ShyVampire's Journal

ShyVampire's Journal


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One with no path...

08:49 Apr 11 2010
Times Read: 520

There once was a boy whom had no intentions of harm born into the world... Immediately startled in his first year from his mother and fathers fighting made the boy shy... after the day the two split apart and the boy was dragged apart from his beloved father, the boy resented his mother, and thought of her as a liar and slave labor for being so lazy... what the boy didn't realize that she was teaching him not to judge one by what they neglect to do, yet know who they are for what they do... soon after the boy started school, he was afraid to speak... he had never been introduced to the outside world and in his mind those who newly surrounded him were alien figures whom spoke of strange ways... growing up in silence the boy was beaten almost daily in school, and coming home to a drunk mother helped no more... though covered in bruises and so many screams not cared for, the boy managed to make an ally. a silly looking boy about a year older then himself... once the boy met the newly found friend... all the beatings at school had stopped... when he invited the friend over... the beatings quit for a time there... the boy was blinded by this and became best friends with his friend... that was the first person the boy ever spoke to, and the only one... one day that friend had some troubles and needed the boy there immediately. upon entering the house, the friend sit in an empty living room with a gun in his mouth, and tears rolling down his face... the boy had no idea others could also feel depression, and knew nothing of how to tame someones feelings... the boy sit down next to his friend and held him... the next thing he knew, blood trickled down his dace and on the walls all around him. unsure of the situation the boy crept into the bathroom in search of cleaning supplies. in the bathtub he found a trail of blood, a used kitchen knife, and the friends mother and father staring at the boy with cold dead expressions and blood covering everything... flooding the whole room... he knew... his friend killed the parents, and was lost then... the boy got angry, kicked at the bodies, ran back into the frontroom, and bit into his freind! he sucked every drop of blood he could from his friend and shoved his body to the side... that kid was my old friend Vincent Valyrkie

Written In Memory Of Vincent Valyrkie... rest in peace brother... your life will never be replaced, though it will accompany me in my travels...




Will You Be There?

07:22 Apr 10 2010
Times Read: 523

relationships are not about having no problems in life, yet about how you face the problems given to you in life. you do not solve them by purely what you think is best, but togather. you half to see the point of view of the one you love. ive learned that from my mistakes, and am now paying the consiquences. if you love someone truely, you half to let their feelings have an effect on you. do not be stubborn because of your pride, dignity, or being strong, yet be more open to their opinions. im not saying for you to give yourself to them like a material object on the off chance they are not the one for you, but to be there for them when they cry. to be with them when they need you, and make your decisions in life togather.





07:20 Apr 10 2010
Times Read: 524

remember, your not the only one in this world whom is troubled with life. the ones that surround you may not have a similar life, yet they have all experienced some sort of true pain weather it be a taste, or too much to bear. ive been learning about lives of people all around bthe world. the world is in pain, and not just for the ones you know and love, but for whom you mightve met and been a friend of if they wernt being beaten, or crying. all over the world billions of people suffer every day. those who strike out in retaliation are just creating more trouble for everyone, and eventually themselves. because anger works in a chain, for every taste of pain you give to someone, they may pass on the deed to someone with an even worse amout of burden on their back. when that comes back around to you and hundreds of other people, it will have been multiplied from something such as pushing someone down, to having a miscarrage. this world is rotting, the ones making it rot in my eyes deserve to die. but i am just a voice. speaking towards peace among us all. right now not a second goes by, where not one soul is being raped, beaten, tortured, in severe pain, crying or screaming in any way, so just remember, dont concider yourself unlucky if you think your life is hell. just be glad your sitting here reading this instead of being so deeply in pain your unable to be here.



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