GrizzlySpirit's Journal

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Rainbow Prophecies

02:10 Feb 18 2010
Times Read: 616

Warriors of the Rainbow

There was an old lady, from the "Cree" tribe, named "Eyes of Fire", who prophesied that one day, because of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when the fish would die in the streams, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist.

There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health. They would be mankinds’ key to survival, they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow". There would come a day of awakening when all the peoples of all the tribes would form a New World of Justice, Peace, Freedom and recognition of the Great Spirit.

The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would spread these messages and teach all peoples of the Earth or "Elohi". They would teach them how to live the "Way of the Great Spirit". They would tell them of how the world today has turned away from the Great Spirit and that is why our Earth is "Sick".

The "Warriors of the Rainbow" would show the peoples that this "Ancient Being" (the Great Spirit), is full of love and understanding, and teach them how to make the "Earth or Elohi" beautiful again. These Warriors would give the people principles or rules to follow to make their path right with the world. These principles would be those of the Ancient Tribes. The Warriors of the Rainbow would teach the people of the ancient practices of Unity, Love and Understanding. They would teach of Harmony among people in all four comers of the Earth.

Like the Ancient Tribes, they would teach the peoples how to pray to the Great Spirit with love that flows like the beautiful mountain stream, and flows along the path to the ocean of life. Once again, they would be able to feel joy in solitude and in councils. They would be free of petty jealousies and love all mankind as their brothers, regardless of color, race or religion. They would feel happiness enter their hearts, and become as one with the entire human race. Their hearts would be pure and radiate warmth, understanding and respect for all mankind, Nature, and the Great Spirit. They would once again fill their minds, hearts, souls, and deeds with the purest of thoughts. They would seek the beauty of the Master of Life - the Great Spirit! They would find strength and beauty in prayer and the solitudes of life.

Their children would once again be able to run free and enjoy the treasures of Nature and Mother Earth. Free from the fears of toxins and destruction, wrought by the Yo-ne-gi and his practices of greed. The rivers would again run clear, the forests be abundant and beautiful, the animals and birds would be replenished. The powers of the plants and animals would again be respected and conservation of all that is beautiful would become a way of life.

The poor, sick and needy would be cared for by their brothers and sisters of the Earth. These practices would again become a part of their daily lives.

The leaders of the people would be chosen in the old way - not by their political party, or who could speak the loudest, boast the most, or by name calling or mud slinging, but by those whose actions spoke the loudest. Those who demonstrated their love, wisdom, and courage and those who showed that they could and did work for the good of all, would be chosen as the leaders or Chiefs. They would be chosen by their "quality" and not the amount of money they had obtained. Like the thoughtful and devoted "Ancient Chiefs", they would understand the people with love, and see that their young were educated with the love and wisdom of their surroundings. They would show them that miracles can be accomplished to heal this world of its ills, and restore it to health and beauty.

The tasks of these "Warriors of the Rainbow" are many and great. There will be terrifying mountains of ignorance to conquer and they shall find prejudice and hatred. They must be dedicated, unwavering in their strength, and strong of heart. They will find willing hearts and minds that will follow them on this road of returning "Mother Earth" to beauty and plenty - once more.

The day will come, it is not far away. The day that we shall see how we owe our very existence to the people of all tribes that have maintained their culture and heritage. Those that have kept the rituals, stories, legends, and myths alive. It will be with this knowledge, the knowledge that they have preserved, that we shall once again return to "harmony" with Nature, Mother Earth, and mankind. It will be with this knowledge that we shall find our "Key to our Survival".

This is the story of the "Warriors of the Rainbow" and this is my reason for protecting the culture, heritage, and knowledge of my ancestors. I know that the day "Eyes of Fire" spoke of - will come! I want my children and grandchildren to be prepared to accept this task.The task of being one of the........"Warriors of the Rainbow".

This version comes to us from Lelanie Fuller Stone "The Cherokee Lady", who has published several books on Indian Herbal Medicine. This version she says was told to her as a young girl by here Grandmother.

Lelanie Fuller Stone "The Cherokee Lady"





22:17 Feb 17 2010
Times Read: 618

Contemporary Abenaki live in Quebec, in two large tribal communities formed near St-Francois-du-Lac and Bécancour. Facing annihilation, around 1669 the Abenakis had emigrated to Canada, then under French control, where they were granted two seigneuries. The first seigneurie was established on the Saint-François river and is now known as the Odanak Indian Reserve; the second was established on the river Bécancour and is now known as the Wôlinak Indian Reserve. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, there were four hundred Wôlinak Abenakis and almost 1,500 at Odanak.

Three reservations also exist in northern Maine. Other groups of Abenaki, without reservations, are scattered across northern New Hampshire and Vermont (Sultzman 1997). A tribal council was organized in 1976 at Swanton, Vermont as the Sokoki-St. Francis Band of the Abenaki Nation. In 1980, two small councils united to form the Northeast Woodland-Coos Band, now known as the Koasek Traditional Band (Sultzman 1997).

The remaining Abenaki people are scattered within Quebec, New Brunswick, and northern New England, living in multi-race towns and cities. At the beginning of the twenty-first century there were approximately 2,500 Vermont Abenaki in both Vermont and New Hampshire, mainly around Lake Champlain (Sultzman 1997).

Some still practice a subsistence lifestyle based on the traditional ways. They have two houses, a home for the winter and in the summer they travel, camping using tents. They work at are seasonal occupations like fishing, picking fiddlehead ferns and blueberries, working in potato and tobacco fields, and trapping in the winter. Such a pattern reflects the traditional nomadic lifestyle of earlier Abenakis: "Subsistence living means being in charge of the food chain, instead of being on top of the food chain" (Laroque 2001).

Abenaki believe that learning from the past creates a better future for all. To preserve and share their traditional culture, contemporary Abenaki hold annual Heritage Day celebrations, pow-wows at which traditional songs and dances are performed in celebration of Abenaki heritage. Although the celebration may seem to consist largely of entertainment, its true purpose is religious. Abenaki gather at the celebration to renew friendships, to exchange knowledge, and to trade skills:

Our Heritage Day is a time to pray, and to hold honoring ceremonies. This celebration is the occasion when we honor our leaders and elders for their wisdom. It is when we acknowledge our children becoming women and men. Heritage Day is also the time to reaffirm our rich heritage and to teach our children what it means to be Native American, to remember the past and build the future (Abenaki Nation 2008).

The celebration is open to the public so that all those who are interested can learn about Abenaki traditional ways and that, "although our customs and garments may be different, we are all the children of the Creator and care takers of Mother Earth" (Abenaki Nation 2008).




Some history on the origin of the Abenaki

17:51 Feb 17 2010
Times Read: 623

Abenaki Location

Extending across most of northern New England into the southern part of the Canadian Maritimes, the Abenaki called their homeland Ndakinna meaning "our land." The eastern Abenaki were concentrated in Maine east of New Hampshire's White Mountains, while the western Abenaki lived west of the mountains across Vermont and New Hampshire to the eastern shores of Lake Champlain. The southern boundaries of the Abenaki homeland were near the present northern border of Massachusetts excluding the Pennacook country along the Merrimack River of southern New Hampshire. The maritime Abenaki occupied the St. Croix and the St. John's River Valleys near the border between Maine and New Brunswick. New England settlement and war forced many of the Abenaki to retreat north into Quebec where two large communities formed at St. Francois and Becancour near Trois-Rivieves. These have continued to the present-day. There are also three reservations in northern Maine (Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, and Maliseet) and seven Maliseet reserves located in New Brunswick and Quebec. Other groups of Abenaki, without reservations, are scattered across northern New Hampshire and Vermont.




Reguarding the Main Forum on VR

17:31 Feb 15 2010
Times Read: 634

I really like the forum and all the input.However I am finding more and more that whenever you post a topic for discussion people take it to heart.I am noticing alot of the same"people". Supposed you post a topic not beleiving it to be your solid truth that you believe,however just a topic your interested in and value the opinions of others about that topic.People in the forum don't seem to understand it like that.They get all defensive and know-it-all. Makes me leary about posting!Which sucks because I'm the first one to openly discuss new topics and info.



17:36 Feb 15 2010

I continue posting even if I get everyone against me.

01:55 Feb 17 2010

Sweetie you keep being you and if they don't like it , to hell with them we love ya.


The Fourth Kind

18:25 Feb 14 2010
Times Read: 644

I just got done watching the true story movie The Fourth Kind.It is a true series of events that took place in Knome Alaska. I could go on with the details, but don't want to ruin it for you.Excllent movie! Gave me goosebumps throughout the whole thing. The actual footage was thrilling and unbelievable. I do believe.I believe in UFOs and such.I have always been a believer in our space traveling friends. If you haven't seen this movie I highly recommend it. On a scale of 1-10 in scary and frightening, I give it a 9.



18:29 Feb 14 2010

The story is made up,reporters went to Nome,when the trailer first came out.Even though it says "Inspired" by true events...none of it ever happened.


The Soul and it's Journey

01:35 Feb 12 2010
Times Read: 654

As of lately I have become very restless. I can't help but wonder what specific lessons my soul came here to experience this time around. Was it forgiveness, childbirth, grief, etc,etc,. I meditate on this and hope to catch a glimpse of a past life to shed light on my current life. What are my karmic debts? I would like to speak to a therapist or spiritual counselor who could possibly help with past life regression. I tried to be hipnotized once and of course couldn't be.I felt soo stupid. I was reading a specific book yesterday and it put people into categories or levels if you will.It summed up peoples spiritual progress the soul has attained.Level 1's were very new and clueless on their journey not even understanding reincarnation.They are very self absorbed ans unaware of their connection to all living things.Level 2's begin to open their hearts to others.They are less fearful and self absorbed.Level 3 souls continue to grow and remember more of their oneness and begin to understand the Law of Karma.Level 4 strive to understand oneness and often have difficult lifetimes.They have more enjoyment of what they own because they know possesions are temporary.They are open to change and yearn for spirituality.Level 5 have completely moved out of fear and are like angels.They are focussed on healing through love.Level 6 live in bliss.One can only imagine a complete letting go of physical consciousness and a complete opening up to level 7.Any way you get it.So I was wondering where I was on this level thing.The author of the book suggests you wouldn't even be picking up the book and reading it had you been a level 1 or 2. Anyways I thought the book to be interesting as it talked in depth about souls entering the womb at birth and how you choose your parents and life and experiences. I have gone through alot of hardships in this lifetime.I am also very spiritual and open to change.So who knows why I am here this time.




sensing some negativity

01:38 Feb 06 2010
Times Read: 659

Don't know why?Or what? It's kind of odd! Just trying to fit in. Guess Im not supposed to.Oh well. Ill just keep doing what I came here to do....learn and study and meet new people.




I Don't Know what Id do

13:00 Feb 03 2010
Times Read: 666

I never take my better half for granted.He is the only person on Earth that loves me unconditionally.I feel blessed to have found him.We are going through tough times ,but we stick together no matter what!I love and appreciate him soo much. I love you Honey!!!!!!!!!



13:09 Feb 03 2010

This is so nice to read :)


HEre we go again

05:36 Feb 01 2010
Times Read: 679

Yup.12:30 AM.Im waken out of a sound sleep to a man yelling in my head! Stop messing things up he yelled loud.I sat up in bed.I don't know who he was!Weird dream.Funny thing is now I can't go back to bed because my minds racing and anxiety has set in. Ill just write in my journal until the medicine kicks in. This never happens during the day.It always happens after 12:00.I hate it soo much.Hey I have an idea.Ill go read Ob's journal.Theres some good stuff in there.Keeps my mind busy.



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