Jamie's Journal

Jamie's Journal


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12 entries this month

Swiped from Daire and Jason, to J-moi

07:32 Feb 24 2006
Times Read: 825

Jamie --

[noun]:A person with a sixth sense for detecting the presence of goblins

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

And tried it again:

Jamie --


Visually addictive

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com




"Aint" ain't a word

05:37 Feb 24 2006
Times Read: 826

"why there aint anything on poetry master"

I sure hope this isn't a sugary way of asking me to be the Poetry Master. :P




My Favorite Star Wars spoof!!

11:36 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 837




Black & White

11:32 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 840

I wrote an entry about this show and what I saw on Oprah about it, last night. I accidently deleted it.....and I am too tired to write it again at the moment. But I have seen the commercials about this show on FX and it looks very interesting. I was just concerned that it would portray everyone fairly and not one sided. Will see, March 8th, I believe it is.

These people trade races, wearing make-up and studying the "habits and behaviors" of the other race, to see how the others are treated in society.

Much of what they seemed to have found is how we view events that happen. One may view an event as racist and the other a misunderstanding. So what we need to do, is to pay attention to a person's intentions rather than what they say.

For instance, the women in the group were in a room together, learning how to speak "white" and "black", from their information sheets. The white woman said, "Hey bitch!" to the black woman and the the black woman got really mad. But that is her role being black, and meant no harm but was playing with her. Oprah did not understand why it is that it's ok for black people to call each other that but not white people, and also that it is so prevelant in the media, music, movies, where black people call each other many derogetory names. So it confuses white people because they use the names that black people seem to want to be called, using it on each other as a term of endearment, but then are called racist. Much confusion and misunderstandings. Again....pay attention to the intent of the person saying it. It will make a world of difference.

I learned while studying to be a Reiki Master, that intent is everything. From then I told people about it. Again, we see that we need to look past years of brainwashing of how people are supposed to be, or might be, and see them as fellow human beings, that are not meaning harm, but reaching out.

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Tom Cruise has a TVgasm. We got a jumper!

11:28 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 842




Sorry, Cow

07:25 Feb 17 2006
Times Read: 855

I have noticed these around Rave, lately. I thought it was interesting that they are going to read it to a live cow. So, now, in addition to myself saying a little, silent "Thank you, cow, I am sorry!", I can have them do it again, elsewhere.

Sorry, Cow.




Brokeback Mountain

09:03 Feb 14 2006
Times Read: 865

We weren't going to go to mom's this past weekend. I wanted to just stay at HOME and watch TV, movies, sleep....maybe go to a cemetery and take orb shots with my new camera, try it out. We had been going and going every weekend for weeks.

On the way home from the Seether show, I listened to my voice message from Dad. He said he had hoped everyone was coming home, in addition to our unit, because he had wanted to see us and had a weird feeling. So I was like, "Oh um, ok, I guess we ARE going to mom's this weekend after all!". See, I told mom I thought I would wait until she got her cat scan results back to see if she would need a biopsy or not. Oh hell, I forgot to write that entry in here. But anyway, she thought I was coming this weekend and told Dad that we were.

I told Dad the next day that we weren't planning on coming this weekend until I listened to his message and now we were, after he told me that he was leaving for Phoenix that next morning and would be going to bed early that night. So we didn't even see him. It is a rare occasion that Dad wants us there. He is odd. He wants an Ozzie and Harriet home life, but was never there and is no Ozzie. Over the years, I have been working on healing the rift that he put between us by being...a certain way towards us kids and I think he is realizing he needs to work on it too. He told mom what great kids we are....he just noticed.

When he got his cell phone, he started calling me and he realized I was a separate person and quite bright at that. He calls often now, and likes to chat! I like it that he likes me.

Anyway, he said, "Well, I just wanted to see everybody, I don't know why.". I said, "Well, maybe it's because dad's are supposed to want to see their kids.". He said, "What?". He was in his truck and we always have to yell over the motor. "I said, "Maybe it's because dads are supposed to want to see their kids! Dads! You!". "Dad U (as in University)? I went to Dad U!". I repeated loudly, "You! Dad!". He then replied, "I'm not mad!". *sigh* haha, I didn't know where to go from there. He is a smartass and loves to mess with people. Like our whole family, actually. A big mess of smart asses!

The theme for the weekend was Brokeback Mountain. Everytime Danny and my brother Justin would wrestle around or one would smack another or good game each other, someone would yell, "Ah, Brokeback Mountain!". hahaha....

So when we got home Sunday, I saw the movie. I texted Justin. "Guess what movie I am watching!". I couldn't believe he had to ask which. "Brokeback Mountain!!". He said it was bad, but actually I haven't made up my mind about it yet. They are....."angry" cowboys it seems, sometimes, especially Heath Ledger. I am wondering how much of that is acting? haha....You know, pissed because he has to kiss a guy to get an Oscar. Their first love scene seems to be angry love. ha....or passion. Not sure. Both? Seems that when a straight person does a gay role, it's a sure Oscar winner. But there are two in this! Oh shit, how are they going to pull this one off?

I liked it, basically, but it left me with a weird feeling. I don't know why.

This weekend, it's doing NOTHING.




Seether show and famous connections

07:56 Feb 09 2006
Times Read: 877

A friend of ours, runs sound for Seether. So Thursday we are going to the Seether show in OKC. I am a bit nervous about it, hoping my anxiety levels will stay normal and calm. I figure if I take my Xanax, I should be A-OK. Harmony is going, along with Neil and another friend, Leslie, who's birthday is Thursday and Seether one of her favorite bands, so we are taking her down there.

Howard was in the Oliver Magnum band years ago with Danny. He used to laze around and party a lot. He has even eaten out of my fridge. You know the poor musician life. There are tons of it here! He left Oliver Magnum after Danny and stayed in the business, as well as Tim, the manager of Mississippi All Stars. Anyway, Howard was a nice guy, and I haven't seen him in many years. He just got back from overseas with the band. He has rocked with KISS, countless others, working for many different national acts and even went to Diamond Darrell's viewing when he died. Danny talked to him right after he got home.

How odd it is, to have that life...to go so many places and meet so many interesting people. Odd that Howard is one of those people now! I knew him when...

Hell for that matter, Danny has partied with tons of famous musicians too. Has smoked with Phil and Darrell from Pantera, met Rob Halford and just tons of old rock groups. We were just talking about that today about his favorite famous person he has met. It's nice to know people, to know more people. Actually, some of the people that I know, know famous people.

Once, Mike, the lead singer of Flock Of Seagulls was at my house one night, at an after party! Crazy...I forgot the camera.

A friend that lives here, Richard, knows Dio and used to talk to him all the time, even had him here in town for a concert. Richard used to take pics for Little Wing Productions, so he used to meet tons of musicians. He sends me pics occasionally of them. He sent a KISS pic once, and tells about meeting KISS before they were seen without the makeup and didn't know it was them until later.

I just wish I knew someone that worked with Depeche Mode!!! Tim worked with Moby and Dave Mathews and I found out too late. I would love to meet them.




Sittin' with THE MAN

07:11 Feb 09 2006
Times Read: 882

This past weekend we went to OKC for the Schwans Annual Banquet. It is a corporate affair. The dinner part is black tie, so everyone gets their best duds on and has a Schwans pep rally all day. The managers, and there are many of them, have to go 3 days earlier to have all day meetings and then eat with each other. I wonder what more they could possibly have to say about how much money they are making, what new rules to enforce and how they can cut the warehouse's pay even more, than they already say in numerous emails daily, and manager's meetings on a nonstop basis?! Apparently this time, it includes FILMS TOO! And from the top dogs that couldn't be there that night.

Every year we cringe when banquet time comes round. We loathe the event. Like I said, it is a pep rally and I just don't dig it. They all smile and give awards to the drivers and basically fuck off the people that load the trucks, and keep them going on a daily basis, working on their days off and always getting shit for having to work overtime hours. Of course, the suits never work what they make rules for, so it's easy for them to incorporate new senseless rules.

Every year, I want so badly to ask a higher up, to explain to me why they call is Schwans and have a fucking Swan as their "mascot", their symbol, plastered everywhere! It is not a Schwan, that bird. It is a SWAN! Don't they know they sound and look like idiots? And then misinformed people call them Swans. Ugh...I have asked people at our tables each year about it. I guess I haven't asked the "right" people. I am waiting until he quits and then I have a host of things to ask about.

It started at noon, where there is check in to the hotel. Everyone shows up at 1pm to listen to various speakers, watch films and hear about their latest money making projects and how they made millions last year and want to make more. That ends around 4 or 5pm and there is an hour break to put on the black tie clothes. This is Oklahoma, and there are a lot of tractor heads. Still, jeans are not permitted, and not even at the after hours party they always have set up. Nope, not this year. Other years, yes, anything you want to wear. This year, they are dickheads about it. Ah, this is so cathartic!

Coctails are served at 5:30pm to 6pm, where we then go in to dinner. That lasts an hour and then the awards are presented. Jewelry, TVs, DVD players, all sorts of awards are given out......to the drivers. Warehouse has to sit and watch. They get nothing. Even the wives of the drivers get the same things. It's crazy.

After all of that, if you are still awake or haven't performed a Hari Kari, then it's time for the free bar. But this year, it was that you each got 2 drink tickets. They have a shitty DJ that plays all sorts of cheesey music so grandma and grandpa Schwans can cut a rug too.

This year, I didn't go to the meetings and waited until the supper to go down there. I kept my head down and just bolted for the banquet room and table. They had steak. It was a very odd consistancy. Wasn't very good. But the salad wasn't bad. The apple pie was good, though I didn't eat much of it. Veges rocked.

My brother Justin was waiting outside the hotel room to hang out. Neil was on his way too. So we sat inside and chilled. Danny was boozing it up at the "free" bar, in the meantime. By the time Neil got there, I was pissed because Danny was MIA, and getting quite drunk. He finally showed up after I texted him and calling him for 20 solid minutes, "U R so fucking in trouble! U don't just leave us here!". There is more, but you get it.

We all go to the banquet room for Justin and Neil to get some free drinks, but as soon as they get in there, some asshole goes up to them and asks which depot they are with......see, they were in jeans. Bad move, chester. haha....Neil pipes up and tells them which depot Danny is from, but too late. No suit, no service! So we grab everyone, including a drunk couple, and a very drunk Corey (Negroferatu here) and I drive us to the strip club. I am designated driver. I rarely drink anyway, anymore.

We went to Night Trips.

As soon as we get in there, Justin, Neil and I walk around to find a table. The place was packed! Danny, Corey and the couple (Chris and Christie) went to the bar. I could see Corey's head over the crowd because he is about 7 feet tall or so. Danny said later, that the Christie chick was pouting and he asked her what was wrong. She said, "I want to be up there!"...where the stripper was. Apparently Christie used to strip in Stillwater. She told me that earlier, actually. She was real friendly. She had just met me and was grabbing my hand and leading me around.

After a bit, I guess Chris and Christie disappeared. Hmm. Danny and Corey were at our table and I was trying to get Corey over to the floor to get some boobs in his face. hahaha...His new fav song is, "I'm in love with a stripper". Danny asked the waitress for her phone number. I leaned over to Neil, "He just asked her for her phone number". Neil said, "Yea, I know....I thought that was pretty smooth", kiddingly. Danny also invited a group of nearby Mexicans to the hotel room to party. I looked at Neil. "Did he just invite those guys to the room?". I started thinking of my new camera I had just bought, and my new pc drawing tablet...my small stuffed animals...my sanity....my patience. Neil said nervously, "Um yea, I think he did." Neil knows that wasn't a good idea and backed up, as I said to Danny, "Come here.". He didn't seem to want to.

After awhile, though, we got the room number changed to Corey's room, where the strippers could go. I was fine with that.

Finally 2am came and we left...and without the couple. Justin, Neil and I played "You don't know Jack" on the playstation and "Wheel of Fortune". Normally I do well, that night I sucked. Danny had gone up to Corey's room and passed out on his bed and Corey was on the floor. ha....Finally he came down to our room and passed out.

After Justin and Neil left, the throwing up started. *sigh* In between Danny throwing up, I cleaned up the beer bottles, etc., and started packing for leaving the next morning. But I had to hold his hair, clean him up and get him to the bathroom.....and stay up so he wouldn't go out like Hendrix.

The next morn (day) was horrible. He was in such bad shape. I was afraid he had alcohol poisoning. He just kept throwing up. At Burger King he threw up. In the Petsmart parking lot he threw up (I was inside looking for a rat cage for Poopie). In the car he threw up. Course, he held that until I pulled over, except a bit that hit the windshield and dash. I had been driving and saw him looking over his shoulder to the back seat, looking for something. I asked what he was looking for, afraid of "a bag", and as I looked back at the road, I heard, "PFFT!", with his mouth full of puke and ballooned up like a stuffed hamster's cheek. I started laughing because it was just too horrible and was like that episode where Peter throws up in his mouth in The Family Guy. I kept seeing that in my head.....and hearing that sound. I asked where he wanted to pull over, and he tilted his head back, and gargled, "Over there!". I pulled over, he finished the job outside the car, and I went to a quick mart for bags.

He swears to never drink again.

We went to bed after we got home.

Found out that Chris and Christie had WALKED back to the hotel from the strip club! It was bitter cold that night, and she had no shoes on (I was told later. I hadn't looked at her feet. I could have sworn she had shoes on. ?) and had no coat, and they walked back within 10 minutes of being at the bar. I am still puzzled at that. I can understand in the summer, maybe....

Danny has amazing recouperative powers. Truly. He was much better that night by the time he went to work, after sleeping and dandy after work. If it were me, I would be crawling around on the floor to the toilet, begging to be able to throw up or sedated or shot....like in the old days.....if I were still alive at that point!

On the plus side, he hasn't smoked at all, in almost 3 weeks.




My favorite Van Halen Lines

06:44 Feb 09 2006
Times Read: 883

"...reach down, between my legs and......ease the seat back....."

She saw the look in his eyes, ’n’ she knew better

He wanted her tonight, ah, and it was now or never

He made her feel so sad

Oh, whoa, whoa, jamie’s cryin’

Oh, whoa, whoa, jamie’s cryin’

Now jamie wouldn’t say, all right, ah, she knew he’d forget her

’n’ so they said goodnight, ah, oh, ’n’ now he’s gone forever

She want’s to send him a letter, uh yeah yeah

Uh just to try to make herself feel better

It said gimme (gimme a call sometime)

But she knows what that’ll get her

Oh, whoa, whoa, jamie’s cryin’

Oh, whoa, whoa, jamie’s cryin’

Now jamie’s been in love before (ahhh)

And she knows what love is for (ahhh)

It should mean, a little, a little more (ahhh)

Than one night stands, whoo

She want’s to send him a letter, uh yeah yeah

Just to try to make herself feel better

It said gimme (gimme a call sometime)

But she knows what that’ll get her

Oh, whoa, whoa, jamie’s cryin’

Oh, whoa, whoa, jamie’s cryin’




Fly away butterfly...to the video store

06:41 Feb 03 2006
Times Read: 897




Feb 01 2006

hello jamie i am requesting to be traded to The Coven of Murmur i feel i will learn there more because right now in The House Eternal i am just tryin gto get house favors and i want to learn as much as i can about vampires and its not really working out as i planed so yes i wish to be traded thank you for your time

My Reply:

Ha, ok babe, I will see what I can do. I have to find someone that is the same status or level as you, or ask for them to buy you with favor. If they don't want to, then they will decline it. Have you asked them about it yet?

The reason I don't do much about vampires in our House is because there is already so much of it in the main forum and I can't think of anything that hasn't been covered already. ;) Rent Lost Boys. That oughta do it. :P haha.....A favorite of mine. ;)




Preach on sista!

06:20 Feb 02 2006
Times Read: 909

I have seen Gary Zukav on Oprah and heard him speak on there. He is a very cool guy.

What he speaks of and believes in is exactly what my mom and I have talked about and think about, study and haved "preach" about for...well, since I was about 14 and I am 36 now. What I found humorous, was how Oprah and the audience had ooo'd and ahhh'd over this old wisdom like it was something brand new! I thought, "Wow, these people don't think about why were are here much, do they?".

I love books. I have tons of books. Being a Gemini, communication is my thang. hahaha...Most of mine are astrology, self help, dream, numerology, psychology, philosophy, new age books. A few hamster books, Charlie Chaplin book (I love Charlie Chaplin)...manson's book (Danny's, along with his Gene Simmon's book).....almanacs.....and LOTS of health fact books, and self healing naturally. Whew, what a list.



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