Hall of Artistic Endeavors

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Life without art would be so very dull and boring. And our House and Alliance holds some of the most talented members within these walls. In that spirit- this page will display recent art, poetry and written words of the talented members of House Madadh and Adalwulf Alliance. Both past and present members work can be found here.

If you wish to add your own work- please message me. Enjoy!


A existential poem from the lovely schweinhagen.

"Planet hell"

what is this place?
is this an undiscovered planet?
i think its that planet hell that is in the stories...

"welcome now..to my planet hell"

*walking around*
yes this place could very well be the planet hell that i've heard so much about...

*sees something*
wow...this place really is planet hell...
welcome signs help often on figuring out where you are....
this one seems like this place is meant for one person...

*thinks a little too hard*
this is my hell....
this is my planet hell and i have found it wondering and walking...

i thought that there was only one planet hell....
and you had to be part of some club to get into it...

i guess all people have their own planet hell...
and there must only be one way into it...

but you must have to truely believe that you can get to it...
and eventually you will get there...

just like i did...

and its just a shame that you couldnt come with me...
this is my own little world....
and you don't care...
but that's ok...they know me here....
i don't need you here to keep me company...

this is my own planet hell...
and i'm happy to be here

The Demon

Once there was a demon
He went through life alone
Day after day he had no one
No one to love
No one to love him back
The demon wanted what most his kind did not
He wanted an angel to love
Wanted to find his other half
The demon found this angel one day
But was thrown off
This angel was not alone
He sat back and became friends with her
Months went by and the this angel was alone
The demon then sought out this chance
The chance to make her his own
A day went by with the demon and the angel talked
He then realized he loved her more then before
The angel then admitted that she loved him too
From that day on
The demon had his angel
And he is not going to let his dark angel go

Goth Night

When darkness falls
a smile crosses my face
could it be
that im craving those dark nights again?

All my senses tell me
my goth man is back
he has been near
the way the night has become darker, he is here
he lives in the nights, The Goth Nights

He beckons me nearer, with a song written for me
he has found his way back to me
to finally make me his goth angel
could this be why im craving those dark nights?

these Goth Nights
are why i live
without the dark nights my Goth Man wouldnt be here
I wouldnt be here
for i am now
and forever will be
his Goth Angel


these dark nights are getting hopeless
where are you?

im waiting
cant you see that?

these dark nights are long without you here
will you come back?

are you there?
awaiting me in the shadows?

i think i see you

but that could be just my eyes
playing games with me

is it true?
are you really gone?

but your shadow still lingers
i can sense it

please come back
theres room to make it right again

i miss you.

Demon Vamp

I walk the nights
Sleep away the days
Being alone all the time
Never finding company
Etching names of enemies into sides of bullets
Planning who my next victim will be
Wondering where my next meal will come from
Scared of what my next night will bring
Wanting someone to share my nights with

I sense another being
So I stop for a minute
This is no ordinary being
He is different
A handsome demon vamp

He gets closer
But i dont let my fears show
Something tells me he needs me
He gets even closer

He starts closing in on my
But stops
I let him know I see him
He moves out of the shadows
And lets me see him for all he is

I stop moving
He sees the fear in my eyes
He moves in close to me
Taking me in his arms
Kissing me lightly on my forehead
Lets me know Im safe with him

Prose poetry and lyrics from Deathwalker253

"Just Listen"

Music makes me happy, just listen to the words, though they can be saddening, just hear the minor thirds. Listen to the flow, let it invade your mind, strain to hear its slow, yet active in its time. Now, hear it comes, the run, moving up and down, technical yet simple, flowing with the sounds. Climbing evermore, the tempo it increases, the volume it maintains, to tear your heart to pieces. Tension is afoot, as it amplifies, multiply the sound, and then it shall arrive. Bursting on the scene! The climax has been reached! Now tell me that you don't love, that slow and gentle piece!

"That Day"

I had to stay home on that morning, that day,
While thousands of souls were drifting away.
That day went by so quickly, so fast.
I felt like I didn't get the chance to cast
off the feelings of nausea now,
it was something my day just wouldn't allow.
That day began as I quietly wept
That day began as the towers began their smoky descent.

The Will

Silently empty the room stood still
quietly watching the man and his will.
Judging his family and spreading his wealth
noticing sadly the greed and the filth.

Wanting through nothing the fighting began
when many slight lambs were then so condemned.
Not with their fists but with their words and their lies.
The words were absurd as were the gleams in their eyes

The man with his money knew not what to do
when his family was fighting they had not a clue.
He thought about what could be done to resolve
the problems that had come from his saddening call.

Come the next morning he knew what to do.
The man with his money had come from his gloom.
Nothing was to go to those who had come
with greed in their eyes. What had they become?

Wonder in its forms

I wonder what to do, I wonder what to think, I wonder all the time till my face is flush with pink.

Wondering while working, wondering at home, wondering all the time I think I’m on my own.

I wondered when it was, I wondered when it is, I wondered at what point I became like this.

No longer do I wonder, the wondering is done, the thoughts I wondered no longer do they come.


Licking wounds and stamping feet
beating cold and winding streets.
Falling snow is white like death
while many perish beneath the dress.

Numbing words and stinging face
burning lies and deadly lace.
Rising ash is fighting strong
though it's not hard for they're not gone.

Blinding sights and crying hands
figured minds and warring lands.
Covered bodies lying still
while many more are falling till.

Violent acts and seeing eyes
We're not right until realized.

Double Glass

Looking through a thin black glass
straight at me he stares right back.
His side white and very clean
it's what is called the perfect scene.

In his hands I see a sight
familiar to me my hands held tight.
Holding what I like to dream
he has those very precious things.

Ambitions which I want to hold
in my hands he sees but mold.
Straight past me he sees my need
what I want but can't yet reach.

The Book

A fickle mind with slight of hand
checking times by counting sand
he saw a book of warring lands.

The saddening book that caught the eye
happy people sighed then cried
while the man looked to the sky.

Shocking rain upon his face
coldness fell with chilling grace
in that very sorrowed place.

A counting sheep that would not sleep
jumping though it could not leap
that man collapsed into a heap.

Maddening sights laid before
he found to look was quite a chore
and this is why the man had sworn.


I believe there are answers to all my questions. I believe dreams come true but with discretion. I know that I'm naive and that's okay. I know I'm happier when I'm this way. I'm pessimistic and cynical to boot. I over think my precarious pursuit. I can not wait 'till I succeed. I can not wait 'till I exceed. I have fears of that which I do not know. I have strengths to overcome within me though. I philosophize the world that is today. I philosophize but I do not stray. I think that the world lacks respect. I think that decency is what's correct. I wish that things were different now. I wish that this could be allowed.

A Mad Old Man

A man with his mind was claimed to be mad.
He's kind like a dreary mocking old man.
He sat upon a funny looking rock,
looked strangely like his lumpy cooking pot.

His mind was a mess and contained all sorts
of thoughts for inventions, most made of quartz.
One lacked propulsion, it was hard to use
as it had fins where instead should be shoes.

Neurotic, nautical, nerve-racking thing.
I know I am strange but this thing had rings.
With its abnormal flesh and glaring eyes.
The being with things made me feel my demise!

The thing stares with thoughts that can scare bold men.
The mad old man drew it all with a pen.
I ignored the man's maniacal plot,
rumors had it he was a wizened sot.

Two incredible short fiction pieces from the incomparable Bloodmother:

Retro Reptile

Slender shoulders, blades jutting out like wings, Lydia walked through treacherous high school corridors after first period, head held high, looking neither to the left nor to the right, straight out the door to her ‘56 Ford. She tossed the parking ticket in the glove compartment with the others, giving no thought to the future. No one knew who she was, or where she was going.

She drove past low, pink hills dotted with piñon, and adobe homes camouflaged in the scrub. Lydia felt abandoned by the relentless blue sky filling the void above until she reached the vineyard. Well-tended and deserted as usual, she walked barefoot through rows of twisted vines, squeezing the crumbly black earth between her toes, and listening to the shadowed creek down the hill.

A little snake darted across her path, and stopped.

Lydia froze. She’d not thought about meeting snakes, only murderers or rapists. They wouldn’t find her body for weeks, probably.

The snake turned its head cartoon style to take her measure. It was bright green under the blazing sky, and it was more frightened than Lydia. It took off at a fast clip down the hill to the water.

The day turned hopeful.

Retro Reptile appeared in Silhouette, 2009, an anthology published by WriteGirl.org, a mentoring organization for high school girls.

House of Two Seasons

I come from a house of secrets, dark and hopeless. Corruption and betrayal rot the foundation.

In the summer, lightening reflects my anger. Electric fingers touch down in the velvety night, pointing the way. I know there is more in the world for me.

In the winter, cosseted inside, breathing the decay, the snow washes the outside world white. I make tracks away.

Published in Lines of Velocity, 2008

A moving poem by the talented EternalSpirit.

For Him
She walks alone in the night
He asks to be at her side
Does he know that of which he asks,
Her veins burn with thirst and desire,
His heart beats with pure desire,

She could take him in her embrace,
At what cost does she have the taste,
He comes to her with heart so pure,
He longs to be her hearts desire,

She craves him to hold,
but her senses tell her no
what shall be fate,
Time is what it will take

she has lived many life times
betrayed many times
content to stay alone with mother night
He comes into view, with a longing so true
Not much more she can take, His veins pulsate

She longs for this to be true
His heart skips a beat or two
She will have him when the time is right
When he can give all of himself to her

She will embrace and make his darkest desire


Powerful poems by FallenAngel:

Lonely Lonely

I've been lonely for the past few years,
Lonely enough to cry out tears,

My friends like me no more,
But I still knock on their door,

Harder and harder I try,
But Still I wish to die,

Lonely Lonely everywhere,
But all I receive is a glare,

Wherever I go,
I walk real slow,

Cause there is nothing for me to see,
There is no where for me to be,
Is lonely my destiny?

No no not at all,
I just haven't been called

Dream A While With Me.

I dream of rainbows, Bright in the sky,
I dream of lightning, together we cry,

I dream of flowers, I feel such delight,
I dream of spiders, and I scream with fright,

I dream of fish, swimming in the sea,
I dream of sharks, coming after me,

I dream of lambs, frolicking around,
I dream of wolves, Hunting, no sound,

I dream of children, several of them ours,
I dream of them waking, Being up for hours,

Stay with me forever and together we’ll cope,
Because when I dream of you, I dream of hope,

Dream awhile with me and together we’ll see,
Not all dreams are bad, so dream along with me.

"I Lost"

I lost my first thought in the morning
I lost my prayer in the night
I lost the only joy of living
I lost the direction of my life
I lost what eased troubles of the day
I lost what gave weekends most pleasure
I lost what is constant in yesterdays
I lost what was to be the future
I lost confidence in my ways
I lost the swagger in my walk
I lost what parts all colors from gray
I lost whom I loved most

I lost you.

Family I love

Love my family with my hold heart.
My love is Joy to love my family
Family is sad and happy and love.
Family is fun and painful and pretty.
My family is like all families we have
love and we have happiness and tears
I love my whole family
My family is like angels who fly in sky
I am grateful that I have family that loves
My family are kind and nice and fun to be
My family is painful like all families are and
heart breaking and Evil sometimes
My family is heart breaking and deadly like
everyone else
Hey I can't stop loving my family not matter what
it costs in the family.
The way my family is just makes me want to have family
with someone be as good as they are.
But God know I love my family
and our love is great to have in life
and even know they leave he world they still
a live in my hearts.

Wolf Prayer

Follow me down the path
I will walk beside you
Guiding and showing you the way
I will not leave you
I will be standing on the path watching you
If you ever feel alone
Close your eyes
You will see 6 sets of foot prints
2 belonging to you, 4 to me
Then you will know that I have not left you

Poems from DarknessWithinThee that will make you reflect.


All alone I stand
For what I am
Family, Friends no more
I always knew I would walk alone

Disgraced, disowned, here we go
Pain, rage flows freely out
Numbness, a cold calm comforts

Looking upon the Judgmental I once knew
They never had a clue
That which they looked upon
Its time to move on.

Taking the only ties I have
My children, my blood
Looking back no more
Where I'm going unsure
Free to find my new home

Mother Night I cling To Thee
For you will never forsake me


Another night passes.
I long to see your face.
I feel you with me,
With each breath
I feel you deep within

Yours and Mine the bond we share
Can never be changed through time.
Your each beat my heart takes
Your the air that sustains me.

The love just between you and I
Will last with me till the end of time
I think of you as the night air
brushes against my face.
As each night passes I'm closer
To the night I may hold you.

I cling to mother night
she guides and comforts
While your away.
I lay with hopes
One day you will stay

I feel your thoughts
I feel your pain
I feel your anger
I feel your love
I know what it will take
To break free of your chains

Once more we shall embrace
Oh how my heart aches
To feel your teeth in my flesh
To completely be one
Once again
My Lord, I will forever be yours


Once born into night
A child born of love
Left alone to find her way
I found my strength within each day

Thoughts of how I came to be
Is what truly sustains me
Your Lady of the night
Your Lady of love

I long for knowledge
Crave to be what you desire
To be what makes you proud

Your Namesake
Your Child
Your Kindred
Your scared lil fledgling
Finding her way day by day

More and more I grow
away from childish things
That were taught to me
The mundane way I lose touch with
More and more everyday

With each milestone
You check on me
To see more and more
What I will be

Tonight was the latest one
with your strength
With your love
I had what I needed to overcome

The last of mundane innocence
Flowed out of me
As it gasp for life
I gave up the fight
For the last part of
What was once precious to me
In the name of feeding
It came to be
Your lil vampyre
walked away free
From all I knew

To grow has sacrifices
This I know so painfully
Another growth moment
Gone in a instant

I take each step of growth
To one day be
Where you can truly love me
And set our souls free

A poem from Cadrewolf:


A warm summer night,
Not to long ago;
The moon the stars,
The night did glow.

A small breeze sang,
Of an uncertain love;
A lone wolf did sing,
Caring to heaven above.

A look from her eyes,
Told him it was right;
Their hearts did race,
Filled with delight.

Hands did caress,
Bodies so warm;
The scent of skin,
Emotions that swarm.

A sweet gentle kiss,
On lips so fair;
Vibrant and red,
That matched her hair.

Their mouths explored,
Every inch of their skin,
From top to bottom,
Without any end.

A nectar so sweet,
A taste so true,
Bodies entangled,
Love on the move.

Moans of passion,
Fill the night air;
The moon and stars,
An unrelentless stare.

He looks up at her,
For she’s on top;
Dance of her body,
As it sways and rocks.

A feeling deep down,
Something starts to stir;
An explosion within,
Warm, cascading surge.

A sigh of love,
She falls into his arms;
For on this night.
They did you no harm.

A lovers moon,
Fair and gold;
For on this night,
Their love is told.

The love of a century,
Two bodies in the night;
For they will vanish,
Come morning light.

Is this a fable,
Of an undying passion;
Or a ghost story,
Without any ration

Poetry by quintavollie -- a new and talented member.

To meet a stranger

To meet a stranger within the cloudy moonlit night is a deceit of yourself beckoned my eyes, dark fornication...
The red hot blood dripping down your thigh, gasping air, never forgiving, when you end your deceit what is left?
You turned your back, bending over easily, on longer mine to hold on to, yet you return with the sent of a stranger tempting pent up rage as if you were its tamer...

Darkness Falls

The darkness falls upon thy face enlightened through hellish gates... you wish to see me through closed eyes expecting me to rise for your desires yet your heart is darkened to me... wet desires are never met, open your heart and seize the moment for deep inside you'll reach enlightenment through hellish gates... you wish to see me now your open for me no longer expecting arise, heart now open wet to touch, never ending desires forever dripping from your tongue chapter closed till the next darkness falls.


Tears down your saddened face, staining with its clear drippings. your sadness heating, filling with white hot anger, spreading like the plague, deep down whispers giving way to true meaning, tingling deep sadness, hating yourself for the meanings behind... running to the case like moth to flame, forever flowing deep passion extinguished...

Poetry by BadwitchoftheMidwest -- a particularly beloved member.

The Remedy

Still, even now
as only threads of her memory cling to your being;
her tongue manages to speak your name.
With its last wisps still lingering you feel
the softest of heart breaks.

And as night falls with it goes every fiber -
every fiber that separates us man from morals.
And the only thing left is memory in shadows
you can see, feel her heart crying.

For this is what centuries feel like
to a young soul so eager to have loved.
With every day passing she hopes to find
the strength and courage to shake you.

But still then the sun sets and yet again it rises.
She can feel in her heart and soul the ache you have.
The wonder and wish of ‘what if’ and ‘maybe’
call it dense, naive whatever you may please.

But her only way of making it through those
fleeting hours is to pray and wish upon
every fallen lash and shooting star.
That you still whisper her name in the darkness.

Candied Kisses

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.
I could have made you happy; I could have been your girl.
I would have listened to all your troubles in the world.
You just shook your head and turned you back on me.
You closed your heart with a lock and key.

Tonight I’m lying here on the floor.
I can’t tell up from down or right from wrong any more.
My only thoughts are on how I loved you
So now I don’t know what to do.

I can’t think straight everything is all foggy maybe my timing was wrong.
I didn’t mean to inconvenience you.

The prodigal daughter DarkSorcha has returned to Madadh, bearing an amazing poem.

Behold! Man of Unbelief! Behold!

“Lanyon, my life, my honor, my reason are all at your mercy. Think of me in a strange place, laboring under a blackness of distress that no fancy can exaggerate: yet if you will punctually serve me, my troubles will roll away like a story that is told. If not, you have seen the last of your friend Henry Jekyll.”
~Henry Jekyll, “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”

He only is to blame:
Jekyll is in deadly peril.
You are in my power now.
The greed of curiosity has

Jekyll in deadly peril.
Remember your vows, Lanyon.
The greed of curiosity has
Too much command of you.

Remember your vows, Lanyon,
And you shall see and know all
Too much command of you;
Learn marvels of which

You shall see and know all.
Sleep in peace:
Learn marvels of which
Hippocrates never dreamed!

Sleep in peace
Now, to settle what remains.
Hippocrates never dreamed;
My impatience has shown its heels.

Now… to settle what remains:
You are in my power now.
My impatience has shown its heels
And only Jekyll is to blame.

Poems from the fabulous Feralia.

Immortal Goddess

Black hair and wicked smiles
Eyes so deep her soul for miles
Winged angelic god-made whore
Dream invader wanting more

Sanguine goddess, ancient demoness
Made an offer, and promised bliss
Incantations mix a spell
Vampyress majick, god-like hell

Forbidden secrets of fangular kind
Share the blood, ruin the mind
Take you back to ancient times
Beware dark children, her lustful crimes

She can break you like weakened fools
Turn you into slave-like ghouls
Wife of Adam, should've sat on his face
And took him in her vampyre embrace

Perhaps she wasn't as stories are told
And maybe her character not so bold
When lover's are crossed, anything is said
"I tossed that bitch straight out of my bed!"

Garden of Eden, Paradise of Pain
Heartbroken Mistress, Lover of Cain
Immortal Mother, Eternal Flame
Sympathy for Lilith, Her spirit remains


The moon is my guide
Your blood is my wine
In the red mist we live
I'll charm all your senses
Throw down your defenses
Eternity is mine to give

© Angel H.

Now some poems from the thoughtful Rangiku.


Consumed by hatred and fear
She walks alone in a world
That could never understand her
She wonders alone in the darkness
Wishing someone would find her
Wishing on a false dream
The darkness surrounds her
protects her from the outside world
That has hurt her.


Into the darkness that surrounds
Into the night of internal darkness
Into the future of the bloods
Into the end
I will not fall
I shall stand tall and rain victorious


Darkness runs through her veins
The sacred book in her hand
She sits alone wondering
s what I am to do right
Should I devour my enemy
Who threatens me
Should I let crimson be my revenge
Darkness covers me in a blanket
Hidden from the site
I jump into the night
Following my pray
And attack in the dead of night

Powerful and thoughtful poetry from the amazing Amarante.

Can you feel the agony
is it real or just a theory
can you feel it rushing in to your head
maybe you are just dead
the feeling can be mutual
but most of the time not at all so brutal

I found my life
I found my love
I found the way
I found you
One little shot
One eyelash flash
And all was there
for me and you
One little dance
Two sides i see
Only you is what i need
Hair flowing around
Hands finding their way
there we are
We are bound
for each other to be found

An insightful poem from another member, Strawberrymoon.

Hey cut a girl some slack,
i ain't your doll on a rack,
i can bite and hit just like you,
your nothing but a piece of shit on my shoe,
or do i mean heel because after all,
i'm not the one about to fall.

Your the one who's a whore,
i'm not the one that sleeps with chicks i find outside concert doors,
Go to hell you make me sick,
with all your high ideals and super male kicks.

I don't dream of a white picket fence or even a little house with flowers,
I'm past the stage of daddy's little princess and silly little sugar coated towers,
I'm a new kind of monster who loves her enemies covered in BBQ sauce,
Cooked to a crisp if you please, cause i'm not into medium rare horse.

Silly man with such a little brain,
can't you see i'm a head of you in our little game,
Stop bitching and moaning i'm sick of your shit,
Get off your ass and do your bit.

If anyone's getting tied up its you,
i wonder if i should use my whip on you too,
So sweet your cries are to my ears,
i think i like to see your tears.
When i cry you think i'm playing,
But really i'm thinking of going storm chasing.

Moral: If you sleep with a asshole your gonna get shit on.:)

A gripping short story from LimitlessNikkie.

Caught in the Rain

I duck under a gnarled oak tree to escape the down pour of warm rain. I smile like a child at Christmas giggling with abandon as I watch lightning wraps around the sky sticking awe in me. I'm tempted to run back out into the rain and dance around like a child to lose myself in the pure happiness I used to find in the wild abandon of dancing in the rain worshiping the earth and sky as pagans must have in a time near forgotten but I don't. The memories of the last time I danced in the rain with you are still too fresh in my mind. Though the memories are bitter sweet one I smile to myself remembering.

I remember how your car broke down in the along the highway as you drove me home. Black silver smoke drifted out from under the hood making you cuss and me worry. How we parked beside the orchard and you tried to call triple A but had no reception. You were miserable, you hated the cold and the wet. You complained endlessly about your shitty car and the shitty weather. How annoying it was that I lived way out of town and how inconvenient it was that I’d gotten off work late so we left just as the storm was moving in.

You grumbled and complained stomping around the car fiddling with something under the hood only to slam it down cussing again. You blackened mood hung around us but I didn’t take part in it. To me the weather was perfect and the car meant little. The rain was soft and just a bit colder then the warm spring air. It was the first rain so it had that smell you know the one that smells like water and warm concrete. It sounds like a bad smell but it me it’s wonderful. It’s my favorite smell in the world. A smell that would forever remind me of you.

So as you stomped around complaining trying to start your car I stood in the rain in a pair of shorts and a white tank top getting soaked but not caring in the least just smelling that fresh rain smell feeling the electricity in the air and smiling. I felt like laughing and running around like a little kid playing worshiping the earth, the sky and life in the only way I knew how, but I held back. We were new, you were new and I wasn’t comfortable acting like an idiot in front of you...yet.

You paused in you grumbling and complaining long enough to notice me standing in the rain. I could tell you were about to start up again probably directing it at me for being all wet, probably you were going to complain about me getting the seats all wet but I stopped you. I walked up to you and wrapped my arms around your weights and lean into you smiling into your eyes. You wrap your arms around me and smile down at me. It was a loving look that made me feel treasured and special.

You call me an imp and tweak my nose making me feel like a little girl again. I laughed and twirl out of your arms acting childish but reveling in the freedom of it. You ask me what I was doing already charmed by my childish enthusiasm but rather then answer you I just laughed pulling you with me into the orchard. I twirled away from you dancing between the trees making you follow me. You laugh at my antics and soon your chasing me.

We laugh and play and you chase me trying to catch me. I run screaming and laughing and you catch me, an outstretched arm catching me around the waist pulling me against you. Pinning me to one of the large walnut tree that surround us we share a kiss that was startling in it’s intensity in it’s passion. I slip out of your arms and pull away making you chase me again. You call me a tease and run. You catch me again, it was just a matter of time.

You tackle me into a mud puddle and I scream like a girl soaked and dripping. You laugh and fall into the puddle beside me pulling me into your arms. I snuggling into your arms feeling the chill you’d been complaining about a few minutes ago. You whip muddy water from my face and smile the incredible smile down at me that makes me feel breathless and a little giddy.

You pull me closer then close and kiss me again and butterflies take wing in my belly making me feel like I’m falling in love. I smile at you brightly feeling content and happy. We lay there for a while under the outstretched branches of the walnut tree with the random raindrop hitting us. After a while you stand up and pull me up and holding my hand we head for a house seen not to far in the distance.

You whisper things to me as we walk, like how beautiful I am and how I looked like walking temptation that you can’t stop look at me because of the way my wet clothes leave nothing to the imagination. I giggle and blush as you run your hands over my curves making me feel giddy and desirable.

You turn me around and press me into a tree kissing me hard making me breathless and a little weak in the knees. We kiss and touch and end up making love under that tree. It wasn’t my first time but it felt like it. Everything felt new and magical. I knew this time would be the one I remembered the one that would actually count in my mind.

The rain had stopped by the time we were finished and the clouds were breaking up. The dappled sun light was shinning and it was sunset. The sky looked like it was liquid fire, bright reds and oranges that countless master artists had tried to capture and never could. The scene was made all the more beautiful because parts of it that were hidden from view by the clouds.

You held me close and whispered that you loved me and without second thoughts or hesitation I told you I loved you too. We walked back to the car through the dripping rain and we drove home. It seemed like such a promising beginning, so magical and perfect. But life isn’t a fairy tale and like most teenage loves ours wilted and fell apart.

It was almost a year ago on a rainy day just like this one that I laid in your arms and told you I loved you. The break up was painful but I treasure that memory, the day in the rain when I had enough courage to tell a boy exactly how I was feeling and risk my heart in someone else's hands for just a moment of perfection.

Smiling to myself at the memory I stepped out into the the rain and with the memory of your day in the rain fresh in my mind and your name on my lips I danced in the rain thanking the world for that one moment of true perfection.

An poem and other great work from the amazing Ashterah.


Dark are our eyes
Our fur soft and thick
We howl, night skies
When full moon's quick

We're one of many packs
Like the wind we run
Down new and beaten tracks
Then rest in harmony, once done

The bonds shared
Watching our prey
Nothing compared
Patience, ready to stay

Like the predators we are
Stalking, Hunting, Prowling
The nature we all bare
Never fight, never cowering

On a lonely crest
One howls at the moon
Calls our kin abreast
We'll all gather soon

Our pack is all powerful
Our den is all might
We protect our kineful
In darkness or light

Down by the rivers
Along the streams
We're takers and givers
In moonlit beams

Our territory, we patrol
We are hunters o'the night
We support and control
Never with might

We rest only to sleep
We wake only to hunt
Through underbrush, we creep
Our actions are blunt.

We never get slack
When all said and done.
We run as a pack
Our pack run as one

We are the House of Madadh-Alluidh!

© Ashterah 2010.

In respect of Meeper.

There was only darkness, until out of the deep black, a light emerged: the first wolf, Meeper. But she was alone in her existence, so out of her great loneliness, she took a piece of flesh from her heart and molded it into a likeness of herself – and so Madadh-Alluidh was born, the den of dark ones. Together their harmony created the world and all the creatures that inhabited it. The wolves prospered and a great pack rose to power …

... Until Meeper gave the mortals magic. Mortals were imperfect creations. They were soon overcome by power. Each wanted the powers of another and a war spread across the earth the divided the gods themselves. Then, in a great acceptance, Meeper took in Ashterah with the other many powerful wolves scattered them across the earth. If the pack should ever be united, peace will be reborn.

I am the shadow in the forest
And the darkness all around
I am the smallest of beasts
And the greatest in action
I am the tainter of peace
And the giver of pain.

You know I am there
But you cannot see.
You feel my presence
But you cannot touch
You sense my wisdom
But you do not acknowledge.

I am both within and without
A traveler through the forest
A dweller on the plains
A survivor in the snows
A climber in the mountains
A stalker in the bushes unseen.

Listen deep in your thoughts
Can you not hear me?
Look deep within your soul
Do you not see me?
Look astutely around you
Can you not sense me?

I am the wolf that walks with you.

© Ashterah 2010.

Here is my version of the Seven Fold Blessing.

Seven Fold Blessing.

Blessed be my feet so that I may walk upon the path of Spirit.
Blessed be my knees so that I may kneel before the Altars of the Ancient ones.
Blessed be my groins so that I remember the seed that I once came.
Blessed be my heart so that I am reminded of the rhythms of life.
Blessed be my hands so that I they assist me in my workings always.
Blessed be my lips so that I am able to share and speak of knowledge.
Blessed be my crown so that I may always honour connection to the Divine.

Then I went on to create a Nine Fold Blessings too.

Nine Fold Blessing.

Blessed be my feet so that I may walk lightly upon the Earth.
Blessed be my hands so that they assist me strongly with my workings.
Blessed be my touch so that it can reach out to others.
Blessed be my hearing so that I can always listen to the rhythm of life.
Blessed be my sight so that I am gifted with the worlds of wonder.
Blessed be my taste so that I can give reverence to the essences of life.
Blessed be my sense of smell so that I can delight in the aromas of nature.
Blessed be my crown so that I am always blessed with my connection with Spirit.
Blessed be my Soul so that I am graced with eternal bonds to mind, body and senses.

Creatures of the night

As sundown comes
Filmy clouds drift
Across the blackening canvas
To kiss the star-dappled sky
Painted purposefully, perfectly
By One more skilled than any mortal.

On velvet foot
Nightlife crawls over wet grasses,
Along woody branch,
Through their realm
Unseen by man
One hundred times as large.

Night falls, I hurry home
Switch on lights, close doors
To the brightness air
And imagine the sunrise
Outside, in the light,
Ready to pounce when night comes.

Why fear what you cannot see?
Nocturnal life lives in twilight.
Where you stumble, I am agile,
Fleet of foot and wing.
Unblinking red eyes opened wide,
I have survived another day.

Invisible world could teach me to trust,
To open windows and doors,
Tiptoe outside, breathe the air,
Steal over damp soil,
Look under leafy screens,
Meet creatures one thousand times as small.

To appreciate lesser inhabitants
May be contrary to human logic,
But to embrace the universal plan
Set in motion purposefully, perfectly
By our kind eons ago
Is worth the endeavor.

© Ashterah 2010.

I dance when no ones looking
I dance harder when they are
I dance to heal a wound
I dance to heal a scar
I dance under the rain
I dance under the sun
And when I think I cannot
I just get outside and run
I dance to the sound of the leaves
I dance to the song in my heart
I dance even though I know -
Sometimes my world may fall apart
I dance all night
I dance the pain away
I dance until the morning sun
Graces us with day
I dance until I am numb
Until I do not feel anymore
I dance until I am gone
And do not remember what I am dancing for
I dance away any strife
I dance with all my might
I dance the rest of my life
By the moon's gentle light
I dance to the music
Of my joyous heart
I dance until it hurts
My love and light, never apart.

I dance for me.

© Ashterah 2010.

You are my night, my day,
You are my sun, my moon,
The air that I breath,
If you was not in my life
My whole world would
Come crashing, down and
Become darkness,
Because that is my love for you and
I wouldn't be able to live
Without you in my life.

© Ashterah 2010.

Now a poem from our awesome cub, Nyx.

The Kiss

At the end of my bed, He stands,
Darker then the shadows
Moonlight pulling his Stone face
From the darkness behind
What secrets hide behind His face?
Carved perfection like a mask
For all eternity in a minute passing
Our eyes locked in a stare
Deep within my chest
My heart beats in rhythm
Like a thousand drums
While all the while his eyes stare cold
Sparkling like set diamonds
He has me totally under her control
A hunger for lust burns within
My mind, a torrent, a sea of emotions
I Shallow fear yet I'm strangely calm
He walks toward me
His beauty becoming more apparent upon each step
But who is this mysterious stranger
Who graces my presence thus?
His hand runs down my face
I try to speak but his finger silences my words

"Hush, speak only with your heart"

The words fall from his mouth
In whispered tones
His touch feels cold as stone
As his arms wind round
My body like entwining ivy
His fingers run sensuously
Through my long hair
He stares into my eyes again
Looking deep within
To my mind and soul
His lips pout and glisten in the moonlight
Oh how I want to kiss them
He stands up before me
His crimson lips form a smile
My pulse racing ever faster
My blood rushes round my veins
Like ten thousand wild horses
Our bodies embrace like entwined ivy
In each other's loving arms
If this incredible passion could last forever
I would never look back beyond this night
His lips press firmly against mine
His fingers runs over my cheek
And down my neck
When I feel a sudden
Bolt of piercing pain
My body fills with a gradual weakening
My strength waning as he sucks from my neck
I fall back toward my bed
Barely able to move
I look to him and see blood
Drip from his mouth
His eyes glow with an iridescent
Electric blue like the full moon
In the black satin night sky
He licks the blood lusciously
From his crimson lips
His teeth long as canines
From a wolves mouth
Rapidly it becomes apparent
That this angelic vision
That stood before me
In the darkness of my room
Is nothing more
Than an animal of the night
A predatory vampire with
An insatiable hunger for blood
Fear courses through my body
For my very own mortality
Death seems only a matter of heartbeats away
This creature before me
Still so beautiful in his human form
Yet now adorned with a demon face
He looks at me with a calming smile

"Let fall these words I speak to you
Listen and you will learn.
You are now a vampire like myself
A creature of this eternal night
You shall live forever."

His first intention was to kill me
And leave my blood-drained corpse behind
That I knew was certain
But his love for me prevailed.

A poem by Cattales


I dance because the wind blows
Twirling my skirts ever faster
The beat of the music
takes over for my heart
My joy spills into my feet
Moving through the moon ridden night
The air smells sweet as flowers swirl by
My hair flies out to brush their petals
and they tangle in it's strands
Now their scent wraps around me
Just as the wind lifts my spirits
Tonight I fly among the stars
Lifted there by my dance
Where I will twirl around the moon
and wait to greet the sun.

Poetry by our own AbsintheandBlood


Ivory limbs in twilight
Gleam in lucent splendor,
Enticing,taunting, pleading
For the strangeness of surrender.
Enchanted by the Circe,
I came closer to her side.
Enveloped by her milky limbs,
The madness in me tried
To take her pulsing beating heart,
Her haunting lips, her woman's pride.

And behold!
The ivory turned to fire.
And in the heat of our desire,
We were consumed.
Two morals trembling still, and rent
Like stray leaves when the storm is spent.

Sing Me A Song Of My Country by

Sing Me The Song of My Country,
Of it's meadow's so green and so grand,
With it's lakes so blue and it's rolling plains,
For these are songs of my homeland,
And I long to hear them again

Let me hear the songs of its forest,
My country's rivers and streams,
And these are the songs of my country,
The land of my hopes and dreams.

I love the songs of it's southland,
Of it's bayous and plantations too,
These songs of deeply hidden swampland,
With the sky overhead so blue.

Sing me the songs of it's snowcapped mountains,
My country's rocks and it's hills,
Sing me the songs of it's stately pines
That grows on it's evergreen hills.

Let me hear the songs of my country,
And it's fields of golden grain
That stands almost as tall as a tree in the sun,
Yet bends towards the ground when it rains.

I long for the songs of it's prairies,
And canyons so deep and wide,
With it's never changing color
When the sun dips over the Divide.

Sing me the songs of it's cowboys
Who roam the vast ranges and hills
And gather around the campfire to sing and to play
When all is so peaceful and still.

Let me hear the songs of Rocky coasts
That're lashed by the wind, the rain and the sea,
For these are the songs of my country,
The songs that are so dear to me.

The Solace
By AbsintheandBlood

The daily papers scream their hymns of hate
And gaudy radio blares out from land to land,
While cables hum and quiver with the weight
Of tales of " man's " inhumanity to man.
Confusion in a world - wide scale, it's thought.
Must grip the thoughts of men, and tear the reams
And realms of parchment - hopes, sincerely wrought
And nurtured by the few who live in dreams

So turning to the comic pages are those
Whose searching minds are hungry for respite
From tortured nations writhing in the throes
If darkness of suicidal nights.
But even here seekers doomed to find
The battered image of his own uncertain mind

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