birra's Journal

birra's Journal


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10 entries this month

Cleaning out the garage...

23:26 Apr 26 2009
Times Read: 1,243

...while Morri spent the afternoon cleaning up the old van so we can try and sell it.

I found a broken LCD panel and an old, old dead inkjet printer in the garage. Put them out to the curb figuring some junk collector would take them.

They lasted about 10 minutes.

I'm not sure if I even finished telling Morri, "I'm putting those out now so if some junk collector wants to take them..."

Recycling at it's best....



23:32 Apr 26 2009

Not even five minutes after you put them out some long haired dude came wandering up the driveway and asking about them!

04:46 Apr 27 2009

So does this mean I have storage space? :p Holy crap I have to pack!

18:15 Apr 27 2009

As long as my car isn't parked in there... it fits now!



17:05 Apr 25 2009
Times Read: 1,249



Catch-up kind of day...

19:19 Apr 20 2009
Times Read: 1,276

....running through all this paperwork left on my desk today. Taking Morri away from her web design duties for a bit to help me sort through it too.

It is incredible how much paper gathers.

Sometimes I'm amazed we have any trees at all.

She just showed me a tax bill for an interest charge from New York that got left beind... they're demanding their... $1.21.

Seriously people... they sent me this 5-page notice in the mail because I owe $1.21.

Running my business I see debts like this... a customer mistakenly writes a check for a dollar or two off of what they actually owe... to me it's not even worth a phone call.

But the state probably spent the equivalent of one individual's entire years income tax to notify me that I owe them $1.21.

Can we please get an ammendment to the constitution promising us the government will use some fucking logic once in a while?



20:08 Apr 20 2009

We really hack away at the paperwork when you have me to make funny noises and rude sexual remarks. ^.^

20:49 Apr 20 2009

Then it would not be the government that we have today. I would loved to been alive back in the start of the laws, find that place where they lost the logic god gave a fly... and slap it back into them.


04:30 Apr 21 2009

The problem is, if you give lawmakers the ability to vote in their own benefits there is not ceiling on what they will give themselves.

It happens at every level.

And we suffer for it... with crap like this.

16:16 Apr 21 2009

logic and government? I'm sorry what? those two words don't go in a sentence. lol. If the government had logic the country wouldn't be in a recession.


I know this much is true...

23:57 Apr 18 2009
Times Read: 1,295

...hanging with my kids, listening to cheesey '80s music and having burgers & curly fries...

...it's a good day. :)



00:05 Apr 19 2009

It'n it cool? Did the pizza thing and watched the ferrets play. Fun stuff.

00:11 Apr 19 2009

lol me too!! I had that song stuck in my head for a couple of days. I surrendered to it and am now having an 80's flashback weekend.

17:59 Apr 19 2009

And here I thought I was in the minority with loving doing just the simple things with the kids...


On life and love... part 2...

04:20 Apr 18 2009
Times Read: 1,320

Ok, so a little bit of expanding on that last entry and what prompted it…

The other night my father decided to have a talk with me about my… life. Which was weird enough, but all of his opinions stem from religion, which he has rediscovered since he got remarried about 15 years ago.

This isn’t to set up religion bashing, but after being raised Roman Catholic I think he assumed I still subscribed to some kind of religion… which I don’t. That revelation, which seemed to shock him, came about in the conversation after he suggested I read this book about making relationships work… that of course, was written by a priest, or a minister… whichever. Regardless, someone I wouldn’t look to for relationship advice ever, really.

Anyway, he went on about this book, explaining the theory is women want to be loved and men want to be respected and apparently relationships are as simple as that and if you have both of those elements in your relationship life will be blissful and you can have one of those marriages where nothing interesting happens but both people stay comfortable enough until death does them part… assuming they don’t kill each other to get there.


I call bullshit.

Relationships are not that simple. Not that black and white. Not that easy to define. Each individual person cannot be defined solely by his or her gender that way.

Just like the notion “Just unload your man and he’ll stay faithful” is bullshit too.

It’s a good idea, of course. ;)


I’m not about to spout off on how relationships should be. No one person should try to define what works and what doesn’t for two other people.

What I’ve learned in the last 1/3 of my life is… no amount of advice from someone else can replace YOU looking out for YOURSELF. YOUR happiness. What YOU want for YOUR life and YOUR love and YOUR relationships. And only YOU knows what it is YOU want.

And when it comes to relationships, you won’t always get with the person you want to be with… and that’s ok. That other person is looking out for his or her own life too and maybe having that with YOU isn’t it for them. But you can’t stop trying and stop living just because of that. Move on. Be happy for the people you care about. That happiness will make you more attractive to someone else and your heart will mend and move forward if you let it.

My father, being divorced from my mother… a marriage that resembled something closer to the dividing of Berlin than a relationship, should understand that as well as anyone. And at this point in his life, taking advice from a book written by someone who doesn’t know him or his life at all… well… maybe that’s fine for him, but I choose a different path.

He claims that the few times he’s been to marriage counseling in his first marriage and his current one, the counselors have done the same thing… listen for a few sessions, then tell HIM what HIS problem is… not focusing at all about what he wants out of the relationship and isn’t getting. Maybe a lot of it is his problem... who knows, but this is his current solution. A book… based in religion… not getting to know him or his wife as individuals yet telling them how they should be living… in the eyes of god.

I’ll take a pass on that advice, thanks.



04:34 Apr 18 2009

You get so many things.. Not just what's right for you, but that other things may be right for other people.

You're wonderful. If I were near you I'd give you a friendly slap on the butt right now.

05:38 Apr 18 2009

Yeah, I gotta take a pass as well. I've never trusted counselors who seem like they are out to get you.

08:57 Apr 18 2009

If a book helped you Father good for him, I'm a great believer in whatever works, though your way of thinking would work for me.

14:45 Apr 18 2009

That's it exactly Sinora. Anytime I tell him about something bad in my life, or a change in my life he says, "I'll pray for you."

My usual response is, "Well, if that makes you feel better, go for it."


On life and love...

14:15 Apr 17 2009
Times Read: 1,349

...a while back (maybe it was a long while back) one of the morning radio shows here had on a female psychologist/relationship counselor... I don't remember who, but I remember things she said...

...they had her being interviewed by a panel of women who worked at the radio station... and one woman asked, "How do you keep a man faithful?" The counselor's response:

"Unload him every day."

After a pause cause probably by surprise, all of the women started laughing a bit as if it was a ridiculous notion and they were expecting something much more rooted in psychology... like some trick they could use on their mates, or a threat or something...

But the counselor went on to explain... simply, it is in the man's nature to hunt. He wants adventure and variety and if he is craving he is much more likely to stray.

But if you relieve the need every day, however you want to do it, he won't be nearly as interested when the next good thing comes along....

I found that to be an interesting theory for a psychologist to put out there and never really heard a professional - not to mention a female... any female for that matter... consider such a thing.

Of course the women assumed the male DJ's put her up to giving that answer, which she insisted that wasn't the case...



14:34 Apr 17 2009

Of course...

"How do you keep a woman faithful and happy?"

"Only tell them what they want to hear and what will allow them to stay dried up ice crotched prunes."

In all honesty, if I feel like I need to keep a man faithful to me, I'll dump his ass so hard on the side of the road and do some hunting myself. Why bother? Why treat them like they belong to you? If they're straying away, why bother trying to keep them?


Variety and adventure... Heh heh.. Okay buster, this summer, you're on.

14:40 Apr 17 2009

Oooo.. I both like... and fear... the sound of that. Heh.

I wasn't directing this at anyone, just putting it out there for perusal, consideration and debate...

Not every woman feels that way about relationships, which is obvious just from reading journals here. Many women feel that if they have a guy they have to keep him... but often fail to see the things he wants out of a relationship, whether those things are adventure and variety or peace and quiet or whatever it is... men are all different too.

14:49 Apr 17 2009

That's an issue to me with a lot of women I have encountered. They seem to be fighting sexism constantly but when it comes to men, they feel as if they are there only to please a woman by doing whatever she wants.

Men are people, men are changeable and passionate as well.

Even in movies... Rare and special is the movie that depicts a man straying from his relationship to persue true passion and happiness with another woman... Usually he isn't the star of the movie and he's depicted as a thoughtless asshole.

But there are a shitload of those movies featuring women doing the same and it's okay because she's persuing love and her husband neglects her.

15:14 Apr 17 2009

Frequent sex=good. Communication (even texts)=good. Doing things together=good. Doing things apart=good. Simple.

15:47 Apr 17 2009

People overly complicate things way too often.

What were those women doing sitting in a room talking to an expert when they could spend time communicating with their partner and forming a relationship where both have the freedom to speak their mind about what they want?

18:55 Apr 17 2009

I agree... but society holds so many stereotypes and double-standards...

Men enjoy romance just as much as women do. We want to feel loved, and respected, and important. We have passion and like our partner to be passionate about us.

Flowers, candy and diamonds aren't romantic... they are things. Snuggling up in the morning and pressing your cold nose into your lover's neck and getting a response of a smile... that's romantic. Listening to each other and discovering what each person really wants from the relationship... that's romanitc.

You don't want your partner to stray? Consider what he or she tells you as more important than what the latest MSN article tells you to do...


Looking at this last shoot...

14:02 Apr 16 2009
Times Read: 1,377

...two lovely models having so much fun... and my camera just couldn't seem to keep up.

I love my D40X for travel... but me thinks it's time to upgrade for the studio stuff...

...now, to find the money.



14:11 Apr 16 2009

You and me both dude.

15:50 Apr 16 2009

But how do we collectively come up with the $4000 we need?

Hmmm... that's a lot of websites to sell and build.

16:25 Apr 16 2009

Ummm, taxes? Heh. I said a five letter word.

14:36 Apr 17 2009

We'll get there... I've still got a few tricks up my sleeves...

and I am wearing sleeves today. >.>


As you wish...

22:58 Apr 11 2009
Times Read: 1,396

...for ChasingTheGhost. You said you wanted one, just like mine. Right click and enjoy!



04:30 Apr 12 2009

Hah oh great, just add to my confusion now.

23:04 Apr 16 2009

Its the other white meat! RUUUUN!

02:48 Apr 18 2009

That is awesome... I think I'll keep it. :)


The next chapter...

17:02 Apr 07 2009
Times Read: 1,413

Going through the pain of making some improvements to our internal IT so we can do some things we've been putting off due to busy schedules and me traveling so much...

...first step was getting a new VPN/Router online which has worked fantastic since I lit it up on Sunday. The next step was getting the DC online and converting all the internal PC's to the domain login. A few struggles there, especially with Quickbooks which is one of the most tempermental applications I've ever had to deal with... but, thusfar all is running well.

As I was cleaning out my own desktop, my final step on getting things reorganized was uninstalling all the software I had installed for work on the project... it is a type of closure to remove all traces of it from my PC. Despite the unprofessional way the entire situation was handled by Brad, by the client... I know it's just time to move on.

The next step... taking the experience I gained from this project and what I have in my possession to a customer that can appreciate it.

...and hopefully in the next couple months, the table saw will strike a more deadly blow!



17:43 Apr 07 2009

Go tablesaw Go!



06:18 Apr 04 2009
Times Read: 1,418


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