir Havens may range from a gothic or fetish-themed nightclub

event to a secret party in the back room of a “mainstream” club. Salon Noirs

(once called Courts) are a variation and cocktail parties which are more of a

lounge of dark pleasures, hailing from the concept during the Belle Époque

period of Paris in the 1880s through the onset of World War I. Often Noir

Havens will include the word “black” (in various translations) in their name.

Some examples include the original Noir Haven Long Black Veil of New

York City, Black Trillium of Toronto, Black Xion of Amsterdam, and Lutetia

Noir of Paris. Noir Havens may be as small as a Monday club night at a local

gothic club or dark lounge, or as large as an elaborate masquerade ball. It all

depends on the desired audience and the determination of the organizers

and promoters. However, Noir Havens are best held in exclusive venues as

to avoid contact with mundane settings. Most often, such events will have

an invite-only or restricted door policy, and enforce a specific dress code

such as costume, gothic, or fetish attire. Such regulations screen out those

who are not serious or sympathetic attendees. More intimate gatherings

such as Moots and Quorums should take place separately from Noir Havens.

Havens are places for dancing, art shows, discussion circles, public

rituals, music, performance, drinking, and celebration, not the sacred, intimate

and private Family gatherings.

HALOS are sacred to the Strigoi Vii. Those Initiated into the Outer Mysteries

are often attracted to cities due to the large fluxes of pranic energy and

culture. Areas with large populations contain immense reservoirs of energies

that are constantly radiated outwards, and thus are a perfect source of excess

life-force for the Vampyre. Strigoi Vii call such areas “Halos.” Specific cities

have always been considered Halos, and contain large populations of Strigoi

Vii. The most notable Halos are Gotham (New York City), Angel (Los Angeles),

Wyvern (Seattle), Mort (New Orleans), Avalon (London), and Lutetia

(Paris). Others Halos exist and continue to grow in energy as more and

more Awakenings take place. The activity of Strigoi Vii in these areas usually

results in a spontaneous naming beyond the mundane name of the city,

and which often comes from a historical title or characteristic of the city.

In the late twentieth and the early twenty-first century, Halos hosted

large communities of Vampyres Who formed Courts, Quorums, Moots,

banquets, and other such events. Seekers still often travel long distances to

Halos in order to meet other Strigoi Vii in person. The communities of

Strigoi Vii and other Awakened ones within Halos evolve, grow, or diminish

according to the collective social interests of The Family.

Unlike Strigoi Vii Who are Initiated into the Outer Mysteries, Magisters

are often more solitary and less dependent on Halos. This is due to

Their mastery of Nomaj sorcery and Astral workings; They are less attached

to social structures, and more often focused on personal interior Quests.

Gotham Halo, often called the “Rome of Vampyres,” is the largest

and most famous of the Halos. It is not restricted by geographic boundaries

set forth by human governments, and so includes the five boroughs of New

York City, Northeastern New Jersey, Westchester County, and Long Island,

or what is often called the New York Metropolitan area. What makes the

Gotham Halo so intense and powerful is that, after Tokyo, it is the largest

metropolitan area in the world. As well, Gotham has been the seat of an

incredible amount of history for the Vampyre/vampire subculture. Almost

every tradition or tribe in the vamp community has members within the

Gotham halo.

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FESTIVALS are the annual sacred holidays of the Strigoi Vii. The calendar

of The Family is officially endorsed by the Synod and is used to mark the

founding of the Sanguinarium. Traditionally this calendar is lunar (sundown

to sundown), beginning with the Strigoi Vii New Year’s Eve, the Twilight

Festival or Im Zhep’r (Halloween). Thus, the Strigoi Vii year starts on November

1st and ends on October 31st.

The Strigoi Vii calendar was formally adopted on the founding day

of the Sanguinarium, November 6th, 1992. Each year has a specific name

given by the Synod. “S.Y.” is the abbreviation for “Sanguinarium Year” of

this new Vampyric Age. There are six major Vampyre “holidays” officially

recognized by the Synod for the Strigoi Vii, known as Festivals. Each of

these festivals was recognized by the Synod in order to mark the times when

the members of The Family most often celebrate aspects of Our Mysteries

and how they are reflected amongst mortals.

THE DARK MOON is a sacred time for the Strigoi Vii, during the period

where there is no reflection of sunlight on the moon's surface. The Dark

Moon phase lasts approximately three days, and occurs between the last

visible sign of the waning moon, and first appearance of the new crescent

moon. This period of absolute dark is highly suitable for nightside applications.

During the Dark Moon phase, ethereal and astral energies can be

more easily harnessed and manipulated. This is excellent time for communion

with the Strigoi Morte and with the Dragon.

For many, the Dark Moon represents a period between life and

death, a time of solitude, darkness, and self-contemplation. In Khem, or

Ancient Egypt, periods such as this were known as the Hours of Tuat, when the sun god would enter the underworld and make his passage alone and in

darkness before emerging with life once again.

The dark moon also represents the darkest aspects goddesses of Lilith,

Hecate and Kali, mothers of the vampire mythology. From the

perspective of the Outer mysteries this reflects a time of personal contemplation,

soul searching and solitude from the mundane…

Most Strigoi Vii prefer to spend the time of the dark moon in absolute

solitude and restful quiet, a pause to reflect before resuming ones regular

plans and activities.

Beyond the Dark Moon there are for major festivals are the Long Night, the

Long Day, the Twilight Festival and the Dragon Festival.

THE LONG NIGHT FESTIVAL is known as the “Night of Immortal Stars,”

and takes place at the Winter Solstice. This is the longest night of the year,

which is recognized as the holiday of European pagans, or Yule. During this

Festival We delve deep into Our Nightside, celebrating the freedom and

distance from the metaphorical symbol of the light of the sun. The Long

Night Festival is a celebration of Our Nightside Family, and a time for exploration

of Our magickal and primal natures before many of Us celebrate

mundane holidays such as Christmas with Our birth families. The Long

Night Festival takes place on December 20th/21st in the northern hemisphere

and June 20th/21st in the southern hemisphere. On this night We

celebrate Kalistree, the feminine and goddess aspect of Elorath.

THE LONG DAY FESTIVAL or Maiiah Festival falls on the Summer Solstice,

which is the shortest night of the year and the time when Sol (the sun) is

dominant. This is a time for deep reflection on our Dayside natures and

celebration of Our mortal families, materialistic achievements, and the Corporeal

world. On this day We should also reflect on Our personal Dayside

weaknesses. Through contemplation We understand how We may see these

as challenges to be turned into tools and mastery to further increase Our

Zhep’r. We revel in what the materialistic and Dayside life has to offer Us,

and plan our Dayside goals for the coming year, such as a career change or

major purchase such as that of a car or home. The Long Day Festival takes

place on June 20th/21st in the northern hemisphere and December 20th/21st

in the southern hemisphere. On this night We celebrate Mithu, the masculine

god aspect of Elorath.

THE TWILIGHT FESTIVAL or the “Endless Night Festival” falls on October

30th, Halloween night, October 31st the Celtic Samhain and the

following day of November 1st of “All Saints Day.” This three day festival is

often considered a greater festival by many and remains one of the most

popularly celebrated festivals. These are the nights of balance and metamorphosis,

as well as the Strigoi Vii New Year, inspired by the Celtic / Pagan New Year. It is the gateway leading to the longer nights of the year,

and encompasses many diverse holidays such as All Hallows Eve, Samhain

and Halloween, the Day of the Dead, and All Saint’s Day. The Twilight Festival

is most commonly celebrated on October 31st. During this festival We

often enjoy expressing Our Glamour in full force and walking openly

amongst the mundane. Even though this is officially not a Grande Festival,

it is one of the most popular of all celebrations, since so many Strigoi Vii

enjoy the theatrics of Halloween, or Samhain. On this night the Wall Between

Worlds is most easily crossed. This is the time for the Strigoi Vii to

celebrate the most important holiday of The Family. Many do so by attending

carnival-style masques with a funereal theme, and by saying farewell to

the previous year. Traditionally this is the night on which Magister Ascensions

take place, and Twilight Festival celebrations are partially held in the

Ascended Magisters’ honor. Quorums of Strigoi Vii from around the world

often meet at this time. In late September and throughout the preceding

months, all of The Family begin to prepare costumes and masks for this

night. During the Twilight Festival We celebrate Elorath as a whole.

THE DRAGON FESTIVAL takes place during the night of April 30th. The

celebration of this festival coincides with the ancient European holiday

called “Walpurgisnacht.” This is the night when demons, faeries, banshees,

and other such legendary creatures are said to hold their dark celebrations.

To the Strigoi Vii, the Dragon Festival represents Our higher Selves and Our

Dragons. This Festival is also a major celebration of The Family when the

Dragon Mass is held on a worldwide level. This night We celebrate Ramkht,

the Visionary Oracle aspect of Elorath.

There are also several minor Strigoi Vii festivals including the Crimson Festival,

the Bast Festival and an individual’s Ascension Festival.

THE CRIMSON FESTIVAL takes place on February 14th, or St. Valentine’s

Day, and is the time when We celebrate Our deepest passions and romances,

as well as past and present loves. Here We recognize the partnerships and

marriages that sustain Us throughout the year. The Crimson Festival is also a

festival of the Hunt, celebrating its seductive, civilized, and glamorous aspects.

The symbolism of crimson is related to the concept embodied in the

words “For the Blood is the Life!” which is a metaphor for sustaining Ourselves

by feasting on Pranic energy. This night We celebrate Kitra, the

Weaver and Lover aspect of Elorath.

THE BAST FESTIVAL takes place near the mundane pagan holiday Lammas,

and celebrates the deadly predators of the animal kingdom, especially felines,

as a tool to attune Ourselves to Our primal natures. This festival is about life

and death, feeding and hunting. It is the primal twin to the Crimson Festival.

The Bast Festival is often held far away from civilization, such as deep within a forest or in the desert around large bonfires. During these celebrations,

one group takes on the roles of predators (hawks, cats, bears, eagles,

lions, etc.) while another takes on the roles of prey (rabbits, birds, deer, etc.)

and a simulated hunt is enacted. Due to its nature, this Mass is a Family or

group celebration only. This night We celebrate Mradu, the Warrior aspect

of Elorath.

ASCENSION FESTIVALS occur in accordance with the individual experience

of the Strigoi Vii Initiate. The most important of all personal Festivals for

any Strigoi Vii is their Ascension Festival, somewhat akin to a birthday. This

is the time when the Initiate celebrates Their Awakening. Whether the Initiate

is a novice in the esoteric world, or whether Their Initiation into Strigoi

Vii represents the consummation of prolonged exploration and study, the

date on which each individual Strigoi Vii is consciously “born” to The Family

is a most important anniversary. On this date each Strigoi Vii personally

celebrates and affirms Their Awakening.

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Vampires, they say, blow an unearthly beauty,

Their bodies are all suffused with a soft witch-fire,

Their flesh like an opal...their hair like the float of night.

Why do we muse upon them, what secret’s in them?

It is because, at last, we love the darkness,

Love all things in it, tired of too much light?

- From “The Divine Pilgrim” by Conrad Aiken

The Glamour represents the mystic powers of mesmerism, seduction, and

control that legends and literature assign to the vampire. A “glamour” may

be described as a magic spell, or, most commonly, an alluring or fascinating

attraction. The moth that immolates itself within a candle flame is irresistibly

drawn to the burning glamour of the fire. In such a manner do the

mundane flock to Us when We apply Our Vampyre Glamour. There are

two levels of Our Glamour: the Outer Glamour and the Inner Glamour.

The Outer Glamour is often used by the newer Initiates or those embroiled

in the aesthetics of gothic vampire imagery such as fangs and

dramatic attire. Mortals love such trappings as they are eternally seduced by

the fantasy of the vampire. A Strigoi Vii may use the Outer Glamour by

attending a gathering dressed in a “gothic” or otherwise striking costume

that is likely to fascinate people, thus drawing them and their associated energies

to the Strigoi Vii. Then, when the Strigoi Vii grows in Zhep’r, They

begin to manifest the Inner Glamour, which is mastered only through experience,

talent, and skill. The Inner Glamour comes from within and is not

dependant on the Vampyre archetype for empowerment. This level of

Glamour involves techniques such as NLP (neuro-linguistic programming),

voice control, the art of seduction, deliberate body language, aromatherapy,

application of psychological and subliminal cues, and hypnotism. Many of the techniques of the Inner Glamour are used by public speakers, successful

corporate executives, and sleight-of-hand magicians. Since the days of prehistoric

humans, those who have fully mastered these techniques have been

often elevated by mortals to the place of gurus, heroes, or gods. Even now,

those who have this special “charisma” often find a place as politicians or

celebrities. Beginning to be less dependent on the Outer Glamour, yet still

being able to recognize and reflect upon it and occasionally employ it when

necessary, is a strong trait of a potential Magister.

Today the Living Vampyre can master this art of seduction and

control of Their personal presence in order to further Their Zhep’r. All

humans are instinctually disposed towards fascination and seduction. This

can be seen in their courtship and mating rituals. Each Strigoi Vii must embrace

Their personal Glamour to fully be loved, desired, and revered. It is

through proper application of the different levels of the Glamour that We

maintain Our position as the rulers of Our own personal worlds.

We can employ and take advantage of the Glamour that appears in

folklore, mythology, art, and literature. There are few archetypes more compelling

and enduring than that of the vampire. Every culture has stories and

legends of some variation on the vampire. Through the Glamour, this archetype

has been branded into the human collective unconsciousness.

Mortals instinctively fear, love, and worship the vampire archetype. Our

Family and Mysteries directly benefits from this fascination for which We

tap with little effort.

Today, We begin a new Open Glamour. Despite the legends, for

centuries the majority of mortals did not believe We actually, physically, existed.

Many mortally minded today worship not only the Ascended Masters

as their deities, but also the icon of the vampire. Our image pervades every

aspect of mundane society, from best-selling novels to hit television shows

and movies. Every Halloween party has at least a few “vampires” in attendance.

We represent everything for which most people long: romance,

power, mystery, freedom, and, most importantly, Immortality.

As well, the recent “metaphysical” and new age fads have created an

ethos in which the mundane are ready to accept Our existence with enthusiasm

and passion. Every major bookstore contains a section on magick and

the occult. Many write books describing their encounters with vampires.

People claiming to be vampires today openly go on talk shows, write books,

and be the subjects of documentaries. It is as if the world has been awaiting


Be proud of your Heritage, for the vampire archetype is truly Immortal

like Our personal Quest of Immortality. Employ the Glamour with

skill and wisdom, and your own individual nobility will be realized.

“Fangs aided me in my Awakening. Wearing fangs was something I always wanted to

experience, and for me it was an incredibly profound event. When I first looked into the

mirror with them, something just clicked and a primal and empowering urge came over me!Of course, the fangs themselves were merely a placebo, but I embraced it! For me, like

many other Strigoi Vii to whom I spoke, getting my fangs was a true rite of passage.

Fangs cannot make a Vampyre, but they can sure add to one!

- Adrien Black Moon, Strigoi Vii Initiate and Fang Client of Father Sebastiaan,

London England

FANGS, a classic symbol of the Vampyre Glamour, can be a powerful tool

and a rite of passage. They are also a long-standing Strigoi Vii tradition.

Many may find fangs clichéd; yet this is not necessarily the case. Within the

vampire mythos, fangs are a constant and important symbol. As with many

aspects of the Glamour, this conditioning is intentional.

Fangsmiths (those who make custom fangs) have consistently noticed

that when an individual gets their fangs and looks in the mirror for the

first time, there is a subtle shift or transformation as they begin to view

themselves differently. Thus, for many, going through the ritual of having a

pair of fangs made by a Fangsmith is an Initiation into the subculture or

“Family.” There is nothing metaphysical about this. It is a psychological

metamorphosis that may ignite Zhep’r and be the first step to Awakening.

You should procure quality fangs made by a Fangsmith, not the

ones made by Hollywood SFX artists or dentists. Special-effects fangs are

usually made over-large in order to create the proper camera image, and

most dentists are not trained or skilled in fangsmithing. Your fangs should

be caps, small and subtle, made without a bridge (so you can speak easily),

and prepared from the highest quality dental acrylics.

The best part is that, unlike the cheap, boxed fangs available in

most Halloween shops, good fangs will be customized to your face and

tooth color. This means they will be fitted for you, so you may feel that the

fangs are a part of yourself. Many Vampyres wear Their fangs often and feel

incomplete without them, as fangs are a symbol of Our nature. This symbol

can do many things. Fangs act as a tool of the Lesser Glamour. They can

be a tool of seduction, as everyone is attracted to vampires. As well, they are

also a symbol of the Blood and Our primal nature.

That is why so many Initiates consider getting a pair of custom

fangs from a proper Fangsmith or “Family Dentist” an essential part of the

Glamour and of Coming Forth by Day.

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Then took the tree of Mystery root in the World of Los

Its topmost boughs shooting a fibre beneath Enitharmons couch

The double rooted Labyrinth soon wavd around their heads

- From “The Four Zoas” by William Blake

ORDEALS are formalized Rites of Passage into the Mysteries, teachings, and

traditions of Strigoi Vii for Initiates. Each of these psychological and spiritual

equations is solved by the individual on a solitary basis or with the

guidance of other Initiates and Magisters. The Ordeals are a regimented,

sequential system of learning and Ascension that directs a Strigoi Vii through

the Mirror Gates of Zhep’r. They may be likened to grades and degrees in a

scholastic institution or within occult groups such as the Hermetic Order of

the Golden Dawn or Freemasonry. The Seeker achieves Initiation by bringing

the Strigoi Vii Mysteries into Their sphere of understanding. Verification

of this understanding occurs through the achievement of specific results.

Mastery of the Strigoi Vii Mysteries is an individual and personal

process, not a Family endeavor. It is the achievement of a spiritual Ascension,

not of a social label or title that implies one individual’s superiority over

another. Each Mystery is a form of agreement and attunement within the

Current, and should only be done at the individual’s own pace.

The Ordeals are most often done on a solitary basis, as only the

Strigoi Morte, Our Ancestors, may judge an Initiate’s worth. Some Strigoi

Vii choose to formalize Their Initiation through a ceremonial group ritual,

and may seek out a Magister to preside over such occasions.

The Outer Mysteries are the elementary foundations of Strigoi Vii

Initiation. They are preferably done as points of self-Initiation. Each should

be done sequentially. It is traditional to take about six months before moving

on to the next Ascension, and to do otherwise is generally considered over-hasty. As well, it marks someone without the patience or maturity for


THE PROSPECTII ORDEAL, 0.0 is to validate those Who have shown a

vested interest in the Mysteries and potential for Zhep’r. Seekers are individuals

Who have Awakened to a curiosity about Their true nature. They

often will search for others like Themselves, and explore various groups and

traditions. The Prospectii may be drawn to books on the subject of vampirism

and vampires before acquiring an official copy of the Sanguinomicon and

studying its contents as a first step towards personal validation. Prospectii

must begin building a personal foundation of experience and knowledge that

will lead Them to pursue formal Initiation. They may also choose to formally

validate Their Initiation on a solitary basis through the Prospectii

Validation Rite found at the end of this tome. Some Strigoi Vii Initiates

wish to mark Their Ascension by meeting with a fangsmith and having a pair

of custom fangs made as a personal rite of transformation.

THE JAHIRA ORDEAL, 1.0 - or “Coming forth by Day” is for those who have

mastered the elementary foundations of Strigoi Vii in the Corporeal world of

the five senses. The true Jahira is in agreement with the Covenants of the

Black Veil, can apply Strigoi Vii philosophy, actively supports the Quest, and

demonstrates a basic grasp of the Glamour. Traditionally, these Initiates of

Strigoi Vii are known as Bellah, or the beautiful ones. The Jahira is dedicated

to a material mastery of life. They have established a rational and pragmatic

Dayside foundation before moving on to the higher Mysteries. Those Who

have solved this Mystery often choose to display a crystal or white stone in

Their ankh. The tools of the Jahira are a self-consecrated Legacy Ankh and


THE CALMAE ORDEAL, 2.0 represents “Coming forth by Night” and is for

those Who have moved beyond the Corporeal foundations of the five senses

and touched upon the deeper Mysteries of the Ethereal Realm of the subtle

world. The Calmae has been introduced to the Ethereal level of reality, and

is familiar with life-force, or Prana. The Calmae works towards mastering

the Immortal minded perspective, the Anatomy of Death, the Art of Vampyrism,

and Communion. Traditionally, Calmae may be addressed as “Sir”

or “Madame” or “Lady” to reflect Their level of Initiation. The Calmae has

explored the Current of Elorath on a spiritual level. Those Who have successfully

danced within this Mystery often choose to display a crimson stone

in Their ankh upon Their Initiation. The tools of the Calmae are a basic

black ritual robe and mask.

THE MOROII ORDEAL, 3.0 is for those “Coming forth by Twilight” and completion

of which results in recognition as “Adepts” of Strigoi Vii. The

MoRoii have gained personal validation of the reality of Communion with the Strigoi Morte, explored the Astral Realm of dreams, experienced Flight,

mastered advanced forms of the Art of Vampyrism, and demonstrated perceptual

control and Awakening of Their Dragon. To formally Initiate to

MoRoii, one must balance the Dayside and Nightside perspectives into a

strong Equilibrium of Twilight. Those Who have successfully solved this

Mystery often choose to display a purple stone in Their ankh. The tools of

the MoRoii are a consecrated ar’thana and a goblet.

THE MAGISTER ORDEALS 4.0+ are the highest level of formal Initiation

within the Strigoi Vii Mysteries and are only taught to the most worthy

Strigoi Vii, specifically within the OSV. The actual formulae for Magister

initiation is not fixed and varies from individual to individual, with a set of

customized “Trials” followed by a formal initiation. The levels of initiation

within the Magister Ordeals are kept from the mundane and outer Mysteries

as they cannot be described and are oral traditions.

In Latin, Magister means “master” or “teacher.” It was a title of respect

given to highly educated individuals in the Classical era, the Middle

Ages, and the Renaissance. The female equivalent of this title is Magistra.

The Strigoi Vii Magister has the solved the corresponding Ordeals for of the

Outer Mysteries of Jahira, Calmae and MoRoii. They have made great progress

in Zhep’r as They have achieved full Awakening of Their Dragon and

dedicated themselves fully to their own personal Quest for Immortality.

Magisters have experienced a full equilibrium of Twilight. Magisters have

developed the necessary skills to defeat the Second Death. All Magisters are

shining examples of the Mysteries, traditions, and philosophies of Strigoi Vii.

Every Magister, by accepting the secrets is bound to uphold the

Black Veil, Mysteries of Strigoi Vii and support the Quest of Family. Magisters

are dedicated to the evolution, preservation, and prosperity of the Strigoi

Vii Mysteries and Family. The Strigoi Vii Magister has developed the foundation

from which to explore and develop their skills with Nomaj Sorcery,

one of the Inner Mysteries. Traditionally, Magister Initiations are formally

performed in person at the annual Grande Conclave during the Twilight

Festival. However, they can be done elsewhere and when if necessary. The

Magister Ascension ritual is a private ceremony in which the Strigoi Vii seeking

Ascension performs a personal Initiation rite before at least two other

Magisters and the Keeper of Elorath.

Some Magisters choose to accept the duties of Magister Templi, a

formal priest/ess of Elorath. A Magister Templi can officially become an

Adra, which in Strigoi Vii terminology means “teacher.” A Magister Templi

(“master of the temple” in occult parlance) can be equated to a Rabbi in the

Jewish faith, a Padrino or Padrina in Santeria, or a Gnostic Bishop. They

often lead ritual, witness Initiations, consecrate temples and Sanctums, preside

over Blood and Roses ceremonies, and lead group Communion.

Magister Templi are often addressed as Godmother or Godfather, and, in some

circumstances, Reverend. Magisters have earned the right to wear an obsidian stone in Their

Legacy Ankh if They so choose, but few actually do so. A genuine Magister

has no need to advertise Their level of Initiation. The true Magister has

achieved an inwardly empowered ego and focuses exclusively on Their own

Zhep’r. Magisters, of course, may be at different levels of evolution based

upon Their personal interests and dedication to Their own Zhep’r.

Ascending to Magister is not the end of the evolution of Zhep’r for

the Strigoi Vii. In reality, it is only the beginning of one’s exploration of the

Inner Mysteries and deeper secrets of the Strigoi Vii.

THE PROSPECTII VALIDATION RITE is a simple ritual of Self-Initiation

and the most basic of all formal Initiations within the Strigoi Vii Mysteries.

Ritual is a powerful tool of personal reflection and empowerment as well as

a rite of passage.

The only tools needed are a completely private darkened room, a

mirror, and a black candle. The room should be as dark as possible, and

must be locked or otherwise secured so that you will not be interrupted during

the ceremony. This ritual, if possible, should be performed at midnight

during the New Moon. Hang the mirror on the wall or place it on a table or

shelf so that it is at eye level, and light the black candle to represent your

journey into the darkness others fear. Then, with sincerity, look directly and

deeply into your own eyes in the mirror and speak the Strigoi Vii Charge.

To further enhance the ritual experience, it may be empowering to wear your

fangs and a Legacy Ankh pendant whilst nightklad (clothed only by the

darkness to allow energies to flow), or while wearing a mask and black robe.

Some Initiates may also choose to utilize music and incense to help set the

mood. You should employ whatever tools will aid in making your Initiation

a singular and profound experience.

This simple act is the first step on your journey of Zhep’r. It

should be performed alone unless you have the luxury of knowing Ordained

Strigoi Vii Magisters. However, it is permissible to perform the Prospectii

Validation Rite in the presence of an Initiated lover or partner. In both

cases, however, the entire Initiation must be performed by the individual.

Be aware that any witnesses act as observers only and not “examiners” or

“benefactors.” It is your free Will that must be exercised first and foremost.

Thus you should preside over your own Initiation. You, and only you, are

qualified to say if you are ready to advance to the next step in your journey

of Zhep’r


Strigoi Vii is not a path for the masses, for mortals lack the gem-like flame of

the Current of Elorath, the essence of Our Family. Many will come to challenge

the Mysteries, and fail out of frustration, lack of potential or sincerity.

Those who are dedicated to deciphering the Mysteries should advance carefully

and without undue haste. Be sure that you are absolutely ready for each

step of Zhep’r. Strigoi Vii titles are reflections of what the individual practices

and that with which they agree. They are not invented titles in the

hierarchy of a fantasy social club or role-playing game! Earning a title, be it

Jahira or Magister, denotes a serious and personal experience of Ascension

and journey through Zhep’r.

Many will initially come to Our Mysteries eagerly, be an active presence

in the Sanguinarium for a short time, perhaps even express a desire to Initiate,

and then abruptly or gradually drift away from Our Current. These halfhearted

ones, known to us as Phyle, choose to remain bound to their limited

mortal perspective. Phyle will never truly revel in the pleasures of Ascension

through Zhep’r, and thus cannot experience the Immortal’s perspective of

personal godhood. The journey of Zhep’r is arduous, and, at times, frustrating.

However, it is a journey the likes of which you have never even

imagined before, with incomparable rewards to be gained through perseverance

and application.

In conclusion, honestly evaluate your personal reaction to the Sanguinomicon.

If what you have just read seems intimately familiar, you can truly say “I

feel as if I somehow knew this already,” and you possess a strong curiosity to

know more, you are then indeed a true Seeker. The next step is up to you.

Simply test and experiment with the Mysteries within the Sanguinomicon. If

you find your personal exploration results in enlightenment, then you are

experiencing Zhep’r. To those few who are of Our Blood, you Shining

Ones, welcome to the honor of Our Family!

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The following texts are some of the most basic and common books of interest

to the Strigoi Vii. Be aware this is far from a comprehensive list. Some

of these books may not fully embrace the vision of the Mysteries; however,

they are excellent sources from which the individual should form their own

opinion of Our philosophies and Mysteries. If the Strigoi Vii is true, They

shall instinctively seek out that which aids Their Zhep’r.

Akhkaru Vampyre Magick by Michael Ford

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

The Satanic Bible by Anton Szander LaVey

The Satanic Witch by Anton Szander LaVey

Liber Null & Psychonaut by Peter J. Caroll

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene with Joost Elffros

The 38 Strategies of War by Robert Greene

The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene

The Psychic Vampire Codex by Michelle Belanger

The Vampire Bible by the Temple of the Vampire (TOV)

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

The Secret by Rhonda Bryne

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

The New Occult Encyclopedia by John Michael Greer

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, by John Kuzak

The Outer Temple of Witchcraft by John Kuzak

MONSTERS by John Michael Greer

Reading People by Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, Ph.D., and Mark Mazzarella

The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter, C.P.A.

Thus Spake Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich


The New Intellectual and Anthem by Ayn Rand

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

Metaphysics by Aristotle

The Republic by Plato

Magic in Theory and Practice and The Book of the Law by Aleister


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The following list is inspired by the playlist of Lord A:. from Brazil, with

some additions from Father Sebastiaan and others. There is no specific

form of “vampire music,” nor are vampires limited to the “gothic rock”

genre. The following is just a sample of the music that has been popular

amongst the Strigoi Vii over the years.

The Dark Mother – Inkubus Sukkubus

Long Black Veil – Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

The Vampire Empire – Two Witches (Crimson mix)

Vende-se um estido (Poesida) – Cicuta

Paint it Black (cover) – gODHEAD

Interludium – Invocation of Fire – In Auroram

Bringo Bell – Mediaeval Baebes

Angels Hesitate – Carfax Abbey

Hecate Chant – Olam ien sof

Sympathy for the Devil (Rolling Stones cover) – Inkubus Sukkubus

Paint it Black (cover) – Inkubus Sukkubus

Bela Lugosi’s Dead – Bauhaus

Resurrection – Brotherhood of Pagans

Igmominous Plazazaious – Gargula Valzer

Images of Memories – Porifira

Transylvanian Concubine (Marilyn Manson remix) – Rasputina

The Oxidizing Angel – Blutengel

The Bat – Suneth Midnight

Shadow of Love – The Damned

The Coffin Didn’t Want Me – Bella Morte

Nosferatu – Dead Roses Garden

Lesbian Vampires from Outer Space – Scary Bitches

Underworld – Elegia

Psychic Vampire – Ikon

Kiss – London After Midnight

Whispered Brutality – Black Tears – The Downward Path

Self Control (Laura Branigan) – Paralyized Age

Call Out My Name – Inkubus Sukkubus

This Vicious Cabaret – David P.

Bloodletting – Concrete Blonde

Knock Three Times – Black Tape for a Blue Girl

The Collector – Nine Inch Nails

Bullet With Butterfly Wings – Smashing Pumpkins

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The various literary works listed here are also all highly recommended reading for the

Strigoi Vii. You should seek to build a solid foundation in all fields of thought influenced

by Our Current, be they poetical, literary, philosophical, psychological, or many others.

Please note that all of these works are cited in various portions of the Sanguinomicon,

but separate portions of the volume may not refer to every work listed here.

Aiken, Conrad. “The Jig of Forslin.” The Divine Pilgrim. Athens: The

University of Georgia Press, 1916, 1949. 39-102.

The Bible. King James Version.

Blake, William. “All Religions are One.” The Complete Poetry & Prose of

William Blake. Ed. David V. Erdman. New York: Anchor Books, 1988. 1-


- - -. “Augeries of Innocence.” Erdman. 490-492.

- - -. “The Four Zoas.” Erdman. 300-407.

- - -. “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.” Erdman. 33-44.

Budge, E. A. Wallace, Ed. and trans. The Egyptian Book of the Dead (The

Papyrus of Ani). Brooklyn: A&B Book Publishers, 1994.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. “The Franklin’s Tale.” The Canterbury Tales. The Riverside

Chaucer. Ed. Larry D. Benson. Third Ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin

Company, 1987.

Eliot, T.S. “Burnt Norton” from Four Quartets. T. S. Eliot: The Complete

Plays and Poems 1909-1950. New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1980.


Fitzgerald, Edward. “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.” The Standard

Book of British and American Verse. Ed. Nella Braddy and Christopher

Morley. New York: Garden City Publishing Company, Inc., 1932. 438-455.

H. D. “The Walls Do Not Fall.” Trilogy. New York: New Directions,

1998. 1-60.

Hesse, Herman. Demian. Trans. Michael Roloff and Michael Lebeck. New

York: Bantam Books, 1925, 1969.

- - -. Siddhartha. Trans. Hilda Rosner. New York: Bantam Books,

1951, 1971.

- - -. Steppenwolf. Trans. Basil Creighton and Joseph Mileck. New

York: Bantam Books, 1927, 1963.

Kerouac, Jack. The Scripture of the Golden Eternity. San Francisco: City

Lights Publishers, 1960, 2001.

King, Dr. Martin Luther. Letter from Birmingham City Jail. Juxtapositions. Ed.

Marlene Clark. 1st Edition. Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2004,

2005. 95-111.

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. “My Lost Youth.” The Standard Book of

British and American Verse. Ed. Nella Braddy and Christopher Morley.

New York: Garden City Publishing Company, Inc., 1932. 433-435.

- - -. “Hymn to the Night.” The Standard Book of British and American

Verse. Ed. Nella Braddy and Christopher Morley. New York: Garden City

Publishing Company, Inc., 1932. 432-433.

Lovecraft, H. P. The Descendent. The Dream Cycle of H. P. Lovecraft:

Dreams of Terror and Death. New York: Del Rey Books, 1943, 1995. 5-8.

- - -. The Nameless City. 55-65.

Milton, John. Areopagitica. Selected Essays of Education, Areopagitica, the

Commonwealth. New York: Kessinger Publishing, 2005. 31-141.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Thus Spake Zarathustra. The Portable Nietzsche. Ed.

and trans. Walter Kaufmann. New York: Penguin Books, 1954, 1976. 112-


Plato. The Republic. Trans. B. Jowett. Vols. 1-3. New York: Three Sirens


Poe, Edgar Allan. Ligeia. The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan

Poe. New York: Vintage Books, 1975. 654-666.

Pope, Alexander. An Essay on Man in Four Epistles to Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke.

West Brookfield: C. A. Mirick & Co., 1843.

Pound, Ezra. Mediaevalism and Mediaevalism (Guido Cavalcanti). Ezra Pound: A

Critical Anthology. Ed. J. P Sullivan. Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1970. 98-


Rand, Ayn. Anthem. New York: Signet, 1946.

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare

Ed. William George Clark and William Aldis Wright. New York:


& Dunlap Publishers, 1911. 1007-1052.

- - -. Sonnet CXVI. George and Wright. 1302.

Stoker, Bram. Dracula. New York: Bantam Books, 1981.

Tennyson, Alfred Lord. “In Memoriam.” Tennyson’s Poetical Works (Illustrated).

Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, 1899. 217-259.

Thoreau, Henry David. Walden, or, Life in the Woods. New York: The

Heritage Press, 1939.

Whitman, Walt. “Song of Myself.” The Oxford Book of American Verse.

Ed. F. O. Matthiessen. New York: Oxford University Press, 1950, 1957.


Wordsworth, William. “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey.”

The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol. 2. Ed. David

Damrosch. New York: Longman, 1999. 328-331.


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Sanguinomicon homepage


The Current of Elorath, Strigoi Vii English message boards.


Sanguinomicon MySpace page


Sanctum du Lutetia, French language Strigoi Vii temple


Alchemy Gothic, makers of the Legacy Ankh pewter pendant.


C’est Magnifique, providers of high quality sterling silver jewelry in

Gotham Halo. http://www.cest-magnifique.com.

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