Druidic's Journal

Druidic's Journal


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3 entries this month

Castile von Sturmzeit

16:13 May 29 2008
Times Read: 568

25th May 2008

Castile Von Sturmzeit

After a restful nights sleep in the monks cells of Castile von Sturmzeit Caster, Constantine and Valpurgia are awoken by acolytes of the Librarium and are escorted to the refectory for breakfast. They are nicely surprised to see fruit and salted porridge available, which in comparison with the ship born rations they have been eating for the last month is a veritable feast.

The hall itself is laid out similar to a medieval feasting hall, with long tables and a single raised table at its head upon which are seated the high ranking members of the Castile. Around the room sit various groups, those in Brown robes appear to be nights of the order, their boisterous banter revealing their martial nature, while few ladies are present they all appear to wear the white robes of the Hospitaliers, the Medicii of the Castile, and scattered around the room are various members of the Librarium and Celestial Choir. All are being served equally by the Squires and junior scribes, as is their duty.

Valpurgia, noticing the high table, asks Brother Ranalf who they are. In the centre sits a large man with grey hair and a grey beard, this is Marshal Jurgen von Sturmzeit, High Marshal of the Castile. To his right is a thinner, but no less imposing figure with short cropped black hair and a neatly trimmed moustache, this is Seneschal Reich Kunstveigen. To the High Marshals left is a monster of a man, all muscle and bulk, his clean shaven face and head marred by battle scars, this is the war leader of the Castile, Knight Marshal Ramirez Woolsey. To Woolsey’s left sits a slight woman, tall, yet dwarfed by Woolsey, this is Hospitalier Medicii Veyda Mae, chief medical officer. On the far right of the table sits an unusual gentleman Brother Ranalf does not recognise, his is not robed as the rest are, but instead wears a dark blue gown over a silken shirt, belted at the waist with a long leather belt, his hat, a fancy creation of rich blue cloth, only goes further to demonstrating his wealth.

After enjoying a filling breakfast (3 helpings of which for Guardsman Caster) Brother Ranalf asks the party to accompany him for a walk in the gardens to help things settle, however his intention is to speak with them in private and with assurance they will not be over heard Valpurgia fills him in on recent events and their reason for visiting in greater detail. After discussion Brother Ranalf reveals that Knight Marshal Woolsey has requested an audience with them this morning, and that this would be a time to bring some things to his attention, but he warns them not to underestimate Woolsey, he is as clever as he is strong, but he likes to promote the muscle bound fool image.

Climbing the stairs to the Knight Marshals office, they are confronted at the top landing by a Knight in full regalia, explaining their purpose; they are ushered into his office. The office itself is spacious, dominated by a large oak desk before them, and a huge suit of powered armour on a stand to their left, obviously intended to intimidate anyone entering the room. Various weapons adorn the left wall; amongst them are finely crafted Bolt Pistol and the Knight Marshals Power Sword.

Woolsey welcomes them, and bids them to be seated while he concludes a few items of paperwork. It quickly becomes apparent that rather then pretend to be a dullard and muscle-bound fool Woolsey wastes no time on prevarication and gets straight to the point asking Valpurgia their purpose here. She fills him in on the mysterious Lord Silas Tybalt, and the crimes they believe he may have committed on this world and others. While Woolsey does not recognise the name he confirms Brother Ranalf's theory that his activities may match with a man by the name of Jericus who set himself us as a feudal lord some way to the north of the Castile. Jericus is a man of some material wealth, an off worlder who came here 15 years ago, and used his wealth to carve himself a position in society. Woolsey offers to use his contacts to investigate further and urges Valpurgia not to proceed further without consulting him. With that ushers them from his office so he may continue his day’s works.

Meanwhile back at the Space Port, Thinlorn and Quint arise to a cooked breakfast in “The Gretchin” where they stayed last night. While waiting for an acolyte from the Castile to pick them up, they while away their time chatting with the Bar Keep, an off-worlder himself, he is happy to talk. After a little gentle probing he tells them about another off-worlder who came here a while back and set himself up as a Lordling, a guy by the name of Jericus. He tells them that Jericus makes regular deliveries and collections from the Spaceport using his employees to make the physical collections, often well equipped and armed and even utilising technologically advanced vehicles for this world, such as tracked loaders and so forth. While Jericus keeps himself to himself, his activities would appear to match Lord Sylas Tybalt again.

Later that same morning a Librarium Acolyte from the Castile arrives, by the name of Scribe Philus, who has a 2 wheel cart to transport Quint and Thinlorn to the Castile.

Back at the Castile, having been given free reign to utilise the Castile’s training facilities our party take the opportunity to watch the young squires taking sword training in the main quad. They notice that while they practice individual sword skills they also work together employing unit tactics, this greatly increases their effectiveness for a given body of men. While distracted one of the Castile’s Knights wanders up behind them, and even though he is wearing Full Plate only Caster notices! He introduces himself as Sir Kaarl Havelock. He asks the party of their opinion on the training they are watching, and Valpurgia comments that while her own is similar, the Justicar’s training concentrates more of Ranged and Specialised weapons. Kaarl points out they have not seen all their training and that a knight is also armed with a hand weapon, at which point he hands over his Hand Cannon, a 5 shot revolver with half inch shells. Valpurgia counters by handing over her pump action combat shotgun, and Kaarl offers her the chance to demonstrate on the Castile’s Firing and Archery Range.

The range itself is to the rear of the Castile and consists of a number of archery butts and a firing range. Valpurgia accommodates Kaarl’s wish for a demonstration by firing upon one of the targets at medium range and while comfortably hitting the main target scatter also hits the two targets either side! A polite round of applause from the knights present encourage Valpurgia to show them what it can do up close, and so walking to within a few yards of the target Valpurgia fires again, all but obliterating the target!

Constantine then reveals his Long Las, he walks back from the targets to the wall of the Castile, and from a range of 125 yards fires on the centre of the target burning a clean hole through the centre. Not to be outdone by Valpurgia however he mentions he has other options available up close. He shoulders the rifle and advances upon the target, and from about 8 yards out he summons his will and concentrates his energies into a blast of lightening conducted from the palm tattoo in his right hand!! The target is badly damaged and knocked backwards, but Constantine is obviously physically drained by the act. A shocked silence follows, with some scattered clapping either out of fear or admiration!

While demonstrating their weapons Thinlorn and Quint arrive from the main Castile Courtyard, and laughingly admonish their colleagues for such a noisy display!

Kaarl, now intrigued, asks if they would wish to take part in some more physical displays in the Gymnasium, and the party agree, with some trepidation! They all move inside to a large training hall, airy and light with high windows and a hard wood floor one long wall is bedecked with hand weapons of all shapes and sizes, many steel but blunted and many made as hardwood replicas for training with. Two other knights are already here going through some exercises. Kaarl asks who wishes to go first, and Valpurgia steps forwards. One of the Knights, Gordon, steps forwards and asks her if she wishes to fight with Steel or Wood, Armoured or un-armoured? She plumps for wooden arming swords and un-armoured.

Not wishing to make a fool of herself she resolves to end the fight as swiftly as possible and after a few perfunctory passes Valpurgia makes her move, as Gordon makes an attack to her left shoulder, she catches her opponents blade with her own, steps inside his guard, grabs the pommel of his sword with her left hand, and with a smooth pull, rips it out of his grasp, stepping back she reverses her own blade as well and stands there ready to attack with both blades! Gordon drops back into a defensive unarmed stance briefly out of instinct before conceding the match and graciously accepting his blade back!

Caster steps forwards next, and while choosing un-armoured combat again; he selects a large wooden hammer instead. Once again Gordon steps forwards, but this time elects to add a shield to his sword. What follows is much less elegant then the first match, with both opponents trading blows, blocks and the occasional shoulder charge, before Caster’s continued onslaught eventually wears Gordon down and an aggressive overhand two handed blow knocks the wind out of him as it takes him off his feet!

Next up steps Thinlorn, who again opts for un-armoured but chooses a wooden Sword and Dagger. He faces off against the other knight who chooses a Two Handed Great-sword. Once again this is a different fight, with Thinlorn keeping moving and attempting to get inside the Knights guard, however he is well trained and an expert with the blade and after trading a few blows back and forth eventually Thinlorn falls for a nasty two handed cross blow which he fails to block, and he is forced to concede defeat.

Quint steps up next, and offers Kaarl an Armoured duel with blunted blades, which he accepts. Quint takes Sword and Dagger and Kaarl chooses Sword and Shield. Both combatants opt for caution and trade blows while looking to their own defences, a few probing attacks and feints show them both to be very equally matched! A lucky blow cuts past Kaarl's defence, and while his armour turns most of the blow aside, they both agree to hold the match as neither wishes to kill the other, and while excellent exercise, neither is able to get the upper hand! They shake hands and part gracefully!

The only ones left not to engage are the two priests, Constantine of the Mechanicus and Brother Ranalf. Ranalf offer Constantine the opportunity to trade blows, and they both disrobe, removing what armour they may have. They both choose two handed Mauls and step into the arena. Both demonstrate an at least reasonable competence, tempered by vehemence and religious fervour before eventually both exhausting each other with equally traded blows. Constantine proves the stronger however and manages to strike a blow under the Brothers guard seriously winding him, and they part with grudging respect.

Kaarl congratulates the Party for their obvious skills, and excuses himself, but encourages them to accompany Gordon to the Hospitaliers for treatment of their minor cuts and bruises. Valpurgia, demonstrating her usual paranoia asks Brother Ranalf to arrange to have him followed before they receive treatment by skilled Medicii of the Hospitaliers. Once they have all been treated, they retire to the refectory for lunch, and see Kaarl entering with Knight Marshal Woolsey, and while Ranalf confirms they had a meeting, he can’t confirm what was discussed, but it is obvious the Knight Marshal has taken the opportunity to learn more about his guest’s abilities!

Next week…… we find out a little more about our shady Lord Silas Tybalt, and the Knight Marshal makes his move!

To Be Continued Next Week!!




New Player

14:07 May 23 2008
Times Read: 577

Having found it increasingly difficult to get the Sunday game sorted due to various issues, we are moving the RPG game to a Thursday.

This does mean we have a new player however, so VTD has now designed a veteran Guardsman Schola Progenium ex Stormtrooper.

Pretty hard, and shoudl fit in nicely!

This does however free up our Sunday Nights, which means 40K TIME!

As GW are releasing 5th edition fairly soon, it occured to me I don't think I played 4th edition more then about twice! Not an acceptable situation so Sunday Night becomes Tabletop Night! Yay! (course that is assuming I'm not spending the weekend hitting my friends with flattened crowbars!)




19:08 May 23 2008

I want to try out one of these RPGs you do :-)

14:17 May 28 2008

You free Thursdays? :-)


No game this week! Damn!

13:39 May 06 2008
Times Read: 586

Unfortunatly due to playing having better things to do we did not get a game this week, and one of the other players is out of the loop next week as he is in Spain!

So if anyone is actually reading this, I'm sorry, your going to have to wait a few weeks!


Blessed be




19:52 May 06 2008


15:22 May 07 2008

Well unfortunatly Theo was off with his new lady, and Russ is off to Spain.... How inconsiderate of them to have lives!!


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