MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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2 entries this month

The Fallen Ones

23:04 May 22 2008
Times Read: 856

Chapter 6: The Tigers Tale

I thank you dear reader for travelling with me this far, we are back with our little band of friends, and we shall now listen to the tale of Ti-Gera and how she came to be found in the labyrinth by Kai and Crystal. now lets focus on our little group and hear what Ti-Gera has to say.

The campfire is burning as Ti-Gera rested her head in Kai’s lap with Kai stroking her hair softly, Darius spoke into all their minds saying “Well we know Kai and Crystals story, we also know Aaron’s story, so Ti-Gera why do you not tell us a little bit about your past” Ti-Gera stirred as she lifted her head up from Kai’s lap and looked into the flames.

Ti-Gera spoke softly saying “I was born in a land known as Dremana, on a planet known as….damn it’s been so long I can hardly remember the name of it, anyway my village was called Berana and that’s where I lived most of my life” the fire crackled as Ti-Gera carried on speaking about her life.

Let us travel back my dear reader, and we shall see the tale of Ti-Gera unfold.




The Fallen Ones

00:35 May 15 2008
Times Read: 920

Chapter 5: The History of Weeping Angels

Now dear reader, we are going to go back many millennia to discover the truth behind the Angels and why they serve their cruel master. Journey with me into the past if you will.

In the now forgotten reality of Xeran live the Angellis a peaceful race, they have wings that sprout from their back and the feathers are all different colours. They are somewhat human like but they have pure white or red eyes depending on their gender, the females have white eyes and the males have red eyes.

The leader of the Angellis is a female by the name of Crisew, the Angellis society is a Matriarchal society so when Crisew dies then her daughter will take over and so on and so forth.

The sun blazed high over the land of Zolteran, the land that was ruled over by Crisew the sun shone through Crisew’s bedroom window as she yawned softly taking her covers off of her as she swung her legs out of bed and stretched her wings as she stood up and headed into her bathroom and splashed cold water over her face.

A knock interrupted her thoughts as she shouted “Come in!” in came her 17 year old daughter Tristila her dark purple wings folded behind her, she was clothed in a long purple dress her dark brown hair tied into a ponytail. Crisew smiled at her daughter saying softly “Good morning Tristila and how are you today?” Tristila smiled at her mother saying softly “Yes mother I am fine, there is a messenger waiting for you in the courtyard he says he has an important letter for you” Crisew nodded her head as she got dressed in the golden robes of leadership as she made her way to the courtyard.

The messenger shifted anxiously on his feet his green and purple wings rustling in wind as Crisew headed over to him as the messenger spoke saying “Milady, a message from your sister in Vedulan she said to let you know that there are enemies coming in from the northern sea and they are coming to invade Xeran” Crisew thanked the messenger as she spun around and ran back into the palace.

Crisew ran back into the palace panicking as in her lifetime as leader she had never had to deal with invasions as her people were a peaceful species, Crisew made her way to where the leader of her army was located and knocked on the door.

A booming voice echoed from inside the room saying “Come in” Crisew went in seeing the muscular frame of the army leader, he was a 30 year old Angelli known as Captain Yasmer Dovalis, he has long black hair, the red eyes of the male species and his wings were a greyish blue in colour, Crisew looked at Yasmer saying softly “Captain, I have need of your skills. My sister has informed me that we are being invaded by people from the north” Yasmer nodded his head replying “I will ready the army milady, do not worry Zolteran will not fall whilst I still breath” Crisew nodded her head thankfully as she left the room.

Yasmer sighed softly as he picked up his folder and headed down to the weapons room where the army of Zolteran was training and said in his booming voice “Right men…we’re going to war. Say goodbye to your families and report back here in 5 hours” the soldiers all nodded their heads as they departed the weapons room and went to see their families.

Yasmer stood alone in the weapons room and went over to the cabinet where he kept his own weaponry and took out a gold hilted sword and ran his finger along the blade making sure it was still sharp as it nicked his finger making blood run from it, he muttered to himself “Hmm the blade is still sharp even after all these years” he then sucked the blood from his finger as he put the sword back into the cabinet and looked at it knowing that the blade would taste the enemies blood soon enough.

Yasmer sighed softly as he closed his eyes memories rushing through his mind of the family that he lost many years ago to the last invasion that almost destroyed the island of Treyana, he vowed he was not going to let it happen again this time. He went over to another closed cabinet and unlocked it taking out his armour, the chest plate was a silver hue with a golden insignia emblazoned on it and the helmet was golden hue, he put his armour on as the rest of his battalion came into the room and all put on their armour ready for the battle that was to come.

Yasmer studied each of his men and nodded his head before heading to the cabinet where his sword was and took it out sheathing it in his scabbard as he lead the way out to the courtyard where all the men spread their wings and flew towards the land that was ruled by Crisew’s sister.

Meanwhile travelling along speedily towards the northern shore of Treyana were the monstrosities known only as The Zyroms they were almost bestial like, they were covered in fur, they had sharp claws and long curving teeth dripping with saliva and other vile things. Their leader, one of the vilest Zyroms grunted at his lieutenant ordering him to make the slaves, the peaceful creatures known as Trem’s - they looked almost horse like in appearance - row the boat faster towards the shores of Treyana, the lieutenant grunted as he grabbed his whip and strode down the steps and headed into the hull of the ship where the Trem’s where shackled not being able to move as the lieutenant unfurled his whip and struck the 45 Trem’s making them row faster.

The Trem’s were kept in deplorable conditions, they had blisters on their hands from the amount of rowing they had to do and many of them passed out from the heat, they were only allowed a small amount of food and water to survive but were otherwise kept in the cramped space with no room to move.

The leader roared as the coastline of Treyana neared, he laughed a deep guttural laugh knowing that this would be the time that he would take over the island and make the Angelli’s his slaves, for he had failed once before and he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

In Vedulan, Crisew’s sister Ziporla - she looked very much like her sister maybe a few years older with pale skin, dark brown hair down past her shoulders and she had dark blue wings with a light silver hue to them- she was dressed in a long flowing pale green robe as she paced in her study waiting for her sisters army to arrive.

Yasmer flew through the air with his army following behind him, the wind whistling through his wings as he began to descend into the courtyard of Ziporla’s palace, Ziporla saw them and ran out to greet them saying to Yasmer “Thank you for coming Yasmer. It has been a long time since we saw each other last” Yasmer nodded his head smiling at her replying “Aye indeed my lady it has. Far too long and I wish we were meeting on more peaceful terms but our mistress sent us here with a job to do and do it we shall” Ziporla smiled nodding her head saying “My captain will follow your lead as you’re the most senior officer in both armies they are awaiting your orders down near the beach” Yasmer sent his soldiers to the beach as he took a step towards Ziporla and pulled her into his arms kissing her lips tenderly before releasing her and spreading his wings following his soldiers.

Ziporla touched her lips with her fingers unsure if what just happened was actually real or if she had merely fantasised it as she so often had before, she shook her head as she headed back inside her palace. Down on the beach Yasmer was in deep conversation with the Captain of the Vedulan Army - a young man not that far out of training pants and who had never tasted the blood lust of battle.

The Zyroms landed on the beach and the gangplanks were lowered as the Zyromian army all ran onto the beach roaring loudly as the gangplank reverberated with the heavy footsteps of the Zyrom leader, he looked at his army as he raised his war sword high up in the air as it glinted in the sunlight and he lead his army to meet the armies of Xeran. Yasmer drew his sword as he nodded to the army that stood behind him and the captain of the Vedulan army looked at him with sweat dripping down into his eyes as Yasmer led the charge as he saw the Zyromian’s heading over the crest towards them.

The two armies clashed in a cacophony of noise and violence as blades crashed against blades, one of the Xeran’s got cleaved in two as a Zyrom soldier attacked him from behind attacking him with such viciousness as the light left the Xeran’s eyes as the two halves of his body fell away from each other blood spurting out over the Zyrom.

The Zyrom leader roared in triumph as he saw his army making headway against the Xeran’s who he knew weren’t as well trained in battle as his own army were. He saw the helmeted figure of his arch-nemesis Yasmer as he cleaved his way through the Xeran’s and stood before Yasmer his animalistic eyes piercing into Yasmer’s soul. They stood before one another, Yasmer’s yin to the Zyrom leader’s yang, Yasmer growled saying angrily “So you come here again? You come to enslave the people of Xeran?” the Zyrom let out a loud booming laugh as he swung his sword at Yasmer who dodged and swung his elbow into the Zyrom leader’s jaw breaking it making him stumble back as Yasmer drove his sword into the Zyrom leader’s stomach and twisted his sword making the Zyrom roar in agony.

The Zyrom leader struggled to breath as his blood and guts poured out of his stomach as he sank down to one knee and Yasmer put the blade of his sword against the Zyrom’s neck saying “If you yield then I shall spare your life, if not then I will end your life where you stand?” the Zyrom leader spat at the ground by Yasmer’s feet saying in a series of grunts and growls “You should end my life you worthless scum, soon your island will fall to the might of the Zyroms or any other species that is more blood hungry and proud to go to war then you are” Yasmer roared in anger as he swung his sword down slicing the Zyrom leaders head clean off blood spurting everywhere and coating Yasmer’s armour and face.

Yasmer panted heavily as the tide was turning and his army were beginning to drive back the Zyrom’s, they were becoming undisciplined as their leader had been killed. The Zyrom’s turned away from the Xeran army as they fled back to their ship but they were all cut down by the Xeran’s. Yasmer turned around and faced his allies saying loudly for all to hear “My friend’s the Zyrom’s have been defeated, there is now longer any threat to our land. Lets go home” the men all cheered as they rose up into the air and they flew back to Vedulan.

Ziporla was waiting anxiously for the return of her soldiers, as well as the return of Yasmer. Her heart yearned for Yasmer even though she would never show it publicly, Yasmer landed in the courtyard of the palace and removed his helmet handing it to one of the servants as Ziporla walked over to him and smiled saying softly “I am glad you have returned safely, my sister will be most pleased. You are one of her best warriors” Yasmer ran a hand through his hair as he said softly in reply “Aye I was lucky but there were many warriors that were not. The leader of your army was killed, you will need to appoint a new one” Ziporla nodded her head as she turned around and headed inside with Yasmer followed her.

Ziporla headed to her study with Yasmer still following and as he shut the door to her study he took her hand and spun her round gently into his arms and stroked her hair softly looking into her eyes. He then kissed her lips softly as if many years of unrequited love had been burning between them for a long time.

Yasmer pulled away from Ziporla as he cleared his throat before saying “I..I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that it was inappropriate” Ziporla shook her head replying “Nay it’s not your fault. I have loved you for many years Yasmer but I was always so afraid to tell you” Yasmer studied Ziporla before clearing his throat and leaving her study deciding it was time for him to head back to Zolteran. He spread his wings and got his helmet from the servant as he flew up into the air and headed back towards his home, as he did so he was attacked by an unseen force, a bolt of pure energy coursing through his body making him convulse sending him spiralling down through the air the wind whistling past him.

Yasmer impacted the ground with a thunderous crash leaving a deep crater as blood poured from his nose and his left arm was broken in several places, he groaned softly as a dark figure loomed over him and kicked him in the head shattering his skull and killing him. The shadow moved away from the now still body of Yasmer as it moved towards Zolteran, Crisew was pacing back and forth in her chambers waiting for her army to come back when the sky suddenly clouded over and thunder began to rumble as it rained heavily the earth becoming sodden as screams were heard from outside.

Crisew stood up scared for her life as she ran outside to see what was happening and she saw something that frightened her to her very core, it was a dark shadow, in the shape of a dragon it roared and the lightening cracked around them. She called for her people and told them to go inside the palace as she turned around racing inside the palace and went to find her mage.

Lopsma the mage that served Crisew was in his chambers muttering a spell to protect himself as Crisew came running into the room and pleadingly said “Lopsma I need your help. We have to get out of here! Please help me find a way?” Lopsma nodded his head as he gathered up his books and walked with Crisew into her study where he looked at his books and muttered an incantation which opened up a glowing portal, she called for her people who all went through the portal, her daughter went through first.

Crisew followed behind her people and the portal closed up behind them, they all came out into a barren land, her people turned to her and as one they shouted “Where are we meant to go from here Crisew?”, Crisew looked at her people and said “My friends, please trust me? I am sure that Lopsma will be able to open up another portal and lead us away from this wasteland” Lopsma nodded his head as he opened up another portal and her people went through this portal and came out in a land full of life.

Meanwhile on the planet known as Xeran, the home of the peace loving Angelli’s the dark dragon enveloped the whole planet destroying all the life on it and it then made the planet explode in on itself as if it had never existed. The screams of the people living on the planet which entered into the billions reverberated as the explosion of the planet echoed out into space, the Dark Shadow disappeared as if to make more misery on another planet.

Crisew and her people made up a camp in a cave before exploring the land and trying to find things that they could eat, Crisew’s daughter Tristila was chatting to one of her male friends and getting close with him as Crisew watched them from a distance and smiled glad that her daughter had found someone to spend her life with.

Lopsma saw Tristila with her male companion and growled as he walked over to Crisew and said to her roughly “I wish to have your daughter’s hand in marriage Crisew, if you do not give it to me then I will leave and open up a portal and leave you to die” Crisew studied the ugly form of Lopsma before replying “You think I would give you my daughter’s hand, you are more foolish then I thought, fine then leave if that is your wish. But know we shall meet again and my vengeance will be swift” Lopsma struck Crisew across the face and she fell to the floor a deep gash in her cheek as Lopsma ran away from the survivors.

Tristila saw this and ran over to her mother helping her up saying in a worried tone “Mother are you alright?” Crisew nodded her head and replied “Aye, aye Tristila I am fine, Lopsma wanted your hand in marriage but I would not give you to him” Tristila knelt by her mother and buried her head into Crisew’s shoulder sobbing into her chest before saying “Oh Mother you should of just let him take me as his wife. I am sure I could have learnt to love him” Crisew shook her head as she soothed her daughter replying “Nay darling, you cannot love someone that you hate and I would never force you into a marriage that you never wanted in the first place” Crisew dried Tristila’s eyes and then stood up as she looked at the land that they were now in, hoping that her and her people would survive the hardships that she felt sure were still to come.



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