Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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4 entries this month


06:12 Oct 09 2008
Times Read: 1,226

My blood rose

When I take the life of a human who deserves a violent death, I feel no remorse - no regrets.

But what Ankh-Re did to Alanna Rayne reminded me of my own crime...breaking the neck of that young Catholic priest. In my mind, I will always see his face moments before I stole his life from him. In a way, I am no better than Ankh-Re. I am wallowing in guilt...I am in my own personal hell.

© MFH 2008




All is definitely NOT calm...

04:59 Oct 09 2008
Times Read: 1,234

After the horror of a few nights ago, along with David and Robert's fearful behavior towards me, I decided to convene an emergency house meeting to calm frayed nerves and fears, and to answer questions.

Gathered at the library table were: My personal assistant Helene, laptop ready; my chauffeur Stanley; my head housekeeper, Anna; my attorney Ralph Jamison; and David and Robert. Also present was my dear friend Carlo, who immediately made a special trip to the house, per my request.

Anna had already arranged refreshments at the center of the table - I did not want any interruptions during the meeting. After I made introductions, I recounted what had happened that night, then opened for questions and comments. Ralph was the first to speak. "So, Isis - do you have any concerns about the area at Twin Peaks? Are you confident that Tony cleaned up all of the evidence? What about trace evidence from Ankh-Re? From any of you?"

Good question. 'Well" I said "Vampires do not shed hair or skin, and none of our bodily fluids are detected as anything that is human - so I know that Ankh-Re and I have not left any identifying DNA. As for David and Robert, I feel confident that Tony did a very good job of cleaning up the area and disposing the evidence. He took everything and put it in the trunk of their car. I have no idea what Ankh Re does with the stuff, but I am confident that it will be destroyed completely."

"Well" interjected Robert "What about trace evidence of blood? Even though Tony cleaned the ground, Luminol will pick it up." Another good question. "True" I said. "But hopefully, traces of blood will not be found. Remember that Tony cleaned Alanna Rayne's body, and placed her in a different location from where she was killed." The word 'kill' was hard to say - replaying Alanna Rayne's death made me pause. The sad truth of the matter was that no one in the vampire community - hell - no one in any community - would think much of it, except for her loved ones. One woman's death meant nothing in the big picture of things...

I composed myself and continued. "Plus... the poor woman was almost completely drained of blood."

David then spoke. "A lot of people saw her with us when we left the club - now what?' Yet another good question.

"It is highly unlikely, but if any investigators come sniffing about, we will say that we dropped her off on Van Ness, near Tommy's Joynt. We drove through the area, remember? We will say that that is where Alanna Rayne asked to be dropped off. The area is moderately busy, and in the Tenderloin. The majority of people that the police would talk to would be the homeless, junkies, and transexual prostitutes."

"Well - this should cover our asses then" replied Robert. There were nods of approval from everyone present. After a minute of uncomfortable silence, Carlo spoke, in his slight Sicilian accent. "So...does this seem like something that should be brought up before the Council? Some vampires kill all of the time, so I want to be sure where we stand. Is this worth mentioning or not?"

Everyone looked at me. I could read the minds of David and Robert, with their identical question: Why didn't you stop him?

I answered out loud: "In the state that Ankh-Re was in, it would have taken another three or four Master Vampires to subdue him. I cannot explain why he did what he did. Maybe to flex his power? To show off? To be especially cruel? I do not know. I can say that I am very disappointed in him."

There was more silence and nodding of heads. Robert broke the silence. "So - what's the Council?"

I let Carlo explain. "The High Council is the elite group of twelve Master Vampires who vote and decide on the general welfare of vampires. Both Ankh-Re and Isis are on the Council. The head of the Council is a thirteenth vampire, Makafisa, who is the oldest and most powerful of us all. Vampires more or less live their lives as they see fit - as long as their activities don't cause problems for the rest of us. Of course there are some vampires outside of the community as a whole - they are considered renegades, who follow no rules whatsoever. They are sometimes hunted down if necessary, by the majority, to keep them from disturbing the status quo."

I had to chuckle. "Thank you for the history lesson, Carlo. I really do not think that the incident needs to be brought up before the High Council...unless Ankh-Re does it himself."

Carlo smiled. "No problem."

"Wow...you're a Master Vampire?" marveled David.

"Yes" I replied.

"You are so low-keyed about it" said Robert. I smiled at him. "Well, I have to admit that I am not a pompous asshole like someone else we know." There were a few chuckles. The tone of the meeting lightened. Ralph poured himself more coffee and grabbed another danish. A great look of relief spread over Anna's face. Stanley popped another doughnut hole into his mouth, leaving a trace of sugar on his lips. Helene closed her laptop and sighed. I ordered her skinny ass to eat a doughnut. Carlo gave me one of his drop dead sex god looks. I shook my head and laughed.

"I know one thing" said David. "Dude's totally ruined jazz for me."

© MFH 2008




Our Man Friday...er...uh...Anthony.

05:04 Oct 06 2008
Times Read: 1,291

Ankh-Re has a very good driver - his name is Anthony - or Tony, as he is usually called. Anthony reminds me of my Stanley - very trustworthy. While Ankh-Re, David, and Robert were cleaning themselves up, Tony calmly removed a battery-powered wet/dry vacuum cleaner from the trunk of the car and began to clean up the broken glass, vomit, and blood. He wore a helmet of the kind that miners wear, with a light in the front of it. In spite of the seriousness of the situation, it was almost comical watching him calmly go about his task, in his crisp chauffeur's uniform. With gloved hands, he removed all of Alanna Rayne's clothes and placed them in a huge bag - like the evidence bags one sees on crime shows on television. He left her pale naked body on the ground for anyone to find. She actually looked rather angelic in death - the poor fool.

I have got to buy a few of those wet/dry vacuum cleaners.

© MFH 2008




When feeding, Big Band music is optional.

02:23 Oct 06 2008
Times Read: 1,310


I was in the library at my desk going over accounts when my cell phone rang. I saw that it was an incoming call from Ankh-Re, of all people. I was tempted not to answer him, but did on the fourth or fifth ring.

'Hello' I said, with a sigh.

Well...hello, Isis" came the familiar deep-voiced reply. His perfect American accent annoyed me, especially since I never could master it myself. "How are you, love?" he asked.

"I am fine" I replied. "How may I help you?"

Ankh-Re chuckled. "Such coldness! You sound like a goddamn robot. I think you 'may help' me by joining me for a night out on the town. You know, dinner, dancing, music...whatever else we'll have a mind to do. What do you say?"

There was silence between us for about thirty seconds. I finally said "I am not sure, Ankh-Re. I am rather busy, and to be frank, I never know what mayhem you will cause."

Ankh-Re laughed. "Good grief, woman - I'm just trying to be sociable. We are old friends, after all. I'm also inviting your donor-pets. They'll be safe. C'mon - let's go out tonight!"

Against my better judgment, I caved in to the invitation. "When shall we be ready?" I asked.

"I'll pick you all up around nine, okay?" Ankh-Re sounded positively delighted. I did not know how to take his cheeriness - it sort of 'creeped' me out.

I presented the evening's plans to David and Robert. I noticed a look of apprehension in David's green eyes. Robert noticed David's nervousness and asked "What's up?" David looked at me and blurted out "That's the crazy guy, right?" I nodded my head and patted him on the shoulder. "It is, but do not worry. I trust him with my life and yours."

"Crazy guy?" interrupted Robert. "What happened?"

As Robert was relatively new to the household, I told him of the incident in the kitchen where Ankh-Re held David up by the shirt collar in a jealous rage. Robert's calm response was simply "Oh.''

By nine, Ankh-Re arrived as scheduled. His driver pulled up in a 1933 oxblood colored Duesenberg that was customized with added seating in the back. Still the show-off, I noted.

Ankh-Re was out of the car before his driver had time to open the door for him. He was resplendent in a black suit with an oxblood colored silk shirt. Instead of a tie, he left a few buttons of his shirt undone, to show a glimpse of an ancient gold garnet-encrusted collar. His black curls cascaded over his shoulders.

Making introductions between the three men was a bit awkward, but nowhere near the mess I had anticipated. "Nice threads, guys" Ankh-Re remarked. David wore a navy blazer over a white silk shirt, with boot-cut Levis and black hand-tooled cowboy boots. Robert wore a marine blue suit with a black shirt, tie, and shoes, which suited his mahogany skin perfectly.

Ankh-Re turned towards me and stepped aside as I entered the car. "You look absolutely stunning, my dear" he said. "We're almost matching." We were matching - damn it. I wore a simple knee-length long sleeved black silk sheath, a dark red Pashmina shawl, ruby jewelry, and my favorite pair of black Christian Louboutin pumps. Reading my thoughts, Ankh-Re snapped "No - you don't need to go back in and change. We have a full agenda tonight, and we must get going." He then eased himself next to me, while David and Robert sat next to each other across from us.

Our destination was San Francisco, which was about twenty miles away. While there was some small talk between the three men, I preferred to stare out of the window at the moon and the night sky.

Our first stop was dinner at SF Asia, where we had an interesting Asian fusion meal, complete with drag queen servers and entertainment. Ankh-Re sat next to me, and I could sense his need to feed. It was almost over-powering - as if he had not had any blood for several days. This made me anxious, to say the least. Why would Ankh-Re put off feeding for so long? I looked away from the stage show into his handsome face - he winked.

After spending about two hours at SF Asia, we went to a jazz club - I do not recall the name of the place. Ankh-Re made sure that David and Robert had unlimited drinks. I only had two mojitos - I wanted to keep my wits about me, since nothing could be worse than being a drunk vampire.

"I like jazz" said Robert.

"Me too, of course" replied Ankh-Re. The house band was playing their rendition of Dave Brubeck's "Take Five." They were very good. As the band played on however, my feeling of dread grew. David glanced over at me nervously. Robert was a little uneasy as well, but masked it better. I took one of David's hands in mine to calm him - and myself. Ankh-Re noticed the exchange and smirked before finishing his third claret, which resembled blood in his glass.

"Well - it's time for us to go dancing!' he exclaimed, slamming the glass down on the table.

Our third destination was to another club I was not familiar with - I will admit that I do not go out much. It was called The Blood Crypt - it took all that I had to keep from laughing uncontrollably at the absurd name. There was a long line of fashionable Goth-types waiting to get in. Of course, with Ankh-Re and his connections, we were ushered in immediately down a flight of stairs into the 'Sanctuary', the main bar and dance floor area. The place was swathed in red and black velvet, with matching sofas and ottomans. Most of the patrons matched the decor. I wanted to laugh again, especially since I was wearing similar colors, but I kept myself in check.

There was a reserved velvet-swathed nook awaiting us, so we made ourselves comfortable. On the table was an ice bucket with a bottle of cheap champagne and four glasses. Ankh-Re lost no time in opening the swill, and poured us each a glass. David gulped his down immediately, while Robert sipped his cautiously. I did not touch my glass. Ankh-Re looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Well, I gotta' do some dancing." He sauntered away from the table, scoping out the women. Patrons from all directions were staring at him. The women - and some men - seemed to be holding their breaths, waiting anxiously to see whom Ankh-Re would choose. To break some of the electric tension in the air, I told my donors to go out and dance. They both declined. We three watched The Ankh-Re Show instead.

Several women got a turn on the dance floor, and were absolutely taken with Ankh-Re...it was my turn to rolled my eyes. He eventually came back to the table with a pale black-haired woman on his arm. She was a typical Goth chick. I did noticed that her hair was naturally black, and she had bright blue eyes, which were her own as well. Pretty, but overall, from a cookie cutter.

"Everyone - this is Alanna Rain - Rain with a 'y'." (Obviously, not her real name). Ankh-Re made the introductions. Alanna Rayne seemed nice enough - silly, but friendly. I really could not fault her for her behavior towards Ankh-Re; I was that same girl over four thousand years ago.

Alanna Rayne stared at me for a moment, then stated "You are absolutely beautiful!" I thanked her for the compliment. Ankh-Re looked at me and grinned. I could sense his intensified need and lust for blood - there was actual heat emanating from him. He purposely starved himself to really relish a feast later on, it appeared. This was not good.

After about another hour of being in the club, I declared to everyone that I was not feeling well. "I am sorry to be a party pooper, but I feel a bit out of sorts" I said. Ankh-Re pouted like a child, but agreed to take us home. "There is just one quick stop that we have to make, and then we go home - I promise" he said. "Can you deal with another forty-five minutes or so?" I begrudging said that I could. He knew that I was lying about feeling sick anyway - what vampire gets sick?

Ankh-Re pulled out his cell phone and made a discreet call to his driver. When we took the flight of stairs back up to the street, the Duesenberg was parked right in front of the club. Alanna Rayne let out an exclamation of pure delight. I did not notice that she had also come up with us. I looked at Ankh-Re and he simply stated "Yes - she is coming with us." We got into the car - this time Ankh-Re seated himself between me and Alanna Rayne. He began kissing her, and I began grinding my teeth. Both David and Robert stared out of the windows at the now foggy sky.

We ended up at Twin Peaks, where we got a fog-enshrouded panoramic view of San Francisco. I was surprised to see that no other cars were there. It was very quiet and still, with the exception of an occasional gust of wind.

'Isn't this beautiful?" asked Ankh-Re, to no one in particular. He had his driver put on some music - more jazz. Benny Goodman's "Sing Sing Sing" began its thumping beat. He looked at his driver and said - "Tony - why don't you go take a cigarette break or something?"

Tony did as he was told, and disappeared into the fog. David and Robert were seated on the trunk of the car, talking and drinking Veuve Clicquot La Grande Dame - good champagne. I stood near the front of the car, watching the dim twinkling lights of the city. I heard Alanna Rayne moaning from whatever Ankh-Re was doing to her in one of the back seats. I grounded my teeth some more.

Shortly, they both emerged from the car, looking a bit disheveled. There was blood on Ankh-Re's lips. He pulled Alanna Rayne's back to his chest, and said "Boys - is Isis a good teacher? Have you fed yet?"

I angrily interrupted him. "Ankh-Re - you know they have not fed - They are donors! It is too early to decide on whether they feed or not. Leave them alone!"

Ankh-Re laughed. Alanna Rayne actually pouted and stomped a foot on the ground; the stupid little bitch actually thought that she was in store for an orgy with three men, playing at being vampires.

I looked at Ankh-Re and telepathically begged him to stop. "Please, let her go. Drop her off somewhere. We should just go right now. You know that you will not die from lack of feeding on her."

David and Robert stopped talking and drinking. Ankh-Re was not going to heed me at all. He pressed Alanna Rayne closer.

"Isis thinks that I should let Alanna Rayne go...what do you boys think?"

Neither David nor Robert said a word. Alanna Rayne giggled and reached back to grab Ankh-Re's crotch. Ankh-Re became more aroused, and his eyes glowed yellow in the dim moonlight.

"Well" Ankh-Re purred. "Isis doesn't take full advantage of her power. She is a politically correct goody two shoes." He brushed back hair from Alanna Rayne's throat. "Me?... Not so much." He plunged his fangs into Alanna Rayne. She let out a muffled scream, as Ankh-Re had one hand firmly over her mouth. Alanna Rayne's body jerked uncontrollably, in time to the wailing horns and pounding drumbeat of the music that was still playing. I heard glass shattering as it hit the ground, and retching.

Even though they were both clothed and standing, Ankh-Re was having sex with the woman while he was killing her. It was really too much. I had to avert my gaze when Alanna Rayne weakly held out an arm, beseeching help. As the life drained from her, her once lively bright eyes glazed over to a dull dead stare. When he was done, Ankh-Re let Alanna Rayne's lifeless body slip to the ground in a delicate heap of black velvet. There was silence. There was no music - and no more Alanna Rayne. The stupid girl.

© MFH 2009 (revised)


The late Alanna Rayne...may she rest in peace



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