Phedre's Journal

Phedre's Journal


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4 entries this month


14:27 Apr 28 2012
Times Read: 541

It has been a while. I do not know why, but it seems I had a dream last night, involving him. I do worry, but I am to not engage in any activity with him or he'd think me obsessed or crazy of some sort. Well.... when you've been engaged to someone and been together for two and a half years long distance, what would you expect? Everything to just drop off? Hell no. I broke it off, because he was insecure in not just our relationship, but he always wanted to paint me in a bad light, and accuse me of cheating. Even when his family already did not like me, he the one day broke down and told them I could have been cheating on him with Army! They didn't know I liked females. They always fueled the fire for him to break it off with me (because I was different than they, I wasn't a snobby prep-ish mainstream girl). He kept incriminating me so I wouldn't have much of a chance with them. I offered to even help them financially. I offered to help around the house. I offered myself as a submissive. Nothing worked. And then, he was the one who left nasty voicemails, that I would not be a good mother, that I would need to jump into traffic, ect. Well, I am sorry, but being constantly accused of things I wouldn't do.... for two and a half years.... it gets tiring. It turns out he found a girl ONLY two days after he and I broke up... suspicious... her name was Kuraihoshi... and apparently.... she cheated on him...karma kicks ass!

Anyway... I can't seem to forget though we broke up.... 3/4 through 2009. What am I to do? The kid was great, with this set aside. He was brilliant, and kind, and sweet, and would have been the perfect match for me if he wasn't so closed-minded and incriminating me. The insecurity I could have dealt with, but his incriminations were what got it. *sighs*

He's not a kid anymore. We haven't been for quite some time, and I worry about him often. I'm fairly sure he forgot all about me, but... I don't know. He wanted to be friends after we broke up in that day.... and I wished to be friends too, until he made those voicemails...

and then I got over myself and still decided I wished to be friends with him. By that point though.... he hated my guts, moved on and there was nothing else I could do. He and I talked until about december when he accused me of giving out his personal info to someone who emailed it to him...

No one found the email i supposedly gave, which.... i never did give it anyway.

*sighs* what to do....

There isn't much I could do. His family believes I am crazy now, and so does he. Either that or he just convinced them and.... meh.

I'll figure something out.



03:44 May 02 2012

Uh... Jess... Sissy... Love... Don't be retarded. Forget about him. You have a husband now. HE'S the one you should be focusing on.

14:28 May 07 2012

Sissy, he suddenly disappeared. I suppose it's all well, and honestly I am focusing on my husband. Don't worry i wouldn't do anything stupid. Something tells me something is wrong though, that is all this is.


and so his stupidity continues

17:32 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 550

The guy who made fun of my lack of sight came back yesterday and commented on my glasses yet again, only this time instead of asking if i had any (i was wearing them whem he asked) he asked if i was still wearing my 'sunglasses' over my glasses.... they are called clips you dumb fuck.... my eyes are sensitive to light... perhapsthe you need glasses since you cant even tell that i have my glasses on my face.... ugh! He knows i am diagnosed legally blind, he is such an idiot.... he is lucky i would serve his slow ass.



20:00 Apr 26 2012

People are so insensitive towards others! I'm really sorry that stupid guy did that to you.


The past few days....

00:17 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 567

Yesterday... I had a customer make fun of my being legally blind in front of the whole store minus my manager who was in the back.

After that I had a rude lady come in who just grabbed shit from me and was very impatient and speaking rudely to me. Most of our customers are great, but....damn....plus, my drawer was short $24.41. Oh, and I pissed Tim off.

Today.... honestly, i really feel like no one wants me around, or, just wants me in general. I'm not going to go into detail, but honestly.... I've had so many people be pissy with me today, and speak down on me, that I just don't give a shit. My self esteem couldn't be lower right now, and then it was added on even after work. *laughs*

That's what I get for caring it seems. Fuck.

Not allowed to be nice, you'll lose your sanity by doing so. And the heavens and hells forbid that I communicate somehow through my speaking and someone not getting pissed at me for something I said! And yet, I'm not allowed to go back to being a mute.



02:56 Apr 22 2012

I'm sorry that you had such a crappy day/week.

If you are a kind person, continue to be kind. Even though it will be hard, try not to let the assholes of the world beat you down.

I get a couple of rude and/or crazy people at my job, and I usually brush them off, by being sickenly sweet...or I just give them a cold blank stare.

I hope the weeks ahead get better for you.



01:35 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 576

I found these moving kitty ears.... and apparently they've been around for a while. I've been looking for neko ears for some time because i'm very feline like and...well, I would really like to have them. So if anyone has any idea as to where you might be able to find them or anything like that please let me know.



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