Sevenn's Journal

Sevenn's Journal


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4 entries this month

Thanks for the laugh.

06:54 Sep 27 2008
Times Read: 706

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23:30 Sep 30 2008

Haha, that laugh just got more mileage thank-you!


Terror at the Library

05:31 Sep 18 2008
Times Read: 745

So this is what made my day great. I was reading my sister-in-laws weekly family newsletter and she is explaining how they were at some school reading funtion where the kids (4-6) get read a story and then they get to pick out their weekly take home books and so on. Well, this week at kindergarten the theme has been fire safety so the principle was reading the audience full of children a story about Smokey the Bear. (At this age, its most likely their first exposure to the character) Apparently at the end of the story, in walks an adult dressed as Smokey the Bear and the kids just freaked out. As my sister-in-law put it "the kids screamed in terror and ran in all directions in the library." Now on one hand, poor kids...but on the other hand this made me laugh really hard, and I am sick enough that even when I think about it, it makes me laugh.

Poor Smokey.




Dividing up the Fishies

20:33 Sep 02 2008
Times Read: 797

Or the chicken, as it were...Whenever I eat chicken, my animal flock expects that they get to share. I am easily susceptible to animal guilt, so I usually do share. Besides, its good for them. So anyway, I am ripping off the shreds for the cat and the little bites for the dog.

Now, (whether you think its gross or not, I dont care) but I have trained my dog to take food I give her in delicate little bites off of my fork so I'm not dropping food all over the floor...but she took a little nibble at it and it fell to the floor. As it was falling, she was lunging at it to catch it, and it all came together very quickly upon my toe.

My dog took a mighty bite of my toe! It hurt like hell! But just for a second. I think I was surprised more than anything by it. She felt so bad I thought she was going to belly crawl herself outside. I think she was trying to sink into the floor; she was devastated. I've never seen a dog act quite like that and it made me feel so bad for her that I picked her up and gave her kisses. So now, she probably sees that as a reward and will try to bite my toes every chance she gets.

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22:47 Sep 02 2008

That's what you get for not having her sit at the table like a proper family.

02:07 Sep 19 2008

She just has that Toe Bitter look about her. :)



23:46 Sep 01 2008
Times Read: 830

I thought I'd respond to you here based on your last neurotic tangent in my journal. ;) I know you were trying to be nice about bringing over diet pepsi because I dont drink alcohol, but I don't drink caffeine either. For that matter, I don't drink carbonation hardly ever. You make a good point about the living room. I am still at it. I can't seem to get it right. I would play staring games with you, but I wouldn't want to shatter your illusions of superiority. I haven't blinked for going on 6 years now. (at least no one can actually prove it.)

Meeps will be home Wednesday evening. I am actually going to try and have the house clean this time and I have just been working alot as well. I haven't even played one single videogame which is where the dirty house came into the picture last time. (and by dirty, I just mean I didn't do my own dishes for a couple of days: I'm pretty well trained.)

It would be fun to visit with you, and we do live fairly close to this one certain guy ;)...but I will say this based on my lifes lessons and experience: if your girlfriend is out of town, no one with boobs besides your mom or sister is allowed in your house. Well, manboobs is an exception; I have some friends with manboobs...



17:03 Sep 02 2008

Thank you Sevenn for your well thought out response to my suggestion, I was going to reply with the old favorite "I agree because we all have Free Will" but I felt it deserved some thought to mirror yours lmao

I know you don’t drink bubbly liquids, I just thought the Diet Pepsi would be a really bold thing to do and I could see if caffeine makes you go a bit batty. We could have drank them out of the cans saving you the additional cleaning that would involve drinking out of glasses.

As for my neuroticism, well it stems from being a mother and considering you were recently ill, Id imagine your aren’t really back to your full strength. Furniture rearranging and random swords would set off alarm bells for any neurotic mother, especially one trained in ‘risk assessment’ not forgetting your post-delicate state.

Are you referring to Sneaky Pete when you mentioned the ‘certain guy’ you live close to? Lmao only joking I know your coordinates on the American map and I also know how close you are to the guy in question ;P I like how your mind operates, we should discuss American geography further … lmao

And as for boobs, isn’t it just as well mine are more like man boobs than lady boobs? Ask any of the LBO members I have had the pleasure to meet they will confirm they are below average in size and depending on what I wear at times they look nonexistent ... lol ... Thank God, I prefer having man-boobs, I tend to think ‘big lady boobs’ can make a person look top heavy, giving the illusion that they are much heavier all over and that’s the last thing I need.

Anyway enough about man and lady boobs I gotta dash now and you should get cracking on the dishes. Get Maddy to give you a wee hand or should I say a ‘wee paw’?

Take care Regent Sevenn; Wednesday will be her before you know it and your house will be a home once again :)

17:07 Sep 02 2008

Oops I meant to say "here" before you know it. Please forgive my typo error, it doesn't reflect my education lmao

17:29 Sep 02 2008

Oh, so I get it, you wanted to give me caffeine just to watch me bounce through the house like a complete nut! Sneaky, sneaky minx. It would be very seriously fun to meet you. Perhaps if you get the chance to visit certain peoples who live around us we can spend some time. I'm almost afraid to see you and Meeper tearing through things together, but it would be very entertaining. I would just drive you two around and pay for damages...that sort of thing. =)

11:20 Sep 11 2008

Sounds good to me, could we call you James and say "Home James" obviously we would say please and thank you also :)

15:12 Sep 28 2008

Yes, "home James" commands would be fine, and I am able to carry both of you if need be. I will start setting aside bail money awaiting your imminent visit.

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