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Vampyres Beware

07:15 Sep 29 2012
Times Read: 506

I have been around for a very long time, I have seen things that others only dream about, been to places that are now nothing more than distant memories in the minds of men. In all my time here there are only a few things that I dislike, even fewer things I despise... But I am really starting to hate the direction the human race is trending.

Why have we reached a point were individualism isn't enough, a place where the desire to stand out and seem special has over ridden basic intellect and decency??

A place where having a nice car, or a nice lawn is no longer a matter of personal pride for people but has instead transformed into a personal crusade to prove we are the best at any cost. Whether it's birthday party or a simple family gathering it has to be over the top and video taped for Youtube. It's to a point were a man can't even do a simple marriage propsal unless he has a marching band and circus performers. We have turned ourselves into side shows for the rest of the worlds entertanment. We have our iphones set to ready every minute of every day just in case something epic happens, where we rush to be the first to post it on Facebook or twiter.

But epic doesn't happen often enough for constant acknowledgment so we have all of our uselessness on display instead. I saw a Facebook page of a person who had over 30 picture of her trip to the dentist. She had over a thousand pictures on her profile all together. It easy to see why they created a "time line" feature because she's not the only one doing this crap. Not every moment a persons life needs to be documented!! Worse, we have now reached a point with text messaging popularity that most people can't even spell properly anymore. Some simply can't spell and others simple can't spell without the need to change the spelling of a word so it's unique in some way. The mixing of written and sms texting ( like bak@u bff) thing is getting Supper Old and it makes you sound stupid when you use it in real life... So Stop!!

The point of this was to share my thoughts and the fact that I have really come to despise something... the word Vampyre.

I understand that Strigoi Vii wanted something that made their members stand out, maybe even to show their influence over the community. Which would be my point... It's stupid, you wouldn't see a goup of people calling themselves Warewolfs to be trendy because they would be laughed at. Well people do the same thing when they use the spelling Vampyre, most don't even know what it means or the history of the term which makes it even worse. It's not trendy anymore and it just makes the user seem ignorant and stupid.

Note: If you are one of these folks, The ones who use it and are not a member of ordo Strigio Vii... then you have no reason to use it!!

PLEASE Stop using this way of spelling vampire.

It really does make you look like an idiot.



02:59 Sep 30 2012

It appears that the more technologically advanced we become, the dumber we get.

19:29 Sep 24 2015

I'm surprised you are bothered by it. At least in the US it was used a long time for the same reason that magick was used rather then magic just to differentiate from the folkloric/fictional vampire and the vampire throughout the community. I have been around a long time. I'm a senior. I find it a waste of breath type of argument really. I respect you Severus but I'm surprised you would care about this spelling. There are many ways to spell it. SAVA is a big vampiric group in South Africa and that is actually how they spell vampire in that country, with a y. Personally I don't care how people spell it. Some aren't even using the word anymore. Quite frankly I prefer the Irish, lol They have a number of words.

Sumaire, but then I could also say deamhan fola and some are saying upyre nowadays, but I don't think the e is supposed to be there. OR whichever word they take a fancy to that they like. I don't care because these are all just words.

Sekhmet is the only statue of a goddess I keep. She has a special place but not in connection to vampires but for healing. Although that could be why I was drawn to her. I talk to her without any use of a gate keeper or the like. The Strigoi Vii is considered fringe in the mainstream community and many don't care how they spell anything. I don't get caught up in all the BS like that. I like Sebastiaan and he has never done anything unkind to me. Besides I don't travel around and don't intend to meet most of these people so...eh. I definitely don't have plans to go to France. To each there own but I wouldn't get into a tizzy over it because most are just using vampire theses days anyway.

06:29 Nov 03 2015

Thank you for the comments.

I was in a fowl mood that day ... clearly, but the term Vampyre (as you may or may not know)is a Germanic / Romanian dialect. So if you are speaking English which already has a proper spelling there is no reason to use or insert random written language differentials. Even worse is the mindless robots who do this for no other reason then herd mentality or because "Master says so".

Education for our kin has to start some where and understanding the meaning of the verbiage that comes out of your very own mouth should be the starting point.

That's just my opinion tho.

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