MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


11 entries this month

21:47 Jul 28 2009
Times Read: 709

I do not normally do this, but I am going to make an exception.This is the exact type of member that has no concept of VR and the Society System.

This is also the kind of crap I do not have to tolerate and I will not. I don't care who you are.

On 21:31:07 Jul 27 2009 (-0 GMT) ***King wrote:

Why exactly did you trade me to purgatory?

On 01:01:55 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) MooniePie wrote:

You had no desire to be a part of any place on VR. As you so adamantly stated on your profile and within the VR main forums.

Purgatory is a place for people who do not wish to be inducted into any form of society. There are no rules there, no regulations, or any requirements.

Seemed like the best place since if you were just kicked out another people would have inducted you.

On 07:13:42 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) ***King wrote:

Well, thanks for asking me before hand.

On 14:36:55 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) MooniePie wrote:

That's the thing, you don't HAVE to be asked before hand. Forced inductions are the way of VR. It's the way it always has been.

There is a reason for that. It's a vampire website. A vampire wouldn't ask to turn you. It's the same concept.

On 16:28:39 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) ***King wrote:

A vampire wouldnt ask to turn me, but would force me to be in the same clang and whatnot until they said i could go?

I dont think so. lol. The concept is clearly flawed, but no matter - I can live with flawed ideas.

On 19:35:59 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) MooniePie wrote:

Cancer has even said in the VR Manual

If you do not understand the underlying concepts behind forced induction you should not be a member of Vampire Rave.


Jun 29 2009

You said A vampire wouldnt ask to turn me, but would force me to be in the same clang and whatnot until they said i could go?

I don't know what you don't understand. And when I say this I am not being bitchy, I am being blunt. You are not special. EVERYONE can be forcefully inducted if you are under a Sire level. That is the way VR has been for years. Since you are property of the House/Coven that inducted you, they have a say as to whether you can be traded or remain in that place until you are a Sire level.

Cancer has made the website what it is. He's decided to make things the way they are because it's his site; it's his choices, it's his ideas.

It is stated-

Induction into any House or Coven is forced. You do not have a choice as to whether or not you will be a member of a House/Coven. An exception to this rule are members who hold the rank of Sire. A Sire cannot be forcibly inducted. A Sire can join any House/Coven (with the Master's permission) and leave any House/Coven at any time. A Sire can also start their own Coven.

Your Master can sell or trade you to another House/Coven. You do not have a choice if you will be sold or traded.

To say the concept is flawed is not really understanding the society system.

I really do not understand the reason as to why you asked the reason for your trade if you really don't care. And yes, I am assuming that you do not care since you've said you think the concept is flawed. It shouldn't make any matter as to where you are since you do not wish to be a member of any part of the Vampire Rave Society System.

On 19:43:42 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) ***King wrote:

Choice has simply been eradicated - what isnt annoying about that? The fact that, should i change my mind about Covens and House's, now i have no choice except to reach sire level so i can eject myself?

The situation you have put me in hasnt helped. I would have much rather taken a chance and just been released from the coven. Now i have to reach sire?

very silly.

Cancer can run his site how he pleases. I'll just have an opinion on whats what. I'm still allowed an opinion right? Or would i have to ask my coven master? XD

On 19:52:35 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) MooniePie wrote:

Yes, the choice has been eradicated. This is a Cancer-ocracy. Since he owns the site, it is his rules and his ways. You can have as many opinions as you want, we all have them. Some people agree with, some do not. That's the wonderful thing about everyone having their own mind and their own way.

I've not put you in any situation; you've actually put yourself there. If you would have messaged me to begin with and said,"I would like to be some place other than in your Coven", I would have happily traded you without any questions, but once you started in the Main Forums about 'the place that inducted you' (numerous times), your options were shot.

I never just 'release' anyone. Releasing someone means that another House/Coven can pick them up for nothing. That doesn't do anything to help out my Coven.

Don't be snide; it's not very becoming. Especially when I am trying to explain to you the way things work around here so maybe, just maybe, you will understand for future reference and not have to go through this issue again.

On 20:05:54 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) ***King wrote:

I understand fully how things work around here. By placing me in purgatory YOU and YOU alone have placed me in a crappy situation.

I think what you seem to lack is the understanding that i have no wish to be apart of ANY coven. None whatsoever. And yes, you may think them mandatory, but i dont see it anywhere in Cancer's little bible that you MUST be in a group.

Why would i message you to ask to be traded? Surely after this disscussion, coupled with my forums posts (which were not a put-down of your coven) you would see that i simply do not wish to be apart of any group at this time, including purgatory.

I even put on my profile i didnt want to be inducted. So why, oh why, after someone blatently ignoring my requests, would i ask to be traded?!?!

On 20:18:08 Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) MooniePie wrote:

No, you don't fully understand how things works around here. Because IF you DID you would grasp the concept that It doesn't matter WHAT you've decided to place on your profile, you will still be forcefully inducted by anyone at anytime.

If someone in Purgatory seen that before I did, you would have went there anyways. Purgatory is for just that. People who do not understand the concept of forced inductions. Many of the ones that were/are in there are in there just for that.

No, Not ME and ME alone. Yes, *I* put you there. Yes, *I* would do it again if I had the chance. Why? Because you clearly do not want to be in any form of society. As you have so many times stated. You DO NOT have to particpate within that society. You do not have to participate within any society. It is a tag on your profile. No, one is forcing you to push the button to enter into the society forums. That is your choice.

So really, you still have choices. Just not the ones you want.

Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) ***King wrote:

Actually, what i have is a really annoying member of Cancers minion crew being slack and not UNDERSTANDING a single word i say.


- You should have just released me.

- I have no choices.

- You put me in purgatory, therefore its your fault. Whether you would do it again is irrelevant so i dont know why you added that in there.

- It does not say in the VR manual that someone HAS to be apart of a coven, so you didnt have to trade me, you just did it to be an a**hole.


Hope someone rewards you by putting there foot in your mouth XD

Jul 28 2009 (-0 GMT) MooniePie wrote:

You know, what I am done. I am totally finished. You want to call me an asshole man-up and call me an asshole. But let me tell you this. If I had really wanted to be an asshole, I would have kept your ass to rot in my Coven.

I understand every damn word you've said. Don't think I haven't sit here with another damn member and listened to the same damn song and dance over and over again.

It's just another name this time.

Speaking of man-up why don't you man-up and act like you have some damn sense. And while you're at it. You can take that snide, sarcastic congratulations and shove it.

-sarcasm- Enjoy your time on VR. Looks like Purgatory got another great member. -/sarcasm-



21:55 Jul 28 2009

Go get 'em Moonie!

22:05 Jul 28 2009

I wouldn't worry about him. Just another one of those d-bags that wants to be noticed.He's cool and edgy because he's making a statement. I think not. The only statement I get from him and his craptastic profile is that he is one of those skinny nerds with a God complex that is generally compensating for the small package in his pants, and low social status in reality. Tell him to piss off because he'd probably cower before you if he ever met you.

22:21 Jul 28 2009

Everyone's a victim these days.

The concept is clearly flawed, but no matter - I can live with flawed ideas.

uh, no, he clearly cannot.

Still not gettin' it.

22:55 Jul 28 2009

You have a lot more patience than I do. I would have given up long before you. Some people just hear what they want to hear I suppose.

00:55 Jul 29 2009

I probably would have blocked him long before that.

I have no patience for stupidity and I'm from Mississippi.

We've got THE lowest scores in the states.

So when I'm calling someone stupid, you KNOW there's a problem.


03:18 Jul 29 2009

:) Have I told you of late how much I luvs ya?

08:00 Jul 29 2009

Firstly..What the hell did I do?!?!?!


Hope someone rewards you by putting there foot in your mouth XD

Secondly, I can't believe you had that much patience with him! You are indeed a better woman that me....wait...person than me

13:37 Jul 29 2009

wtf is a clang? I thought that was a noise o.0?

20:32 Jul 29 2009

hahah XD and your paranoid self. :P

I think I have more patience with people who are not on the same mental level as me. I'd work really well in the mentally handicapped field, as you can so tell. ;)

Either that or my pills are actually working. lol!

This is totally the kind of person that " If you don't understand the concept behind forced inductions you shouldn't be a part of VampireRave" is talking about.

It's alright though.

He can eat a dick. :D


20:55 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 723

This is what happens when Harry Potter meets an 8 Mile Rap Battle. hahahaha



21:08 Jul 26 2009

*giggles* O my :)

21:27 Jul 26 2009

Posted this in my journal like, a week ago :P


05:23 Jul 25 2009
Times Read: 744

Yeah, I decided to try my hand at the mentor thing.

We'll see how it goes.



05:29 Jul 25 2009

Damn posted in the wrong one.... I'd still let ya....

03:57 Jul 26 2009

The way I look at it- whats the worse that could come from mentoring? They get a 1% boost and you get the perk of corrupt or damage them. It's a nice trade off.

03:57 Jul 26 2009

The way I look at it- whats the worse that could come from mentoring? They get a 1% boost and you get the perk of corrupt or damage them. It's a nice trade off.


22:00 Jul 21 2009
Times Read: 755


I got this nifty badge for a job well done!


Thanks dracken ;)

I giggle everytime I see it.



05:29 Jul 25 2009

I'd let ya mentor me.... :)


02:51 Jul 20 2009
Times Read: 780


One of the many reasons why I love K-ron.

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

When god Gives you Moonie, you lucky fucker get laid!"

Does she know meh or what? ♥



02:52 Jul 20 2009


02:59 Jul 20 2009


04:48 Jul 20 2009

LOL! Sweet!


05:58 Jul 18 2009
Times Read: 808

Here I sit....

I am on messenger talk thingie with Xander.

I am trying to teach him something in Photoshop.

I have a cam on my head held on by my headphones so he can see what I am doing.


Good Lord.

So he starts playing with stuff.. I hear Oh.. Look the Kangaroo passed wind!

I luff him.. but.. he is kinda a rere.




06:07 Jul 18 2009

But my windows are licked exceptionally clean!

06:08 Jul 18 2009

I am so not letting you into the special Olympics. They'll put you in the swimming part and you'll forget to breathe and drown!

06:15 Jul 18 2009

They wouldn't let me join, the retards kept picking on me. They said that they were rere but I was DUH!!!!

Plus They wouldn't let me wear my floaties!


21:29 Jul 15 2009
Times Read: 848

w00t! I got new glasses today.

I'm totally bringin' nerdie back, baby.

The best part about this pic?

You totally cannot see that I don't have any pants on.


Ask Punkie for confirmation.



21:35 Jul 15 2009

Tis' true...No pants! I fogged up those new glasses 5 times in the past 42 seconds :)

21:38 Jul 15 2009

I didn't realize that you ever wore pants :P

I know I don't. You know I don't. I know you know I don't.

02:25 Jul 16 2009

Woooooooo! Yeah, you bring that nerdy back!

And keep those pants off... I don't have time to be pissing around with things like that, geez.

These video games don't play them self you know!

03:09 Jul 16 2009

Yeah, they don't!

Stop trying to make out with me and just stick it in already! I ain't got time for that foreplay stuff. I got things to make and stuff to check out!

03:10 Jul 16 2009

You look wasted in that pic. Or did Punkie wear you out in the past 42 seconds? ;P

03:13 Jul 16 2009

That hussy always wears me out.

42 seconds with her is like an hour on the treadmill. And in both situations my thighs start to smoke.


23:43 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 884

Great Lessons I have learned through VR.

Yes, we’ve all had them. Some are joyous and some just bite you in the ass.

1.Never date anyone from VR. Why? Because if it falls out and something goes wrong everybody and back to their 4th cousin will know what you did and how shitty it really was.

2. Do not believe everything you hear. Why? Because it’s probably crap.

3.Just because you hold certain morals doesn’t mean everyone else holds them.

( Eww gross I think I just inhaled one of those flying gnat things in my nose-horks)

4.Avoid Bandwagon jumping. Why? Because when this goes wrong not only will it bite you in the ass it will also run over you.

5.Psychos are inevitable on VR. Oh Yes, they are here. And Oh, Yes.. they WILL find you.

6.Be damn sure of whom you trust. Why? Because at some point they can take everything you’ve said and spread it around while eating your face off for lunch.

7.Sometimes you are wrong about people. Whether it is you think they suck and you find out they aren’t too bad or you think they are just rawkin and find out that they are nothing more than a sucky suck-suck.

8.Don’t ask- Don’t tell. No, I don’t mean sexuality. I mean in general. If you don’t want to know, then don’t ask. If you don’t want anyone knowing your business do not tell. If you do be prepared to revert back to lesson 1 and probably all the rest of them.

9.Some people just like to bitch, whine, complain. Why? One word- attention.

10.Yes, repeating the same cycle over and over again and expecting it to change is insane. Revert back to lesson 5.

11.Sometimes you screw up. It’s okay to admit it. Sometimes people admire a person that is able to admit it. Unless they are a douche about it. Then that is a whole ‘nother story.

12. There still are great people in this world. They are hard to find, but when you do. They are a blessing.

I know I have learned more, but my mind seems to fail me at this time. I am sure it’s because I keep drifting off wondering if I really did inhale that bug. –twitch-

But really, the biggest lesson is this-

If you do happen to meet with someone from VR that happens to be the opposite sex wear full body protection. I am serious. I think this site makes people really, really fertile. Why spend millions and millions on fertility treatment when all you have to do is rub up against someone on VR? It’s like super semen and super uterus.

If I ever plan on attending anything, I’m wearing a hazmat suit greased up in spermicide just in case. Lord knows one of me is enough to last a lifetime.



23:49 Jul 14 2009

*likes this*

00:10 Jul 15 2009

Thank you for the reality checks, Moonie. We all need them, badly.

00:20 Jul 15 2009

3.Just because you hold certain morals doesn’t mean everyone else holds them.

Lies. I'll make others hold my morals. :)

00:26 Jul 15 2009

Dang! and I thought I was the only one that was into hazmat suits moonie? oh well i really enjoyed this to bad more people wont take it seriously.

00:35 Jul 15 2009

If you do happen to meet with someone from VR that happens to be the opposite sex wear full body protection. I am serious. I think this site makes people really, really fertile. Why spend millions and millions on fertility treatment when all you have to do is rub up against someone on VR? It’s like super semen and super uterus.

This is true and we have proof.

01:08 Jul 15 2009

So, does this mean casual sex is out of the question? Hmmm? :P

03:17 Jul 15 2009

Yes, Bones, casual sex is out of the question. But if you want to wear formal clothes while doin' the deed than I am sure exceptions can be made. ;)

Dylan, I am not holding anything of yours until you turn 18! I would NOT look cute in the pen. :P

17:18 Jul 15 2009

Words of wisdom from Da Moonies...

"6.Be damn sure of whom you trust. Why? Because at some point they can take everything you’ve said and spread it around while eating your face off for lunch."

You mean we are not supposed to trust people at face value huh ? Who would have guessed.

02:34 Jul 29 2009

I know this is a few weeks old... but it cracked me up... I agree with a lot of them on here... including the biggest lesson, as we have proof of that as well... LOL

Thanks for the lessons though teach, too bad I learned a lot of those lessons the... hard way.


23:19 Jul 08 2009
Times Read: 908

It's been so long since I've actually posted anything. I feel so quiet, anti-social and withdrawn.

I really have nothing to say. I've come quite comfortable in my silence and solitude that I just am not sure if I want to change it.

It's so much easier.

I don't have to worry about drama.

I don't have to worry about 'oh, is she talking about someone from here?'.

I don't have to worry about feeling as though people just want to be invasive.

I just don't have to worry. It's kinda nice this way. I don't think I am ready to be all chit-chatty like I was before.



00:35 Jul 09 2009

And here I am being all invasive...in any case, some of us are here for ya' to chit-chat and whatnot!

00:53 Jul 09 2009

This means no Moon invasion? D:

03:38 Jul 09 2009

You can invade me anytime, Isis ;)

Oh there will be an invasion, oh yes, there will be!

06:07 Jul 09 2009

Are you talking about someone from here?

16:20 Jul 09 2009

Fucker! :P


02:15 Jul 07 2009
Times Read: 913

I just finished with an interview a bit ago.

It was loads of fun.

It's total giggle worthy.

Check Out CD's Observatory Page

Thanks. :)




02:09 Jul 06 2009
Times Read: 927

-brushes off the dust-

It's been about 7 months since I've posted in here. I keep going back and forth. I've gotten out of the habit of talking or expressing myself.

Maybe I need to start again.

My head is jumbled with so many thoughts but I never know where to start. I've just become so accustomed and comfortable with all the clutter in my mind.

I don't know if that's good or if it's bad.



04:02 Jul 06 2009

Damn and I thought you were going to say " its been 7 months since my last confession"

08:39 Jul 06 2009

Pfft, the amount of sinning Moonie does???

She goes into the confession box each week and tells the reverend to give her 3 of everything!

17:19 Jul 06 2009

Vent baby vent.

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