Illianos's Journal


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10 entries this month

16:16 Sep 28 2009
Times Read: 557

I rhyme you see, so tenderly,

I care to my words picked so,

I care not what you believe,

Just knowing you'll one day leave,

Is enough for me to stare at you,

My words however,

Will stick like glue.

An often made rhyme will stay tender at it's grip,

With meaning to it's maker at the core,

Yet sometimes we use those words of others,

And craft them to our own,

Just so we can say -

"This is how I feel today"

And I know that one day, you'll leave.





14:21 Sep 23 2009
Times Read: 564

I sit and I wonder sometimes,

About nothing, you know?

Just sitting and wondering -

Stupid... little things...




Little -- things.

But the little things are what make up life,

And it's these little things, that make big things.

But I digress.

I sit and I wonder sometimes,

About nothing, you know?

Just sitting and wondering -

Meaningful... little things.




I wonder...

23:46 Sep 19 2009
Times Read: 569

Sometimes I wonder,

Just about the small things,

The little things that don't matter,

You know?

The little bugs on the wall,

That don't move,

Do they know they're going to be squashed?

By some malignent little child,

Imposing it's size on them.

Sometimes I wonder,

Just about the small things,

The little things that don't matter.

Just the small things.

But then sometimes I wonder,


Aren't we really small?





14:52 Sep 18 2009
Times Read: 574

I was never gonna start,

I'm torn between silence,

But hell, i'm gonna scream!

This is what it says,

Within my heart,

So to hell with you,

And your rules,

Cause hell i'll tell you ...

"Silence may be golden -

But screaming is FUN!"

You can't stop me,

So here we go,

You shout "QUIET" you hypocrit!

You broke rule number one...

So fuck your rules,

'Cause not even you seem to follow them,

So why should WE!?

"Rules are only made because ...

They're there to be broken.





Poetic sayings I like...

13:18 Sep 18 2009
Times Read: 579

"If a man wishes to explore the sea, He must first be willing to leave the shore"

Says more than you first think - guess on it.

"Aim for the moon, because even if you miss... you'll be among the stars"

Now i'm SURE i saw this on someones VR, props to them, but either way I adore this.

"You don't lose people if you knew them, they simply become a part of you"

I like this because, although it's not meant in a LITERAL sense, it's very true. You never lose anyone you knew, when they have an effect on your personality, and they shape and change you to who you are, that makes them stay with you forever.

And that for me, is a good thing. I haven't lost most of my family. They're just with me.




Who knows..

19:12 Sep 17 2009
Times Read: 581

Is it right to judge the unwanted soul,

Or wrong to leave them so alone,

Is it unjust to see the starving bird,

Or caring to share what you heard.

Is it fair to speak your mind,

Beyond a care for loss of time,

Is it a chance to be heard,

Or a chance when you shouldn't shine.

Are these chances, ones we should cover,

The mind and soul - to be discovered?

Is this right to be looked upon,

As wild beasts scouring the wild -

I say yes, yes it is -

We are all animals,

And if we do not understand ourselves,

Why would anyone else understand us?





Never left.

12:10 Sep 16 2009
Times Read: 586

When you dream, I wonder -

I wonder where you are,

I wonder what your doing,

I wonder, just how far...

When you dream, I ask myself -

What could you be doing,

What are you dreaming of,

What are you becoming?

It's hard to ask that question,

Though you lie, Though you will "sleep" forever,

I need to ask, sometimes.

What are you dreaming of?

A mind so full of wonder...

What are you thinking of?

A heart so full & pure ...

But now I ask a question -

All of us shall one day relate.

Where have you gone,

Have you left me,

Are you coming back,

Will I ever see your face again?

Allow me to be your liberator..

Of the pains these questions face.

And let me say -

"Even if not in life, death or in-between,

Look to yourself, and think -

They are everything that they bestowed to me."

For every person you meet in life,

Grants an impact on your soul,

And every person you miss in life,

Makes your broken heart -

A whole.






12:09 Sep 16 2009
Times Read: 587

A seething rage of blood and sweat,

Into the nights this one had crept,

Running blind on Adrenaline alone,

Sweeping by the passers on the road.

Dodged the car, by lights now red,

Over fence guarded, by dog well-kept,

Behind the Garage, alarms ablaze,

Through the passage to the hollows ways...

Know you of what I speak?

The hidden ground, The stubborn peak,

The granted portal, The hidden & Sleek,

Know you of what I speak?

Not of witchcraft nor wisadry,

Nor of magic or "taboo"...

Not of Religious incantations,

Though, what more is it to you?

I speak in riddles, of tounges in cheeks,

I speak in rhymes and wonders, which you can't dare to keep,

I speak with honesty and truth - but, my question is...

Do you?

My heart is here to merely teach, to those upon who would listen,

My mind is here to simply think, to those upon who would speak,

My soul is here to kindly wander, for those upon who would sin,

My body is here to be the vessel, for those upon who would preach.

Now here me not so wrong as you would call me a Blasphemer,

I am a open-minded man, with a disarming demeanor,

Do not tempt the boiled blood to spill over a boiling pan,

When there's no skin to cut, to reveal such a loathesome man.


Think of a title if you can, i know i can't.

And there's always something about my own work, I can never think what it is i'm saying. if anyone is any good at decoding it, try to tell me what i'm saying.




To Question

18:50 Sep 15 2009
Times Read: 591

Sometimes I question people...

Sometimes I feel I am wrong,

Sometimes I feel I am right,

Sometimes I will question people,

Sometimes it will be about a decision they have made,

Perhaps made during their life,

Perhaps made on-the-spot "NOW",

Maybe it was a split-decision,

Maybe it was something I didn't understand.

Mayhap it is a misunderstanding,

Possibly a mix-up of words,

Mayhap a misunderstood meaning...

It is likely I cause some form of dislike towards my person, when I question these people -

But I don't care.

Mayhap i'm curious,

Maybe i'm wrong,

Possibly i'm right,

Perhaps I'm neither.

How would I know without asking?

Since there's only one thing I know for sure.

And that is that -

Life is full of Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly and Mayhap's,

And I will question them.





15:10 Sep 14 2009
Times Read: 598

Stand from the Rooftops and Scream,

"I am the Martyr" -

Plummet to your death to realise.

You too are mere fiction.

Just as is "Our heavenly father".

By Illianos.

I may be atheist but I have an open mind, the only religious people I truly hate, are those who would fight over some beliefs, don't get me wrong, I can understand where it all comes from, but when some of the worst wars in the world have stemmed from Religion... I find it difficult to comprehend any Religion as a "good" thing.



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