artemka's Journal

artemka's Journal


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14 entries this month


18:08 Jul 30 2007
Times Read: 823

was really sad, lasted a full hour.

In the end the family had to go to the crematorium and we had a photo set up in the church. There was just no dignified way to get her to the church through what is left of the floods, I guess :(

The priest was really good and read out the pieces that people couldn't bring themselves to read.

Unfortunately having the funeral postponed meant that it was at the same time as the other girl's service, so people kinda had to chose. The church was packed.

The rain has stopped here and it was a sunny, hot day.

There is a party kinda thing this evening and that should really mark some sort of end ...





23:10 Jul 27 2007
Times Read: 837

My friend's funeral is on Monday now. Hope it goes OK - it was going to be today but the hearse can't get to the village because of the flood - she was due to have flown to Australia on Sunday, its not fair but that's the way it goes I guess

Water is going down





16:08 Jul 24 2007
Times Read: 855

On Friday, two friends of mine were in a car with three others driving to a party.

The car hit a little bit of flood water and flipped into a drainage ditch. One of the older girls died straight away, my friend drowned and died on Sunday morning.




Mission accomplished

19:48 Jul 17 2007
Times Read: 867

501 forum posts - and this is what happens

Your Status: Sire (Level 28)

You have completed 100% of this level.

Pages Viewed Score: 29 x .30 = 8.7

Time Spent Score: 29 x .50 = 14.5

Ratings Score: 28 x .10 = 2.8

Posts Score: 29 x .10 = 2.9

Score: 28.9

Referral Points: 0

Referral Modifier: 1

Mark Bonus: 15%

Mark Modifier: 1.15

Total Score: 28.9

Ratings Score: 28 ( 20313 of 13039 or 100% )

How sneaky is that, when you max out everything it works out at 28.9 - ha ha !

Back to adding stuff to the database tomorrow :)




Mr Lunt laughs !

17:42 Jul 16 2007
Times Read: 879

Today we were taken into town by Mr Lunt (we call him ... Sir LOL) now this guy just doesn't have a sense of humour ... ever. He teaches English and says that years of working with the ill-informed and illiterate has cost him both his hair and his humour hmmmmm

Well today we all went on exiat to town. I found a free face painter in the park and, of course, had to have a go .... a cross between Ronald McDonald and Batman's Joker

When I get back to the bus, Mr Lunt says "Have you been to that make up place ?" I think long and hard and finally reply ... "That's one of those rhetorical questions isn't it ?"

He actually laughed !





21:21 Jul 14 2007
Times Read: 885

Just a flying visit tonight reader - theres a party with my name on it - with NO closing time ... :)





16:58 Jul 13 2007
Times Read: 891

I found out that a friend of mine had made a mistake while chatting on webcam to another friend of mine. He has taken screen shots of her and was threatening to send them all his friends (which includes a bunch of hers)

Being really sneaky I went round to his house and asked to see them. He thought I was being pervy and showed them to me, I had selected all, deleted and emptied recycle bin before he realised what I was doing.

I now have HUGE bruise on my arm ... worth it though *nods*




The mood continues ...

13:49 Jul 11 2007
Times Read: 903

I don't know why but in my quest to make 501 forum posts I have been really ugly in some posts.

I am determined to not become cranky like some people are. I think it's because I have kind of obliged myself to visit the forum a bunch during my task and reading so much errr ... stuff ... makes you want to lash out.

Once I am done with my task, I can settle back to just reading those posts that actually might be interesting and (hopefully) lose the mood

Those of you who know the background might see just how clever this post is *sniggers*

Re: The Beach

Posted: 13:44:08 - Jul 11 2007

Times viewed: 1

Like all nice places in real life or online - beaches are OK til the water brings in the weed, the garbage and the sewage.




I took another quiz

13:32 Jul 11 2007
Times Read: 906

Stolen off Nightgame who stole it off Stabb666, who (I think) stole it off KCRC who stole it off everyone

You scored as Male, Being mostly male / masculine, within your structures of thinking simply means that your reasoning powers are (the way they are perceived in Western Culture`) higher than the one of the opposite sex. Psychoanalsis claims this to come at the price of creative expression - a rational thinker can not think out of the box, it is claimed.








Should you be MALE or FEMALE?*created with QuizFarm.com




The mood goes on ....

18:26 Jul 09 2007
Times Read: 917

having not got any further with Boggle ... I took it out on the forum ...

I found

"for you that do not nkow a lycan is not a werewolf. lycans just have hightend sight,hearing,smelling,and reflexes"

I reply
I thought Lycan came from the Greek word Lycanthrope and were people who suffered from Lycanthropy (the ability to change into a wolf)

He tries
well that might be where it came from. but that is what it means now. or so i have heard form about 20 pepole. and all of them where ether lycan, werewolf, guru, vampires,or witchs

An easy target
I bow to your friend's opinions - I was just using humble dictionaries, encyclopaedias and books




I was in a mood, could you tell ...

15:56 Jul 09 2007
Times Read: 920

maybe when I'm in a huff, I should steer clear of the forums:

some poor guy wrote this in my 666 thread

"... the bible preaches that its the mark of the beast and anyone who follows him (knowingly or not) will fall and eternally die in a lake burnning suffering .... pick up a bible one day and really read it and then make your judgement before you make false asumtion"

Well he got my first barrel
"The bible makes it clear that the mark of beast will be needed to allow you to trade during the reign of the 'the beast' (Revelations 13:17)- it doesn't actually say you're going to fall into a burning lake if you've got it - as you say people need to pick up a bible one day and really study it"

At least I didn't mention his spelling, my second barrel was fired soon after

XXXXXXX - if you want to ridicule the philosophical tenants of any religion ... start your own thread





15:55 Jul 06 2007
Times Read: 935

I'm wondering ... I'm maxed out on pages viewed, things rated and time spent but I can still advance up to level 31 in forum posts - with my mark modifier that should push me way past level 28 (I'm at level 28.8 at the moment)

I'm going to put my forum posts to 501 and see what happens *sniggers*





15:02 Jul 06 2007
Times Read: 936

Hello everyone in journal land

Exams are all over now and we have 'study' until the Summer Hols, this seems to involve us reading books while the teachers go in in-house training at that teaching annexe called the 'Two Anchors'

The problem with this is that I don't get to share VR topics with my friends, its a lot easier when you have a whole debating team working on a discussion rather than trying to figure it out by yourself.

I am trying to figure out the best method to attack the movies section of the database - I soon got a books section method but the movies is a whole lot different - its trying to work out if its already been listed that causes the problem, I'll think on it ...

Its official I do have two birds in my bird box, if I had really really thought about I should have put somewhere that I could see it from a window, but its nice to know they're all warm and cozy doing whatever it is they do in there

Its also July 6th - its a big six month mark for me on a personal thing, I'm really pleased with myself for getting there :)

The only exciting thing that happened at work was that I sucked up a golf ball with the pond vac, I thought it sounded odd when it rattled up the pipe, luckily the blade stood up to having a ball hit it really well but the back pressure blew the content of the filter bag all over the lawn - luckily it was raining and you couldn't really see what had happened :)

Think that's about it *reads up* ... yup





19:25 Jul 01 2007
Times Read: 951

*Does a little procurator dance, coz no-one else will notice ...*

1,000 books woooooo



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