PassionKills's Journal

PassionKills's Journal


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4 entries this month

so im wrighting a book....

05:16 Apr 27 2010
Times Read: 471

ive been a very big reader since i was old enough to read, ive always loved any kind of book, but latly have found myself loking for ....more in a book, so i have been brainstorming and researching and have decided to give myslef a shot at wrighting a book, i understand these things do not happen over night, and sometimes it may take years but im kinda doing it for myself , somthingi can say i did, twilight, house of night, thirst, ect ect, none really are based both on reality and none of them hold a "hook" on all ages of readers, yes twilight my be read from 11-70 year olds but do the fanricies held by a 15 year old really follow thrugh to a 70 year olds? i dont think they do, i could be wrong but i think if wrigting a book, i want to make a fiction book that every age of man/woman could beleive in, yes it will be about vampires, i avenot yet decised about if it will be from the human or vampires point of view, it is first person, and it involves natural/everyday setting, no millionare 100 year old vampire, no sparkles, no superpowers, maybe some elivated sences and strengths but nothing liek crushing a rock in there palm......ill keep you up to date.




05:29 Apr 22 2010
Times Read: 479

today was horrible.....another day full of lies and drama.....im pretty sure i got my own apartment beacuse i hate drama!!!!, why did i let her move in? why dose she make it a point to constantly lie to my face then atack me when she is confrounted.....?? people like that make me sick, isnt there a saying that one of the depest pits of hell is saved just for liers and cheats?.....well if thats the case i feel a little better about everything, lol on the good side i guess, my wrighters block has lifted......and that is byfar a good thing, but still not good enough to make me dance around my living room, not yet, not till i get the pleasure of watching her frount row choke and scream of pain on her own lies and actions karma will soon be shoving down her throat with a fork lift......maybe i shoudl stock up on popcorn...could take awhile.....wonder if carma come in 3D??? sweeeeet! but i guess thats kinda mean i guess....i shouldnt wish things on other like that as much as i would enojoy it its not right, "what goes around comes around" and i tattoo'd it on my body, litteraly, i beleive it i really do so ill keep my fake smile on and try to think of somthing happy like bunny rabbits or rain drops .....i like rain, lol, but then i thnk of bunnys and how cute they appear to be, they your mom reminds you that you got to feed them and water them and play with them and clean up after them NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY STINK OR BITE YOU WHEN YOUR BEING NICE, OR POOP ON YOUR FLOOR OR PEE ON YOUR LAP AND ACT LIKE NOTHIGN EVER HAPPENED!!!!!!!........(*takes deep breath*)........ok so maybe not bunnys.....bad idea....... anyways the bitch form hell dog is still here, i cant get up the guts to call the S.P.C.A here beacuse i dont think she should half to go there......but i am getting up the guts to give her to someone i know she cant ge her back from or sitting down tomorrow and telling her "ither the dog goes or you all go" then walking away talking over her like she always dose me saying "yayayayayayaya!!! dont wanna talk about it it is just going to turn in to a fight!!!!" hee hee.....




the worst of worst

08:42 Apr 20 2010
Times Read: 491

so latly ive been having dreams that seem to realy, like im awake, they are hard to explain so im going to try...

first things first, place and explaination.......on my lazy boy around 3-4pm, i just bought a guiatr and am despratly trying to learn but trying not to push my self to fast......ok

i was dreaming i was laying on my lazy boy exactly as i fell asleep from my point of view i was playing my guitar like amazingly!!!! diffrent songs/tunes, i dont remember what but i knew i was dreaming and as much as i hate these dreams i kept trying to wake up.......eventually i did....

another time, i wright songs/singing in my dreams, again laying exactly where i fell asleep but like im awake singing or litterally composing.....

a time befor that, i was dreaming someone came in the room i was sleeping in, did random things, even talked to me and left, like a friend or family member...someone who wouldnt normaly be there......sooooo real feeling i half to call and ask them to make myself beleive i was dreaming

again, very lucid sex dreams........very very very real like with just about the same results, only in these dreams im very vocal and i dont see who, almost like a strob lite in a pitch dark room flashing once every 3-5 seconds, i see my movements and hear myself but nothign else.....i cant say i hate these specific ones but damn.....why?

ok...so ya this obviously has been happening to me alot the past long time!!!!! and i dont know why.... its not normal...to question myself to the point i neeeeed proof that i was sleeping and that event didnt happen almost everytime.... the most frusterating thing is i fight in my dreams to wake up...and some time my dream will flash in and out like if i was dozing off to sleep when i fight to wake up, im debating on seeing a profecional about these dreams....




07:02 Apr 20 2010
Times Read: 498

so..... new at this, but i think it is a cool way to vent out EVERYTHING that has been totaly pissing me off the past few weeks.....sooo...here i go, have my own apartment, quiet, clean and clutter free just the way i like it, then my bestfriends mom breaks up with her b/f of 8 years cuz he was sleeping with some nasty grandma from tim hortons.... he moves out and she cant afford there place alone.....Now i have a 2 bedroom with one huge room!!! (fire place hardwood floors 2 huge windows!!!) and a little room which i keep my deep freze in and random things, so i offered her a place to stay, dont charge her much, its her and her daughter, and move out of my big room ofr them to have it and squish my 6 peice overly size bedroom set and computer/tv in this tiny room for them, her daughter diabetic very very sick girl and has to live with her mom, shes 19 ive known her just as long as her mother, being the nice person i am i let them move in, been about 2.5 months now, OMFG!!!!! they had 2 dogs one was hers and one her b/f a pitbull that piss's and shits ever where!!!! and an amazingly good sheppard huskey cross dont even realize he is here unless someone knocks at the door and is awsome with my cats, she brought both with her when she came but after 3 weeks of freaking out cuz the dog wont stop going to the bathroom in the house she gave it back to her ex, who she was seeing again behind mine and her daughters back, while he was still spending nights and sleeping with grandma lady....anyways they "get back together" and she asked if e could stay here one night...ok i said (*kicks self in ass*) 2 weeks later he has been staying here every night so i said he has to pay rent...."ok ill talk to him about it" so she said, and has still been seing grandma. Tracie (roomie) finds out and shit hits the fan he freaks she freaks he take his stuff and leaves......WITH MY HOUSE KEYS!!!...... threataning me for no reason, and at this time i have only involved myself enought to try to get my house keys back, and i guess im a fat whore and a bitch and ect ect..... so i get my keys back 8 hours later, dont trust the guy so i pay 150$ to change all 3 of my locks......ok cool everything goes back to normal....then tracie runs outta money...no smokes no weed..... so she gets her daughter to call him asknig for smokes and weed...(she was his fav of her 3 kids) so he brings it, she laughs about how she is using him for it, then they start hanging out AGAIN!!!! he cheats again!!!!..... Tracies having a total mental break down , but i cant help but say i told ya so! anyways he was banned from my house, dog was gone, things slowly went back to normal......then it happens again, she asks me if the dog can come here for one night cuz she missed her, i said ok ONLY IF IT IS FOR ONE NIGHT! (*kicks self harder in ass*) after a week of me freaking on everyone, and everytime me trying to talk to her she acts like my mother and yells "im not talking about ths it will just turn in to a fight" and storms out of the room ...uggghhhhh so i threatin her with the S.P.C.A cuz she kept the dog locked in the room cuz it trys to eat my cats not to mention shits and piss's on my floors and that room (my old room has hard wood floors) then the dog goes back with him, they still are seeing eachother, and she asks me one night if he can come back.....i tell her only if he gets on his knees and says he is sorry for being a cock sucking idiot to me.... hee hee he acctually did it, one of those pricless picture moments....2 days later shit hits the fans ....i was readin in my living room IN QUIET *smash bang crash!!!!* doors are being slammed and she comes bardging in my living room to use the computer slamming my living room door in to my huge entertainment center holding over 5000$ worth of electronics to use the computer to change her facebook relationship status with him charging after her screaming and her screaming back......ok i layed my foot down, kicked him out told her to get out to till she calmed down and again (*kicks self in ass*) ok she comes back but with a suprise......the bitch dog from hell!!!! OMFG!!! i was lost for words....still am she has been gone since thursady......left the dog here in the room and her daughter is forced to stay here with her, cant leave the room or the dog trys to eat through the door and barks ect.....wont answer her phone at all for me or her daughter, did i mention her daughter is a cronicly ill diabetic with other things i can spell let alone pernounce and could be like dead!!!!!! or in the hospital ro something really bad going on with her....what a mother......what a friend......what a total idiot!!!!!....but i must say im the idiot.....nice people suck.......and get sucked in to to many things no offence anyone but if your nice to someone and think your doing them a favor think it out first!!!!!

a few more high lights of my room mate experience i havent mentioned.....

-dosnt buy groceries.....for her or her daughter, her daughter isnt only on a diabetic diet but a diet where she cant eat anything with/or is.. seeds, skins, dryed, spicie, dairy, whole weat or grains......and a few other things im still learning... so i spend not the normal 200$ a month i spent on my self but about 600-800$ A MONTH on groceries so this girl and i can eat....

- i say "Tracie did you call another provence like 10 times this month and talk for like ever???" Tracie says "noooooooo why?" oh just wondering theres only like 200$ in extra long distance charge to where your sister lives in BC!!!!!

-clean???? NEVER!! dishes???? NEVER!! anything but sit on your ass's and smoke weed and sleep? never!!!!!!!, dosnt even work.....government money must be good, i love paying taxes off my bi-weekly cheque for lazy people to live....

- if you have had the pacients to read this and have made it through it in decent understanding....i apoligize for my grammer and spelling i plan to go back and correct it when i have calmed down.....please feel free to comment on how much of an idiot i already know i am!!! LOL .......but i do feel better.......i think ill do this more often



07:30 Apr 20 2010

Wow thats all I can say is wow.

08:13 Apr 20 2010

You know, sometimes we learn things from situations like this. We kick ourselves in the ass because we know that if we AREN'T nice, it will come back an haunt us some how. YOU did what you felt you needed to. Now it's time for you to undo it. That girl needs to be in a safe place WITH her mother ..... NOT your house. You need to try to get them out of there so you can get your sanity back. And your life. I know you don't know me, and I am only speaking from what I read here. But I am always the one who gets pooped on because I can't say no. So I hope that you can follow through with getting them out of your space. *huggles*

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