YourMom's Journal

YourMom's Journal


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1 entry this month


02:53 Jun 16 2006
Times Read: 653

Boredom sets in as the sun sets and that question sets into my mind "What should i do tonight?", numbers of answers storm my head at once as i see her but which one to start with. I ponder as she walks into the bar...."should i follow?","should i wait till she comes out?" no that could take too long. I go in after her to find some beefed up muscle head hitting on her. The look on her face says "go away!", but the look on his says "I cant wait to get in your pants" i approach slowly so she can see me. She plays it off cool and claims me as her "boyfriend" so i play along. We convinced the big guy but his little friend wasn't as dim witted. He caught on right away, played it cool until we left the bar. He approached me as we went out separate ways. Sucker punched me while the big guy went after her.

I knew i would see her again, darn she was a pretty one, didn't even get her name. Why am i so stupid, i should have seen that coming. I followed them only to get lost in a dark alley. I got to the end to find her dead. Rapped no doubt. They did a quick job those guys, almost pathetic. No wonder they need to double team a lady just to get some.

As i made my way back to report it to the cops i notice something. Out in the distance, at the end of the street. It was her, she was still alive, though badly beaten, but how did she get there so fast? Questions circled in my head like water around a drain. I knew they were just going to keep going until i found out what happened. I approached her, asking her "are you okay?" and "do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

When i touched her arm it was cold, like the icy chill you get when you feel like someone is watching you. As my hair started to stand on end i realized exactly what she was. This wasn't the woman from the bar, she was different, wilder, almost like a crazed wolf, but she had this way about her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She kept drawing me in, intrigued i thought what could happen.

So i followed her into the alley, she told me that she was a biter, though i didn't take it very seriously at the time. We started to make friends, good friends and when it got serious i just kinda let thing go, the way you would brush off a rude comment from a stranger. It was fine until i found out exactly what she meant by her being a biter. I first realized she had fangs when i cut my tongue on them, then she freaked out saying she wanted more.

More what did she mean? As she jerked my head to the side a bit into my flesh i realized what she was, a Vampire, not like in the movies, she wasn't as scary, and i didn't see it coming when she dropped me from 10 stories off the ground, the whole way down i couldn't help but think. "Wow i wish she was wearing a skirt." Just seconds before i hit the ground i realized that her blood was on my lips. Did she do what i think she did? Could she be doing this so that i become one of her own? as all these questions rushed through my head i completely forgot how hard cement could really be.

I woke up some hours later to find flashing lights around me, nobody was looking. As i got up and walked a way i heard off behind me questions such as "where did he go?", and "what are you talking about he couldn't have just gotten up and walked away?" i came to a dead end walking down the alley way. this new energy flowed through me and i wondered "what is this?" feeling eager to climb something, i started up the wall. As i reach into my inside coat pocket to grab my cigarettes i realize i forgot to buy another pack. I reach for my wallet to find it missing, i was robbed and no ... i can smell my wallet. "What was this?" i thought while i started toward my wallet.

more coming later.....



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