SouthernFreak's Journal


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3 entries this month


12:35 Feb 26 2008
Times Read: 633




00:48 Feb 04 2008
Times Read: 670

Blocked Users

16:13:59 - Feb 03 2008

Times Read: 47

Your blocked users:

HAWK2K [ Unblock ]

trissy [ Unblock ]

mamavoodooz [ Unblock ]

I show this because some of these members have been busy backstabbing me and my husband...

We arent new on the rave...we have had to have a long break from here....

oh well my husband used to be in Hawk2k s coven..theres very good reasons why he left tht coven...!!!

This crap tht happend made me loose my coven and bein ass.covenmaster of the best covenmaster on the rave ever Satinmist...Thts why Hawk2k is on the list too...

Trissy is on the list for bein blind...

Very simple...

This crap tht happend made me loose my coven and bein ass.covenmaster of the best covenmaster on the rave ever Satinmist...Thts why Hawk2k is on the list too...

and Mama Voodooz is really way too old to try to hit on my man....and she isnt a very good manager for musicians at all lol,she is the age of my and my hubbys moms ,interesting how some dont grow up to be adults ever.

A reply to a comment on this ( i deleted the coment no need to hang the person for her comment) :

This is their dirty laundry i air not mine...Because breakin down a person isnt okay...a covenmaster to take it to a level where he use deaththreats and try to break up a family isnt okay...all in the name of favors....thts abuse and death treats are illgal ,and i suppose you are too young to understand the meanning of keeping your family /kids and husband togther.. end of my comment..but i will add ,if you read my journal through you would have learned tht my husband have boxing syndrome,if you are too young to understand wht tht is ,then its a type of brain damage...my husband is very intellegent and function very well just like anyone else but he isnt capable of handling this much emotional pressure of this nature at all.( Some even cant bein at their peek of health neither)

I dare to speak this open...this syndrome many view as a taboo...so yes this is where the need to say this come from....I admit i have a need to fight abuse,violence of all kinds...damn how can I ? Next need I have is to create a website for victims of others abuse and violence..oh my goth..wht need...wht need...how could i really even mention this...lol

My original comment was something along the lines of...why she felt the need to tell everyone. Where was that need coming from. And then stated that it is not always best to air your dirty laundry.

After deleting my comment, I received this message from her.

This is their dirty laundry i air not mine...Because breakin down a person isnt okay...a covenmaster to take it to a level where he use deaththreats and try to break up a family isnt okay...all in the name of favors....thts abuse and death treats are illgal ,and i suppose you are too young to understand the meanning of keeping your family /kids and husband togther..

My reply to her message is:

If you & your husband are involved, then it is your dirty laundry as well. This is an internet site. Don't take it so personally, if you can't help it, then maybe you should not involve yourself with sites such as this. As for death threats being illegal then maybe you should have sued his butt. Oh wait, probably can't really do much considering it's an internet site. I don't think age has anything to do with ignorance. You seem to have mastered the skill. As for my home life. Yes I am married, have been with the same man for quite a long time. We have had many struggles, yes including internet. However you will not see me tell the entire site about them in detail. Also I have seen you misspell illegal several times. I have spelled it correctly for you, so please make a mental note of this. It is getting rather annoying. As well, please feel free to add me to your block list. I feel that I will in no way benefit from knowing you.



00:55 Feb 04 2008

For the record.....

I never issued any Death Threats.....

Tombstone and Wife self deleted of their own choice.....

Especially after spreading lies about me, and my coven.

and the funniest part is when the bitch came back.... I never knew she did until SF showed me her Journal entry....

I almost pissed myself laughing.....


01:44 Feb 04 2008

HAWK2K, anyone that knows you would know that the accusations she is making are completely moronic. I rarely find an arguement on here worth fighting over. However knowing you, this just did not sit well with me at all. In my opinion, I'm rarely rude or insulting to anyone. Anytime she feels the need, she can stop back by. In her case, I'll make an exception.

18:07 Feb 04 2008

omg iam blind. that is so fucking funny. any person that delusional scars the fuck outta me and i sure as hell dont want to talk to them. grab out the straight jacket and call the patty wagon . her own lies got her in trouble back then because she was stupid enough to drag those people in her garbage and webs of lies. she self deleted because of it and it dont look like she learned her lesson from that yet.some peoples children just need to grow the fuck up.

02:57 Mar 04 2008

ok, I don't think I followed that at all.... God, I hate bad spelling to such a degree it's illegable....

That end part you wrote did crack me up a little though, especially when you said you don't think age has anything to do with ignorance. -_-'

17:44 Aug 20 2008

Shootem with a shotgun.


Another blah day

00:00 Feb 02 2008
Times Read: 702

This place is becoming so tragic. If it wasn't for my coven & a few special people here, then I would already be gone. Basically it seems to be losing it's appeal. It's kind of sad really. Who knows, I'll have to think on this one a bit. There is no rule about giving your account away is there? Just for future reference.



00:05 Feb 02 2008

Nope. No rule against that. I have given a level 19 account away before. You cannot go you are needed.

00:10 Feb 02 2008

Technically that is not true; it is supposed to be that only Lifetime members can be transfered- and that is for a $50 fee. But sock is correct in that many people do transfer memberships.

I hope you, take some time for you and return, because there are many good things about this place... that and most people take a break and end up right back after a month or two. Sorry that you're having one of those moments.

00:28 Feb 02 2008


Drop me a line hun

WRT giving your profile away - I have done it. Technically you are not supposed to but hey - I pay the piper. I do know of one coven master who gave away their profile and coven - that didnt last long

12:43 Feb 03 2008

Thank you all for the info & advice. At the moment I'm leaning toward taking a 29 day break till I decide something for sure. (If I'm gone 30, then my coven would get disband.)

02:47 Mar 04 2008

oooh ok 30 is a no no for me.... [[At least without about a year warning]]

SF I would DIE without our coven!!! I would miss you so much and you should realize that um.. she^ is right; some time off might be good,,, and most of the bad ones are gone in like a month. [[Too bad there is soo damn many of them]]

Ok, now I'm rambling...... '-'

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