Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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25 entries this month

That’ll be… interesting.

01:35 Jun 30 2011
Times Read: 735

I arose Wednesday morning ready to got to Physio, then came the phone-call, “We haven’t got your x-rays ready to view yet, so…” So, Physio was delayed till the next week and I returned to the last of the stories I’ve been working on, as part of the ebook I’m putting together, with assistance, some very helpful assistance.

I had taken some time off, to do some gardening. And, as I pulled up one of those annoying coarse wiry grasses with root out of the lawn, I showed it to my Father: “Ain’t it strange, the sort of satisfaction you get from pulling one of these things up?”

My only curiosity of the day was how would the civil servants strike affect me signing on, some Thursday afternoon. The dole couldn’t tell me…

I spent the evening back in my room, where I finished the last story, so Now I have to start putting the whole thing together and, then turn into a .pdf

That’ll be… interesting.



07:17 Jun 30 2011

Good luck with your book- I think it's a lovely idea


...with help.

01:14 Jun 29 2011
Times Read: 743

The backache hasn’t completely gone... just the worst of it. Yet, that did not stop me edging the back lawn, prior to watering the front boarder, then coming indoors, to get my head round cutepdf so I could continue with, ‘the project’, which thankfully, is progressing well, particularly since I decided what size font to use, with help.




**chuckles & goes "ow!"**

20:31 Jun 27 2011
Times Read: 754

I was doing the front boarders earlier: the severe inflammation SEEMS to have disappeared, almost overnight, leaving just a red mark.

I am just wary the way it happened, still sore and tight ... but strange, the way it happened.

**chuckles & goes "ow!"**

If I knew what I’d done this time, I'd make sure I didn't do it again.

The finger seems to be healing alright, an all: although I’m still using heat pads. on the back, not the finger. be silly on the finger, that'd really hurt.

I have a disc to burn, a contents page to design and, the garden needs more rain... and, I have a program to understand, cutepdf, never used it before...



02:52 Jun 28 2011

Im glad to hear that your finger is healing well :)

20:11 Jun 29 2011

very good to hear you are healing



15:14 Jun 26 2011
Times Read: 758

For day, nay a week or so, sun had been promised and, on Saturday, it was still sunny and showery, although Dad did get the washing done, I had a walk and got some weeding done: well, removed some forget-me-nots, which I think are called that, because you wrench ‘em up, scatter the heads and, they return the next year, ideally.

Dad had found an ad for a tv on Friday, we hoped might fit the cabinet he’d built; so after the fellow phoned back and, I arranged a meet, Dad and I poured over the A to Z

We travelled across the Wirral, down leafy country lanes, encountering more than one idiot motorist on the way. And, though the directions to my acquired map from the net were specific, they were so far out, we went passed the fellows road, at one point. And, when we saw the tv, it was nearly ideal, except for it’s depth, it was half an inch too deep. So, “half an inch, that’s all it was!” became the Mantra of the evening. Come later on, I finally got to see the end of, or well… the whole of ‘Sucker Punch’, which I had said I’d critique. ‘Twas an interesting, somewhat profound movie.

Anyways, just before I turned in, I was writing, but wanted a coffee, so I went through to the kitchen. On the way I edged the drapes aside and looked through the window and, it looked like there were three women gathered round a ladies house across the way. Well, white robe on, I donned my zip-up boots and went out, asking if the lady that lived there was alright. That had been when the lady in the black trench-coat had turned round, to show me that they were that lady. “Oh,” I said and nothing before, before returning home and writing.





23:15 Jun 24 2011
Times Read: 768

I went for the x-ray today and, one more I was reminded how much I hate hospital gowns,

My Dad took me to hospital and, the walk home was ‘alright’… the only awkward bit, was getting into the position the fellow wanted, when he took the x-ray, then I had to stay in it, while he checked, to see if it had worked.

Come much later, I did some work on the front boarder, transplanting a favorite plant, from where it had been, too near the lawn.




..as of 00:05 a.m.

00:08 Jun 24 2011
Times Read: 775

I went to voluntary work.

It had been a VERY busy night...

..as of 00:05 a.m. I am tired, but well-wired.




Dr. Robert ... under ten minutes!

14:45 Jun 23 2011
Times Read: 781

The tooth got seen to... in under ten minutes, by a very efficient Polish fellow, who I call Dr. Robert, ‘coz I can’t pronounce his name; I just showed him it; he got out the drill, cleaned it up and filled it; all painlessly under ten minutes! And, it was sunny and quite windy with showers and, I have voluntary work to go to and, as I wrote beforehand I had a heat pad on the swollen/protruding vertebrae...




... that's bloody surrrrreal.

23:45 Jun 22 2011
Times Read: 788

Physiotherapy was a painful pleasure, in that someone took seriously and found, the protruding vertebrae, as I called it. I then went to the village to see about my money and met a fellow with my old name, out on his bike, whose sister is a fan of kendrix47 on dailymotion, as I walked passed The Common. WEIRD

She wants to see more of them!!!

an what's weirder is she looks 'normal.' [[I’ve met her, in the village, months ago.]]

and young... an pretty... an that's not weird... that's bloody surrrrreal.

Called on Karl in the evening, though left earlier than usual, simply ‘coz of the back… and, I needed rest.



00:46 Jun 23 2011

"Normal" is in the eye of the beholder, and entirely overrated as far as I am concerned. But then again, you do tend to seek out us weird ones, do you not?

I too have a physio appt. on Monday, which I am facing with trepidation, much for the same reasons.


...eventually gottit.

00:21 Jun 22 2011
Times Read: 798

I cut the top of the knuckle of my left forefinger Monday, so had a tetanus today... then spent much of the evening trying to get one sentence to work right, between documentaries. I got it right, eventually.



02:56 Jun 22 2011

Oh, dear. I hope your finger is okay.

02:58 Jun 22 2011

When I got my shot it hurt so bad...

*big hugs*

23:52 Jun 22 2011

hot damn, D:


an accidental self-mutilation?

00:28 Jun 21 2011
Times Read: 808

I woke up Monday morning missing a large portion of the tooth the dentist has just finished working on after the infection. Later, after the housework I went to the village, to see if I could make an appointment. The thing was I’d been so full of painkillers, so neglected to say, ‘It’s an emergency, and I’m in pain.’

So, I had ended up with the first available appointment for Thursday, the day after my physiotherapy at Clatterbridge Hospital. I got home to find Dad heavily trimming the top of the Beech Hedge, between ours and next-door. While he was busy I decided to do some work in the front garden, that had pruning with a pair of secateurs. Whilst I’d been was working away, I accidentally cut off the top of my fore-finger top knuckle. What had surprised me was that there’s been no pain: and I can only assume that I’d cut off my nerve endings. Needless to say, that little incident meant a trip to the doctors, to book a Tetanus injection – and then, in the evening, the rain that we’d been waiting for all day had finally materialised.



01:41 Jun 21 2011

Im sorry sounds like a ruff day . huggs tho

00:29 Jun 22 2011



...all thanks to a hot water bottle!

23:41 Jun 19 2011
Times Read: 814

Fathers Day was a sunny Sunday and, a hedge that had to be cut, so my Father believed and, so it was. We had trimmed the hedge between waves of the wind, blowing lightly, as tidied up after him. Needless to say, the pleasant weather meant working in the garden, for me and, I pulled up my potato plants, managing to acquire somewhere between 5-10 lbs of them, as well as a few garlic: a good crop.

And, I spent much of the day with no backache, all thanks to a hot water bottle!





23:37 Jun 18 2011
Times Read: 820

I am not in pain while in this chair, it's an old fifties style thingie that has a sun lounger on it.. my lower back loves it... yet, that said: I am looking forward to Physiotherapy on Wednesday…




it's cooling.

00:26 Jun 18 2011
Times Read: 826

As I sit down, warming pad making on the base of my spine feel definitely different, I’m looking back on the day, which began with me getting up with achy joints after a busy night on the project.

Aye the project still goes well, with Roger still getting little financial backing: Amy still going and, still being Miss Tolerant, who isn’t. And, the two young-uns who’ve been helping the last few months will be gone in Sept, when Amy also leaves, to ‘teach’ English abroad. Those two emotionally blackmailed me, to ‘be nice’ to her, after one of her more outspoken moments.

The two girls Chloe and Sarah are young and bouncy; Sarah, who kicks well and, Chloe who makes me smile with her mouth, will be going to Uni, which is a pity, as they’re both well helpful and well cool. And, we now have a young guy on the project, a Canadian called Bex, I think. He’s nigh on the first guy we’ve had working with us, in years and, he’s good. And, there’s less cooking for me to do nowadays, as the former blonde Shirley, is always so busy and efficient. That said, I still work the door well and, that’s my place now, it seems.

And John and Mina arrived, he’s tall and ginger and she’s short and Chinese and, their little-un was gorgeous.

And finally, the fellow over the road seems to have finished causing disruption for my Dad, meaning there are no longer vehicles parking in front of my Fathers drive.

This was the fellow who on the 30th May I figure committed common assault on my Dad on the Monday: ‘a common assault is a push or a touch’ or a ... the fellow pushed him. Now, all my Father wants, is access to his own drive and, for seven months that asshole over the road has had a series of building works done, often blocking a direct line to our driveway.

My dad had gone to confront him, politely and, got told, “I haven’t got the time for this...” and, pushed Dad. And yes, Dad had pushed back.

Needless to say, I had donned shoes and coat and marched on over the road, scowl in place; and the fellow swore at me, telling me ‘keep off my property’, with several swear words, as he called us, ‘nuisance neighbours’; this from the neighbours from Hell. My response, “Touch my Dad again and, I’ll rip your face off.” I hadn’t felt much better for saying my piece though…

And, all of that said, at least he got some amusement, out of the series of builders the fellow had round to do work, so many of them being of the cowboy nature. Their antics had been a source of amusement to Dad, who’d been in ‘the building game’, for well over fifty years himself.

And, talking of my Father, he’s still lawn obsessed: but, that’s my Dad, ‘an I think he’s passed it on, as recently I’ve been pulling out the coarse grass, with a will, as we endured drought and spells of heavy rain.

Come to that, I’m expecting that as he’s put GrowmoreMow less on it, back and front, it won’t rain properly Now: and the lawns will burn. Then again, he does know more of lawn-care than I do, so I may very well be wrong.

That’s it, I’m finished; the pad is cooling finally.

O-boy, do I look forward to physiotherapy June 22nd [[The doctor had offered me acupuncture and, I’ve gotten physiotherapy and, hopefully the traction that I had gone to her and had requested.]]




“ain’t getting old wunnerful?”

16:02 Jun 17 2011
Times Read: 832

Thursday, 'twas a good night, hard work and full tums, but man-Oh-man, when I got home, I don’t know which ached more … the left knee, the lower back, or the hip-sockets… “ain’t getting old wunnerful?”



21:46 Jun 17 2011

Ain't it just though- worked a monster golf tournament on Tuesday, and by the time I got home, I could barely get up the stairs- and aching in the same spots as you were...lol


... and, he keeps on trucking.

15:17 Jun 15 2011
Times Read: 848

I went for the interview Wednesday morning. It wasn't a bad interview: he'd said to his staff it would be for 10 minutes, while it lasted nearly 50. Most of his staff are voluntary and, what I learnt was that I may find work with him long term, although on a 3rd party fashion...

I resent my application for 'Dinosaur Keeper', to Chester Zoo...




A sunny Tuesday

12:54 Jun 14 2011
Times Read: 854

I have some cold yogurt in the fridge... have been editing a story... so am lookin forward to taking it for a walk into the back garden, to devour.



02:51 Jun 16 2011



Coffee? On Wednesday...

01:32 Jun 14 2011
Times Read: 857

I’d been on the way to see my employment advisor and, as I went up the stairs to see her, I passed a poster with a logo on it I recalled one of my favourite jobs. The logo was for the UkOnline centres and, I’d worked in one, that was also a local community centre. So, a leaflet was taken, with the logo on it, to remind me where I was going with my grand idea.

The place I’d worked at had been a place where those who wanted to learn and, I’d liked that; I’d liked that difference. With that in mind, I looked up UkOnline centres on the web and learnt who sponsors them locally, so wrote to him.

The fellow had written back the day after receiving my letter, I learnt on the Saturday in his reply; and there’d been an invite to coffee and a chat, at my convenience.

I’d waited till five past eleven; then I phoned the fellow and we’d talked. Although I hadn’t liked the mention of voluntary work, I had liked the mention of expansion and possible employment. With that in mind, I’d agreed to meet for coffee.

It was only later that I looked at the letter I’d received and, noticed that the first line was phrased as though there’s been a vacancy for me to apply to. Ergo, It seems I’d written my letter at the right time…




...before twelve! **Screeches**

13:23 Jun 10 2011
Times Read: 866

Thursday night it quiet nice, lads wise; but there’d been so much to do, with an older body, I went to bed before twelve last night and was asleep within a few minutes.




...not Friday 13th

15:10 Jun 09 2011
Times Read: 869

So come the end of Tuesday afternoon I was lying back, chilling, after my day; and from the shelf behind my pillow, the mobile phone went off behind my head. I’d sat quickly and, rising I pulled my boots on. The look of confusion on the young man’s face when I introduced myself was a beaut, I don’t think he could suss why I knew his name and he couldn’t recognise me, from the train: “I’m waiting for someone to return my phone,” he’d explained.

“Uhuh,” I’d told him with a smile, “that’s me.”

I’d even got £5 for my ‘trouble.’

Come Wednesday I visited Karl, after another after spent on the lawn. Unfortunately for me, it seems that the Acer he has offered me which does play DVD’s, doesn’t play them at full speed. That said, we got his CV finished. He had found it hilarious that the copy of my CV I’d offered him as an example, made mention of helping him attain his doctorate, although not by name, of course.

On Thursday morning, the sky was blue and the clouds white and with balled of cotton-wall to it, after a night of heavy rain. I got to the dentist with two minutes to go before my appointment: “Well, I got here, can I go home now?” ” I’d said to the receptionist; knowing full well what to expect.

“I’d rather have an injection that this…” I’d said to the dentist’s assistant, dressed in blue scrubs.

‘This’ had been a scaling and, toward the end of it I felt so light-headed, I had really thought I was going to faint.

“We’ll do the uppers on the 13th …” he had told me and, I was thankful, that the 13th was the Monday and, not the Friday. I felt knackered, on the walk home…




"... old man!" **Screeches**

16:38 Jun 07 2011
Times Read: 879

I spent a very sunny Saturday and the Sunday, working on the lawns, or what’s left of them, since this distinct lack of rain of late; that and editing some stories, that are important to me, right Now.

But as to the lawn: we didn’t scarify last year and, now there’s grasses in the lawn that have their place and, not our lawns.

So, come Monday, after we’d got the housework out of the way, it was back out there, to continue what I’d started on the Friday.

I’d wanted to get as much as possible, before I got changed and went travelling.

Sitting on the train, with my back to the drivers cab, I briefly noticed the young fellow in black to my left, in the window seat and, facing me.

I noticed that when I left my seat to get off at Birkenhead Central, there where he’d sat, was his mobile phone.

Having ensured many of the damn things got returned to their owners while I was working as a taxi-operator, I picked it up,

Then, I made my way to the bus-station, where I got the 401, sitting near the back, with a couple of young bucks, whose first words were, “Sound hat.”

Then, after asking me “Where did I get?” with big smiles, I noticed they had mobile phones out. So I asked, “How do I unlock it?” I asked that, as I don’t know whether you needed to, in order to answer a call, as I explained.

They had texted the phones owner brother, for me, to explain I had the phone, but what left me gutted, was hearing me described as an ‘old man’, when they talked to the fellow, saying ‘the old man has got it.’

As I walked I thought back to their conversation and in hindsight, it was in turn both saddening and amusing.

I was ever-so pleased to see Mandy, who I hadn’t seen since she held my hand at my Mum’s funeral, Tiegan and, Storm her daughters. And, it was cool to get my Christmas present, a bottle of scotch, Grants.

Needless to say, when I left, I learnt that they’d changed to bus-times since I last used the 401, so that left a walk across the docks, to Birkenhead and my train home, from Hamilton Square. It’d been a pleasant walk.




'Trust the American’s...'

00:43 Jun 05 2011
Times Read: 894

I went a walk before gardening. Well, I went to the village, to draw fifty pence from my account, to add to the three pound in my pocket, I got from spending three pound fifty on my travel to voluntary work. But, I needed the fifty pence to make up the three fifty I needed for a transport ticket on Monday.

On my return homeward a few things of note occurred to give me pause, for thought.

A young lady walked past with a Husky and, as I looked back to go ‘Awww’, at the dog, it occurred to me, it was a perfect opportunity to legally perve on an attractive brunette, in fawn trousers cut as tight and, in a similar style, to jodhpurs, or riding britches.

Then a car passed me on the way to the traffic lights, it’s driver bald pate looking ahead, as he peered down between his legs, at the mobile phone he was texting on.

For a fellow with a big ‘L’ on top of his car, his moves just, weren’t cool.

Come the evening I got to watch the end show of the mid-point of series six of this ‘new’ Doctor Who. Trust the American’s. They get involved with my favourite show and, it now takes a mid-season break: just like their shows.

I’d noticed that BBC Wales, who made the show now make it with BBC America, so that explains it!

Anyway, this Doctor as written by Moffat, is as dark as I’ve wanted them to portray The Doctor, for half a lifetime, or so. I’m enjoying series six. Yet, that said, this damn mid-season break is really pissing me off.



22:27 Jun 07 2011

yes leave it to us giggles


'X-Men: First Class' part 2

23:44 Jun 02 2011
Times Read: 902

... the antibiotisare were workin when I went to see 'X-Men: First Class' and, I drank loads of water, as I'd been told, so missed the one bit of the film that keeps bein showwn on the adverts on tele.




The walk to sign on...

16:39 Jun 02 2011
Times Read: 907

The walk to sign on, head wired with antibiotics, with the prospect of running into the hassly female on the project was… fun indeed.

At least I’d enjoyed the new X-Man film. It was certainly worth all its hype.




...shown to be right.

15:56 Jun 01 2011
Times Read: 910

Sometimes it’s good to be shown to be right. So it was I ended up laughing with relief, when the dentist told me I had a serious infection, as other than a busting gum, my general state of lassitude highlighted the same. I’d been given antibiotics and went home to cook an early evening meal; Karl and I were off to see the new X-Man film.




a Tuesday...

00:18 Jun 01 2011
Times Read: 827

There was rain so hard at four in the morning, it woke me, at one point I thought it was hailstones. Turns out, it was. The weathers gone darn topsy turvey... seasons a month late [[at least]] I spent much of the afternoon raking the front lawn, till my knees ached and CSI was there to be watched, with a bitchin cliff-hanger... will Nate Haskell get Ray, or will Ray got got? and, an abscess burst on the gum, between two teeth...



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