Ravensbloodzero's Journal

Ravensbloodzero's Journal


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58 entries this month

Finding Strength

00:29 Sep 29 2008
Times Read: 695

I'm officially enrolled for my final year of university. I'm torn about my feelings. A huge part of me wants to stay at home, hang out with friends and focus on getting better. Another part wants to go back and learn, especially since I now have a genetics module to indulge in. Unfortunately going back means heading back to all the drama surrounding the other students, specifically my so-called friends. K can be trusted. P may be possible to manipulate if necessary. J will probably get kicked in the balls. It also means having to deal with Lyn and Andrea for several modules. And returning to the middle of nowhere where 'nights out' generally meant going to the Coachhouse and drinking until J's shift ended. I need something a little more stimulating than that.

Last night was generally good. Exceptions being the phonecalls from certain fuckwits, having my breasts stroked by a stranger and having pictures taken without permission by another random guy. Plus one small incident afterward but we won't go into that... I really need to get out to the goth nights back in England. I danced for about an hour straight at the end of the night and really didn't want to stop. Roll on my next night out, whenever that may be. Admittedly I was driven to keep dancing by the need to prove myself as well as the desire to dance. I figured I'd prove to anyone who was following me that I will not be controlled by them any longer. I am not the same girl I was back then. And I will not be her again.

When someone you trust tells you that you've gotten better and one of their reasons for saying this is that you now smile, you realise you're in a better place. I am going to get better. I am going to beat this illness. I will not let it destroy me. I will fight. For now there are no voices. I am more complete. I can be as strong as people have tried to tell me I am.




The Good And The Bad

02:00 Sep 25 2008
Times Read: 701

It's taken me about three days but I've just finsihed rating the Database.

In other news, my world is falling apart :(





01:57 Sep 23 2008
Times Read: 706

I need to write an update. I don't think I have the energy to do it. I've been cleaning.





00:18 Sep 21 2008
Times Read: 710



Clumsy Requirements

15:33 Sep 20 2008
Times Read: 717

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic




Sticky Fingers

14:42 Sep 20 2008
Times Read: 718

Ick. My television remote is all sticky. I forgot to dry it after I knocked over an open tin of Sprite a couple of nights ago. Now my fingers are sticky and not in a good way...





19:49 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 731



Daft Child

19:48 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 732

I'm going to go and get food now. I just realised that I vomited three times this morning and haven't eaten since. Not good for the system.

Hmmm, I keep looking at words and they don't seem quite right. They seem like they're spelt incorrectly even when I know they're fine. I'm fucked in the head...





19:46 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 734

Yesterday's appointment went well. I have new anti-depressants and I'm being super fast-tracked through the system so I should be seeing a psychiatrist within the next two weeks. Oh I do hope this is the beginning of me getting better. Hopefully today isn't an indication against that.


All my troubles seemed so far away,

Now it looks as though they're here to stay,

Oh, I believe in yesterday.


I'm not half the man I used to be,

There's a shadow hanging over me,

Oh, yesterday came suddenly.

- Yesterday (The Beatles)



20:02 Sep 19 2008

Sounds promising *hugs*


A Little Bit Of Happiness And A Little Bit Of Sadness

19:37 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 735

Right now I'm thinking "what the fuck?" thanks to another phone call. He called me back, apologising for being a bastard to a stranger. He'd called my number by accident, said he didn't know me and was sorry. Then he hung up. I'm glad that it wasn't me he was turning on but it hurts that he doesn't even remember me. Especially when everyone thought we were meant to be...





19:16 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 739

Oh my god. He just phoned me. If he's against me then I should give up now. If he's turned against me I don't deserve to live.



19:34 Sep 19 2008

I'm lost here...who just called you...?


Need To Weep

19:07 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 742

I'm listening to the suicide playlist. The songs make me want to cry because they describe my life so closely right now. But I can't find tears to cry.




A Bad Day Gets Worse

18:12 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 744

I can't compete. I can't keep fighting. I should just give in.

Today started badly. My lesson was supposed to be at 9am. I got up after too little sleep and was promptly sick three times. Feeling unsteady, I sat in the bathroom and missed Andrew.

I curled up under the duvet and stayed there for a while. Then I put my laptop on in the hope that internet access would cheer me up. Someone asked how I was and I said I wasn't great, that I thought I was coming down with a cold among other things.

I just had to correct that. I typed code instead of cold... Am I a computer now? Actually, I shouldn't joke. Something isn't right with me. I feel like I'm decaying. Maybe I'm rotting away. At the core I think I'm already rotten. You should put me down before the disease spreads.

Speaking of being dead, the guy that enquired after my health turned on me when I said I didn't want to talk about being ill or having to spend time in hospital. Apparently I'm a "mad crazy whore bastard". He promptly decided that I'm worthless and that he hoped I would die tonight. His wish... My wish...

Damien bought boots on eBay last night so we arranged to take the money for them to the bank today. Still livid from the bastard online, I nearly stepped out in front of a car when my mp3 player fell out of my pocket.

Then another car almost hit me driving out of a driveway. The engine was running but the car wasn't moving. I checked before stepping forward. Then the car suddenly moved and the driver acted like I didn't exist even though I was right in her path.

The 61 didn't show up so I went to the Antrim Road. The bus showed up but then we got stuck in traffic and took a detour for no apparent reason. Damien was subjected to me ranting at him for about ten minutes when I reached town. Well he did tell me not to bottle up my emotions...

Town. Waterstone's. Boots. Bank. A look at shoes. Otherside to discuss piercing. Met Fry and Joanne there. Lots of talking. Forbidden Planet. Bought another two books. Bus. Damien's house.

Right now he's out with his family and I'm supposed to be tidying so he can have a friend over later. I'm tired. I could curl up and sleep. The depression's getting worse again. It's hard to get up. I have to force myself to eat. I just want to sleep. Being over with my friends keeps me going. When I'm alone I don't think I can go on. If I'm not over here I'm going to end up doing something stupid.



19:09 Sep 19 2008

The guy you were talking to and who turned on you because you felt bad should probably be shot for thinking you should die because you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better today.


Bad Day

11:28 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 748

Today, I think, will be a bad day. I've been sick and now I'm cold. Maybe I should avoid venturing out and just stay under my duvet where it's safe.




Caricaturing My Thought Processes

00:46 Sep 19 2008
Times Read: 754

I'm considering taking all the random things I come out with each day and making them into a web comic. What does anyone think? Should I? I have one yes so far from Damien.



06:58 Sep 19 2008

Good idea...go for it.


Feeling The Fear

01:56 Sep 18 2008
Times Read: 757

I've got an appointment tomorrow with Dr Wells. I'm scared.




Alleviating Itching?

00:29 Sep 17 2008
Times Read: 763

I have an itch inside my ear. I can't reach it because of my new piercing. It's a little annoying. Anyone know of a way to alleviate itching without touching the location?



01:43 Sep 17 2008

I used a bobby pin :D



17:36 Sep 16 2008
Times Read: 765

I have a new piercing. Left tragus. I like it.




Uploading. Please Wait...

00:18 Sep 16 2008
Times Read: 767

I'm uploading pictures to photobucket. It's taking forever!




Horses And Compliments

18:30 Sep 15 2008
Times Read: 768

I haven't really written much about riding lately. I was going to say 'this summer' but until recently I hadn't writtten much about anything this summer. I'm still trying to avoid thinking about the fact that cutting again seems to equate to productivity and creativity.

Anyway, riding... I haven't ridden Teddy in a while. Typically people don't seem to want to ride him now that I'm not. I've really fallen for Tula. It's so sweet; she follows me around. I don't even have to led her across the turn out area once I put her bridle on.

September 6th was the day of Damien's birthday party so I didn't write anything about riding that day. Megan wasn't up because Fred was on holiday and Tom wasn't there either. Katie was teaching us. It's kind of strange being taught by someone you learn to ride with but it was still a good lesson.

We worked on riding diamond shapes around poles. As a ride in walk and trot and then individually in canter. Tula did really well. She's young so she's still learning to balance herself properly but she did the canter diamonds like a pro.

This week we were really rushed as we weren't assigned horses until 10.25am. The lesson is supposed to start at 10.15am. We were tacked up and mounted in under five minutes. Thankfully the previous week I'd discovered I can mount Tula from the ground unassisted. She was a little sulky during the ride becaus she hadn't got her polos beforehand but she was still good.

After the ride Tom was talking to Liam about different people and told him that I get more out of Tula than other people. He and Steph had said the same thing a few weeks earlier. I don't know why she goes better for me than for others. It happens with a lot of horses.

My mum was talking to Tom after the ride as well. She said he was annoyed with Hannah for not being able to ride the new black cob in simple movements. He said that he knew I could have done it and also said I gel with horses and other people don't. Compliments from Tom make me feel really good.

So generally riding is going well at the moment. I'm not looking forward to not doing it for ten weeks while I'm away at uni. I might see if anyone wants help with their horses this year. Even if it's only mucking out or feeding it'll give me something to do as well as some contact with horses.

Anyway, I think I've rambled on long enough. I'll do another entry about last night's dreams later but I think I'll go back to my book for a while now.




Ink And Metal

18:09 Sep 15 2008
Times Read: 769

We're just back from town. Damien was getting his new tattoo done today. It looks good. I spent two hours talking random crap at him to try and distract him. I'm quite surprised he didn't want to punch me.

I'm now quite seriously thinking about going and getting a new piercing done tomorrow. After the appointment with my therapist that is. The appointment which should have been about nine weeks ago.

Damien may be going with me for support. God, I hate talking to strangers about my problems. Actually I'm generally not keen on talking to people about my problems at all. At least they won't be taking any more blood from me. I don't mind needles. I just object to the amount of times they take blood from me.




New Injuries

00:08 Sep 15 2008
Times Read: 774

I have two scratches on my side/lower back. I have no idea how I got them.




I Can't Let You Down Any More

00:06 Sep 15 2008
Times Read: 775

Til We Die - Slipknot

Our friends are all hurting from moments and regrets and charity laced with a lie.

Still we keep hoping, to fix all the defects and strengthen these seminal times.

We go on together for better or worse, our history is to real to hate.

Now and forever we stay until morning, and promise to fight for our fate.

Til we die

Til we die

The start of a journey is every bit worth it, I can't let you down anymore.

The sky is still clearing, we're never afraid and the consciences opens the door.

I never stopped trying, I never stopped feeling like family is much more than blood.

Don't go on without me, the piece that I represent compliments each and everyone.

Til we die

Til we die

We wont be forgotten we'll never give in.

This war we've achieved has allowed us to win.

Til we die

Til we die

My last true confession will open your eyes.

I've never known trust like the night.

Let it be spoken, let it be screamed, they'll never ever take us alive.

Til we die

Til we die

We wont be forgotten we'll never give in.

This war we've achieved has allowed us to win.

Carry on

Carry on

(We'll never be broken, we wont be denied.)

(Our war is the present we need to deny.)

(We'll never be broken, we wont be denied.)

(Our war is the present we need to deny.)

Til we die

Til we die

We wont be forgotten we'll never give in.

This war we've achieved has allowed us to win.

Carry on

Carry on

We'll never be broken, we wont be denied, our war is the present we need to deny.

Til we die

Til We die

We wont be forgotten we'll never give in

This war we've achieved has allowed us to win

Til we die

Til we die

We'll never be broken, we wont be denied, our war is the present we need to deny.




Go Away

15:45 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 776

I want the screaming to stop. Maybe if I curl up in the corner and stay very still I can wait here and no one will notice.




Feeling Dead

15:19 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 777

My parents are screaming at each other yet again. I don't even feel like I can cry any more. I just feel like I'm going hollow inside. I'm glad I'm going away again later, back to Damien's as usual.




Think Pretty

03:13 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 781

I surprised myself earlier. I was uploading some new pictures and having a look through some other ones of me and was shocked to find the thought "I guess I am kind of pretty" crossing my mind. Now where the hell did that come from?





02:31 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 785

The credits just started rolling at the end of a film and I couldn't figure out what I just watched. It was the anime that I fell asleep during earlier and have just watched again and can still tell you practically nothing about it. That does not say a lot for my attention span today.




Concerning The Previous Entry

02:19 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 787

In my last entry I wrote about dreaming I drifted out of my body and visited a friend I hadn't seen in a while. Since I wrote that I have spoken to her. Apparently she had a dream last night where she woke up and I was sitting on the edge of her bed. She said we then proceeded to have a conversation about our old drama days...

I am a little freaked out now. She jokingly suggested that maybe it was astral projection. That's mad. I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact I may affect technology. To leave my body and go visiting people in the night? Mad. Especially if that means I could have visited Jack...




Matters Of Health And Ill Health

00:36 Sep 14 2008
Times Read: 789

This is the entry I was writing before my laptop crashed...

I'm starting to seriously worry about my health. The events of last night and today have given me cause for concern.

Late yesterday evening I developed some difficulty in breathing. Nothing major. Just breathing a little too fast. The air felt like it was being forced back out of my lungs every time I inhaled.

In between trying to breath normally, I had to attempt to breath altogether. I kept having coughing fits. Unfortunately this wasn't normal coughing. I was bringing up small amounts of blood. Not in serious quantities but, as Damien pointed out, coughing up blood is never a good sign.

I'm hoping it was just a small cut in my throat or the remainder of an unnoticed nosebleed causing the presence of the blood. I did not want to think about any more serious possibilities.

I also blacked out after one bad coughing fit. Normally my black outs are caused by stress but there wasn't any more pressure on me than normal last night. Anyone else would go to hospital if they blacked out while coughing up blood but I'm too afraid of hospitals...

Somewhere between one and two in the morning, I fell asleep while Damien was still gaming. Sleeping seemed to ease the constriction in my chest and I breathed normally. My dreams were strange but not any more odd than usual.

I woke up when Aph came down. I think it was around three by that stage, maybe a little later. Avalon joined us a while later and then CaptainLucy came in to join the chat as well. I gave up trying to sleep at that point.

Some time later Avalon and CaptainLucy departed with plans to sleep. Tiredness and a nine o'clock start made me choose that plan as well but it would seem that a night of undisturbed sleep was not for me.

I haven't spoken to Aph and Damien properly since this stuff happened. I really need to so I can figure out what was happening externally.

I fell asleep and dreamt a strange dream. We'd been talking earlier about negative energies and entities within the house so I'm assuming that gave rise to the dream. It didn't feel like a normal dream though.

I felt really light and when I opened my eyes I was hovering next to the bed looking down at my body. There was a strange electric blue glow between me and my sleeping self, not really a light, more a suggestion of light.

I turned away from my body and drifted through the house, passing straight thought closed doors. I wasn't walked as much as floated a few inches above the floor. It was an odd but not unpleasant feeling. However, things would soon turn unpleasant.

I was drawn to the kitchen. When I entered there was an old woman standing there looking into a drawer. I could see the real drawer closed but there was an open drawer, an ethereal one for want of a better word, right in front of it. She suddenly turned toward me and I saw malice embodied.

She had lank white-grey and wild eyes. A name came to me. Aida. She stared into my soul and I looked back into hers. She didn't want us there. Any of us. She snarled at me and I realised there was a knife in her left hand. Then her snarl became a twisted smile and she raced past me fast than I would have thought possible.

She was at the top of the first flight of stairs before I reached the bottom. Instinct drew my back to my own sleeping body. She looked at each of the people in the room and stepped towards my body. I shouted at her to keep away and I thought she was listening but she turned her attention to my friends.

She stroked the blade of the knife and her lips were set in the same twisted smile as before. She wanted to hurt them. I screamed at her to leave them alone and watched out of the corner of my eye as they tried to wake my sleeping self, shaking me at first and then dripping water on my face.

Aph went for the water and I saw Aida go after her. I called for her to stop, to leave my friend alone. They both returned and I rushed at Aida as she started to raise her blade. We struggled as my friends tried to wake me. She was surprisingly strong. Then she stabbed me.

The blade tore into the left hand side of my abdomen, at the same point where I've been experiencing a stabbing pain for weeks. I felt myself falling and crashed back into my body. Damien and Aph succeeded in waking me but I think I was less than coherent at first.

I started to explain what had happened and discovered that they had been shaking me and that Aph had gone to get water to splash on my face. Then I realised how crazy I sounded. Leaving my body and interacting with a ghost? Insane.

Trying to forget it all and relax, I soon fell asleep again. It hadn't been a pleasant experience. Even though I'm sure it was just my brain creating random and frightening chaos, I didn't want to repeat the experience. In a way, I didn't. Unfortunately there was worse to come.

I felt the same sensation of being 'light' and opened my eyes. Yet again I found myself looking down at my sleeping body. I looked around for Aida but she wasn't in the room. I drifted downstairs again but this time I was drawn outside.

I drifted down the empty road. It was late and I saw only the occasional car. Once I saw a flash of copper and white. I turned and it was a fox dashing across the street. Moments later, it was gone. I continued down the road and suddenly found myself drifting into a stranger's house.

Drifting up the staircase I found myself going straight to an unknown bedroom. Once inside I perched on the bed. The figure in it awoke and turned over. I was shocked to see a friend I hadn't seen in over a year looking back at me. We spoke for a while, mostly about our drama days together and then I felt drawn elsewhere.

I drifted through the park and into the Holylands area. A sense of foreboding grew within me, becoming stronger the further I travelled. I found myself drifting into another house. There was an extreme sense of negativity there. When I reached the bedroom door I felt like I could barely breathe. Once inside, I knew why.

The room belonged to Jack. He sat up and looked at me as soon as I entered. He didn't seem surprised to see me and his first words chilled me. "I've been waiting for you." I wanted to run away but I couldn't move. I was trapped.

Things begin to become blurred at this point. I remember him pinning me to the wall with his hands on my wrists. He spoke to me but I don't remember his words. The world around me became white, the brightness seeping in and the darkness fading away. In the world of light I found Aurora.

She was sitting in a wicker chair, the only object in the vast whiteness. She spoke to me but I don't remember her words. I just remember the feeling of having been betrayed. After a time the whiteness faded and I found myself back in the bedroom pinned against the wall.

Jack had a knife pressed against my spine. At some point he had moved to pin both of my wrists with one hand. He was whispering about needing to cut an umbilical cord. Then I realised Aurora was there and she was murmuring about the same thing. I pleaded with them but to no avail.

He slid the knife into my back. I felt it crunch against my vertebrae. He yanked it out and I felt it bite into something that was part of me but not part of my physical body. I can't explain how I knew that. I just did.

Driven by the pain I threw my weight sideways. He let go of me suddenly and I stumbled through the closed door, if you can use stumbled to describe such an action when you're floating several inches above the floor.

Through the house and out in the street I saw a glowing trail of the electric blue almost-light. I followed it as I raced away from the house. It grew weaker as I ran through the streets. My vision was growing dark.

The blue trail led back to Damien's house. It was almost non-existent when I passed through the front door. I remember reaching the bedroom door and then nothing but darkness.

Moments or hours could have passed for all I knew before I woke up. Voices intruded on the blackness. Now I know they belonged to Aph and Damien but I didn't recognise them at first.

It took a minute or so after I came round before I knew what I was and then who. I couldn't speak straight away, just make incoherent noises. Then I found words but they weren't English. I had to cycle through multiple languages before I found the one I wanted.

For quite some time I couldn't feel the right side of my body. Then I felt pain in my thigh and the muscles started twitching but I still couldn't move that side of my body. Damien was worried that I might have had some kind of stroke. It was some time before I could move normally.

After I came round they gave me a brief summary of having tried to wake me. Talking and shaking me hadn't worked. Damien had tried calling my phone to see if the familiar noise would wake me. It didn't. Then they tried water since it had worked before. No success.

I'm sure they were pretty panicked at this point. I think they threw a fair amount of water on me because my face, hair and pillow seemed pretty wet afterward. The next tactic was apparently a step up from cold water. Ice.

According to Damien the ice cubes they used were so cold that it hurt for him to hold them against me for any length of time. He said that the human body shouldn't be able to handle that kind of temperature differential. Apparently my brain didn't register it in a normal way though because it didn't wake me.

I don't know what did wake me in the end but I was glad to be awake again. And I think they were glad to see me awake. It would seem that it was temporarily impossible to wake me and, considering someone knocking on a door can normally wake me, this would appear to be a bad thing. What the hell is up with my brain?

Another indication that something went wrong in my brain is the fact that I could quote from poems with ease but was having difficulty with the most basic science questions that Damien was asking me. I did A-level Biology and Chemistry and have completed two years of a science degree and yet I couldn't remember the different between an atom and an ion. That's not good.

We went to sleep at around 6am and the rest of the night passed, apparently, uneventfully. Admittedly I had to get up three hours later but three hours of peaceful slumber is still 180 minutes of uninterrupted sleep.

Today has been somewhat better but still not exactly normal. While riding this morning I felt extremely light-headed, almost as if I was going to float out of my body. It seemed to pass after a while but it was more than just a feeling of vertigo.

Then there was the extreme changes of body temperature, from freezing to burning up, and the intense tiredness. I've also noticed that my saliva seems to have taken on a pink hue. Could it be stained with blood? It seems like a daft idea. Generally I don't feel quite right. Should I admit to the possibility of there being something seriously wrong and seek treatment? Or ride it through in the hope that it will pass?




Eight Legged Friends

21:54 Sep 13 2008
Times Read: 790

I'm glad I'm not bothered by spiders. I've just had a big one crawling over me. I was down in the living room sitting on the floor, as you do, while talking to my mum. Then a spider, one of the big house ones, ran across the floor. I think it was about two inches long or perhaps a bit bigger. It stopped when it ran into my shadow so I moved to let it pass by. Instead it thought it would get inside my mum's shoe. I stopped it and it then chose to run up my leg. They're so fast. It vanished. Hopefully running off across the floor rather than hiding on me. I'd rather not sit on it and squish it.

People were jokingly calling me a 'bloody Goth' last week because I said I liked spiders. It's okay though because they were Goths as well.




Technology... Bah

20:02 Sep 13 2008
Times Read: 791

My laptop just crashed in the middle of me writing a really long journal entry. None of it saved :(




Dinner And Confusion

19:43 Sep 13 2008
Times Read: 792

I'm eating gravy chips. My mum randomly decided to get us dinner from the chippy. I have no idea why. David came to ask what I wanted and then she came to ask if I'd decided even though I'd already stated my order. He'd apparently forgotten to tell her. It's bad enough that I felt so out of it from just having woken up without everyone acting like I'd forgotten something. She ended up driving back down to the chippy because she forgot to order my chips. C'est la vie.




While You Sleep...

19:32 Sep 13 2008
Times Read: 793

I fell asleep a while after I got home this afternoon. I don't know what but I was really tired. I was watching an anime film but I'm not sure I even made it halfway through. I was freezing when I drifted off. Okay, it was more like passing out. Now I'm burning up again. I've literally had to go and get a towel to wipe away the sweat. I know it's not sexy or feminine but I'm keeping this journal in honesty. My t-shirt was soaked and sweat had literally pooled between my breasts. I'm not sure if I was having another nightmare or what.




Health Again

19:18 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 796

I can hear some sort of... alarm for want of a better word. Dual tone. In stereo. De-de De-de De-de. I don't know if it's real or inside my head. I feel infected, like I'm being eaten from the inside by some parasite that had burrowed into my brain.

Mark told me the other night that he thought I looked healthier than I used to. Some days are better than others. Looking in a mirror, I can see a more defined bone structure coming through. I have no idea if I've lost more weight. It's very bad news if I have, considering the number of take-aways we've eaten this summer and the fact I'm not making three mile trips on foot every day.

The bags under my eyes are back. They're really obvious when I have no expression on my face to distract attention. I think I'm getting enough sleep in spite of stessful events but the shadows don't go away. They lurk under my eyes, screaming to the world that things aren't all okay. I wonder if I should invest in some concealer.




Pessimistic Thoughts

19:11 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 797

It's bad when you suddenly have the revelation that the only reason you make the effort to change your clothes every day is because you're pretty much living at a friend's house. Yes, this is my revelation for today. I suspect that I was at home for any length of time, even if only for a few days, I'd retreat my old ways of not making the effort, of living in the same baggy t-shirt and trousers for days or maybe even weeks at a time. Has the illness really gotten so bad?




Tread Carefully

14:40 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 798

I've being so careful about where I put my feet. It's draining paying so much attention to stairs and even just the ground. But I have to do this. I have to play the part scripted for me. Am I risking too much by hiding the truth? Would they be able to help if they knew how bad it was? Sometimes I can't even stand. My body won't let me. But I can't keep falling over. I can't keep tripping up. I can't take another tumble down the stairs. So I'll be ever so careful now. And I'll keep my mouth shut. I'll give them less to worry about even if it kills me. Even if this thing inside me kills me.





00:33 Sep 12 2008
Times Read: 804



When I Got Away, I Only Kept My Scars

23:45 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 808

Dead Memories

Sitting in the dark, I can’t forget.

Even now, I realize the time I’ll never get.

Another story of the Bitter Pills of Fate.

I can’t go back again.

I can’t go back again…

But you asked me to love you and I did.

Traded my emotions for a contract to commit.

And when I got away, I only got so far.

The Other Me Is Dead.

I hear his voice inside my head…

We were never alive, and we won’t be born again.

But I’ll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart.

Dead memories in my heart.

Dead memories in my heart.

You told me to love you and I did.

Tied my soul into a knot and got me to submit.

So when I got away, I only kept my scars.

The Other Me Is Gone.

Now I don’t know where I belong…

We were never alive, and we won’t be born again.

But I’ll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart...

Dead memories in my heart...

Dead memories in my heart...

Dead memories in my heart...

Dead Visions in your Name.

Dead Fingers in my Veins.

Dead Memories in my Heart…

Dead memories in my heart...

Dead memories in my heart...

Dead memories in my heart...

Oohh.. Oohh..





You Tear Us Apart, With All The Things You Don't Like

23:13 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 811

Mountains - Biffy Clyro

I took a bite out of a mountain range, thought my teeth would break the mountain down.

Let's go, I want to go all the way to the horizon.

I took a drink out of the ocean and I'm treading water there before I drown.

Lets dive, I want to dive to the bottom of the ocean.

I took a ride, I took a ride, I wouldn't go there without you.

Lets take a ride, we'll take a ride. I wouldn't leave here without you.

I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me.

I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me.

'Cause you tear us apart, with all the things you don't like.

You can't understand that I won't leave 'til we're finished here, and then you'll find out where it all went wrong.

I wrote a note to the jungle and it wrote me back that I was never crowned king of the jungle, so there's and end to my horizon.

I took a ride, I took a ride. I wouldn't go there without you.

Lets take a ride, we'll take a ride. I wouldn't leave here without you.

I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me.

I am a mountain, I am the sea.

'Cause you tear us apart, with all the things you don't like.

You can't understand that I won't leave 'til we're finished here, and then you'll find out where it all went wrong.

Nothing lasts forever, except you and me. (You are my mountain, you are my sea)

Love will last forever, between you and me.(You are my mountain, you are my sea)

I am a mountain, I am the sea, you can't take that away from me.

I am a mountain, I am the sea.

I am a mountain, I am the sea




Again And Again And Again

23:10 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 812

I'm actually writing in my journal again. And I'm getting back to my creative writing again. I'm pleased with both of these facts. I just don't want to think too much about that fact that this occurred after I started cutting again...




Mad Or Special? Special Or Mad?

23:08 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 813

I'm sitting listening and singing along to Snuff by Slipknot and trying to ignore all the abnormal things inside me. My lip feels the way I'm sure it looks; like I got slapped across the face hard enough for my teeth to cut open my lower lip. Joy. It still feels kind of tender. I don't think I want to examine it in the mirror just yet. Maybe I should hope and pray that no one notices...

The silver sparkles are invading my vision again. I'm not sure what they are. I called them silver sparkles because they look like tiny silver pieces of living glitter or tinsel moving across my line of sight. A friend once suggested that it was something to do with the synapses in my brain firing. It could be. I dont know.

I'm seeing things a lot lately. Mostly out of the corner of my eye. I was sitting writing earlier and though I saw someone move across the room in front of me. But Damien was the only other person in the room and he was sitting at the computer so it wasn't him.

I saw butterflies when I went to the shop. Little pale yellow ones that fluttered around my face. I don't know if they were real or not. I know I see butterflies that aren't real a lot. Plus I'm still catching glimpses of things in mirrors.

I don't know how much of what I sense can be trusted any more. I feel like my brain is malfunctioning. Sometimes I feel like something is growing inside my skull, lodged deep in my brain.

The voices in my head are almost completely silent these days but I'm hearing 'external' voices a lot more, ones that no one else hears. Plus I keep smelling things that I know I can't possibly smell. An example? Standing in the middle of a street in the rain, I suddenly smelt toasted marshmalllows. It happens a lot.

So am I losing my mind? The CT scan showed no abnormalities but they never did an MRI so there could be something physical. Or there is, as someone pointed out, the possibility of it being 'supernatural'. Maybe I'm picking up on things other people aren't. On the other hand, maybe I'm just insane.




A New Pain

19:31 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 817

I have the hiccups, the painful kind. It's bloody annoying.



19:44 Sep 11 2008



Bad News

19:13 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 818

Possibly no more SciFi for us for a while. I won't detail why. Let's just say, the heirarchy of society's tends to get severely fucked up.

Also, Damien now knows that I started again. I brushed the fresh cuts against him last night and gasped. He wanted to know why. These aren't something I'm proud of. I didn't want my friends to know how bad I am these days. He says I need to make sure I talk to them but I'm afraid.





01:15 Sep 11 2008
Times Read: 820

My head is now killing me. Shane seemed to completely forget about the curb on the turn into the garage. I'm not sure what hit off where but the back of my skull really hurts. Still, at least it'll serve as a distraction for others.

People think I'm attention-seeking with all the shit that's happened to me lately. I could get attention by wearing a corset, short skirt and high heels. There are better ways than what people think I'm doing.

So now I'm back to hiding the full truth because the more I say, the more people think I'm trying to get attention. Do you think I want to be know as the girl who falls down the stairs a lot? It took them nearly a year to get me to admit to something being wrong. Now that has to change.




Once More Into The Breach

19:18 Sep 10 2008
Times Read: 822

I'm gearing myself up to go out in the rain again. I'm so going to make myself ill. I can feel how cold my clothes are against me right now and it's not good. Even worse is the fact it will be after midnight before I'm completely dry again.




Drip Drip Drip

19:14 Sep 10 2008
Times Read: 823

Well today is going well. I've finally made it to Damien's house only to discover they appear to have left earlier than usual. I am soaking wet and now have to go out in the rain again to walk to SciFi. Why didn't I listen to my instinct and go straight there? Because we normally leave at about 7.30pm. Although I should know well enough by now to listen to my gut feelings.




Sleeping With The Fishes

17:13 Sep 10 2008
Times Read: 824

I should have left about an hour ago. Instead I've ended up sitting playing Mafia on Facebook. Whoops.




A Summary Of Stress

16:06 Sep 10 2008
Times Read: 828

I started writing this entry about ten minutes ago but I lost it when my laptop restarted itself so here we go again.

I'm waiting for the school run to end before going out. I'm heading into town to book Damien in for his next tattoo before travelling on up to his house. We'll then go to SciFi as usual. I was home today to go out on my driving lesson at 10am, an awful time to start the day when you're nocturnal or crepuscular but not as bad as it will be next week. Friday, 9am. The word 'torment' comes to mind.

I'm trying to learn to relax. I don't do it very well but I definately need to after last week. It was seven days straight of stress.

Sunday 31st - Panicking about meeting the photographer the next day. Also ending up climbing in the front window when no one had left a key for Aph.

Monday 1st - Meeting the photographer. Panicking about the theory test after discovering there were an additional three hundred plus questions as possibilities.

Tuesday 2nd- The theory test.

Wednesday 3rd - Making Damien's costume. Stress.

Thursday 4th - Making Damien's costume. Stress.

Friday 5th - Making Damien's costume. Stress.

Saturday 6th - Making Damien's costume. Stress. Started making my own at 6.40pm, twenty minutes before the party was due to start and when the first guests chose to arrive. I only stayed down for about an hour of the actual party but I spent a lot of time with Aph and got to know Landi better, both of which were nice.

Not so nice was the drama. I won't detail it here because I don't think it's my place. I'll just say that I was afraid, terrified at some points, and that I'd rather not experience anything like that again. Unfortunately, I still have to go through it at home on a regular basis.

At some point I may do a full entry on the party but not right now. This is supposed to be a fairly short one... I have no doubt that it will end up being stupidly long. I planned to take my laptop with me but it's raining now so I don't think I will after all.

Sunday (7th) was pretty much spent sleeping and recovering. As was part of Monday. The rest of it generally involved tidying and television. Plus Damien stealing my body heat as usual.

Yesterday involved a trip to town so Damien could look at boots and price tattoos. There was also more bullshit repercussions from these rumours but it's all fallen silent today.

I got home last night and really fell back into my old ways. I have twenty new cuts. Can I really say I'm coping? I'm considering putting myself back on my anti-depressants. The doctor in the hospital took me off them but I don't actually know if my own doctor knows that. I never thought they worked, even when I was on 40mg a day but I'm really bad at the moment and wondering if it would be worth another attempt. Even if they worked as a placebo this time it would be better than nothing.

Anyway, I should actually throw my stuff into a bag and think about heading into town. It's five past four already. Panic!




Om Nom Nom

13:27 Sep 10 2008
Times Read: 832

I have Jaffa Cakes. I am content for a few minutes.



14:17 Sep 10 2008

God I would kill for a Jaffa Cake right now lmao

Are you sharing them? ;)


More Rumour Bullshit

14:27 Sep 09 2008
Times Read: 839

Okay, I don't know who is the source of this insanity but all the rumours are bullshit. And I find it rather too convenient that the profile boasting about what happened was deleted before I got to read the journal entries about me. Also, none of you have sent me the original messages. Why? Is it before you have some twisted plot going on?



16:10 Sep 10 2008

Rumors are shit.


Rumours = Lies

20:53 Sep 08 2008
Times Read: 848

Okay people, if you've received a message concerning me in the last couple of days there's several things I need to ask you. Primarily, remember the rumours are all nonsense. Do not listen to them. If you want to know something, ask me. Do not believe something is true just because someone we both know told you.

Also, can you forward the messages to me. I want to track down the source of these rumours before they get more vindictive. If that's even possible.





18:18 Sep 08 2008
Times Read: 854

I want to get these stopped before they get going properly. I was not and am not pregnant.

Kindly do not spread vindictive rumours about me.





20:17 Sep 07 2008
Times Read: 862

We slept in a little after the party... until about 4pm...



09:16 Sep 08 2008

I was going to comment but then I realized I couldn't as I got up later than you :p


We're All Mad Here. I'm Mad. You're Mad

20:17 Sep 05 2008
Times Read: 867

Chaos and panic. Panic and chaos. Damien's coat is finished but there's so much still to do. First though, I should go out and grab food. A slice of cake and a piece of chocolate do not a day's worth of food make. I've still to start on my costume. I'll be the Cheshire Cat.

"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "otherwise you wouldn't have come here."

Alice didn't think that proved it at all: however she went on. "And how do you know that you're mad?"

"To begin with," said the Cat, "a dog's not mad. You grant that?"

"I suppose so," said Alice

"Well, then, " the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."




Again, It Bites The Dust

00:02 Sep 03 2008
Times Read: 882

I spent a stupid amount of time last night learning for my theory test and I honestly thought I was going to fail it. Especially when I had to sit on the 'wrong' side of the bus on the way into town. I always sit on the left side of vehicles unless it's impossible.

I felt a little better whenever I was assigned locker 13 for my belongings. 13 is my 'lucky' number. And it seemed to help. I passed the test. Even though I really thought I was failing while doing it.





23:13 Sep 02 2008
Times Read: 883



Daily Rollercoaster

18:41 Sep 01 2008
Times Read: 887

Welcome to September.

Well today, starting at midnight, has been something of a rollercoaster. I had a few more trips down the stairs. Then I joined the party for a while after a lot of people had gone, leaving just Damien, Malcolm, Mark, Heather and myself. There was some pretty interesting conversation going on and a lot of randomness, mainly induced by copious amounts of alcohol consumed by the others.

The remaining three left at around 4am and Damien and I crawled into bed about ten minutes later. I have to say this, the first with him was utterly amazing. I finally lost the affliction. It was some time around 6am when we finally tried to sleep. Needless to say I wasn't exactly keen to get up when my alarm went off less than two hours later.

So why was I getting up so early anyway? To go to the doctor's with Aph. I'd offered to accompany her and CaptainLucy. We stayed as long as we had to and then came straight back to the house. Damien was still asleep but I gathered my stuff and headed into town to meet the photographer.

I had time to kill so I got the last, or what I hope is the last, of the items required for my Cheshire Cat costume. Then I got changed into my outfit for meeting him. Fairly short PVC zip and buckle skirt. Cleavage revealing PVC top. Stockings and suspenders and four inch heels. I kept my jacket as well when I discovered a few bruises from the morning's activity.

I met the photographer. He seemed nice enough. His lackey won't be getting near the girls again apparently. However, I didn't get the job. Apparently I'm not alternative enough. PVC outfit on a Monday afternoon, dyed red hair, not alternative enough? Apparently his girls tend to be more heavily modified but he knew I only had a few piercings and no tattoos so why did he interview me?

According to him, I seem like a nice girl and he thinks I could possibly make it in modelling if I went back to my natural hair colour and tried to model for High Street stores. Sorry, that's not happening any time soon.

Damien was awake when I got back to the house and he at least appreciated my outfit. I quickly dressed down again and went back into town with him to go scent hunting. He got a nice one called UltraRed. It smells good. I like it.

We got back a while ago and he's headed out with his family for a few hours. I thought I'd quickly type up the day's events before going back to learning for my theory test. Which I am majorly screwed for. While in Waterstones today I found the new theory book. Valid from today. My test is tomorrow and there's an additional 300+ questions. There's no way I can learn it all in time. I'm stressed now. And tired. Should I risk an hour's sleep?



05:08 Sep 05 2008

and thank you for that, it was really appreciated



18:40 Sep 01 2008
Times Read: 888


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