bloodmother12208's Journal

bloodmother12208's Journal


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4 entries this month

Nothing BUT creatures..........

23:26 Jun 18 2009
Times Read: 575

I am sooooo "SICK and Fed UP" with 'PROLIFE' and 'ANTI-ABORTIONIST' and 'ANTI-ABORTIONISM' being used as and called opinionated terms and opinionated lifestyles.

If the PROLIFE argument is supported and backed up by medical and scientific facts. That abortion IS murder, how is it an opinion. Wouldn't it be a true belief? Not an opinionated belief?

The PROCHOICE argument is ALL based on ideals and opinions. Not fact.





Are all they can use to continue the butchering of the innocent.

As for the death of George Tiller the Baby Killer. I am NOT sad he is dead or HOW he died. I celebrated.! I rejoiced! He DESERVED to die the way he died, maybe even worse. I know that's not very christian of me. But that's how I feel.

And as for Carhart......................

He's an evil wicked,vile,disgusting,horrid,murdering,black hearted,fowl CREATURE.

He's NOT a man.

He's a slimy,crusty,rotting CREATURE!!!!!!

~feels sick just talking about him~

And don't get me started on Obama and Sebelius.

They're CREATURES too.

And eventually they WILL get theirs. ALL they deserve. Their just desserts.

While they're burning and screaming in hell. Nashing their teeth.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding like the horrid person. I'm just SOOOOO mad and frustrated after reading,hearing,and seeing that these creatures get to continue doing what their doing, and not get ANY dire consequences




My life thus far..........

19:43 Jun 05 2009
Times Read: 586

Well, let's see............**ponders**.

I am 5 months pregnant and still do not know the gender of my baby-to-be.They won't tell me when my husband and I will find out.The baby is constantly moving about,it's totally awesome.

My 16 month old is walking and talking and eating all solids,taking normal baths,and etc.

~is proud~

Our foodstamps haven't been turned on yet..........~sighs frustratedly~ It will take a month for them to activate,that's f***ing crap.

Especially when we're struggling.Have a child that's eating real food now,and your pregnant.Not including your husband.

And it's an even more painful process to get emergency foodstamps.

I'm sitting on the phone with customer service agent (YES,DHS has a customer service line now......),thinking "this is TOTAL s**t. We're living hand to mouth and your probably going to go to some bistro for lunch.f*** you."

~growls irratatedly~

About 2-3 weeks ago,our car breaks down on the highway,on the way to my prenatal appointment.We still got to go,due to the AWESOME fact my grandmother lived 3 miles away.

We bought a used car, and the woman lied. Saying all that needed to be fixed was the alternator belt,battery,and it needed a bolt for the belt. What a bullschism. It needed those things plus, an oil filter,an air filter,a clutch,and etc. What a horrid wench.

It's okay though the car will be completely be fixed and running on Monday,with 6 months of insurance paid for and 2 months free through GEICO. SWEET!!!!!!!!!

Then after we get the car we can get a new license plate and tag and VIOLA!!!

My husband had to walk to a job interview today in the heat :( , hope he's okay, and got the job.

~worries some~

Some of my life has been a hot mess lately, but we'll make it, and work through it.


Well, that's my life thus far,lol.



20:35 Jun 05 2009

I can identify with you completely. I was lucky enough to be living in California during the latter half of my first pregnancy but for the second pregnancy i lived in Oregon. I could not even get family helth care in oregon with an unborn baby.

they did not count a fetus as a human being.

we were broke and a lot of times had to borrow money from family in order to get by and I still had to work full time to help out.

after my daughter was born i was able to take one year off to be a full time mom to my two babies so that was good.

23:42 Jun 23 2009

i love you destiny and i know you'll make it you've always been a fighter i've known that since the moment i met you. your a good hearted person and good things come to good people. i know you and sam will find your way in the world and not have to struggle any more sometimes it just takes time. keep fighting and keep believing!!!


David Carradine's Death was accidental

03:02 Jun 05 2009
Times Read: 593

We just spoke to a rep for David Carradine, who claims the actor's death was not a suicide.

The rep said David's death was "accidental." And there's this ... the BBC is now reporting that David's body was found hanging with a rope around his neck and "other parts of his body."

Carradine's body was found nude, hanging in a closet.

David's rep added, "We can confirm 100% that he never would have committed suicide. It was an accidental death. Everybody is in shock."

From TMZ.com




To all the confused people out there about abortion.

00:41 Jun 05 2009
Times Read: 602


Pro Choice,Pro Freedom Of Expression,Pro America.

i am all for everyone choosing and making their own decisions and choices,it's about individualtity and what works for one person might not work for the next person,the only thing i am against is followers and ignorance.

My Response:

Okay,so you're saying let's kill hundreds of thousands of human beings in the name of "individuality"?

So let's say you have or do have kids and someone brutally murdered them. That their arguing defense that sets them free after trial is "I killed them for the sake of individuality".

Does it make it right? Does it not make it murder?

It MUST make it completely alright the fact they were only doing it in order to express themselves.

So should we now call MURDER "expression" or "individuality"?

Also, before you start namecalling and calling people ignorant or narrow-minded or anything of the sort.

We know our facts,we know the argument.

Most prochoicers know nothing of the argument or even have facts to back them up. Most of their facts are lies created to generate such propaganda to fuel and continue the butchering going on of innocent human life.

Sinora: A shame that Mel and co don't pay for the childs food, clothing, education etc, if they did maybe they would would have a stronger arguement.

My Response:

There are plenty of pregnancy crisis centers a woman can go to,to help with such things,and make abortion an obsolete option.If more women would go to these centers the centers would get more government funding to make more places for these women,instead of funding abortion clinics.

There really is no argument to that.If there is a solution to the problem at hand.



01:45 Jun 05 2009

hahaha sure sounds fun lol

01:47 Jun 05 2009

wasnt that like a month old comment or something lol

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