MasterOfMadness's Journal

MasterOfMadness's Journal


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The Fallen Ones

21:19 May 08 2009
Times Read: 753

Chapter 13: The Prince’s Tale

I woke up, the darkness consumed me. I tried to call out but my voice

was gone. This is the story of my journey from my past to cursed future. How I became a Prince and how I was turned, into a vampire.

The year is 1861, the American Civil war is in full swing, my name is Darius Dawn, I was born in 1842 I am the oldest of three children, my sister is 16, my brother 12. Our house is massive, my folks are well off, I have lived a privileged life, we have black slaves who do our washing and cleaning and basically whatever we want, I’ve taken a fancy to one of the younger girls, she 17 and her names Flo, she sure is a beauty.

My father is a prosperous copper miner, he has leant the ground of our house out to the Confederate army, I wanted to fight but my father wouldn’t let me. I went against his wishes though and signed up to be a part of the Confederate army. He was so angry, he beat me severely, I couldn’t sit on my ass for a week, it’s funny now when I think back on it.

I rode out with the army the following year, we were winning the fight, before a bullet ripped through my shoulder, I toppled from the horse I was riding and crashed to the muddy ground my face covering in mud and the blood of my friends. I faded in and out of consciousness as the sounds of bloody battle reverberated all around me, a boot connected with my head as I felt a bayonet being driven into my stomach as blood spurted out of me. I finally succumbed to the darkness as I drifted into what I thought was the final day of my life, I was 20 years old.

I groggily woke up and looked around as I felt a cold hand resting on my arm, I looked up to see a pale woman, she looked no older then 24, with sparkling grey green eyes, she smiled kindly at me, her blonde hair peeking out from underneath the hood she wore, she spoke softly to me saying “I am Liza, I have come to try and offer you help. I can offer you immortality, I can turn you into a vampyre. I would be your sire and I would teach you the ways of the Vampyre….but you must hurry and decide for you are losing blood and you do not have much time left” she smiled a kindly smile at me as I saw her fangs, this told me I wasn’t going completely mad, the tips of her fangs were coated with gold, I sighed softly and nodded my head as I said coarsely “I…I want to be a vampyre Eliza. I want to be your student” Eliza nodded her head as she stood over me and sank her fangs into my neck, I gasped in pain as I passed out.

I woke up several hours later, I opened my eyes but my vision was blurred, I blinked a few times and moaned lightly as I noticed a figure kneeling beside me, I turned my head slightly and muttered “So I’m not dead then?” Eliza studied me for an instant and shook her head replying “No my student, you are not quite dead yet. Once your up and about we shall start moving on” I rolled onto my side and dry heaved, there was nothing in my stomach for me to get out of my system. I got shakily to my feet almost falling back onto my ass as I got used to being upright again, Eliza let out a soft giggle as I turned my gaze on her and growled lightly.

Eliza rose her hands up and said “Peace Darius Dawn, Peace….I meant no harm” I straightened up as I cracked my knuckles and grabbed my coat and slid it on, I said slightly coldly “Shall we go then?” Eliza nodded her head, slightly taken aback by my tone of voice as she led the way out of the bloody battlefield, we trekked for many miles, the humans didn’t take any notice of us, it almost seemed as we were invisible to their eyes. Eliza stopped and raised her hand motioning for me to stop which I did as I cocked an eyebrow questioningly asking “Why have we stopped Eliza?” she shushed me and began to lie down on her stomach as she crawled forward to survey the scene from down below.

She turned onto her back and looked up at me and beckoned me over I went over to her and laid down beside her as she whispered softly “Those people down there are like us….Vampyres, I escaped from them because they meant to do me harm, I am what you would call a Princess. The only Vampyre Princess ever to be born into creation, those men down there are Prince’s from a rival clan who want to have me as their queen for their ugly King…I am sorry that I dragged you into this Darius” I nodded my head as I drew my sword ready to spill blood.

Eliza looked at me horrified as if I was mad as she made a grab for my leg as I leapt from the cliff face and landed in a cloud of sand deftly on the floor my teeth bared as I let out an enraged roar of atavistic primal savagery, one of the soldier looked at me and snorted as he said in almost growling voice “You have no business here, leave now and we will let you live” I stood up slowly as I said acidly “No…you are the ones that should leave, or you will taste my blade you dogs” I studied each of the 3 soldiers, not sure which one was going to react first, all of a sudden it was a blur as the soldier nearest me drew his blade and attacked me followed by his cohorts, I dodged and parried using the training I had gotten, I rolled along the floor grabbing a handful of sand as I threw it into the eyes of one of the soldiers making him howl as he swung his sword at one of his allies, I grinned as I kicked him in the knee’s making him buckle before I grabbed his neck and twisted it hearing a sickening crack as the life left his body.

The other two soldiers looked at me, I grinned slightly as I raised my hand and beckoned them to bring it on, they growled as they lunged towards me, I back flipped away from them as I got into a fighting stance, the first soldier, he looked about 43 struck me across the face sending me sprawling as blood exploded from my mouth, I got up slowly wiping it from my mouth as I cleared my head as the other soldier came towards me, I growled drawing my sword and decapitating the soldier his head bouncing into the sand, blood mixing with the sand.

The last soldier stood in front of me, he blinked a few times as he ran at me, I spun around digging my sword hilt into the small of the soldiers back making him sprawl onto the sand, the soldier sat up spitting sand onto the ground, he flipped back up and ran at me smacking into my stomach knocking the wind out of me as I flew back into a rock the jagged edge cutting into my arms.

Blood poured from the wounds to my arms and hands as I growled softly my sword lying several feet from me as the soldier ran at me aiming to shatter my skull and spill my brains all over the rock, I readied myself as he got nearer I leapt off of the rock and flipped over him as I drew the dagger I had in my right boot and brought it down into the soldier’s back making him howl in pain as he staggered into the rock, a sharp bit cutting into his eye making it bleed profusely.

I grabbed hold of my sword and spun it round cutting off the left arm of the soldier leaving a useless stump as blood gushed from the wound making it seep into the sand turning it red, he groaned in pain as he howled at me “You wont stop the war that is coming you bastard….we will all hunt you down and destroy you tearing your soul from your body and giving it as an offering to the Vampire God” I snorted as I sliced my sword across his neck, he slumped to the floor as Eliza leapt down to join me and flung her arms around me in thanks.

I stared at her for a moment before I said “So whose this Vampire God that that guy was talking about” Eliza turned her gaze to meet my eyes as she said softly “The Vampire God is called Gi’rotas, he is a powerful god, and one who you do not wish to make an enemy of” I laughed and shrugged my shoulders as I replied “What’s one more person who wants to kill me, I can deal with it” Eliza nodded her head as we got onto the boat that the soldiers had crossed on and made our way across the sea away from America.

I rowed tirelessly throughout the night, we reached the shores of a small island called Bermuda, we slept there in a cave that we found….it was very stuffy and hot, but we were both tired so we didn’t really care, Eliza woke first the next evening and shook me awake, I stirred slowly and blinked my eyes a few time to adjust to the darkness, I ran a hand through my hair as I stood up and smiled at Eliza who said “We should hunt some humans whilst we are here, to build up our strength for the next leg of our journey” I nodded my head softly as we headed out of the cave. I turned to her and said “So where exactly are we going next then Eliza?” Eliza stopped suddenly as she turned to look at me before replying softly “We are heading to the country of Portugal, we should be safe there for a while at least” I nodded my head as I saw a young human female, I stepped out in front of her and smiled kindly at her as she cried out in alarm, that was the last thing she ever did as I grabbed her roughly and sank my fangs into her neck, it was instinctual I drank deeply and let her body drop to the forest floor, blood still dripping from her neck as I heard the screams of a man as Eliza pounced on him and drank deeply.

Eliza ran over to me and took my hand as we fled the island and got back into our boat newly invigorated by our draining of human blood, I rowed in the direction that Eliza told me to, we reached the shores of a beach in Portugal just as dawn was breaking, we left the boat as we saw a small cave, we rushed into it to take cover Eliza looked at me and smiled softly as she reached over and kissed my forehead softly, I looked at her as I laid down on the craggy rocks and closed my eyes. I don’t know what happened next, it was all a blur, when I woke up I was chained to a wall, I struggled but it was no use I heard a rasping voice from it seemed all around me which said “Greetings to you Master Darius, it is a pleasure to have you here” he gave a evil chuckle as the chains glowed red hot and burnt my wrists and ankles making me cry out in pain.

A cloaked figure appeared out of the corner of the room, a withered bony hand pulled the hood back to reveal an ancient….thing, I couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman, the voice spoke softly saying “You should not have killed those soldiers, you have brought the wrath of Gi’rotas down upon yourself” the creature laughed breathily as it clicked his fingers sending a bolt of what felt like electricity through my body making me cry out in pain. The creature laughed it drew a dagger and wiped the blade on it’s tunic as it walked towards me and struck me across the face before saying softly “Now….should I curse you….or should I cut out that worthless little tongue of yours” I didn’t show any fear even though inside I was terrified, my heart rate increased as sweat dripped slightly from my forehead, the creature struck me across the face and grabbed my tongue running the blade across it snickering softly, I struggled before getting kneed in the stomach as the creature pulled away.

I gasped softly my vision swimming as I breathed heavily and struggled against my chains, they burned hotter and sent a shock through my body making me howl out in pain as the creature drove the dagger into my stomach, my howls could I suppose be heard all around as one of the soldiers grabbed my head and smashed it back into the wall his eyes blazing with hatred, the creature said in a garbled voice “The girl, Eliza we had to kill her….she had escaped from her marriage, she had been tainted by humans, and most punishable of all she had turned you…a worthless human….into a Vampyre” I growled softly my teeth bared, the creature laughed as it walked around me saying softly “My my…got a little bit of fight left in you have ya?” I snarled angrily “Damn straight I have, I didn’t come this far to be beaten by the likes of you, some scrawny assed old whatever the hell you are” the creature hissed angrily and kicked me in the spine, I heard a crack as pain shot through my back making me gasp in pain.

The creature stood in front of me and said “You should have more respect you snivelling dog, I am the oldest of the Vampyre Prince’s….and the last….all my other friends have had ‘unfortunate’ accidents” he snickers softly before continuing “I have taken it upon myself to purge the world of Vampyre’s who I think do not meet my specific standards” I gasped softly replying angrily “What your talking about is Genocide, you wont get away with this, even if you are a Prince” the Prince snarled at me as I used my strength to break the chains that were holding me to the wall, I then leaped away from the soldiers punching them sending them flying into a wall impaling them on spikes as I snarled angrily and spun around kicking another soldier sending him flying into a wall as he slid down it the Prince leapt at me with strength I wouldn’t have expected from someone so old, I spun around dodging him as I skidded along the floor and growled angrily.

The Prince locked his gaze with mine and twirled his dagger around in his hand as he pulled up a veiny hand and motioned for me to attack which I did, I lunged at him aiming to knock him down, but to my surprise he flitted out of the way and was digging his nails into a wall as he hanged from it, the Prince gave out a barking laugh as he leapt off of the wall and kicked me in the chest sending me flying back creating a crater in the wall shards of bricks falling onto me as I tasted my own blood in my mouth.

I groaned softly as the Prince walked towards me slowly and grabbed me by my throat and squeezed it making me choke as I struggled against him, I gasped for breath as I kicked him in the stomach making him throw me across the room making me slam into a steel gate making it bend and buckle slightly from the impact as I slid down it, my ribs hurt like hell, I thought for sure they were broken. The Prince came over to me and grabbed my hair and lifted me up and smashed my head into the gate making my nose bleed as he threw me across the room and flew after me pinning me to the wall as he growled savagely and said “You cannot beat me BOY, you are only a few days old….whereas I am centuries old, there is nothing that you can do that could surprise me” I smiled as I kicked him away from me and ran along the wall and dived towards him and grabbed his neck and twisted it hearing a crack, he gave me a quizzical look as he dropped to the floor with a look of surprise in his eyes, I stood their gasping for breath for a few moments as I looked around to search for a way out.

I studied the bent gate and hobbled slowly over to it and tried to open it, it didn’t move, I cursed loudly as I heard a slight whooshing sound, I turned around as I saw a torrent of water rushing towards me, I cursed violently as I ran back over to the gate and put my fully weight behind it and finally I heard the creaking of metal as it bent, I leapt through it running through the tunnel the full force of the water pounding behind him drowning out his footsteps and the sound of his heavy breathing. I searched for a ladder to help me escape, I didn’t look around for fear of being washed away, I saw a ladder and let out a sigh of relief as I bounded up it, the water rushing past beneath me, I lifted up the sewer lid and exited.

I looked down and saw the water rushing beneath me as I let out a sigh as I hauled myself out of the sewer and had a look around to see where I was, I shook my head and knelt on the pavement to clear my head as I saw what looked like a mechanical horse racing towards me, I leapt back and clung to a wall as it passed me honking, I growled softly as I looked around trying to find someone to eat. I saw a young woman walk down an alleyway, I leapt from the wall and followed her, she looked around and saw me as her pace quickened, I could hear her heart thumping in her chest as I smelt her fear, I matched her pace before leaping upon her and sinking my fangs deeply into her neck and drunk from her.

I slated my thirst and let out a loud burp, as I stood up from the motionless body of the girl and walked away digging my hands into my coat pockets, I looked around trying to decide where to go, I felt as though I was lost and as if I had been transported to another world, little did I know at the time. As I wandered through the streets I saw many things that shocked me, such as scruffy dirty looking old men drugged up to the eyes lying in the doorways of closed shops, girls wearing very little hanging out on street corners plying their trade, drunks and strays, I was shocked that the world could have turned out this way.

I headed towards, what looked like a hotel and headed inside it, it was more then I had ever been used to back where I had come from, I went over to the desk and said in my southern American accent “Uh yeah, I’d like to book a room please” the receptionist looked at me studying me as she looked at my stained bloody shirt and picked up her phone and said things in something I couldn’t understand…..but I knew it wasn’t good when two burly security guards came up behind me and grabbed me. I struggled deciding whether to kill them both and the receptionist or just injure them slightly so I could make my escape, I laughed softly my eyes glinting dangerously as I grabbed one of the guards necks and ripped his head off blood spurting out as I spun around digging my elbow into the second guards ribcage, he let out an ear splitting howl as I grabbed his neck and threw him through the glass window making it shatter outwards as I stared at the receptionist and picked up a shard of glass and threw it at her, it flew and impaled itself in her forehead making her slump onto her desk.

The second guard stood up shakily holding his chest as he drew his gun and aimed at me before shouting something incomprehensible as blood dribbled from the side of his mouth, I growled as I took several steps towards him, he unloaded his gun at me, one of the bullets lodged itself in my right shoulder making me wince in pain as I lunged at him and sunk my fangs into his neck making him howl in pain as I drunk deeply from him and then broke his neck, I stood up and brushed myself off as I walked along the streets, deciding it would be better to get out of the city I was in.

I saw a sleek black motorbike resting against a wall, I grabbed it and looked at the engine and tried to figure out how to make it work, I heard a shouting sound as I turned around and saw a man dressed all in leathers racing toward me, I struck out at him making him let out a wheezy breath as his cigarettes fell onto the floor along with the keys to his motorbike, I scooped them both up and smacked the man in the face and put the keys into the ignition and roaring off out of the city.

I revved the engine as I sped through country side, I didn’t notice as a swirling portal opened up, I raced through it and got thrown off the bike as I hit some rocks sliding along the rocky floor, I got thrown off my bike and landed in a heap on the steps of a huge cathedral, I rubbed my head softly as I stood up shakily and looked at it puzzled by how a cathedral had come to be here, I looked around trying to see if I could find any signs of life as I looked at the large oaken doors and went over to one to see if I could open it, it creaked open slightly as I stuck my head inside I sniffed and could smell the mustiness and dampness as I headed inside slowly and warily, keeping my hand on the hilt of my sword.

Inside the cathedral I heard whispers, I spun around trying to locate where the voice were coming from, as I looked into the darkness I saw a figure approach, he raised a hand slowly saying softly “We mean you no harm, we are the last few that remain of the Prince’s…we saw what you did to the Prince that had turned and became evil….we wish for you to join us” I looked slightly shocked at this as I took a step back and stared at the Vampyre Prince.

I cleared my throat before saying icily “Why should I trust you? Ever since I have been turned I have been hunted and almost killed several times” the Prince nodded his head and laughed softly “As I said we had no control over that, that was the rogue Prince” I snorted as I studied the old Prince and growled saying angrily “How do I have your word that I will be valued as a Prince and not assassinated again?” The Prince shook his head as he looked at me his red eyes blazing “I swear to you on the Vampyre God that you shall not be harmed if you become a Prince” I nodded my head as I followed the Prince into the Inner Sanctum.

As he led me down the steps I heard voices muttering and chatting as I saw several Vampires dressed in black cloaks with long spears and shields, the Prince said to me “These are our guards….they protect our home from intruders if they find their way here” I nodded my head and looked at them as they nodded their heads in greeting to me, I followed the Prince as he walked down further and we arrived in a spacious cavern area lit with hundreds of torches, on the walls were many wall hangings of various people, the Prince spoke to me and said “These are painting and hangings of old Vampyre Princes and of our various Gods” I nodded my head in understanding as the Prince walked over to a plinth and rested his hand against an imprint, the door slowly rumbled open to reveal a spacious room with several church pews, he motioned for me to follow him as I walked into the room and the doors rumbled closed.

The Prince walked up several steps towards a purple throne and sat down on it, he then looked at me and said “This Red throne will be yours if you choose to be one of us” I looked at the throne and ran a finger over it feeling the soft fabric, I nodded my head and looked at him my eyes locking with his as I muttered “I will become a Vampyre Prince, I will aid you to bring peace to the Vampyre clans” The Prince clapped his hands as two other Vampyre’s appeared, the Prince said “These are two of the other Prince’s….Prince Trire and Prince Versam. I am Prince Quil” Trire came over to me and grasped my hand and looked me in the eyes saying in a booming voice “Well met Prince Darius” Versam walked around me judging me and sizing me up before saying in a quiet voice “Welcome to you Prince Darius….you shall be an asset to our cause” I nodded my head keeping my eyes locked with him as Quil said “There is a ceremony that must be done before you can be fully accepted as a Prince…but it should not take long” I nodded my head as Quil clapped his hand and a white clad Vampyre walked over to him and bowed saying in a soft voice “My Liege what do you wish of me?” Quil said kindly “Ahh Crelsa, I wish for you to take Prince Darius to some quarters and make sure he is comfortable and has everything he needs” Crelsa nodded his head as he beckoned for me to follow.

I walked behind Crelsa taking in my surroundings as we walked past what looked like a gym, but it was a gym like none I had ever seen, we then walked past a huge dining hall where many raucous vampires were drinking, eating and talking loudly, I realised I had stopped as I was taking in my surroundings, I hurried back after Crelsa as he went down another flight of steps, he then walked through another well lit corridor and stopped in front of a large black door, he took out a key and unlocked the door as he led me inside before turning to me and saying “Here we are then, this will be your room Prince Darius, if you need anything then come and find me…I hope you shall be comfortable here” I smiled and nodded as Crelsa left me as I took in my room.

I went over to the small table and looked at myself in the mirror and ran a hand through my hair as I looked at the bed, it was dark red and had black curtains surrounding it, I raised an eyebrow wondering why you would need curtains when your deep underground but shook my head as I sat down on it testing it before I laid back and closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.



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