MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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The War of the Gods

21:52 Mar 28 2010
Times Read: 711

Chapter 1: War of the Gods

Several centuries ago

The Greek gods of Olympus sat high in their beautiful palace hovering high above the skies of Grellas, Zeus was slapping a nymph’s bottom and booming with laughter as she dropped the tray of food, Hades was also there looking surly and moody as he talked to his wife Persephone, the other gods and goddesses didn’t realise that their downfall was being plotted by a new race of gods and goddesses who desired to overthrow them and bring peace and prosperity to the lands, this was the beginning of a new era for the both Mortal and God alike.

Walking down the halls of the Olympian palace strode Cristella, her long wavy auburn hair fell around her shoulders, she is wearing a simple blue dress her brown eyes full of annoyance as she hears the laughter of the Gods, she shakes her head as her husband Marus a 6ft3 giant of a man joins her and kisses her forehead softly before saying in a soft voice “What ails you my love?” Cristella stopped and turned towards him saying “I want to beat the damned Gods and send them to the depths of hell…..they aren’t doing this planet or the people any good my love” Marus nodded his head slowly in understanding.

Meanwhile in the throne room, Cassandra, Cristella’s daughter was singing for the gods, for she was a Siren, for Cristella had fallen prey to the charms of Poseidon, and she had given him a Siren for a daughter, to this end, none of the other male Gods would dare touch her for they would fear the wrath of Poseidon to much, she stopped singing as the Olympians clapped as Hera sneered not impressed by this gorgeous young girl, who was prettier then she was. Cassandra bowed to them all before turning to leave as Poseidon stood from his throne and headed over to her as he stroked the side of her face gently “You did well my child, perhaps you will persuade your mother to come to my chambers tonight….I have missed her” Cassandra blushed and blinked before replying “Ummm I shall try Sire…if you will excuse me” she bowed hurriedly before running off.

Meanwhile in another part of the palace Ares - God Of War - was forcing a young fairy girl against the wall, the hallway was deserted as he smirked at her and ran a hand along her smooth skin as he growled, Ares’ eyes blazed like fire as he snarled savagely holding her hands above her head, his voice was deep and dark as he said “You have toyed with me for long enough girl, it ends NOW” he unbuttoned his trousers as he ripped her pale green dress off of her frame, the girl knew that if she tried to scream she would just be hurt, she tried to struggle but Ares growled striking her roughly across the face sending her head snapping to the side as she whimpered in pain. Ares pierced the girl with his blazing red eyes before impaling her deeply and roughly on his manhood, she screamed long and hard and loud as she was penetrated for the first time, tears streamed down her face as she was ravaged by the God. He released himself inside her and flung her down onto the floor she had blood flowing down from between her thighs as tears poured from her eyes, she looked up at Ares and shook her head sadly before she spat onto his boots, he snarled and picked her up by her throat and slammed her against the wall meaning to end her life before a clatter of hooves came racing down the hallway an arrow whistling past Ares’ ear as a pair of hooves knocked him backwards sending him flying into a wall. A strong pair of arms encased the young fairy as Blaze swung the girl gently round onto his back, but he knew he was to late, the young fairy girls belly was already glowing with energy, he cursed himself as he raced away from the God of War.

The young fairy sobbed against Blaze’s neck as Blaze slowed down and said softly in a deep lilting voice “It is alright now child…you are safe with me, he won’t follow us down here” Blaze carried on racing down a corridor as he stopped outside a room and pounded on it, there was a snuffling inside as the door swung open and a lion like head appeared with sleepy eyes, he yawned softly showing off his wickedly curved teeth before saying in a soft melodic voice “Yes….what can I do for you Blaze?”. Blaze looked around before replying hurriedly “Antonius, we need to come in….Ares raped Amaranth…she need protection” Antonius growled softly and motioned for Blaze to enter his room.

Antonius’s room was well furnished, he had a large blood red pillow which he slept on, he could form himself into a human if he wanted to, but he didn’t really have a need to do that often, his walls were adorned with tapestries and he had a large desk in the corner where he wrote poetry and wrote down the visions that he saw. He looked over at Blaze and said “Lie her down on the pillow, she needs rest….she will be safe here, go and tell Cristella what is happening we may need her help” Blaze nodded to Antonius as he spun around and thundered out of the room to find Cristella.

Cristella, Marus and Cassandra were sitting outside around a carved stone table, intricately carved with gorgons and lightning bolts as Blaze raced towards them skidding to a halt breathing heavily as he looked at Cristella saying “Mistress, Amaranth needs you, she was…..she was raped by Ares…I managed to get her away from him, she is currently in Antonius’ room” Cristella stood up slowly, her features set as hard as rock as the grass that was under her feet turned brown and the flowers near her withered and died. She gave one short nod before replying “Lets go Blaze” Cassandra and Marus exchanged looks as they watched Cristella following Blaze to Antonius’ room.

As they reached Antonius’ room they heard Amaranth screaming in pain as Cristella opened the door and went inside followed closely behind by Blaze, Antonius looked up at Cristella from his lying position on the floor as he laid a cloth over Amaranth’s forehead he said softly to her “Thank the Gods you are here….she is burning up, I don’t know what is wrong with her” Cristella walked over to the pillow and knelt down beside Amaranth taking her hand speaking soothingly to her. Amaranth’s eyes flickered open as she looked up at Cristella before saying in a pain filled tone “I’m sorry Cristella…I wasn’t strong enough to get away from him” Cristella hushed her gently stroking the side of her face like a mother would to her child as she replied “Shush….do not worry, we will end the Greek Gods tyranny and make this world afresh and anew and I promise that” Amaranth nodded slowly before she slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

Several days passed, it was obvious that the birth of Amaranth’s child would be imminent, Antonius stayed by her side in his chambers as Blaze and Cristella kept everyone away from his room telling people that he was in ill health and couldn’t be disturbed, Amaranth moaned quietly as her eyelids fluttered open and for a second she didn’t know where she was and she sat up quickly holding her stomach as it bulged painfully, she let out a soft gasp as she got to her feet and staggered forward slightly as suddenly she felt something warm slide down her thighs. Antonius immediately awoke as he turned to Amaranth seeing the blood running down her thighs, he growled softly and knew that the baby was coming, Amaranth screamed in pain as a bloody puddle began to pool around her feet, she let out a low deep howl as suddenly what seemed to be a cloud of red mist left her womb as it formed in front of both Antonius and Amaranth as a young girl with fiery red hair, deep maroon eyes with crimson red pupils she stood there naked her eyes wild and vicious.

The girl looked at Antonius and Amaranth and growled softly as Amaranth gasped softly as she stepped towards the girl saying softly “Hello my daugther…I know this must be strange for you” the girl shook her head and growled her fangs being bared as Antonius leapt in front of Amaranth. Antonius glared at the girl saying with his own fangs bared “Hush child, we mean you no harm” the girls eyes flicked from the two as she spoke softly, still getting used to her voice “What…..what is my name?” Amaranth spoke just as softly “I will call you Harlequin my daugther” Antonius turned to Amaranth saying quickly “We should get out of here and go and see Cristella, she will know what to do, your daugther….well she unsettles me” Harlequin glared at Antonius baring her fangs again as she stepped forward.

Amaranth spoke softly to Harlequin ignoring Antonius “Hush my child, it’s fine, he didn’t mean what he said. Let us leave this room and explore a bit, how does that sound?” Harlequin shrugged as she realised she was standing there naked, she blushed slightly as Amaranth gave her a blanket to cover herself up with, Antonius looked at Amaranth saying “You should take her back to your room and get her some clothes, I’m going back to sleep” Amaranth nodded as she guided Harlequin out of the room as Antonius settled back down to sleep.

Amaranth led Harlequin into her chambers, furnished not as lavishly as Antonius’s but slightly more plain with light pink on the walls and a single bed furnished with a purple blanket with an intricate design on it, almost a floral pattern of an unknown flower, Harlequin looked around and grunted with disgust Amaranth looked up from her dresser where she was finding Harlequin some clothes and fixed her with a stare “Yes my daugther do you have a problem?” Harlequin shrugged and replied “No ‘Mother’ I have no problem at all….can you find me some clothes so we can get out of here please?” Amaranth sighed softly as she found Harlequin a long black flowing dress which she quickly and hurriedly put on.

They then left Amaranth’s room as she led the way through the Palace to show Harlequin the sights, Harlequin looked around taking everything in as she suddenly stopped and looked out of a large window, Amaranth carried on walking before realising she wasn’t being followed, she stopped and turned to look at Harlequin before saying “Are you alright?” Harlequin shook her head and turned to look at her mother “I don’t know…I just don’t know, I feel strange, it’s as though there is a monster inside me that’s waiting to be released. I just don’t know when it will happen” Amaranth nodded her head slowly replying softly “Whatever happens, I shall be there with you every step of the way my daugther” Harlequin suddenly let out a vicious growl and grabbed Amaranth by the throat and slammed her into a wall as her eyes burned a fiery red before she hissed angrily “Do not call me your daugther….I know what thing that I am….and that is Evil….I should not have any family….and when I find my father….I shall kill him” suddenly cutting through the air came a deep low growl as a wolf came towards them, Harlequin dropped Amaranth who gasped for breath as suddenly the wolf began to transform into a young man with piercing blue eyes, he cracked his knuckles as he stared at Harlequin saying softly in a melodic voice “Now now young lady, it’s never a good idea to try and throttle your parents, trust me I’ve tried….never helps matters” Harlequin snarled savagely and leapt at the newcomer who easily dodged and stood on the back of Harlequins dress making it rip as she smacked head first into the wall and fell onto the floor.

Harlequin got to her feet and growled as the newcomer laughed and raised a hand motioning for her to bring it on, Harlequin lunged but Zander, for that was his name merely spun around dodging the attack as Harlequin slid down the hall to a stop and turned around baring her fangs. Amaranth shook her head regaining her composure as she said to Zander “Please, don’t hurt her….she is just new to this life” Zander turned his head and gave Amaranth a cocky grin “Don’t worry Mi’lady, no harm will befall your daugther” he bowed to her as Harlequin lunged at him and he lunged at her a shockwave booming in the corridor as they were both thrown back, Zander had a trickle of blood coming from the left side of his mouth as he wiped it away. Suddenly all of his usual cockiness and swagger was gone as he parried another strike from Harlequin and spun around digging his elbow into the small of her back making her gasp as she collapsed to the floor, she looked up at Zander saying pitifully “Please…..Please no more….I yield….I’m sorry, I meant no harm to my mother” Zander growled and nodded as he held a hand out for Harlequin who took it as Zander pulled her up onto her feet and she fell into his arms as he looked down at her studying her, from this moment forward, through whatever strange circumstances…Zander had fallen for this strange girl.

Zander then pushed the girl out of his arms and turned on his heels as he left Amaranth and Harlequin by themselves, Amaranth led Harlequin to the chambers that Cristella had in the Palace and knocked softly on the door, a voice from within called for them to enter, Amaranth opened the door and went inside followed closely by Harlequin who for some reason felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. In the room stood Cristella and Cassandra with Marus standing over a table looking at a document, Cristella looked up and smiled at Amaranth before saying “It is good to see you up and about my friend” she then turned her attention towards Harlequin “You must be Harlequin, tis a pleasure to meet you child, I am Cristella…Mother Nature and leader of this little band of warriors” Harlequin let out a snort of derision before saying acidly “Doesn’t seem like much of a fucking army” Marus turned around glancing at the girl before saying in a deep voice “We do not need much of an army to destroy the Olympians, we will have our vengeance against them and bring about a new Era for the mortals down on the planet” Harlequin leant against the wall a leg resting on it as she let out a snort of laughter.

Harlequin looked at each of the people gathered before saying angrily “And what do I care for the Mortals, they mean nothing to me, they are just food” Cassandra stood up and walked over to her and slapped her hard across the face sending Harlequin sprawling onto the floor, Harlequin hissed in pain and outrage as she stood up slowly, Cristella came and stood in between them both saying in a calm but authoritative voice “Now that is enough, Harlequin I know you are angry, that is why you will be set against Ares when the time comes, go with Marus he will find you some armour and some weapons if you should need them” Harlequin grumbled a yes as Marus led her out of the room.

Amaranth looked apologetically at Cristella who merely waved a hand saying “It’s fine Amaranth, she is head strong, hopefully this battle will help her learn her place in this new world that we shall createand she will be better for it” Amaranth nodded her head softly as she sighed softly. Cassandra looked from Amaranth to her mother and let out a frustrated sigh as she stormed out of the room muttering about Harlequin being childish, Cristella watched her daugther go as she looked up at Amaranth saying “It seems your child is not the only one that is headstrong, it seems mine is as well” Amaranth let a small smile slip from her lips as she nodded to Cristella.

Meanwhile Marus led Harlequin into a steaming hot room, the clang of metal against metal was thunderous making Harlequin cover her ears as Marus spoke in a growl “You will find weapons and armour here that will help you in your battle against Ares, we may well need to make you some to suit your frame….but look around and see if you can find anything” Harlequin looked up at the man and nodded in satisfaction as she went to look through the armour and weaponry. She saw a red chest plate and picked it up as it seemed to thrum and hum with vibrant energy as she let out a gasp as it attached itself around her, Marus took a step forward but he was thrown back as suddenly the gauntlets flew and attached themselves to her as the rest of the armour flew towards her and moulded itself to her body as the chest plate insignia changed into a skull with fangs where the canines should be, she seemed to float in the air before she dropped down to the floor in a heap her breathing was ragged as Marus ran over to her and picked her up. Harlequin’s legs seemed to have turned to jelly as she leant against a worktable and breathed heavily as she asked quietly “What….what happened to me?” Marus paced the floor for a few moments before saying “I think…that that armour was obviously made for you, it felt the connection you have with Ares and it obviously decided to share it’s power and energy with you” Harlequin nodded her head in understanding.

Harlequin pulled away from the worktable as she looked at the weapons as she wandered over to a sword with a crimson red blade and picked it up she spun it around a few times as she smiled softly turning to Marus saying “I want this sword…..it seems to fit my hand perfectly, much like this armour does” Marus nodded his head as he opened the door back up and led Harlequin out of the room. Cassandra was sitting in her room brushing her hair looking into her mirror as a light knock came at her door, she sighed softly as she turned around in her chair saying softly “Come in the doors open” the door swung open as Antonius padded into her room and smiled softly at her, Cassandra stood up and ran over to him her feet hitting the cold stone floor as she flung her arms around him putting her face into his neck, Antonius chuckled softly as he kissed her forehead saying in his ethereal voice “I take it you have missed me then love” Cassandra nodded her head vigorously and whispered into his ear “You have no idea how much my love, I’ve had to put up with a damned psychopath” Antonius looked into her eyes his green eyes searching hers as he kissed her lips softly.

Marus left Harlequin in her newly prepared room as he strode towards Cristella’s room sighing heavily as he ran a hand through his thick mane of hair, as he opened the door he saw Poseidon standing in front of Cristella with his fist raised as though he was about to strike her, Marus growled and bellowed angrily as he grabbed Poseidon and threw him out of the room and smashed a fist into his face making Poseidon stagger back as his eyes turned from a calm blue to a turbulent green colour his trident appearing in his hand as he said angrily “What the HELL do you think you are doing, you dare fight a GOD?” Marus nodded his head saying angrily and timelessly “Yeah….I think I do Poseidon, the Olympians reign will soon be coming to an end” with that he drew his scythe and swung it around his head as he got into a fighting stance. Poseidon looked at Marus with a smirk on his face as he swung his trident in an arc meaning to catch Marus with it, but Marus dodged and blocked the trident and swung around catching Poseidon in the back with his scythe making Poseidon fall into the floor, yellowish blood flowing from the wound.

Poseidon growled as he stood up and wiped some blood from the side of his mouth as he slammed his trident into the ground and sent a blast of water towards Marus making it smash into him and send him flying back into one of the walls, bits of rubble falling down around him, Poseidon let out a deep bellowing laugh as he moved towards Marus, but suddenly a door further down the hall flew open as Harlequin appeared in the hall, she seemed to blaze with energy as she growled angrily and brandished her sword, Poseidon turned around slowly and chuckled as he saw the girl. Poseidon spoke in a soft calm voice, it was like the sound of waves lapping at the shore of the beach “Come now child, I mean you no harm….we do not need to fight you and I” Harlequin snarled savagely as she lunged at Poseidon and struck him in the chest making him stagger back.

He let out a thunderous roar as he picked up his trident and drove it at Harlequin who flipped up and over it running along the length of it before bringing her foot down into Poseidon’s throat winding him making him drop his trident as he fell to one knee, she ran swiftly over to Marus and kneeled beside him “Are you alright Marus?” Marus looked at her kindly and nodded his head softly as he got up slowly to his feet. Poseidon stood up holding his throat as he glared at this young upstart of a girl. Harlequin cracked her knuckles as she looked at Poseidon and grinned, he let out a low deep murderous growl before he spun around and walked off as Harlequin called out after him “YOU’RE A COWARD and I’ll kill you just like I’m going to kill Ares” Poseidon stopped and turned around slowly saying with the full power of the sea behind him “You will never kill me, nor will you kill Ares, we are both far more powerful then you little girl….you will be crushed and ground into dust beneath our feet, that I can promise you” he then carried on up the hallway.

Cristella came running out of the room and hurried over to Marus checking him over as she turned to look at Harlequin who seemed to be thrumming with a vibrant red aura, she spoke softly saying “Harlequin, it’s over….you fought him off….calm down child” Harlequin growled softly as Marus rested a hand on her shoulder “Be at peace Harlequin, you did well” Harlequin let out a deep breath as her aura changed into a deep purple colour. Marus sighed softly and slumped down against the wall and ran a hand through his head as he looked up at Cristella “Are you alright my love?” Cristella nodded her head replying tenderly “Yes thank you, you arrived just at the right moment, I dread to think what would have happened if you hadn’t appeared when you did” Marus chuckled softly as Harlequin stormed off down the hall back to her room.

Harlequin ripped off her armour and threw it down onto the bed in a fit of rage, she then went over to her dressing table and smashed her fist into the mirror making it shatter as she breathed heavily she then sank down onto the floor as she began to cry, blood red tears dripped down her face and onto the floor as she wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her shirt, she stood up slowly and went over to the window and looked out of it sighing softly. A soft knock came at her door as she growled angrily and went into the bathroom to splash cold water over her face as the knocking became more persistent, she roared with anger and shouted “Alright I’ll be there in a minute damn it to hell” she dried her face with the towel before storming towards the door and wrenching it open, standing there was the man that had attacked her earlier that day, she snarled as she said savagely “What the hell do you want?” Zander held up his hand as he readjusted his belt that was hanging by his side, he spoke softly his voice seemed to be like the rolling hills “I meant you no harm earlier, I apologise for my behaviour it was wrong of me” Harlequin snorted as she slammed the door in his face and ran and laid down on her bed.

Zander stood outside her door dumb struck as he scratched his head trying to decide what had just happened, as he was standing there a young man was walking down the hall towards him, his legs were bare save from a pair of shorts, they showed off his pale muscular legs, his long silver hair was done up in a ponytail, he let out a soft laugh which made Zander turn to him as he saw who it was. Zander spoke with respect to the newcomer saying respectfully “Greetings Alteus, I trust all is well” Alteus nodded his head as he said with a musical voice much like his sister “Aye my friend I’m not to bad, what seems to be the problem?” he said motioning towards the door. Zander smirked softly replying “Well, there’s a new girl, I really quite like her, but I guess she doesn’t want talk to me, oh well it’s her loss” Alteus laughed and clapped him on the back as they walked down the hall together.

Alteus and Zander walked through the halls as they saw a young woman running towards them her snow white hair billowing out behind her, her bare feet pattering against the stone floor as she leapt up into Alteus’s arms and planted kisses all over his face, Zander chuckled softly as the girl looked at him her icy blue eyes penetrating him deeply as he took a step back, Alteus looked at the girl and smiled saying softly “How are you my sweet little Winturn?” Winturn smiled and kissed his lips again tenderly as she replied in a icy voice “I am fine my love, all the better for being with you now” Alteus smiled as he carried Winturn into a room as Zander shook his head and walked off carrying on his own down the hall.

Zander came to a little passageway a bit further up, he looked up and down the hallway before heading down through it following an old spiral stairway downwards where he heard the clang, clang, clang of metal on metal as he saw a scared man bent over an anvil, Zander spoke carefully and with great respect as he said in a polite tone “Ahhh greetings to you my lord Hephaestus, how does this day treat you?” the old god snorted as he looked up at Zander, a patch covering his left eye, his body covered with many scars as he held the molten hot hammer in his hand before speaking in a low deep rumbling voice “How do you think I am boy? I toil here underneath the castle making Zeus’s bolts and I get no thanks for my work, I am expected to keep up this work eternity after eternity with little or no thanks and if I question Zeus or any of my other brethren then I get beaten and I sport a new scar” Zander bowed his head low before replying “My apologies my lord, I meant no disrespect to you” Hephaestus let out a deep rumbling laugh as he ruffled the boys hair and went back to his work, and at this Zander knew he had been dismissed, so he turned on his heels and walked back up the staircase.

Upon entering the hallway again he looked around and sighed letting out a small yawn as he made his way down towards his room, he saw a sudden darting movement as he looked around and cocked an eyebrow trying to decide if he was just imagining things, suddenly a blur came at him as he dodged and spun around settling into a fighting stance as a streak of jet black hair went past him sending him spinning to the ground with a grunt. Harlequin sneered at him and let out a barking laugh as she stood over him with her foot on his windpipe choking him, Zander grunted and grabbed her ankle and twisted it sharply making her spin around and land on the ground beside him as Zander pinned her to the floor and stared angrily into her eyes, his canines growing slightly from his gums as he picked her up and slammed her against the wall.

Harlequin struggled against the muscular power of Zander her eyes locking onto his as she snarled with pure hatred “Why the HELL would I wish to be with a lower life form then myself?” Zander chuckled softly as he met her steely gaze with one of his own as he replied “Oh I guess you heard that conversation then did you? My apologies if I caused you any offence I meant no harm” Harlequin glared at him still struggling against his vice like grip. Zander threw Harlequin down onto the ground as he stood over her his fangs fully developed now as he snarled savagely at her, Harlequin got slowly to her feet brushing a loose strand of hair out of her eyes as Zander grunted in frustration before he stormed off down the hall and to his chambers with Harlequin shouting after him “Don’t WALK AWAY from me” Zander let out a laugh which could almost have been a howl as he headed into his room leaving Harlequin standing there with a deep knot of anger and frustration in her stomach.

Harlequin let out a howl of rage as she smashed a hand into the wall making it crumble as she saw a nymph striding towards her, she suddenly sensed the smell of blood hovering in the air as she saw the nymph was bleeding from a cut in her arm, Harlequin growled with hunger as her eyes flashed red and she leapt onto the nymph sinking her fangs into the cut making the nymph howl in pain and fright. Harlequin pulled away from the nymph and licked her lips as she tossed the body onto the floor, she smiled crookedly and stalked off leaving the blood drained nymph on the cold marble floor.



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