ClaudiaNightshift's Journal

ClaudiaNightshift's Journal


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4 entries this month


02:41 Dec 30 2009
Times Read: 491

He is my light, he is my dark

He is my happiness and he is my sadness

He is my begining, he is my end

He is my life and he is my death

My mate is many things but mainly he is mine

He is not the cashiers at the class six

He is not the mechanics at the hobby shop

He is no ones but mine

He is my pet but also my owner

He is my reason for living but could kill me with a word

He is the father of my litter and the final law

He is my love and all mine

Don't let me catch you lookin

Don't let your eyes stay to long on him

Guy or girl I will fight you

You cannot have him

He is my life and he is my death

He is my love and he is my hate

He is the light in my life and the dark

He is my mate and he is MINE




Things Pups Do Well

22:49 Dec 24 2009
Times Read: 495

What follows is not really a poem but a list of things that pups (kids) do well that absolutely drive us nuts.

Find things to flush down toilets

Help put away clothes somehow causing the newly clean clothes to be spread ALL over the house

Help pick out clothes somehow pulling down/out all clothes that you just put up


Fight with each other

Turn down a prepared meal then for the next two hours repeatedly say they are hungry

Repeatedly call for mommy/daddy and when you finally ask what they say hi

Repeat EVERYTHING you say

Repeat EVERYTHING they say

Scream for the food you have on your plate when they have the same on theirs

Tell you "no" when you tell them to use the potty

Tell you they have to go potty when you tell them to get in time out for telling you "no" when you told them to go to the potty

Decide the new toy kitchen would make a good climbing tree

Decide the new toy work bench would make a good ramp to climb on top of the new kitchen they want to climb on

Wake up early from nap when you JUST fell asleep five mins ago

Wake up screaming at 3 o clock in the morning for no apparent reason and won't stop effectively waking up their brother/sister and the baby you JUST got down

Kick away the step stool for fun while on the potty then scream bloody murder when they realize they can no longer get down from the potty

Rip up your brand new book

Decide that since you are busy in the bathroom they will put the dvd they want to watch in themselves but disagree on which dvd to watch so cram all 5 they REALLY like into the dvd player effectively destroying 2 and scratching up the rest.

Decide to play with Daddy's collection of old rock cds and scratch up a fair few of them so they don't play anymore

Repeat that they are hungry over and over and over and over again as they stand right behind you as you cook dinner.

That is all I can think of right now but I just thought it funny all the things they do to make them feel better and cause us parents to want (and often times do) scream bloody murder. Hope you enjoyed. I will probably make another list later when I think of others.




A Quick Note About My Poetry

05:22 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 502

Just so everyone is aware I write my poetry in an odd way. I cannot write on command and it come out half as well as most of my other work. When I do write it just pops into my head and I get it all down on paper in one sitting. The long 6 page works and the short 2 stanza ones. The poetry in here will be unedited straight writing so dont be surprised if there are misspelled words or something.

Hope you enjoy.




A single word

05:18 Dec 16 2009
Times Read: 503

One person can make or break your day

One word can be like millions of knifes in your back

One look, One comment

Just one thing can cause so much pain

Why do we do it?

Why do constantly set ourseves up for pain

Day after day we go out

Interacting with strangers and well known friends.

Every time we interact we set ourselves up

Everytime we get hurt and say it wont happen again it does

It's none stop.


Because when we do give up that is when it all ends.

Any hope of happiness

Any hope of love

Anything you could have learned ceases to exist.

In order to have happiness you must have the pain

The pain teaches you the brilliance of the joy.

Makes the wonder of love and learning better.

A single word can hurt more than anything but when you do finally find your joy... it is all worth it.



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