Jamie's Journal

Jamie's Journal


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59 entries this month

Dr. Dr.

10:57 Oct 31 2007
Times Read: 788

Went to see my med doc today. Told her about my weight gain. She wasn't too concerned about it, but wanted me to keep taking the Lexapro. Which, I planned on. But I have lessened the dosage a tad, to see if the weight would come down. It's only a few pounds but today I gained another.

I did some more reading on SSRI's and weight gain, and it hits most everyone. People lose weight on Zoloft, from what I have read on www.healthboards.com. But even the Lexapro that I really like has put 50 + pounds on people. People that haven't changed eating habits or exercise habits, just like me, but the mystery pounds. It's because the SSRI's do something to the metabolism......slowing it down quite a bit I guess.

Well fuck that.

I know the cons and the pros have to be weighed. I will watch it. It has helped with OCD and general anxiety. It helps let shit just roll sometimes.

Man, I am hungry.




Spiffy Samhein

10:51 Oct 31 2007
Times Read: 789

I didn't to do the usual Happy Halloween.

So we are going ghost hunting tonight, at the graveyard where Danny's grandmother is buried. It's a good one, with lots of orb/ghost activity. I need to put some pics we have gotten in my portfolio.

I volunteered to buy apples and candy for the SCARE IN THE SQUARE downtown. They have booths and all kinds of neat things going on. We missed most of that last year, but got there right in time for the judging of the costumes. Danny wanted me to go up there in my chicken costume, but it was too late, and I couldn't run in those big feet! hahaha.....lots of kids hugged me though and wanted me to perform for them, which I did of course. Some called me big bird.

After the square, later in the evening, we will go find some cemeteries to roam. Danny's back is feeling more stable, so he won't be in as much pain. The doctor has given him steriods, a muscle relaxant, percocet, lortab and valium. The valium is the one he likes the most, helping him sleep, and no dizzy and nauseaous side effects. He isn't much of a pill taker.

Not sure if I want to tromp around as a chicken tonight.




Free anti-crap ware dl

10:42 Oct 31 2007
Times Read: 792

Been looking around for free virus/trojan/worm/malware/etc. removal for the past few days. One actually had a virus IN it. pfft....I keep getting them. I don't know why. It's like something opened a backdoor and then let the others in.

So I downloaded a free program called SUPERantispyware. It got rid of them and it was free. I recommend it.




Good advice!

02:42 Oct 31 2007
Times Read: 797

"Don't believe everything you think."

Bumper Sticker in my therapist's office




Damn bugs!

02:11 Oct 31 2007
Times Read: 799

This is a page for removing shit that has gotten on your pc. Has tons of things. For some reason, my pc has been bombarded with trojans, and virusus lately. =( I have to find something that will not only find them, but also REMOVE them!





Update on mom and Danny

07:59 Oct 30 2007
Times Read: 806

Danny's back is getting better every day. Yay! Still is contorted and hurts, but not nearly as bad. He is getting around better anyway. He is also taking this week off so he is home with me all week. It's weird, because he never takes time off. He can't since Schwans won't hire someone to help out when he is gone. They have had to rearrange everything differently in the runnings of the place because he is gone. The manager said, "I just feel like everything is falling apart around me.".

Meanwhile, mom's surgery to remove her good kidney is November 8th. Please keep us all in your thoughts and hearts, especially mom. Thank you!!!!! And I do tell her everytime someone sends prayers and light her way, or wishing her well. She always says thank you and that she appreciates it, that she needs it!




Whew! About time!

07:54 Oct 30 2007
Times Read: 808

Ah, I can view thumbnails again. My friend Neil suggested I start another file and put half of my pics in that, to cut back on the amount in one file folder. I did and it worked. I can now view thumbnails. So now I can add more pics to my port. =) Yay! I can finally find pictures!

Btw, that avatar pic I have up now was in May 2005. 2 years ago. I am not as toned and have gained a few pounds since then. =( I am still pissed about this weight gain and cannot get rid of it.

I was talking about it today with Linda, my counselor and she started talking about how she was real thin all her life and then bam, around my age, or about 40, she couldn't eat all the crap she used to, and easily lose it. Yikes.....damn, and wtf? She said she still eats though, like she can lose it. haha....nuthead.




Thanks for the mammories....

06:47 Oct 30 2007
Times Read: 810

A friend sent this to me the other day. It sure brought back memories! ;)


I'm cleaning out my comp and I found a few things like:

Please read

Posted: 19:41:02 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 71

It is with regret and deep sorrow that I have resigned myself from Administrative status on Rave. This also means I shall not be House Master any longer.

I was asked by Cancer to not mention this to the public, aka my House, etc., until he was ready for me to. He did not want a lot of people coming to him about it. So in respect to him, I did not, except to the Assistants. I am sorry that this comes suddenly and is a shock.

It seems that some have already told others, and so some of you know, some of you do not. I am sorry for that happening. It was not my doing, but in the short absence I was gone, today, to sleep. I was having to wait until I was given permission to do so by Cancer. That was just a bit ago.

Batchyld will be the new Admin and House Master. She assures me and my assistants that she will send all of you that wishes to go, from the House, to your place of choice. Yendor has started a Coven, as a form of refuge for you guys. If you are to leave, you must do it now and quickly, to make this transition smooth and as painless as possible.

I have tried to do the best I could for you all and have thought of you through this whole thing. I hope I did not let you down. But I will still be here at Rave, and we are still friends/family.

You are all great people and we have a wonderful family here. We enrich each other's lives and are there to depend on. That does not have to be lost. We had a very spiritual House and I am quite proud of that. Please take with you, wherever you may explore, this LIGHT, this LOVE, because it never dims, and it never dies.

I love you all....



And then...


Viper (21) Re: Please read

Posted: 20:08:38 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 64

*sniffles* I'm sorry to see you go babes. You were the best house master ever and will be missed.

Take care hon.



Incendiary (24)

Re: Please read

Posted: 20:15:59 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 61

Well this is just sad. You are an amazing person Jamie. You have nurtured and cared for all in this house. Out of all the house masters you have definately left a part of you in the rave. I hope you have nothing but good things come to your journey. Blessed be and be well. Keep in touch.~NFA


Fiend (10)

Re: Please read

Posted: 20:31:58 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 56

damn now i'm gonna get really pissed if i don't even get a good bye from ya hon i'm still here for you and anybody in the house and when I say this i say it for all of us ur family We will all miss you and hope you still show up once in a while and say hi to us all but hey if you need to talk to someone as i said just message me i will like to talk to you *hugs* love ya jamie ~mike~


Phantom (8) Re: Please read

Posted: 20:49:50 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 52



Iconoclast (26)

Re: Please read

Posted: 21:25:12 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 44

You have done an amazing job!! Be proud Jamie! *Loves*.....namaste.


Savage (17)

Re: Please read

Posted: 21:37:01 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 39

Thank you Jamie



Unclean Spirit (11)

Re: Please read

Posted: 22:22:26 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 30

namaste to you always, jamie! keep in touch, love!


Viper (21)

Re: Please read

Posted: 22:30:13 - Mar 25 2006

Times viewed: 25

Jamie? will a coin in the juke box for 'Sugar Baby Love' by The Rubettes from 1974, do? I play it for you, as a hopelessly -confused Englishman, who doesen't know up or down, left or right, anymore?!

ade XX

I miss the old times Jams :)




Yikes! Jeez....some people just want to hate...

09:05 Oct 29 2007
Times Read: 819

I saw this awhile back and was shocked at how outwardly hateful those guys are! I finally came across it tonight.




"We caught it early."

03:48 Oct 29 2007
Times Read: 821

"We caught it early."

That's the phrase every patient wants to hear when their doctor informs them of a disease diagnosis - especially when the disease is capable of robbing patients of their mental faculties for years and even decades.

Watching the brain

In conditions such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), early detection almost always plays a key role in the outcome of treatment. That's why a new technique that provides doctors with a relatively simple way to detect early AD may turn out to be an important diagnostic tool.

Researchers from three universities in the Northeastern U.S. recently reported on the results of a trial that tested an electroencephalogram (EEG) procedure in more than 70 subjects - some with AD and some without. Their EEG examination clearly demonstrated that the brains of Alzheimer's patients react differently than the brains of healthy subjects when given a series of auditory stimuli. The accuracy rate of the EEG test was more than 80 percent overall.

This new method of detecting Alzheimer's can be performed in a doctor's office and may eventually be conducted with a hand-held device - a big advantage over the most common AD diagnosis technique, which tends to be expensive, time-consuming, and requires access to special research hospitals.

But until the EEG method receives further research and development, there's another simple way that patients and doctors can be tipped off that the earliest signs of dementia may signal the beginnings of Alzheimer's.

The sniff that fails

Scientists have known for some years that the ability to identify aromas is diminished in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Exactly why this is so may never be known. But no matter, because researchers at Columbia University conducted a trial that may be an important step in turning this phenomenon into an important diagnostic tool.

The Columbia researchers recruited more than 200 subjects who were asked to identify 40 different scratch-&-sniff aromas. About three quarters of the subjects had been diagnosed with mild memory impairment. The others served as control subjects. After being tested, the memory-impaired patients were followed for an average of five years to track the development of Alzheimer's disease.

When the Columbia team analyzed their completed data alongside the results of other Alzheimer's/aroma trials, the researchers narrowed the 40 aromas to a list of ten that were shown to be the most accurate in determining AD risk: Clove





Natural gas





Remarkably, the Columbia test had a greater degree of accuracy in predicting AD than other tests that used genetic testing or brain imaging.

When clove smells like soap…what then?

The Columbia team notes that more testing will need to be done before the reliability of an aroma test can be trusted. But in the meantime, if you or someone you know is unable to identify some of the aromas listed above, you can take that as an indication that it's time to talk to your doctor about further testing.

And because the aroma test signifies the potential of an early stage of AD, that means there's still time to take steps to address the problem. In tomorrow's e-Alert I'll tell you about two supplements that have been shown to inhibit the progression of Alzheimer's disease.




Mad skills

03:05 Oct 25 2007
Times Read: 830




When I'm 64.....or am I that now?

07:52 Oct 24 2007
Times Read: 834

I THINK the new picture of me makes me look old. Almost like the hair is grey. Is that just me?

*cocking head sideways*




Um, it was me, duh

07:50 Oct 24 2007
Times Read: 836

I wrote Khay a message and forgot to tell her it was me. But she is a sharp tack and wrote me back, and she knew it was me. Silly me.

I love Khay. She is a real person and I sure can appreciate that. And I know her name, but I still want to call her Khay! I have to keep reminding myself, "That's not her real name!:. hahaha...

Well, you know how some people just seem like their screen name? It's just how you get to know them over time. Anything else seems odd. Luckily I am Jamie here and in outer world. =)




"Back" again

07:47 Oct 24 2007
Times Read: 837

Danny's back went out last night. He has had a hurt back since 1991. I help him with it with Reiki, reflexology and massage. It gets so bad, he can't walk, sit, lay down, put clothes on....nothing. I have to help him with everything.

Well this time, it's the worst I have ever seen it. Waves of pain was shooting through him with a great force. He was shaking all over from it. He tried to go to the bathroom and the pain brought him to the ground. He had to crawl to the bedroom.

I called around to see if I could get him into a clinic or something, as we don't have the cash to be having lots of tests, etc. The clinic that goes by your financial amounts couldn't take him til next week! He was yelling in pain in the other room and I was pretty stressed and something had to be done. So I went to my quake Dr. to get him in. But a new chick was there and since Danny hasn't actually been the patient there before, he is a new patient, and they won't bill for new patients. But I asked her to ask someone for me, since he was the one this whole time that goes in with the payments for me. Ok, yes, this one time. Oh thanks. But we had to be there by 3:30pm and it was 3pm.

It took about 10 minutes to get him in the car and then we had to get him out at the dr. He was a mess.

After an hour and something minutes later, Dr. gave him some shots. I don't know if it helped, as he didn't notice much of a change he said. But I think it helped ease the waves of sharp, nerve pains was having over and over.

It's hard to hear your loved one screaming in pain, and there's not much you can do about it. But I did get him somewhere and taken care of. He said I am the best ever.

We go in Friday to get another shot. Another $110.....But we may be able to get workmans comp for him. His back did go out at work. Thing is, they wouldn't hire another person to help him and his worker out, so they could take time off, and for these types of times, plus, to just do the job. So now that guy, Mike, is alone up there. Danny is very dedicated to his job.

I best get in there and tend to Danny. I think he wants to try to stand up. The Dr. gave him Percocet (which says oxycontin?!), and some muscle relaxers and some steriods. Yep, now all he has to do is start pumping iron.




One froggy evening

11:20 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 844




The penguin one - 8 Balll Bunny

08:01 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 845

I love this cute, lil guy!! He is so cute. I have always loved this one. And the frog one!




Bugs Bunny - Transylvania 6-5000

07:51 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 846




Sesame Street - Casino - Robert Deniro & Joe Pesci

07:37 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 847




Things we lost in the fire

11:18 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 856

Part 1:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Part 2:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Part 3:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Part 4:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Part 5:

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Part 6:

Online Videos by Veoh.com




Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Preview

08:06 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 858

Online Videos by Veoh.com




Scariest ghost video part 7

08:01 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 860




Scariest ghost videos part 4

07:50 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 862

Best part of it at 4 minutes and 40 seconds.




Scariest ghost video part 2

07:39 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 863




Scariest ghost videos part 3

07:39 Oct 22 2007
Times Read: 864





12:34 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 879

"You have been logged out for Hammering."

I was trying to get my page to move. Everything on here was freezing up. Guess I clicked it twice. haha.....nightly backup.




I'm pooped..."she's pooped!".

11:47 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 881

Anyone ever hear Madeline Kahn sing, "I'm tired", in Blazing Saddles? That's me tonight. ;)

I have been working on my profile all night. I have removed some, added a few different animated gifs, and fixed the odd accident that happened when I removed my quizzes. In case you didn't see it, my user menu left it's right side placement, and went to the bottom of the page.

Someone kept telling me to change things in my sheet code, but I knew it was from the time Cancer fixed something in my profile, and added some table code in there somewhere. Apparently it was in the quiz area and got removed when I took out the quizzes. I just didn't know where it was.

Anyway, I fixed it myself.





11:28 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 884


Roman counterpart being Venus, this woman is the goddess of carnal love. Aphrodite is also the goddess of marriage and beauty. There is a magic girdle in her possession that has irresistible powers of enticement. Even the most beautiful and gentle-seeming goddess in Greek Mythology is not to be taken lightly. Aphrodite is one of the 12 Olympians.

The activation of the Aphrodite archetype can be dramatic and profound: sexual chemistry is often aroused unexpectedly, like Aphrodite rising from the waves of the Aegean Sea. Nothing warns us of what is about to happen, and we are often unaware of the journey we are embarking on until we are halfway there. We are simultaneously exhilarated and terrified. Our sexuality becomes instinctive, primal, and raw, light years away from civilized, rational thought. It sometimes seems to be out of control.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com




It's always sunny in philadelphia

10:46 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 886




It's always sunny in philadelphia

10:45 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 886

Funniest show on tv. Especially if you like your shows twisted and off the wall.




Found this on a site with the mutherload of gifs

10:27 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 887

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket




Ok, found a box

09:01 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 888

Found a slider box that works for me and in my blue color like the rest of my page. Nice. So now I can add those protected by thingys. ;) Someone asked me if I had one to give them and I didn't. So now I must concoct one. Hmm, you just know it's going to have a hamsta on it.




Coolio! Met the T'Pau chick at myspace.

06:53 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 889

Subject: RE: friend request





----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: Jamie

Date: 18 Oct 2007, 07:12

Hey there! Sorry for the late reply. I have been at another site as well and it has been taking my time. ;)

Yea, sorry about the band thing. I was just getting wayyyyy too many garage bands filling my request box. You know how that is.

So is this the lead singer of T'Pau or someone running her site? I was just curious, 'cause I do love me some Heart and Soul. ;)

I will go friend request you right now babe.

Have a great day and it's way cool meeting you.

Love and Light,


----------------- Original Message -----------------

From: t'pau / carol decker

Date: Sep 18, 2007 4:23 AM

Hi Jamie, i'm trying to add you as a 'friend' but you don't accept invites from bands. Come to my myspace and request me...or not! Carol xx




Damn scale

06:10 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 894

I know this may sound trivial to some, but I can't lose weight anymore! It's got me worried. People have told me I shouldn't worry about weight issues, and of course, I have my whole life. I would reply, "Yea, but if I don't watch it, I will gain. And one pound turns into 2 and 2 turns into 5 and 5 turns into 10 and so on.".

And it does! It has. I have gained about 12 pounds in the last few years. And lately, I can't get rid of it. I have exercised more, ate less and still, those two pounds won't leave. Fuck. I am not even going to try on the 10. Eh, I was too thin then anyway. I am fine now with it, though at first I cried when I found out.

How do older women keep it off? How do celeb chicks stay so thin? I mean, besides colonics and anorexia. ha......

But, also keep in mind, that it is great to be alive and there are good things to experience in this life at every age. =)




"for your age"

06:04 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 897

I know this was meant to be a compliment, as he is a nice guy. But I kept getting stuck at, "for your age".

"hello jamie, damn you look fantastic for you,re age. i was surprised to see 1969 as you,re date of birth. i,d put you no older than 30. i,m still a year older though! so listen up kid!"

I really don't mind the aging thing until I actually notice it. Haha.....like the slight weight gain, more laugh lines, more pains, more grey hairs, more gravitational pull......you get it.




New Orleans meet up

05:25 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 898

I was reading images' journal and saw the entry about the forum thread on the next get together. I had been looking for one of those a few months ago, but all I found was the cruise. I didn't think to look in the forum, as it seems like the last ball had it's own space on the MEMBERS area. Didn't it?

I really want to go to the New Orleans meet! I am not sure where to start on arranging it though. I am not even sure on where we could stay. And it would be a very long drive. Still, I have always wanted to go to New Orleans and this would be a golden time to check out the cemetaries and go ghost hunting and to meet you mutherfuckers!




Love this line

04:04 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 900

Someone wrote this on their profile and I really liked it.

"The path is different but the destination is the same."




This soul protected by _____

10:38 Oct 18 2007
Times Read: 903

I have had a few people send me those "this soul is protected by ____", so I guess I need to affix a scroll box to my profile....when it's fixed. I need to find another box though, I think, because the one I have now isn't the right size and I can't change it. I have had a hard time finding the right one that works here. Seems like everyone else has one though that works. haha...





10:36 Oct 18 2007
Times Read: 904

I accidently screwed up my profile. I took out my quizzes and when I saved it and went back to check it out, the page was all funky. The user menu is at the bottom and the pictures at the bottom are floating.

So I wrote Cancer to see if he could help. Hope so!




Danny's 44th

09:31 Oct 18 2007
Times Read: 906

Danny's birthday was today. I got him a pirate shirt and a pirate lunch box. hahaha....I want to get something else too. He is not good at telling what he wants. He keeps saying he found me and that's all he wants. Me, I always ask for sparkly things. And electronics......and.......and......

Last week I had to stop coming here, so that I could prepare for his family to visit from Idaho. 1500 miles away. His mother is a clean freak and I am not. I am organized, and tidy, but I have dust on my shelves and black carpet that always needs to be vaccumed. Yes, we want to replace that damn black carpet. Ugh.

His mother, and one of this brothers were here, and one of his neices. His late sisters daughter. Danny hasn't seen these people since we were there for the funeral about 4 years ago. Time has flown.

I planned a surprise birthday party for Danny, while his family were here. I also called mom to see if she was up to coming over for the party, to surprise him. He had always wanted the two mom's to meet and I thought this was the time to try it.

It worked out great. Except that we kept keeping him out of the house, so that he wouldn't see the decorations I bought for them to put up. Then he knew something was going on.

Mom and my brother got to town and then called me to get directions, and Danny kept jumping in my face, asking who it was. I tried to lie and tell him it was a guy (not unusual for me)I had met online and then I said an old friend from Hastings music store from a long time ago. hahaha....I am not a good liar, and I don't very often. I kept smiling and the jig was up. Right after that, I saw Mom and Justin drive by, looking at the other side of the street, as I stood at the corner waving at them. He saw them. Damn. "Was that mom and Justin?".

But everyone got to yell surprise and for the most part he was. He had a great time and said it was one of the best birthdays ever. That and the two kegger I threw for him years ago. That was a huge party. Actually, 2 kegs and 7 cases of beer. ;)

And then, there was the one at the gay club, and again, tons of people were there. There was an Elvis impersonator and drag queens giving a show. They got a very drunk Danny on stage and were dancing around him, as he layed on the floor, smoking a cigarette, watching them dance over him. Haha.....I do have pics, but not on the pc.

Some crazy shit in our party days.......




Gettin' wiggy with it

08:34 Oct 18 2007
Times Read: 910

You are gonna have to cock your head sideways. It's brief.




Me being a total dork--Black Betty

06:26 Oct 17 2007
Times Read: 921

HA--it is paused with me in the air.




That coven...

06:24 Oct 17 2007
Times Read: 922

...Purgatory, can suck my left nut.




Oo, I like this one

06:10 Oct 17 2007
Times Read: 923

Those who speak most often are heard only by themselves.




Me in line waiting for graduation rehearsal--1987

01:33 Oct 12 2007
Times Read: 944

Can you see me? Taller hair, arms crossed with some attitude. Oh yea, and glasses. ;)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket




Party's over!

13:22 Oct 11 2007
Times Read: 948




Moley Russell's wart

13:02 Oct 11 2007
Times Read: 949





12:46 Oct 11 2007
Times Read: 951




Damn these bugs!

03:53 Oct 11 2007
Times Read: 954

When I was watching Basic Instinct 2 on that alluc site, it gave me 5 viruses. And I have had a helluva time getting the shit off my pc. It kept reinfecting it. Something put the Downloader virus and the W32.IRCBot on my pc. Ugh! I spent HOURS last night trying to remove them and run anti-bug programs. Finally had to download the new Stinger program and it worked I think. Nothing popping up or messing with pc so far.....*crossing fingers*

Eh, it's bound to happen as much as I am on my pc.




Hard work

03:48 Oct 11 2007
Times Read: 958

“Work should be in order to live. We don’t live in order to work.

That shift in awareness is necessary.”

-- Matthew Fox

What are your beliefs around work? Do you believe it’s necessary to

work hard to earn a living? No pain, no gain? Do you believe women’s

work is never done? That play is a waste of time?

While there are merits to the work ethic, over-work takes a serious

toll on the quality of our lives. Our ability to contribute to life

requires us to have a sense of balance, joy, playfulness, time to stop and

smell the flowers.

“Learning to let go of the ways we inadvertently and unconsciously

contribute to our own pain is the key to finding radiant physical and

emotional health.”

-- Ingrid Bacci

“To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very


-– Samuel Butler

“The true object of all human life is play.”

-- G.K. Chesterton




No one - Alicia Keys

10:46 Oct 09 2007
Times Read: 964

I added it to my profile. Hell, I have changed songs about 3 times in the last few days. haha....I keep finding ones I want to change it to. Eh, that's the Gemini in me.

I just want you close

Where you can stay forever

You can be sure

That it will only get better

You and me together

Through the days and nights

I don't worry 'cuz

Everything's going to be alright

People keep talking they can say what they like

But all i know is everything's going to be alright

No one, no one, no one

Can get in the way of what I'm feeling

No one, no one, no one

Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you

Can get in the way of what I feel for you

When the rain is pouring down

And my heart is hurting

You will always be around

This I know for certain

You and me together

Through the days and nights

I don't worry 'cuz

Everything's going to be alright

People keep talking they can say what they like

But all i know is everything's going to be alright

No one, no one, no one

Can get in the way of what I'm feeling

No one, no one, no one

Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you

Can get in the way of what I feel

I know some people search the world

To find something like what we have

I know people will try try to divide something so real

So til the end of time I'm telling you there is no one

No one, no one, no one

Can get in the way of what I'm feeling

No one, no one, no one

Can get in the way of what I feel for you, you, you

Can get in the way of what I feel for you




For your viewing pleasure

08:01 Oct 09 2007
Times Read: 969

I hope these don't get too mainstream. You know how fast they go down then. =( In the meantime:

(no pop ups or viruses, that I know of)


www.movie6.net (no pop ups or viruses)

This one has a lot of movies on there! But! When I was watching Basic Instinct 2, it gave me 5 viruses. And I have had a helluva time getting the shit off my pc. It put the downloader virus on there, and the W32.IRCBot on there. Ugh! I spent hours last night trying to remove them and run anti-bug programs. Finally had to download the new Stinger program and it worked I think.

I didn't check other movies on here though:





So I want Depeche Mode in OKC

09:04 Oct 08 2007
Times Read: 982




Raise your awareness

08:00 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 999

"Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts."

-- Albert Einstein

Take awareness to new levels. Explore experiencing yourself in the act of being aware. Be aware of awareness itself. To do this, we need to go beyond our old mechanical patterns, compulsions and rejections. We need to uproot the arrogance of ego.

Higher awareness is conscious of spirit and form working together. We must be conscious and present within before we can tune in to the guidance of our soul. Develop awareness to hear the subtlest whispers of intuition through your thoughts, feelings and sensations.

"Most of us are in touch with our intuition whether we know it or not, but we're usually in the habit of doubting or contradicting it so automatically that we don't even know it has spoken."

-- Shakti Gawain




Love that place!

07:43 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 1,001

We went to Hope Outreach today. I love that place. It's great. I got two leather Fossil purses. I am a purse nut. I am a clothes nut, jewelry nut, um....hamster nut.......general, all 'round nut.

Oh and some other items...a few days ago I got one of those black, lacey half bras that don't cover the whole breast that was from Fredricks of Hollywood. I never understood the appeal of them and that they were not very practical....but it was for Danny. ;) Well he do work hard for da money.....




Neat site for info for you and your family's well being

07:38 Oct 05 2007
Times Read: 1,004

To check your products to see how they rate and how toxic they are. This would include make-up, lotions, all sorts of things. No food though.


Here's to check companies to see if they are trying to make your stuff less toxic and more safe.


This site is great. I have spent a lot of time on there tonight looking up my make-up and shampoos. It really shows you all the shit the companies put in products and how dangerous it is. It also explains at least one way how our bodies can become ill, after years of exposure, and so many times it appears to come out of the blue, unexplained. Of course, it also depends on your emotional health and years of dis-ease will cause disease. It will manifest itself differently though, in different people, finding their individual weak spots.

For instance, most everyone knows by now that it's been found that baby powder can cause ovarian cancer, and even lung problems. The talc in it attaches itself inside of you like tiny spurs and cuts you like tiny shards of glass. When inhaled, the talc goes to your lungs and embeds itself in there as well. A friend's mom died of ovarian cancer and it was suspected that the baby powder was the cause. My mom has an ovarian tumor and also used baby powder her whole life. Stay away from talc products and things with it! Talc free! =)




Added pic

12:12 Oct 04 2007
Times Read: 1,009

I put a pic of mom in my port with her birthday paddle ball. :P Need to find others.




Latest on mom

11:50 Oct 04 2007
Times Read: 1,011

Btw, mom is holding in there and is eating now, better. She almost threw up yesterday but didn't. She missed her sonogram appointment. I knew she would. She is tired of Dr.'s. I will make another for her, as per her request.

Now they are saying at the other Dr. that she may not have cancer, just a tumor. But that she would still have to have it removed....and then dialysis....awful. They said that they wouldn't know if it were cancer unless they removed it. Um, so why did they take all that blood and test the white and red blood cells? They did tons of tests. I need to finish the story I started about it all, at the end of last month.

Also, I have told her about everyone wishing her the best and all the kind and warm wishes and she always says thank you and that she really appreciates it.

Regardless of the kidney situation, she still has congestive heart failure. That is scary.

But at the moment, she is doing better, holding in there. She says she may not have the surgery now. I am thinking.....um......but......?




Latest in the news

11:41 Oct 04 2007
Times Read: 1,012

"22 Iraq militants plan to attack the US."

Great, like we needed more assholes shooting at us.

Also, a man was planning on bombing his high school reunion. 200 M-80s, etc. Hmm, I sure can understand why he wanted to. My 20th was this summer and I didn't go because of past images of mean people. Ugh, it was too much. But I better go to the next one in a few years, because time and gravity........

What's Britney's deal? I was feeling sorry for her but why does she keep doing stupid shit? Still, she needs help.




Jeepers Creepers

09:49 Oct 04 2007
Times Read: 1,018

Lately I have been watching movies online. That is the newest thing. It's just getting too risky to dl them. pfft, assholes.....

Anyway, here's a link to Jeepers Creepers. I like this movie. ;)

Watch Jeepers Creepers (2001) Online Here!



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