KurlyQ4196's Journal

KurlyQ4196's Journal


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10 entries this month

Protection Stamp

23:20 Mar 26 2013
Times Read: 493

 photo 6fa4e6ce-4a52-41cc-bac3-bdc837676346_zps6d61051e.jpg

This is my dog, Precious, she was in one of her moods and I took this pic, so now feel free to add it to your page




AMAZING Local Psychic

23:45 Mar 25 2013
Times Read: 507

so I went there with LedaWinterpine679 today, we both got a palm reading, spent almost all the money she had but it's worth it!

she's consistent too. I never told her I like to bake and want a career in it. She saw me owning a restaurant and eventually being nationwide and taking the industry to new levels with a culinary creation

about 6 months ago she told me it wasn't going to work out with my girlfriend and it's slowly getting worse :/

She asked if I was a healer, never told her about my shielding ability and I'm great with emotional healing and pretty good with physical healing

I asked her about this guy that I went astral with and what's up with him. I didn't say anything about him and she asks who's in a band and he's in a band. She said I might travel with him, and the last time I spoke to her she said I'd be traveling, so more consistency. Maybe his band does have enough talent to go on a small tour or something.

As for how I felt some sort of electricity, she cleared that up too, apparently in a past life he was an actor but it was before women were really on stage, we dated, I think I was in the same field of work as him though. That's why I feel the electricity while poking him now acting on stage in drama class.

though I'm still not sure I had past lives. but that's about the only thing

I also asked her about a member on here, don't worry, if I don't message you about it it's not you. About how there was something about this person that just drew my attention, and she cleared that up a bit more for me too. She said in a past life my great grandma looked up to them and that's why she's trusted now.

The Psychic gave me some incense and told me to meditate with it, I'll probably do that tomorrow and see what happens




spinning in circles: a legit form of defense

02:50 Mar 23 2013
Times Read: 519

really, just spin in circles, that's it. It'll confuse the fuck out of them and distract them

just spin at a comfortable pace and if they grab at you or go to hit you swiftly change your direction

if all else fails it'll give you a moment to run or it'll make you look psychotic so maybe they'll get freaked out and go away

maybe it'll attract the attention of those around you because you look psychotic but who cares if it helped dig you out of deep shit

try it, I dare you




homo"phobic" discussion, what if they knew?

00:56 Mar 20 2013
Times Read: 528

In musical theater we some how got on the topic of how we view homosexuals and homosexual PDA. The teacher is conservative and there was another student who is clearly uncomfortable with it and one who is mildy uncomfortable.

what they didn't know is that me and another friend in that class are bisexual. I sit there trying not to laugh too hard because of how uncomfortable it is, while texting and looking at a picture of my girlfriend. she sits there on her phone in discomfort too. Her girlfriend was in the class too up until the end of last week.

when we were actually talking about musical theater she said about the hot male dancers and there I held my tongue while thinking ummm, I think females are more attractive

the teacher steps out to make a phone call and I go over to her to talk about how uncomfortable we both say what if they knew? Then what would they say?

While the teacher was out the other group of friends there continued talking about it, the one girl says how some of that stuff bothers her and we look at her like wtf? really? Would you still be saying that if you knew 2 of us that you were in a way insulting were sitting right there listening?

I have another friend in there who knows and supports us who was thinking the same thing and felt some uncomfortable knowing the situation and them being totally benign to it. She joined in on our conversation about how uncomfortable and awkward it was.

we are finally getting the teacher to warm up to us and like us and we still have over 2 months left to deal with her. We both debated just speaking up and saying something about it just to see what they would say but didn't want to jeopardize the good things we had going with the teacher.

maybe the last full day of school, I'll say something. I'll stand up there and say hey, I'm bisexual. You didn't know and it's not ovbious so you didn't treat me any different and you didn't have to. Just because I'm attracted to guys and girls doesn't mean I'm attracted to everyone I see or have some disease you'll catch. I'm monogamous just like you.

I think it'd be worth it, even though there are only about 10 people in the class, 8 that I'd influence, it's still 8 lives that I'd effect and maybe 8 more supporters of the fight for equal rights, but it's still 8 more than the day before



03:01 Mar 20 2013

i say you go full throttle on your last day, is your music teacher female ? if so grab her and passionately kiss her, go on its your last day what they gonna do ? give you detention ?

18:24 Mar 20 2013

lol I feel discomfort among any couple. I'm not surprised this happens. I can never understand a discomfort like that. They really think they're gorgeous if they think anyone will have the hots for'em. However they have the right too, to have an opinion. And yes go for it, get out of the closet :D

21:29 Mar 23 2013

it just goes to show that we look like regular people and you don't usually know who we are unless we show affection, tell you, or wear clothing to make it obvious, neither of them are entirely common

me and the other girl aren't a couple, but her girlfriend was in the class before she got removed from school. I'd kiss her on the last day but that would be weird because we've known each other since I was in 5th grade


she can't be my soul mate, she just can't be!

01:38 Mar 16 2013
Times Read: 535

I thought my girlfriend, Autum, the one on my page, was my soul mate because she was my great grandma's in her last life. I'm very similar to my great grandma so she got reincarnated and I thought now was to live out the love they couldn't in the 1920's because homosexuality was forbidden. We even have a bracelet that my great grandma gave her back then.

But she just can't be. She's pessimistic and that's about my biggest pet peeve out there. Nothing pisses me off more than people who expect their lives to be shitty and have no hope for themselves or their future. She's got bad self esteem too and it's been 8 months, I'm trying to help her build some confidence and self esteem and hope but it's not going so well, there are only so many things I can do at a distance.

I'm working to get a job to visit her, all she has to do is use her voice and deal with her dad to parallel park to drive here and it pisses me off because I feel she's not trying nearly hard enough for someone who cries themselves to sleep because she misses me.

it's just hard and sucks because she's my first girlfriend and the only relationship where I ever truly, honestly, loved the other person. I want it to work out and for us to be able to live together after high school but if she keeps her shitty attitude that might not happen




am I that quiet and unnoticable?

00:46 Mar 15 2013
Times Read: 543

today in drama the teacher, Gordo, sends me and my friend down to get something from the auditorium

we get back and the room is empty, no note, no one stayed to tell us where they went, they didn't wait for us to get back. they didn't go to the auditorium because that was being used. We conclude that they went to the JR High LGI but that's too far of a walk and we just went on a decent sized walk so we decided to just chill out in the class room alone.

we ate Gordo's candy, I played in the wheely chair a little, my friend looked at books. We actually did do drama related stuff though. We listened to the song that we have to dance to, did a character study on my part, found out he was hot, gullible, and sexy. We found several meanings to the word Mush thanks to urban dictionary so it wasn't a total waste of time

We both have lines in the play, it's The Newsies, btw. When doing plays you know when people have lines and there is an awkward silence when anyone who speaks is missing, especially when it's a bigger line, I have a few of those.

I wonder why they left without us. Why didn't they send someone out to find us? Did they notice that we were missing and it's not because we were absent today? Did people try to tell crazy Gordo that she forgot us but she was too distracted with people learning their lines and stage directions? I mean it is a musical and we had the music, that's what she told us to go get.

I guess I really can fly under the radar like that, that could be taken to my advantage sometimes though it kind of hurts that people forget me.




abnormally strong immune system

02:51 Mar 13 2013
Times Read: 546

I beat off the flu in 3 days

started to get at least a few colds but fought them off before they got full blown

got a random sinus infection, it was gone in maybe 12-13 hours

my friend that's been really sick was coughing around me and touching me, started to see signs of her illness this morning, that left this morning some time

wtf is happening to my body? it's like super immune system which hasn't happened to me before, since about January is the 1st time I'm noticing it




things getting interesting

01:15 Mar 08 2013
Times Read: 553

In Musical Theatre we are doing Cinderella

Me and my best friend are the step sisters

this egotistical, spot light hungry girl that we don't like got Cinderella

I'm also Student Director and have some creative control over what happens.

Can't wait to see where this goes and how much shit errupts, I will keep updating as stuff goes on




Response to rant #1:Beached Whales

00:41 Mar 05 2013
Times Read: 554

Me and my friend were sitting back stage in drama discussing Beached Whales again, she didn't know why they did it and these are some of the reasons why whales get beached, I learned they aren't the smartest creatures out there.

*apparently ocean earth quakes, winds, and currents get so strong that they can push these massive creatures to shore against their will

*sometimes the sloping to the shore can be so gradual that whales don't notice it and their echolocation gets messed up

*They get sick, wounded, injured, or have problems giving birth so they do it to die

*sometimes other whales notice from it's distress calls this and decide to join their buddy in their pain and die with them

*they like to follow smaller whales, dolphins, and seals and sometimes they go right into shallow waters and get trapped due to them not knowing the topography of the area

*the good news about that there is a possibility that dophins and seals could be smart enough to help their cousins back out to sea

*the other main reason is because of military and navy sonar, it causes decompression death, ear hemmarages, and other related health problems

the military is abusive to Whales, they must be stopped

here is this video of where they tried to dispose of a whale that washed up dead by blowing it to bits, it doesn't work so well





Random Rant #1: Beached Whales

00:47 Mar 01 2013
Times Read: 522

Beached Whales; how does that even happen? I mean especially if there are people around, do the people just let the whale come to the beach and start to die? Does the whale say hey, life in the ocean sucks, parden me, I"m going to suicide now. Or does he see something he wants up on shore and forget that he'll get stuck if he goes for it, is he going so fast that people can't possibly stop him?

Do the people just say, "oh hi there Mr. Whale, what's up, going to shore, that's cool! have fun!" or "whale! you are in the way of my fun, move!" and completely forget that the whale should be much farther out at sea. Do the people want to look like heros for being strong and dragging it back to the beach? Are they afraid of such a harmless animal that only eats microorganisms just because it's large?

Don't people have enough sense to try to stop it or do something to send it in the right direction to save all the stress and harm? or how about getting help, how about them life guards and people that are sitting there on towers all day with binoculars and all sorts of equipment to help keep people and animals safe?

what are they doing all day that they don't notice a ginormous whale coming to shore? psh! yet you trust them to warn you about sharks that are much, much smaller! What are they thinking when they see the whale, "oh boy! if I save this huge creature and help them get back out to sea then I'm a hero!", with their sun fried brains. Like that's more important than the well being of a great mammal. Is the life guard life so uneventful that you let the whale get beached jsut to have something to do?

if anybody has any ideas feel free to message me or comment



04:29 Mar 01 2013

Whales are pretty damn massive man. Stopping one from beaching itself would be like trying to convince your morbidly obese drunk male friend that a burrito run at 3 in the morning is a bad idea...it aint gonna happen.

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