Ravensbloodzero's Journal

Ravensbloodzero's Journal


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7 entries this month


13:57 Oct 14 2007
Times Read: 724

I can't tell the difference between my dreams and reality anymore. I'm scared of making that fatal mistake where one of us won't come back.





21:09 Oct 10 2007
Times Read: 727

That's all I have to say right now.




What Did That Say?

20:38 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 731

I think I may be overtired again. I just read

"You have 18 messages in your INBOX"


"You have 18 messages in your SHOE"

Maybe I should think about sleeping soon...




Is That... Could It Be... It Is. It's An Update!

18:22 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 732

September 30th - October 6th 2007


Well I’m back at university again. You may or may not have noticed that I’ve been online less. The reason for this is that they took our wireless away so now we have to plug in for net access. Unfortunately the cable doesn’t reach far enough for me to sit on my bed so I’ve chosen to be on less rather than risking the RSI t my desk. I’m looking into sorting my own wireless.

Sunday 30th September

We left the house at about 6:30am after I said goodbye to people and pets. An hour later we were on the ferry. I tried getting comfortable but couldn’t because of the style of the seating. I wouldn’t have slept anyway. I can’t sleep if I don’t trust everyone around me. Three hours after we left the house we disembarked at Stranraer and began the 300 mile drive. I had my usual random input on the way down. We stopped twice on the way down, passed lots of horse trailers and caravans on the road and followed a convoy of camper vans including a purple VW one. I want one like that.

We arrived at campus at about twenty to four and James handed me everything I needed. There was a lot of paper. Then he helped unload the car. Philippa joined us a while later. The new flatmates are all freshers, bringing to total number of people we’ve managed to get rid of to 9. Craig seems to be a bit of a party animal and not the brightest tool in the box. Sophie is very nice and quite mad so she’ll fit in well. Jenny seems quiet and I haven’t really had a chance to speak to her yet. Then there’s James and myself. Plus one other. I didn’t meet him on Sunday but I’ll mention him now before I forget. I think he’s an international student and it sounded like he said his name was Alice but I shall refer to him as Alis from now on.

The evening was spent touring campus with Philippa, Aaron and Andrea. We got Chinese for dinner and it was nice not having to walk down for it. It’s always good to be able to eat a meal without reheating it. Afterwards, we cut out the ConSoc ID tags I’m made and began painting newts on the paper bags we were giving out. Eventually we called it a night and went to bed.

Monday 1st October

I got up early to go down and register with the doctor. I’ve just been diagnosed with depression and hyperthyroidism. Lucky me. Mum left at 2pm whenever we went to the ConSoc committee meeting. Shocking, drum roll please, we got lots done and were finished in forty-five minutes. After that we chatted for a while and then Aaron, Philippa, Kai and I caught the bus into Nottingham to go to a fayre training session at five. It was over by six and we headed to the Pit. My mind nagged at me to get the 9pm bus. I didn’t but I wished I had. I nearly burst into tears in the centre of Nottingham. We missed the last bus, had to pay for a taxi and Kai seemed to determined to argue on the way back. She even managed to start something when Aaron changed the topic to goldfish.

We split up at the flats but then Ed, Aaron and Kai came over with alcohol. Then lots of strangers started to arrive, claiming that this was the party. It took ages to get rid of everyone and, on the verge of panic, I retired to bed and double-locked my door.

Tuesday 2nd October

We got up to go to a talk on our society but it had already started so we left. After that we wasted time at the flat, painting cloth for our stall and not really doing much else. I watched CSI in my room. I guess there is one advantage to having a television here. I get to watch what I want.

Wednesday 3rd October

My alarm went off at ten to six. The fact it was still dark seemed to simultaneously rejuvenate and depress me. I showered and met Philippa and Aaron at seven. I tripped and fell onto the bus, stabbing myself in the head with my nail hard enough to draw blood. It was not a good start to the day.

Two buses later we arrived at Clifton, one of our other campuses. It was nine am. It took us the full hour to set up and then we waited. I’m sure they were sick of me stating how many hours and minutes we still had left before the end of the fayre but I couldn’t help it. There was a huge digital clock begging me to say it.

We had more interest that expected. I felt sorry for the guy at the stall next to us. No one else had turned up so he only had a poster for decoration. Still, it meant we looked better. Plus we got free pizza courtesy of Domino’s.

After the fayre we waited at the bus stop for the better part of half an hour. A bus arrived straight away but the driver wouldn’t let us on, then he got off, then he got back on, waited for a while and then drove off only to follow another bus back round. We got on the other bus, which stank of urine so I think it was the same one we’d been on that morning, and travelled back to the city centre so we could catch the other bus.

Thursday 4th October

James joined the three of us for the City campus fayre and we arrived at 9am. We set the stall up and Brack Rock chatted to us quite a lot. We had the expected “Where’s Brackenhurst?”, “What’s Brackenhurst?”, “What’s conservation?” and “I didn’t know we had a third campus.” When interest dwindled I got them to start offering lap dances. That got a reaction anyway, which is more than my nude anime top got.

I did a lot of talking at the fayres, compared to normal that is. When did I become a social person? Actually, when we got back, I decided I was going to the safety of my dark room which would be devoid of people save for me. However, before that happened, we stopped off at the shop to buy hoodies. These ones have Brackenhurst on the front andNTU on the sleeve. We said last year that we wanted Brack ones and it seems that our wish was granted. And mine is, of course, black.

Friday 5th October

I got up early yet again to walk to the doctor’s for my 8:50am appointment. I nearly had to fill out more forms because they couldn’t find mine. Luckily they turned up. The doctor, Groome, was nice but perhaps a little condescending. Not intentionally. It’s just that I already know what the thyroid gland is. I did A-level Biology and studied the endocrine system again last year. She decided I need another thyroxin blood test, even though I’ve already had two, and she’ll probably want to retest after that too. She also put me on Citalopram and diagnosed Major Depressive Disorder. After all this time, they’ve finally decided I do actually have depression which, I admit, makes me feel less of a freak. I have an appointment on Wednesday to have blood taken, one on Halloween to see how I’m getting on and a referral to see a psychiatrist.

After I got back I watched about a third of Heroes, series one. The rest of the day wasn’t really very productive. I chatted to a few people online and started crying when He said he was glad to see me online and apologised for not replying to my texts. I was obviously in a very emotional mood and it didn’t help that people kept trying to give me their problems. I’m trying not to let that happen anymore. There are only a handful of people that I’m willingly to take problems from at the moment. I doubt they really know who they are though. After the emotional outburst I stayed online for a while. When I logged off I read the rest of World Famous Weird News Stories and watched QI. I had a good giggle at that. Emotionally unstable or what?

Saturday 6th October

I didn’t sleep very well last night and my body seemed determined to get me up first thing this morning. I gave in and ended up reading all of Fangs But No Fangs by Kathy Love. I may also have been renamed Pickle by someone online. There’s nothing else to report really. They want me to go to the bar tonight. I’m not really sure if I want to though. Cornucopia’s on at home tonight and I’d much rather be there. Especially if the aftermath of the last two was the same.

Anyway, this wasn’t a terribly interesting week and I don’t think my quirky sense of humour is currently in the room to amuse you so I’ll call a halt to these proceedings and go out to look for it. Hopefully it hasn’t gone to the bar on its own.




Advance Promise

16:22 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 733

I'm about to start writing an update for the past week. Eventually I will write a summary of the summer holidays, including the good and the bad, but, until then, bear with me.




Pissed Off

16:20 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 734

I've tried to post a journal entry twice and been logged out both times because of the net switching IPs while I was typing. I forgot to hit copy both times. Grrr




A New Compliment

23:28 Oct 03 2007
Times Read: 736

Someone loves my accent. Wow, I've never been told that before. Proper entries will resume soon. Right after my lie in on Saturday.



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