Vhaedyn's Journal

Vhaedyn's Journal


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2 entries this month


13:32 Jul 01 2019
Times Read: 592

NOBILITY n. Nobleness of character, mind, birth, or rank

NOBLE adj. 2. Of excellent character, magnanimous

MAGNANIMOUS adj. Nobly generous; not petty in feeling or conduct

During My brief foray into VR thus far, I have had the honor, the privilege, and the pleasure of crossing paths with some truly amazing and Noble Souls; those rare and precious few whose radiant splendor blaze like empyrean jewels in the stygian darkness of night.

Having said that, it has come to My attention that there are many here who conduct themselves in a disgraceful manner. Those who fancy themselves to be adults, or even more absurdly, awakened--yet choose to act as petulant children. Subjugated by their own emotions and baser instincts, rendering them unable to see anything beyond themselves; resulting in their being "petty in feeling or conduct", or the very antithesis of noble.
As a result of this blindness or selfishness--or both--they blithely stumble about, saying and doing things that bring shame and dishonor not only upon themselves, but upon those whom they may represent.
They do these things either because they are incapable, or worse, unwilling to carefully measure the consequences of the senseless destruction and theatrics that inexorably follows in the wake of their ignorant misdeeds.
There is another...species upon this earth that largely exhibit the aforementioned characteristics: they are the hyle, they are the unawakened...they are the mundane.
Now, it is My assumption that most who come to VR do not consider themselves as such, and would most likely take umbrage if One were to draw such a comparison; for many, it seems, have come here to seek solace from such feckless, hollow creatures who fear, ridicule, condemn, and attack that which they do not understand. Which ironically, for some who come here, when emotions and tempers flare, when the amygdala rises to the fore to hijack the neocortex, their conduct becomes indistinguishable from the very mundanes whom they spurn.
From My perspective, such lapses in, or altogether lack of decorum from those who proclaim themselves to be not of the mundane are infinitely more egregious than those who are--for they SHOULD know better. Whereas the mundane remain largely slaves to their nature and are not therefore held to the same standards. With knowledge comes power; with power comes responsibility; with responsibility comes the implicit expectation of ever greater standards of conduct, because at some point, You become the exemplar from which many others model their own. Such is the way of things.
I would like to believe that those who come to VR all possess a love and appreciation for the Vampy/ire Spirit--the very embodiment of Nobility in character and conduct. And as such, would seek to embody within themselves the beauty and elegance of that Nobility.
However, My sense of romantic idealism is overshadowed by My rational realism; for I know that such is no longer the case here, as I understand that it once was. But could it ever be so again, or would such an attempt merely be an exercise in futility, akin to repelling a tidal wave with ones hand?
Ghandi once said to become the change You want to see in the world. Even before I read those words I have always lived My life as One of action, and I know firsthand, of the momentum that can be generated by taking a single step--and then another, and then another. So perhaps if there are enough of Us here to inspire such a change--to breathe life once more into the old traditions of etiquette and civil discourse...We will become the Blood wave that rises against all those who come here to simply harass people because they can, or who cannot conduct themselves in a respectful manner.
I don't know...I am still new here and there is still much that I have yet to learn about how things work around here, I am just frustrated because I hear all the time from people that I care about that they don't even know why they log in anymore, because there are so many people that incessantly harass them. And I have never been One to stand idly by when I see a problem. But at present, this is just Me venting. For I do not yet see a clear and definitive course of action, nor do I even know exactly how many people here feel as I do. So for now I will remain in the shadows and simply...observe.



20:37 Jul 01 2019

Stop lying to people Tabby and catfishing girls

13:21 Jul 02 2019

So...Tabby, is it? I believe that We briefly exchanged words on another profile of yours that is now "suspended until infinity", just as the one above now is. When you find your way back here, which you undoubtedly will, I invite you to message Me, so that We may converse peaceably. I extend this invitation to you, because I desire to understand the nature of your grievance with those on VR, for there must be one that served as the initial impetus that caused you to dedicate such a tremendous amount of your time and energy doing what you do.
And perhaps with such an understanding, you and I can work toward an amicable resolution. I would venture to say that no one here has offered to hear what you have to say, so this is your one opportunity to speak to one who will listen, without judgement nor reproach.
I advise you to think carefully on your decision, for you may never know what doors may be opened...or closed to you, as a result of your choice.

22:56 Jul 12 2019

Do you believe that in a past life that you yourself were of noble background? Your writing and soul cries yes. You were wronged in another life this I feel, and in this life you desire to find the answers of why you were wronged.

10:11 Jul 13 2019

You honor Me more than I deserve. As for Your question: I cannot say with any degree of clarity, for I have not been blessed with the faculty of clearly remembering My past life as others seem to possess.
Others have expressed similar sentiments as a result of My demeanor and how I carry Myself in person. However, I personally attribute why I am the way that I am in this regard to more prosaic origins. Regarding Your latter assessment: I have not considered things from that perspective, so perhaps You are sensing something that I have not yet become aware of. I will have to look into this.
It just seems that I have been wronged more than enough in this lifetime, so to even begin to contemplate the grievances of a past life feels like an exercise in extreme masochism.

11:37 Jul 18 2019

There's solace in the shadows, to just observe and refrain when the bad elements come out of the woodwork. I log in everyday simply to see how everyone is thriving, trying not to get too close and trying to connect sometimes. You have a well written rant here.

08:35 Dec 27 2019

Do they really talk like that in alaska )0( the peanut gallery lol.

10:49 Dec 27 2019

What do you mean?



07:02 Jul 01 2019
Times Read: 586

Please accept My sincerest apologies, for I just realized last night that I had inadvertently blocked you. My phone often lags and it has a cracked screen, which sometimes causes keys to be unintentionally pressed. I tried to message you last night, but I discovered that you had understandably blocked Me in return, which is why I must resort to writing this here.



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