

This person is no longer a registered user but we shall keep this page up as a testiment.

Time and time again we've seen it. This guy thinks he's above being inducted. He spouts his former residing with a Vampire Rave Dominar as a ticket to be 'above' the Vampire Rave Society system.

When you click on his profile you will find the lovely pop-up window (Pardon me for correcting your endless spelling an grammatical errors as well as poor sentence structure- I did what I could with what I had):

DO not stamp this profile. I will block you if you do. If I am being traded to you it is in bad faith and against my wishes. I will not participate and am not interested in your House/Coven. By the way, The Coven of Oppressed Debauchery can all die. You force inducted me against my wishes. This is only the beginning. I beare the mark of their so-called Hall of Shame now with pride. I'll consider it a badge of honor.

Then onto the Main section of the forum he trotted:

Profile for Incarnadine


Changeling (20)

Posts: 127

Member of The Coven of Oppressed Debauchery

Member is a Vampire Rave Premium Member.

Do not let me be traded to you

Posted: 06:56:33 - Sep 02 2007

Times viewed: 57

I have been inducted, against my wishes, into the coven of oppressed debauchery. my profile clearly states i do not wish to be inducted, and most of the house/coven masters have respected that wish for almost a year now.

If i am being offered as a trade to you it is in bad faith as stated in the pop up window of my profile. do not accept. i have no intention of participating or contributing in any way shape or form

Profile for Deadlyviper


Firebrand (22)

Posts: 357

Member of The Coven of ShinobiTaka

Deadlyviper carries the Mark of Sire HAWK2K.

Member is a Vampire Rave Premium Member.

Re: Do not let me be traded to you

Posted: 06:59:37 - Sep 02 2007

Times viewed: 55

Well regardless of what you put on your profile, force inductions are a part of the rules, and as long as your active your helping the coven your in.

Even if you dont like it theres very little you can do about it.

Profile for Incarnadine


Changeling (20)

Posts: 127

Member of The Coven of Oppressed Debauchery

Member is a Vampire Rave Premium Member.

Re: Do not let me be traded to you

Posted: 07:02:05 - Sep 02 2007

Times viewed: 51

I can do something about it though. if push comes to shove ill design a whole profile intent on slandering it.

Profile for BillytheJust


Sire (28)

Posts: 902

Member of The House of Lunazure

BillytheJust carries the Mark of The Prince.BillytheJust carries the Mark of Master Vampire ElderDaniel.

Vampire Rave Dominar

Member is a Vampire Rave Premium Member.

Re: Do not let me be traded to you

Posted: 07:02:37 - Sep 02 2007

Times viewed: 49

yep, tough!

Profile for Deadlyviper


Firebrand (22)

Posts: 357

Member of The Coven of ShinobiTaka

Deadlyviper carries the Mark of Sire HAWK2K.

Member is a Vampire Rave Premium Member.

Re: Do not let me be traded to you

Posted: 07:03:25 - Sep 02 2007

Times viewed: 46

well yeah you could do that but whats that going to acomplish.

If you dont like the coven your in, just ask to be traded or reach sire.

Profile for Incarnadine


Changeling (20)

Posts: 127

Member of The Coven of Oppressed Debauchery

Member is a Vampire Rave Premium Member.

Re: Do not let me be traded to you

Posted: 07:07:56 - Sep 02 2007

Times viewed: 34

I just wanted to publicly thank those house/coven masters that did repsect my wishes, or took the time to ask me first. it was and is appreciated

Edit: re-open a thread that was close by admin again and see where you end up. You should know better than that. You should also know about the inductions. Keep the rants in your journal. ~ billy

From: Incarnadine

To: IndigoMoon

Date: Sep 09 2007

for having me in your coven you truly can kiss my ass.

my profile will be deleted on Oct 1, when my premi expires (or failing access to a wifi connection) the closest date after that. you will not keep me and garner status off my level, rating, or activity.

fuck covens, fuck houses, and mostly, fuck you.

On his profile you can find this lovely paragraph:


The reason i HATE stamps is that alot of people abuse the privelge. Rating is supposed to be about reading the information other people have put up about themselves and getting to know the other people here on VR. That being said, almost all of the people with stamps DO NOT infact read the profiles. they simple check to see what the persons rating already is, then rate near that number and stamp the profile. i refer to it as "safety rating". it slips under the radar alot. Hence my no stamps policy. if you are going to rate me then i ask nicely that you read what i have written here in my profile. even if you think i am the worlds biggest asshole, and rate occordingly, i will respect you more then someone who leaves a stamp and safety rates.

For some reaon he thinks he knows what rates are supposed to be. One of the many who haven't realized rates are selfish. We rate because we want to level up. Actually reading a profile is a privilege to the profile member, not the rating member. We don't have to be interested in you if we don't want to be. So please feel free to stamp Incarnadine. Use your Premium Membership to its fullest.

Incarnadine is a stunning example of what we're looking for here in Purgatory. Great job, Incarnadine! You've got what it takes!

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